Lunar Sea Spire show

Lunar Sea Spire

Summary: A weekly podcast discussing cartoons.


 Episode 136: Crack the Whip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:09

GC13 and Sophia talk about Crack the Whip (which, despite popular demand, was about Amethyst rather than being a crossover with Johnny Test

 Episode 135: Gem Hunt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:14

GC13, Sophia, and Hunter discuss an episode that it can be kind of hard to know how to feel about sometimes: Gem Hunt. It’s an episode where important stuff happens, especially some crucial character building. However for whatever reason it just feels… Strange. It’s hard to place. What’s easy to see, however, is how precious Pearl is in this episode. She is pearlfection incarnate, and is cute as can be. Which was your favorite Pearl line? It might be hard to pick just one. That’s not to say that Connie wasn’t adorable as well, nor that Steven didn’t put in a good performance. There’s plenty of cute to go around.

 Episode 134: Greg the Babysitter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:22

GC13 and Sophia are hungry for babies! It’s time to talk about Greg the Babysitter! Greg starts his flashback with a marvelous song (which has Rose being about as adorable as is legally allowed on television), and while we don’t learn anything really weighty in the plot it’s great to see what Rose was like in her casual hours (when not waging war to defend the Earth). Sour Cream was apparently Super Baby back as a child, with not only the best possible face and voice but the ability to crawl up tall objects while offscreen. Can his powers of chill defeat Greg’s laser-sharp focus?

 Episode 133: Alone at Sea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:27

GC13 and Sophia discuss Alone at Sea, the oh-so-heavy episode that starts out oh so light. So of course the podcast starts out very heavy, discussing the very real-world relationship troubles that Lapis has been going through, and that Jasper brings back. This all happened because the ship was named the Misery—that has to be what did it. Of course there are lighter things to discuss. GC13 and Sophia both hope that someone will explain the “What crackers go with caviar? Water crackers.” joke, because as it stands there is no satisfying explanation that makes the joke funny.

 Episode 132: Cartoon Network's scheduling woes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:21

GC13 is here with the intervention that Cartoon Network needs (when three shows can take up five sixths of the network’s week, something is terribly wrong). Cartoon Network, as fans we just want one thing: more Steven Universe in the schedule. Surely it would be good for you too, as ratings have dropped by half during these troubles times. Variety is the spice of life, and people turn the TV off if they see an episode they just watched two days prior. Things may be dark, but surely they will brighten up before too long: Save the Light will come out, and we still have an entire season to look forward to.

 Episode 131: Monster Reunion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:10

GC13 and Hunter talk about the episode that inched us that little bit closer to a cured Centipeetle. Maybe by season five we’ll learn for sure what her Gem name is! (Probably Nephrite, but probably not that Nephrite.) While most of the episode is bright and happy, it goes to a dark place before taking us back to a pretty good ending for Steven and Centipeetle. If it hadn’t, then surely Steven would have had something else to face when Mindful Education came around… So, who wants to see some real scenes from the Gem War on Earth? The crayon drawings just whetted the appetite.

 Episode 130: Room for Ruby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:25

GC13 and Sophia discuss Room for Ruby. Well gee, if you can’t trust the cute ones, then who can you trust? Maybe Army would have been an eager convert once she found out that there were a lot more Homeworld Gems to punch than there were Crystal Gems… There was some more Because Cartoon logic happening in this episode, but we still got to see a lot of Navy being cute and Lapis working through some issues of her own. Definitely be prepared for an upcoming episode where having that ship would have been really handy, though. Search your heart, you know it be true.

 Episode 129: Tiger Philanthropist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:32

GC13 and Sophia talk about the newest, mewest episode: Tiger Philanthropist. If ever there was a time where Lars was all of us, this was it (though we are not an individual, we are complex!). As individuals we do appear to be a lot better at knowing what we want than Lars, but then we’re not stand-ins for a thousands-strong fandom. So even if the episode could have stood to have a bit more time to really stretch its arms out and settle into place, we got some fun wrestling. It wasn’t as good as Tiger Millionaire, but it didn’t have to be. Besides, the Good Looking Gang ended up with the tag-team belts. Though they may not be as great as the Jungle Duo, the Good Looking Gang were always worthy competitors, and we wish them luck in their future matches.

 Episode 128: Rocknaldo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:12

GC13 goes solo to discuss Rocknaldo, why Ronaldo is not just a fantastic character but also a wonderful human being, and to beg for an episode with Ronaldo and Jamie hanging out. There are too many funny moments in this episode to name, but the one Avatar fans will probably love the most is Ronaldo’s “that’s rough buddy” at the end. You should put that in the Ronalphlet, Ronaldo. Tiger Philanthropist is up next week. Be there. (Speaking of Tiger Philanthropist, how is it that Purple Puma has got so many cameos since Tiger Millionaire aired – way more than the two GC13 can remember off the cuff – yet Tiger Millionaire hasn’t been so much as hinted at?)

 Episode 127: Storm in the Room | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:26

GC13 and Sophia discuss the latest emotional hammer blow from Steven Universe: Storm in the Room. Some things are just too heavy to deal with right after you’ve got back from the spa. Continuing pretty much right on from The New Crystal Gems, we transition from light to heavy. Connie is really worried about her mother, but at least she has one—Steven’s situation is far more complicated, and the comparison is certainly intended. If anyone with a good sports commentator voice wants to do any commentary over Rose’s football skills, by the way, you can very much be our guest.

 Episode 126: The New Crystal Gems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:38

GC13 and Sophia discuss the first of this string of weekly episodes: The New Crystal Gems. This one was a treat. Connie wearing Steven’s shirt? Yes. Peridot wearing sunglasses? Definitely. Lapis doing her best Garnet impression? All of our want (even if her Peridot impression is lousy). So no, there was no time skip from using the gravity engine on the roaming eye, but there was still enough time to cause some damage in the city. We’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for the car wash’s new sign, for sure! Also, bonus points for having Pumpkin in the episode, being the cutest pet anyone could ask for.

 Episode 125: #StevenBomb 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:51

GC13, Sophia, and Hunter come back to discuss #StevenBomb 5 (the Out of This World event) a second time, this time after its official air date! Fanart is always good, especially when it depicts trick-or-treating (sure they don’t have Halloween in Steven’s Earth, but they can start the tradition). That would be a good ending to the series, to be sure! Seeing how the Diamonds relate to one another is great too, but nothing can compare to the Famethyst. (Carnelian isn’t even the shortest anymore, now that Amethyst has joined the crew.) Then, of course, there are the zoomans. Living an idyllic life of pleasure, they leave us to wonder about some of the mechanics of their basic maintenance…

 Episode 124: Spoilers in advertisements for Steven Bombs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:49

GC13 discusses Cartoon Network’s newfound predilection for spoiling aspects of the upcoming story arc in the advertisements for it. The earlier bombs may not have been spoiled much by their ads, but starting with Steven Bomb 4 we’ve been getting many more spoilers in purposeful advertisements. Of course not all advertising spoilers have been intentional, with Lapis’s reappearance (and Peridot being with her) was spoiled before Steven Bomb 4 (with its big focus on whether Peridot would stay with the group or not) had even finished airing. The commercial for the latest bomb isn’t discussed until 10:38, so if you’re avoiding all spoilers for it (even very intentional ones), you’re safe until then.

 Episode 123: Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:39

GC13 and Sophia discuss the best episode of Steven Universe named after a Studio Ghibli film: Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service. How many pizzas can you carry with one arm? Can you beat Kiki’s displayed strength, all while running fast enough to deliver warm pizzas to the hungry citizens of Beach City? (If so, Mayor Dewey is probably hiring interns.) Jenny may have broken the delivery car, but apparently Kiki doesn’t need it. Stand up for yourself: it’s not being mean to not let others take advantage of you. Being nice and helpful is one thing, but you won’t always have Steven around to help you fight your inner cheese demons.

 Episode 122: Restaurant Wars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:27

GC13 discusses a particularly humorous episode of the Steven Nuke: Restaurant Wars. It may not have involved literal armed warfare between the two restaurants in question, but no one can deny that both mobilized some serious effort to dramatically drum up business (even the fry stand was doing deliveries, which says a lot about how crazy things must have been). Plus Kofi went totally crazy and tried to brand Steven. Let us all just take a moment of silence now to remember how close we came to losing the budding romance between Ronaldo and Jane. Never forget how fragile love can be.


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