Marriage Helper Live show

Marriage Helper Live

Summary: Looking for real answers to your real-life marriage problems?This podcast addresses the real issues that marriages face every day. Whether your spouse is in love with someone else, sexual issues are destroying your marriage, or you are wanting to know how to make your marriage stronger - this podcast is for you.

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 What's On Your Mind About Love? - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3353

Love. Lots of people think they know what it is...until they realize that they don't.Think of the hit songs from your lifetime. How many were about wanting to be loved, enjoying amazing love, or longing for lost love? Why those topics? Because most adults fit into one of those three categories. Some wonder where their lover may come from...if at all. Others hope the one they secretly love will finally come to realize it and respond with passion. Many bask in the deep emotions of shared love...and think it will be like this forever. And way too many still love the person who once loved them but now is gone...So what is love really?Is it the ecstatic emotion of new romance? Is it the security of trusting the person you love to always love you in return? Is it something that really does last a lifetime or is it fleeting...lasting a few years at best?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam responds to your questions about love. What it is. How to know if you really are in love. How long it lasts. When it ends. Why it ends. Can it last a lifetime?And, maybe most important to many, if it has ended can it be rekindled?The program begins at 9 p.m. (Central), March 22, 2016. You may speak with Dr. Beam by calling 646.378.0424 during the program. 

 The 3 Things Kids MUST Have to Be Resilient During Separation and Divorce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3485

[Episode brought to you by WhatAboutMe.Org - a division of Marriage Helper that helps children navigate through how to deal with their parents' divorce. Donate to the mission at]We hear it all the time, "Kids are resilient!"But is it true? If I fall down the stairs and break my leg, will my leg heal?Actually, no it won't heal. If I don't do anything to help my leg heal, then it will only get worse.If I go to the doctor, get a cast, go to physical therapy, and do all the things necessary for my leg to heal, then yes, it will heal. get the picture.We understand this for every other area of health and wellness in life. But when it comes to thinking about how children are affected during divorce or separation, all of a sudden we expect the children to know exactly what to do to help themselves heal.And that's not how it happens.Can children be resilient? YES. Absolutely.Will they be resilient on their own? Highly unlikely.It is up to parents, friends, and family members to help children become resilient.In this episode, we discuss the 3 must-do's in helping your child become resilient. [REMEMBER: Now through the end of the month, Marriage Helper is offering a $500 travel credit when you register for the Marriage Helper workshop. We'd love to see you there! -]Listen at

 The 3 Things Kids MUST Have to Be Resilient During Separation and Divorce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3485

[Episode brought to you by WhatAboutMe.Org - a division of Marriage Helper that helps children navigate through how to deal with their parents' divorce. Donate to the mission at]We hear it all the time, "Kids are resilient!"But is it true? If I fall down the stairs and break my leg, will my leg heal?Actually, no it won't heal. If I don't do anything to help my leg heal, then it will only get worse.If I go to the doctor, get a cast, go to physical therapy, and do all the things necessary for my leg to heal, then yes, it will heal. get the picture.We understand this for every other area of health and wellness in life. But when it comes to thinking about how children are affected during divorce or separation, all of a sudden we expect the children to know exactly what to do to help themselves heal.And that's not how it happens.Can children be resilient? YES. Absolutely.Will they be resilient on their own? Highly unlikely.It is up to parents, friends, and family members to help children become resilient.In this episode, we discuss the 3 must-do's in helping your child become resilient. [REMEMBER: Now through the end of the month, Marriage Helper is offering a $500 travel credit when you register for the Marriage Helper workshop. We'd love to see you there! -]

 [SUCCESS STORY] Marriage Saved After 7 Years of Decline and an Affair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2674

It was a slow decline. 7 years ago is when Brandon and Carrie’s marriage started experiencing troubles, but they didn’t realize it yet. Over the years, they grew apart. Even though they were living in the same house. Work, kids, and the daily occurrences of life started tearing them apart from each other until one day, it seemed like everything came crashing down all at once. What did they do next and where are they now?That’s what we are going to explore in this week’s episode of Marriage Radio.At Marriage Helper, we believe in saving marriages and strengthening families. The main ways we do that are through our live workshops and online courses. Visit for more information, or call us at 615.472.1161 or 866.903.0990. 

 [SUCCESS STORY] Marriage Saved After 7 Years of Decline and an Affair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2674

It was a slow decline. 7 years ago is when Brandon and Carrie’s marriage started experiencing troubles, but they didn’t realize it yet. Over the years, they grew apart. Even though they were living in the same house. Work, kids, and the daily occurrences of life started tearing them apart from each other until one day, it seemed like everything came crashing down all at once. What did they do next and where are they now?That’s what we are going to explore in this week’s episode of Marriage Radio.At Marriage Helper, we believe in saving marriages and strengthening families. The main ways we do that are through our live workshops and online courses. Visit for more information, or call us at 615.472.1161 or 866.903.0990. 

 [Graduate Story] Jana's Experience with the Online Course and 911 Workshop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1993

Many times we have people asking us to hear stories of people who have been through our online course and attended our Marriage Helper workshops. In this podcast, we interview an online course member and a recent Marriage Helper 911 workshop graduate to find out: What her marriage was like before getting helpWhy she decided to get helpWhat she learned that made major differences in her marriageHow she got her spouse to agree to go to the workshop with herWhat she learned at the workshop that made all the difference in the worldHow her marriage is doing nowHer HONEST OPINION of what you should do in your situationPlus - THIS MONTH ONLY (March 2017) special $500 travel credit towards the workshop! Call 615.472.1161 for details. Visit us at

 [Graduate Story] Jana's Experience with the Online Course and 911 Workshop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1993

Many times we have people asking us to hear stories of people who have been through our online course and attended our Marriage Helper workshops. In this podcast, we interview an online course member and a recent Marriage Helper 911 workshop graduate to find out: What her marriage was like before getting helpWhy she decided to get helpWhat she learned that made major differences in her marriageHow she got her spouse to agree to go to the workshop with herWhat she learned at the workshop that made all the difference in the worldHow her marriage is doing nowHer HONEST OPINION of what you should do in your situationPlus - THIS MONTH ONLY (March 2017) special $500 travel credit towards the workshop! Call 615.472.1161 for details. Visit us at

 [MINISODE] How to Work on Your PIES When There's Obstacles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 551

Want to work on becoming more attractive, but you feel like there are so many obstacles in your way? Kids, spouse living at home, job, and more? Here's the question that we received:"My situation is unique in the sense that my husband and I are not separated. We are in the same house. When it comes to working on my PIES, it's hard at times because we have kids, my husband's hours are all over the place, and I am so busy with our daughter. It's also hard because there's no I'm not very motivated to work on my PIES. How do I do the PIES when are are other obstacles?"We'll talk about how to overcome these in this episode.  

 [MINISODE] How to Work on Your PIES When There's Obstacles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 551

Want to work on becoming more attractive, but you feel like there are so many obstacles in your way? Kids, spouse living at home, job, and more? Here's the question that we received:"My situation is unique in the sense that my husband and I are not separated. We are in the same house. When it comes to working on my PIES, it's hard at times because we have kids, my husband's hours are all over the place, and I am so busy with our daughter. It's also hard because there's no I'm not very motivated to work on my PIES. How do I do the PIES when are are other obstacles?"We'll talk about how to overcome these in this episode.  

 When to End a Marriage - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3436

We fight for marriages. All marriages. No matter what has happened. BUT sometimes they end.Actually, sometimes they should end.We realize that sounds as if it is in opposition to our mission. In this program, Dr. Joe Beam explains when it is not.We offer many resources on to help save marriages. We provide online courses for the spouse who wishes to save the marriage when the other doesn't. We post many podcasts that address relationship problems and provide valuable, life-altering information.Our weekend intensive, Marriage Helper 911, has an amazing success rate. Even though the vast majority of couples who attend have one spouse who has NO desire to save the marriage (usually they come to get a deal in the divorce), three out of four couples who go through the workshop actually turn their crisis marriages around and make it good again.Yet...Some marriages end. If you suffer in a marriage - whether you are the one who wants out or the one who wishes to save it - you've asked yourself countless times..."When is enough, enough?""When do I stop trying?" "How can I know when it's best to end it?"Dr. Joe Beam gives you the points to consider when making those decisions. What's important. What's selfish. How to find the peace you need in your heart.Although Dr. Beam cannot tell you the exact moment...actually he won't tell you what you must do; instead he teaches the principles, makes them clear, and then leaves it to you to this program you can find the answer as to whether to fight for your marriage or end it.And if the decision is to fight, where to find the right help.

 When to End a Marriage - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3436

We fight for marriages. All marriages. No matter what has happened. BUT sometimes they end.Actually, sometimes they should end.We realize that sounds as if it is in opposition to our mission. In this program, Dr. Joe Beam explains when it is not.We offer many resources on to help save marriages. We provide online courses for the spouse who wishes to save the marriage when the other doesn't. We post many podcasts that address relationship problems and provide valuable, life-altering information.Our weekend intensive, Marriage Helper 911, has an amazing success rate. Even though the vast majority of couples who attend have one spouse who has NO desire to save the marriage (usually they come to get a deal in the divorce), three out of four couples who go through the workshop actually turn their crisis marriages around and make it good again.Yet...Some marriages end. If you suffer in a marriage - whether you are the one who wants out or the one who wishes to save it - you've asked yourself countless times..."When is enough, enough?""When do I stop trying?" "How can I know when it's best to end it?"Dr. Joe Beam gives you the points to consider when making those decisions. What's important. What's selfish. How to find the peace you need in your heart.Although Dr. Beam cannot tell you the exact moment...actually he won't tell you what you must do; instead he teaches the principles, makes them clear, and then leaves it to you to this program you can find the answer as to whether to fight for your marriage or end it.And if the decision is to fight, where to find the right help.

 Dr. Joe Answers Your Questions - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3711

We receive so many questions ranging over so many aspects of marriage, relationships, love, sex, and more that we can't get to them all. This show helps alleviate that problem.Ask anything you wish about any of the topics in the paragraph above. Or other topics about relationships or marriage if there is something you would like to discuss.There will be a time limit to each call. Therefore, if you take too much time to tell your story, Dr. Beam won't have time to respond. Be succinct so that he can answer and you have time for clarifying questions or to disagree. At the end of the allotted time per caller, Dr. Beam will have to move to the next caller.It's live, February 23, beginning at 7 p.m. Central time. Listen at, BlogTalkRadio or on your smart phone. Call 646-378-0424 during the program and press 1 when you hear the menu if you wish to speak with Dr. Beam.REMEMBER that for the sake of fairness, there will be a mandatory time limit to each caller.

 Dr. Joe Answers Your Questions - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3711

We receive so many questions ranging over so many aspects of marriage, relationships, love, sex, and more that we can't get to them all. This show helps alleviate that problem.Ask anything you wish about any of the topics in the paragraph above. Or other topics about relationships or marriage if there is something you would like to discuss.There will be a time limit to each call. Therefore, if you take too much time to tell your story, Dr. Beam won't have time to respond. Be succinct so that he can answer and you have time for clarifying questions or to disagree. At the end of the allotted time per caller, Dr. Beam will have to move to the next caller.It's live, February 23, beginning at 7 p.m. Central time. Listen at, BlogTalkRadio or on your smart phone. Call 646-378-0424 during the program and press 1 when you hear the menu if you wish to speak with Dr. Beam.REMEMBER that for the sake of fairness, there will be a mandatory time limit to each caller.

 Dr. Joe Answers Your Questions - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 97

We receive so many questions ranging over so many aspects of marriage, relationships, love, sex, and more that we can't get to them all. This show helps alleviate that problem.Ask anything you wish about any of the topics in the paragraph above. Or other topics about relationships or marriage if there is something you would like to discuss.There will be a time limit to each call. Therefore, if you take too much time to tell your story, Dr. Beam won't have time to respond. Be succinct so that he can answer and you have time for clarifying questions or to disagree. At the end of the allotted time per caller, Dr. Beam will have to move to the next caller.It's live, February 23, beginning at 7 p.m. Central time. Listen at, BlogTalkRadio or on your smart phone. Call 646-378-0424 during the program and press 1 when you hear the menu if you wish to speak with Dr. Beam.REMEMBER that for the sake of fairness, there will be a mandatory time limit to each caller. 

 How Pornography Affects Marriages - w/ Clay Olsen of Fight the New Drug | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2088

How does sexually explicit material affect relationships? With your spouse or with your children? What can you do about it? In this podcast, we interview Clay Olsen, co-founder of Fight The New Drug, a global movement focused on spreading the word on how this type of media affects relationships.As Fight The New Drug puts it, "it kills love.In this podcast, we talk about how sexually explicit material affects marriages, what to do if you have a spouse who is addicted and how to respond.We also talk about how to parent children in today's society, how to bring up the issue of sexually explicit material, and how to continue those conversations.For more about Fight the New Drug, visit 


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