Janet Mefferd Today show

Janet Mefferd Today

Summary: Podcast by Janet Mefferd Today

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 02 - 17 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Wesley Smith (China's Crimes Against Religion) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:46

The world is paying rapt attention to China when it comes to the coronavirus. So why is it ignoring that communist nation's heinous crimes against Christians, Muslims and other religious groups? Bioethicist Wesley J. Smith joins me to talk about it. Plus: Virginia House Democrats walk out on a bold pastor who warned them of God's wrath over abortion and so-called "gay" marriage. We'll talk about that and more on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 14 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Peter LaBarbera (LGBT Activism Update) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

From Drag Queen Story Hours to depraved sex-ed curriculum, sexual radicals are increasingly targeting our children's hearts and minds. Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, brings us the latest news and explains how parents can find out more about saving our kids at the upcoming God's Voice Conference, set for April 17-18 in Oklahoma City. That and more on the next JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 13 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Andrew Bostom (Interfaith/Islam) Kristan Hawkins (ERA) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

Ambassador Callista Gingrich recently hosted the opening session of the new Abrahamic Faiths Initiative, with the goal of "facilitating discussions among faith leaders to advance peace and mutual respect." But Islamic expert Dr. Andrew Bostom joins me to explain why this movement is nothing more than submission to Islam. Plus: The House may revive the long-dead ERA. Kristan Hawkins from Students for Life brings us up to speed on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 12 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Phil Waldrep (Beyond Betrayal) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:35

The Lord Jesus Christ experienced the greatest of all betrayals when His disciple Judas sold Him out for 30 pieces of silver. What can we learn from Scripture about how to respond when we've been betrayed? Phil Waldrep, founder and CEO of Phil Waldrep Ministries, stops by to discuss his book, "Beyond Betrayal." Plus: Those who ask how Christians could vote for Donald Trump might want to ask how Christians could vote for any of his radical opponents. We'll discuss that and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 11 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - John Crotts (Graciousness) June Hunt (Domestic Abuse) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:46

It can be tempting sometimes to speak the truth about God's Word but discount the need to do it with love. Yet Scripture is clear that Christians must embody love and grace. How do we do it? Pastor John Crotts joins me to talk about it and his book, "Graciousness: Tempering Truth With Love." Plus: June Hunt from Hope for the Heart brings a biblical perspective to bear on the issue of domestic violence and what the Lord is really trying to teach us in Ephesians 5. That and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 10 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Richard Belcher (Job) John Dickson (Skeptics) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

Believe it or not, millions of today still don't know who Jesus really is, and many portraits of Him in modern life are misleading. What are the major portrayals of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources? Dr. John Dickson, co-director of the Centre for Public Christianity at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, will join me to talk about it and his book, "A Doubter's Guide to Jesus." Plus: Dr. Richard Belcher Jr., professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, stops by to discuss trusting God while suffering. We'll discuss his commentary: "Job: The Mystery of Suffering and God's Sovereignty." That and more next time on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 07 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Peter Schweizer (Corruption) Diarmaid MacCulloch (Cromwell) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

How are America's progressive elites abusing their power for the enrichment of themselves, their families and their donors? Peter Schweizer, president fo the Government Accountability Institute, joins me to talk about it and his book, "Profiles in Corruption." Plus: Diarmaid MacCulloch stops by to talk about his book, "Thomas Cromwell: A Revolutionary Life." That and more on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 06 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Melvin Tinker (UK Marxism) Mike Berry (Religious Freedom) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

The appointment of a new Woke archbishop in the Church of England is evidence of the triumph of cultural Marxism. We'll find out why from the Rev. Melvin Tinker, senior minister of St. John Newland, Hull, in the UK. Plus: The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is targeting a Christian chaplain's leadership series. We'll get reaction from Mike Berry, general counsel at First Liberty Institute. That and more on Thursday's next JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 05 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Colin Smith (Grieving and Finding Comfort in Christ) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

How do we navigate the valley of sorrow and find comfort in Jesus Christ? Colin Smith, president of Unlocking the Bible, will join me to talk about it and his book, "For All Who Grieve." Plus: The UK may have left the European Union, but it's clear from its cancellation of appearances by evangelist Franklin Graham that the real master it needs to shed is Big Gay. I'll explain why on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 04 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Tom Phillips (Revival) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

How do we return to our first love, Jesus Christ? I'll talk it over with Dr. Tom Phillips, vice president of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and author of the book, "Ignite Your Passion for Jesus: Your Guide to Experience Personal Revival." Plus: A new Southern Baptist small-group curriculum focuses on "The Church and the Racial Divide." But is this just another means of pushing Critical Race Theory? You'll hear what some of the editors had to say about it. That's on the Tuesday's edition of JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 03 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Diane Strack (Prayer) Kim Wier (Friendship) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

The beloved children's TV show "Sesame Street" has announced it will feature an appearance by a cross-dressing LGBT activist. Is there any remaining doubt that sexual radicals want our children's hearts and minds? I'll talk about it. And women across America will unite in prayer on Feb. 15 during the She Loves Out Loud event. President and organizer Diane Strack joins me to share the details. Plus: How can we make and keep relationships that matter? Radio host and author Kim Wier stops by to discuss her book, "The Art of Friendship." That's on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 01 - 31 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Corey Miller (Social Justice) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:31

With the push for social justice and Critical Theory at college campuses, intellectual diversity is dying. Can it be revived? Dr. Corey Miller, CEO of Ratio Christi, will be tackling that question with an atheist professor at some upcoming campus events; he'll join me to talk about it. Plus: Nigel Farage's Brexit speech at the EU highlights the importance of keeping America sovereign and free, especially in light of new videos exposing Bernie Sanders' campaign field organizers as radical revolutionary sympathizers. We'll discuss that and more on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 01 - 30 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Hillary Morgan Ferrer (Instructing Children / Apologetics) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:32

In training up our children the way they should go, how many of us mothers consider our duty to train them in Christian apologetics? I'll talk it over with Hillary Morgan Ferrer, author of "Mama Bear Apologetics." Plus: Drag queens are making their Super Bowl ad debut this weekend, while New York preschoolers will now be instructed on transgender and "queer" rights. I'll share my thoughts on that and more on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 01 - 29 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Tim Mahoney (The Red Sea Miracle) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:31

The Book of Exodus recounts one of the biggest miracles in the entire Bible: the parting of the Red Sea. What does modern evidence show us about where and how God dramatically saved the Israelities from the pursuing Egyptian Army? Timothy Mahoney, director of the new film, "Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle," joins me to talk about it. Plus: A progressive worship leader has released a song shaming conservative Trump voters, under the guise of a "hymn." We'll talk about that and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 01 - 28 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Doug Potter (Apologetics) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:32

A recent Barna survey showed that nearly half of young adults who have some kind of tie to Christianity believe the Church can't answer their questions. How can Christians better prepare for the queries? Dr. Doug Potter, assistant professor of apologetics and theology at Southern Evangelical Seminary, joins me to offer his thoughts. Plus: Even pro-life Democrats are finding themselves shocked by the abortion radicalism of Pete Buttigieg. I'll explain why on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.


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