Suspense and Horror – Retro Radio Podcast show

Suspense and Horror – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Audio dramas from the era of classic radio. Chills, thrills, Suspense, ghost stories, and dark fantasy. Get your fix for creepy tales just like your grand parents used to do. Turn out the light and listen in the dark, if you dare.


 The Whistler – The Penalty. ep46, 430328 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Alan Harper is a man with troubles. A wealthy man comes to him to draw up a will, despite having the best attorneys on staff. The will revokes his daughter's inheritance, and a letter clears up a matter with his long lost brother in Australia. Is Mr Blake afraid he will be murdered? Anita discusses her uncle Hillary with her fiancé, Wilbur. Has the uncle made his fortunes out of country? When Mr Blake disappears, the idea of kidnap or suicide emerges. Harper enters to break the news of the changes to the will. The letter reveals a source of bitterness, and a last act to make restitution with the estranged twin brother. Everyone has bought off on the idea of a suicide, all but Wilbur. Days pass, and the body is finally recovered. Is it possible there was a switch with the brothers? Investigation into the forged signature and letter explodes in the press. The real crime comes to light, but wait. The Whistler still knows more details for a final twist.

 The Whistler – The Penalty. ep46, 430328 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Alan Harper is a man with troubles. A wealthy man comes to him to draw up a will, despite having the best attorneys on staff. The will revokes his daughter’s inheritance, and a letter clears up a matter with his long lost brother in Australia. Is Mr Blake afraid he will be murdered? Anita discusses her uncle Hillary with her fiancé, Wilbur. Has the uncle made his fortunes out of country? When Mr Blake disappears, the idea of kidnap or suicide emerges. Harper enters to break the news of the changes to the will. The letter reveals a source of bitterness, and a last act to make restitution with the estranged twin brother. Everyone has bought off on the idea of a suicide, all but Wilbur. Days pass, and the body is finally recovered. Is it possible there was a switch with the brothers? Investigation into the forged signature and letter explodes in the press. The real crime comes to light, but wait. The Whistler still knows more details for a final twist.

 The Whistler – Fool’s Gold. ep41, 430221 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Herbert Lang, bank clerk, and one with plenty of time on his hands to calculate how to overcome his low paying job. Over worked, and overdue for a vacation, the mild mannered man knows its time to spring his plan. It may even be time to propose to his girlfriend, Hazel. Though his boss has complete trust in him, the board of directors refuses to give Herbert a raise. Instead, he is to be retired, given a bonus, and only two weeks notice. Can Herbert reach his goal before then, and retire on his own terms? Suddenly, Hazel sees through Herbert’s plan. He has been embezzling money, not investing in stocks. Will she refuse to marry him, and go as far as turn him in? On the cruise out of the country, Herbert is unsettled by his troubles. When Hazel ends up overboard, Herbert has some explaining to do. Has Herbert gotten away to his South American port? A little paranoia, and guilty conscious goes a long way for the kind of justice the Whistler is glad to dish out.

 The Whistler – Fool’s Gold. ep41, 430221 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Herbert Lang, bank clerk, and one with plenty of time on his hands to calculate how to overcome his low paying job. Over worked, and overdue for a vacation, the mild mannered man knows its time to spring his plan. It may even be time to propose to his girlfriend, Hazel. Though his boss has complete trust in him, the board of directors refuses to give Herbert a raise. Instead, he is to be retired, given a bonus, and only two weeks notice. Can Herbert reach his goal before then, and retire on his own terms? Suddenly, Hazel sees through Herbert's plan. He has been embezzling money, not investing in stocks. Will she refuse to marry him, and go as far as turn him in? On the cruise out of the country, Herbert is unsettled by his troubles. When Hazel ends up overboard, Herbert has some explaining to do. Has Herbert gotten away to his South American port? A little paranoia, and guilty conscious goes a long way for the kind of justice the Whistler is glad to dish out.

 The Whistler – Legacy of Death. ep40, 430214 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

It was ten years ago that Henry married Martha. Now in critical health, Martha leaves her desires for their daughter to be raised, and cared for. More time goes by, and Dorene has second thoughts about the man she is to marry. Has her behavior changed in the recent days? Is it an inherited disease that has lain dormant all these years that has begun to bother her? Irving agrees to leave Dorene alone for her health, but later Clyde visits from Hollywood. Will Clyde be smitten by the red haired, green eyed daughter? Will she be just as smitten? But Clyde is already spoken for. Can Henry reason with Dorene, and talk her out of either suitor? Will it do to keep Dorene from love or being overly emotional, to keep her inherited tendency to murder under control? In the morning, the inevitable happens, a body is found. Dorene seems the likely killer, but Irving confesses. Is it a cover up? There was a switch in rooms, and suddenly even Henry is a suspect. How will the cops figure it out with three suspects, each with the opportunity and motive for killing? The Whistler knows a few twists about psychic ability and emotional distress that’s sure to bring justice.

 The Whistler – Legacy of Death. ep40, 430214 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

It was ten years ago that Henry married Martha. Now in critical health, Martha leaves her desires for their daughter to be raised, and cared for. More time goes by, and Dorene has second thoughts about the man she is to marry. Has her behavior changed in the recent days? Is it an inherited disease that has lain dormant all these years that has begun to bother her? Irving agrees to leave Dorene alone for her health, but later Clyde visits from Hollywood. Will Clyde be smitten by the red haired, green eyed daughter? Will she be just as smitten? But Clyde is already spoken for. Can Henry reason with Dorene, and talk her out of either suitor? Will it do to keep Dorene from love or being overly emotional, to keep her inherited tendency to murder under control? In the morning, the inevitable happens, a body is found. Dorene seems the likely killer, but Irving confesses. Is it a cover up? There was a switch in rooms, and suddenly even Henry is a suspect. How will the cops figure it out with three suspects, each with the opportunity and motive for killing? The Whistler knows a few twists about psychic ability and emotional distress that's sure to bring justice.

 The Whistler – In the Dark. ep39, 430207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

A hard working architect has been having headaches. Is the mental strain causing him to lose his mind? Is he on the brink of a nervous breakdown? On top of everything, when Northcott gets home early for a change, he finds his neglected wife is out with another man. How will Tom take it when he learns about the affair? How will Elizabeth take it to learn Tom may be losing his eyesight? Time is planned on the yacht for the couple to relax. Guests are invited for the cruise, but Tom has troubles masking his decline in vision. He can he detect that his wife’s lover is onboard? Will she be changing her mind about where her love lies? To avoid an unpleasant situation onboard the ship, Charles, the family doctor asks the captain to turn the yacht back to shore. Storm clouds have been blowing in. Could this be the ideal time for a convenient accident? Charles, the family doctor is found dead, but has Tom killed the wrong man? The Whistler knows, and he knows yet another twist in the outcome of the tale.

 The Whistler – In the Dark. ep39, 430207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

A hard working architect has been having headaches. Is the mental strain causing him to lose his mind? Is he on the brink of a nervous breakdown? On top of everything, when Northcott gets home early for a change, he finds his neglected wife is out with another man. How will Tom take it when he learns about the affair? How will Elizabeth take it to learn Tom may be losing his eyesight? Time is planned on the yacht for the couple to relax. Guests are invited for the cruise, but Tom has troubles masking his decline in vision. He can he detect that his wife's lover is onboard? Will she be changing her mind about where her love lies? To avoid an unpleasant situation onboard the ship, Charles, the family doctor asks the captain to turn the yacht back to shore. Storm clouds have been blowing in. Could this be the ideal time for a convenient accident? Charles, the family doctor is found dead, but has Tom killed the wrong man? The Whistler knows, and he knows yet another twist in the outcome of the tale.

 Shadow – The Ruby Of Caraval (Modoc). ep9, 371121 (retro616) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

Some sources list this show as I have in the title, but others list it as The Ruby of Caraval, which is how it's announced in the show itself. It's likely also misdated, and should be 471121. You can hear this show without the opening content by Keith and the Retrobots elsewhere on the site. Search for the show title, Ruby of Modoc. My original show notes: A car crash draws the attention of lawyer, Lamonte Cranston, and his secretary, Margot Lane. The petty burglar who died in the wreck is found with a valuable ruby that has an ancient curse on it. As Lamonte investigates, more details about the ruby and its strange curse emerge. The ruby is returned to the famous actor who recently owned it, but is the curse causing deadly terror? What is really going on with the gunshots in the actor’s mansion, and the murder? The Shadow knows. Spooky things are afoot, and the truth of the mystery will be revealed when you listen in to join the Shadow as he lays his trap for the bad guys, and exposes the secret of the curse. PS: Although, if you ask me, the killer is pretty dumb in his attempt to kill everybody in the house to try to get the ruby. Note: Here's why I think the date is wrong... The sound quality seems to be right for the era, but at the time, Orson Wells was the voice of the Shadow. Also, near the end Margot Lane clearly mentions the year being 1947. The calendar date fits in better with being an episode from 1947 as well. Bonus Tracks * Keith takes a voicemail messge, (401)753-4844, and responds with today's feature. * We also share a few items happening in the world news at the time this show likely aired in 1947. * Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens - Louis Jordan 1947 * When the Retrobots have a small disagreemen, Keith steps in with, Feudin' And Fightin' - Dorothy Shay 1947

 Shadow – The Ruby Of Caraval (Modoc). ep9, 371121 (retro616) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

Some sources list this show as I have in the title, but others list it as The Ruby of Caraval, which is how it’s announced in the show itself. It’s likely also misdated, and should be 471121. You can hear this show without the opening content by Keith and the Retrobots elsewhere on the site. Search for the show title, Ruby of Modoc. My original show notes: A car crash draws the attention of lawyer, Lamonte Cranston, and his secretary, Margot Lane. The petty burglar who died in the wreck is found with a valuable ruby that has an ancient curse on it. As Lamonte investigates, more details about the ruby and its strange curse emerge. The ruby is returned to the famous actor who recently owned it, but is the curse causing deadly terror? What is really going on with the gunshots in the actor’s mansion, and the murder? The Shadow knows. Spooky things are afoot, and the truth of the mystery will be revealed when you listen in to join the Shadow as he lays his trap for the bad guys, and exposes the secret of the curse. PS: Although, if you ask me, the killer is pretty dumb in his attempt to kill everybody in the house to try to get the ruby. Note: Here’s why I think the date is wrong… The sound quality seems to be right for the era, but at the time, Orson Wells was the voice of the Shadow. Also, near the end Margot Lane clearly mentions the year being 1947. The calendar date fits in better with being an episode from 1947 as well. Bonus Tracks * Keith takes a voicemail messge, (401)753-4844, and responds with today’s feature. * We also share a few items happening in the world news at the time this show likely aired in 1947. * Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens – Louis Jordan 1947 * When the Retrobots have a small disagreemen, Keith steps in with, Feudin’ And Fightin’ – Dorothy Shay 1947

 The Whistler – The Confession. ep38, 430131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:16

William Marshall is a renown criminal lawyer who is about to have the likes of the Whistler cross his path. After a year at school, his young daughter has returned home, with her finances drained, and in need of asking dad for more money. She meets Girard, who is in need of her dad's expert services. What crime has he committed? The gangland crime is beneath Marshall, and he refuses to take the case. In the meantime, Jean Marshal has fallen in love with Frank Girard. Jean is warned that Frank is just stringing her along. Is it true that he's just using her to get to her dad, or is he the sweetest guy in the world? Annette is Frank's old squeeze, and threatens him to stop seeing Jean. Which dame does he really love? When the prospect of marriage enters the scene, which girl will Frank decide on? Is dad trying to bring in an old boyfriend, Charlie, as a prospect for Jean? Is a love triangle about to become a bigger mess? Mrs Marshal is on to Frank's game, and tries to warn Jean away from the tricks of such a worldly man as Frank Girard. But will she listen? Is there hope to keep Jean from a sad end? For that matter how does she know about Frank, and what hold does he have over Mrs Marshal to make her stay quiet? Someone is about to be murdered, and with three women gunning for Frank, all look equally suspicious. The Whistler knows the subtle hint that Marshall knows, that will exonerate the innocent. Note: Gas rationing shows up in the form of Jean's description on how young people are going on dates these days. Meeting halfway to save driving too far. With a slightly different cast of uncredited actors than those who kicked off the series, the only voice I can pin down is Gerald More, as the part of Frank Girard.

 The Whistler – The Confession. ep38, 430131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:16

William Marshall is a renown criminal lawyer who is about to have the likes of the Whistler cross his path. After a year at school, his young daughter has returned home, with her finances drained, and in need of asking dad for more money. She meets Girard, who is in need of her dad’s expert services. What crime has he committed? The gangland crime is beneath Marshall, and he refuses to take the case. In the meantime, Jean Marshal has fallen in love with Frank Girard. Jean is warned that Frank is just stringing her along. Is it true that he’s just using her to get to her dad, or is he the sweetest guy in the world? Annette is Frank’s old squeeze, and threatens him to stop seeing Jean. Which dame does he really love? When the prospect of marriage enters the scene, which girl will Frank decide on? Is dad trying to bring in an old boyfriend, Charlie, as a prospect for Jean? Is a love triangle about to become a bigger mess? Mrs Marshal is on to Frank’s game, and tries to warn Jean away from the tricks of such a worldly man as Frank Girard. But will she listen? Is there hope to keep Jean from a sad end? For that matter how does she know about Frank, and what hold does he have over Mrs Marshal to make her stay quiet? Someone is about to be murdered, and with three women gunning for Frank, all look equally suspicious. The Whistler knows the subtle hint that Marshall knows, that will exonerate the innocent. Note: Gas rationing shows up in the form of Jean’s description on how young people are going on dates these days. Meeting halfway to save driving too far. With a slightly different cast of uncredited actors than those who kicked off the series, the only voice I can pin down is Gerald More, as the part of Frank Girard.

 Quiet Please – The Room Where The Ghosts Live. ep32, 480112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:12

Refusing to leave his house, the doctor can’t help his aging patient, played by Ernest Chapel, the way he would like. The wound received from the old, black powder gun stands to cause infections. Are there really ghosts in the house, or is Erneest just delirious? Noises are described. Beating on doors, hammering, a woman crying, finding a door, where there isn’t any door. Is the door locked? Does someone need help? What would happen if the ghost came out? More ghostly encounters reveal footsteps in the snow outside. then the nearly unintelligible voices become more real. What message do they have for Ernest? Is he just dreaming? The ghost comes every night. With the lure of the ghostly visitor,, can Ernest stay, or should he go? What would that mean for him, no matter how he decides?

 The Whistler – Mind over Matter. ep37, 430124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:08

Is telepathy real? The Whistler hints that it is. Herbert is a student of extra sensory perception, and receives a mental flash from an author, and specialist in the topic, Thomas Banning. Going to find Thomas, Herbert goes to see if his publishing company can print his unfinished manuscript. But he finds there is none. Is Thomas lying for some reason? Unable to rest, Herbert expects another mental flash, while his girlfriend, Andrea, spends her own sleepless night. The publisher confirms that a manuscript on mind over matter should be half done. In seeking the answers he needs, Herbert checks with the banker. Is there some kind of foul play with Thomas brother coming to town? Back at the Banning estate, Herbert is prepared for the worst, but finds Thomas insisting there is no book. Is Herbert just being too nosy and pushy? Allowed to stay over in the Banning estate, Herbert and Andrea ponder the elements in the mystery. Will telepathic messages lead Herbert to the manuscript? Secrets are discovered. What's the motive behind holding Thomas captive, and torturing him? The puzzle pieces to the mystery is revealed, but the Whistler has one more secret that's sure to bring justice. Note: Frank Nelson is Herbert.

 The Whistler – Mind over Matter. ep37, 430124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:08

Is telepathy real? The Whistler hints that it is. Herbert is a student of extra sensory perception, and receives a mental flash from an author, and specialist in the topic, Thomas Banning. Going to find Thomas, Herbert goes to see if his publishing company can print his unfinished manuscript. But he finds there is none. Is Thomas lying for some reason? Unable to rest, Herbert expects another mental flash, while his girlfriend, Andrea, spends her own sleepless night. The publisher confirms that a manuscript on mind over matter should be half done. In seeking the answers he needs, Herbert checks with the banker. Is there some kind of foul play with Thomas brother coming to town? Back at the Banning estate, Herbert is prepared for the worst, but finds Thomas insisting there is no book. Is Herbert just being too nosy and pushy? Allowed to stay over in the Banning estate, Herbert and Andrea ponder the elements in the mystery. Will telepathic messages lead Herbert to the manuscript? Secrets are discovered. What’s the motive behind holding Thomas captive, and torturing him? The puzzle pieces to the mystery is revealed, but the Whistler has one more secret that’s sure to bring justice. Note: Frank Nelson is Herbert.


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