Janet Mefferd Today show

Janet Mefferd Today

Summary: Podcast by Janet Mefferd Today

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 03 - 09 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - JD Greear's Interfaith Dialogue with an Islamist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

J.D. Greear, the president of the officially pro-Israel Southern Baptist Convention, recently participated in an "interfaith dialogue" with an anti-Semitic Islamic professor who has called for the destruction of Israel. Why did the president of the largest evangelical denomination in the U.S. serve as a willing pushover for Islamists, while running down Christians and Trump voters in the process? And what does the event say about this latest Leftist push in the SBC? I'll tackle it all on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 03 - 06 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jeff Kinley (Antichrist) Roger Gannam (LA's Abortion Law) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

The Bible says there have been many antichrists, but what should we know about the end-times coming of the capital-A Antichrist? Jeff Kinley joins me to talk about it and his book, "Interview with the Antichrist: His Hour Has Come." Plus: Liberty Counsel's Roger Gannam weighs in on the Supreme Court's consideration this week of the constitutionality of an important pro-life law in Louisiana. That and more on the next JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 03 - 05 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Christoper Doyle (Therapy Bans) Bill Roach (Apologetics) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

What should Christians know about the war on therapy to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction, and why should it matter to the church? I'll talk it over with Christopher Doyle, executive director of the Institute for Healthy Families. Plus: How can the church discern biblical truth from the false teaching of Critical Race Theory and cultic error? Bill Roach, president of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, joins me to discuss his group's upcoming Engage 2020 conference. That's next time on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 03 - 04 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Michael Petrilli (Education) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

What is the conservative vision for tomorrow's schools? I'll talk it over with education expert Michael Petrilli, co-editor of the book, "How to Educate an American." Plus: A former Southern Baptist Convention president and Evangelical Immigration Table signatory is the new head of the denomination's compassion ministry. But what else should Christians know about Dr. Bryant Wright's views on refugees? We'll tackle it all on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 03 - 03 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jeff Jerina (Evangelism) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

Will Super Tuesday voters prefer Joe Biden's gaffes to Bernie Sanders' socialist dreams? And what will the day reveal about the future of the ever-more-radicalizing Democrat Party? We'll talk about it. Plus: Whatever happened to Christians' passion for soul-winning, and is there a way to reignite interest in evangelism? I'll talk it over with Jeff Jerina, author of, "Faith Without Fear: How to Share What you Believe with Confidence and Power." That and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 03 - 02 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Hormoz Shariat (Revival in Iran) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

Democrat Pete Buttigieg has dropped his presidential bid, but has this homosexual candidate now opened new doors for radical LGBT activist politicians to push their agenda? We'll talk about it. Plus: Iran has the fastest-growing evangelical population in the world. How is the Lord working in the hearts and lives of those who are openly rejecting Islam and embracing Jesus Christ? We'll discuss it with Dr. Hormoz Shariat, president of Iran Alive Ministries. That's on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 28 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - John Sorensen (Evangelism) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

There's been a lot of talk recently about the renewed need in the world for Christian evangelism. So how can we do a better job evangelizing the lost and how can we start those important spiritual conversations? John Sorensen, president and CEO of Evangelism Explosion International and host of the radio program "Share Life Today" stops by to offer his thoughts. That's on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 27 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Andrew Davis (Sanctification) Denise Shick (Transgenderism) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

How do we glorify God throughout our lives? Dr. Andrew Davis joins me to talk about Christlikeness and his book, "An Infinite Journey." Plus: Is there a way out and through transgenderism for those struggling with it and for their family members? Denise Shick, founder of Help 4 Families, joins me to discuss it and her book, "It is Well With My Soul." That's on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 26 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Chris Thurman (Lies about God) Cinque Henderson (Public Ed) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

Has God lost control? Does He ignore our disobedience? Many people today believe these myths, but are there good counter answers? Chris Thurman joins me to discuss it and his book, "The Lies We Believe About God." Plus: Cinque Henderson learned a lot about discipline as a substitute teacher in America's toughest public schools. He'll talk about that and his book, "Sit Down and Shut Up," on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 25 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Everett Piper (PC Culture) Jeff Kinley (Prophecy) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

How did college campuses go from halls of learning to "safe spaces?" Dr. Everett Piper say it happened when higher education rejected absolute truth. He'll join me to talk about it as we discuss his book, "Not a Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth." Plus: Are we under God's judgment as a country? Jeff Kinley stops by to discuss his book, "The End of America? Bible Prophecy and a Country in Crisis." That and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY

 02 - 24 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Don Kistler (Why Read the Puritans?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:23

The Puritans of the 17th and 18th centuries left behind some of the most God-honoring, Christ-exalting literature the church has ever known. What made these men such godly influences, and how can reading their works help us grow and mature in Jesus Christ? Dr. Don Kistler, founder of Northampton Press, joins me to talk about why we should read the Puritans ... today! That's next time on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 21 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Robert Jeffress (Christian Courage) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

It's a foregone conclusion that Christians will face trials in this sinful world. The question is: How do we deal with these trials when they come our way? I'll discuss it with Dr. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Dallas and author of the book, "Courageous: 10 Strategies for Thriving in a Hostile World." Plus: Barna research has revealed that two in five Christians attend multiple churches. That and more on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY

 02 - 20 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Cheryl Sullenger (Abortion) | ERLC/SBC Update | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

A shadowy private organization is training thousands of new abortionists -- and we're paying for it! Cheryl Sullenger from Operation Rescue joins me to talk about the Bixby Center for Reproductive Health at the University of California San Francisco. Plus: The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee has created a new task force to review the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Could Dr. Russell Moore's job be in jeopardy? I'll talk about that and more on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

 02 - 19 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - David Curry (Religious Freedom) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

The U.S. has just announced the launch of the International Religious Freedom Alliance. How effective will it be? I'll get some thoughts from David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA. Plus: The Boy Scouts have filed for bankruptcy, after drowning in lawsuits from thousands of boys who were sexually abused by its scoutmasters and leaders. But what about the moral bankruptcy that preceded the group's implosion? We'll discuss that and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY

 02 - 18 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Brad Jurkovich (Conservative Baptist Network) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

The Southern Baptist Convention is abuzz about the launch of the new Conservative Baptist Network. Will God use this group to help lead the convention away from its progressive Wokeness and back to the Bible? We'll get some thoughts from the network's spokesman, Pastor Brad Jurkovich. Plus: BigEva elites roll out a new media strategy to push pro-life evangelicals into voting for progressives in 2020. I'll talk about that and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.


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