Master Mind, Body & Spirit show

Master Mind, Body & Spirit

Summary: Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery! You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams! Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being and mindset!

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 Dean Radin PhD - Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science & The Secret Power of the Universe | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:08

Website: (sign up for the email list) Dean Radin: Like the content? Support the show! Toss a buck in the bucket? support the content here: Donate: FREE STUFF: Guide to Lucid Dreaming E-Book and Guided Hypnotic Experience: 3 State of the Art, Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D Sound Experiences! Dean Radin is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author or coauthor of hundreds of technical and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, and four popular books: The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, Supernormal, and Real Magic. In this show we discuss: - What is consciousness - The history of Magic - Easter and Western mystic traditions - Two scientific worldviews. Materialism vs Consciousness based - Precognition, remote viewing and psychic phenomena exist - Practices of Magic divination, theurgy (spirits), Force of will - Accessing deep mind - Samadhi dropping into deep mind, into awareness, gnosis, - Levitating, super robots -Real life Merlins - The 3rd Book of the Yoga Sutras -Real life superhumans - How can we open ourselves up to possibility? - Imagination, deficiency system - Why black magic is so seductive - The benefits of psychedelics For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair HashTags ======== #podcast, #self help, #self improvement, personal development, #podcast, #best podcast, #top podcast, #consciousness, #mind, #body, #spirit, #matt, #matthew, #belair, #spirituality, #awakening, #top rated podcasts, #top video podcasts, #best video podcasts, #best health podcasts, #spiritual podcasts best, #spiritual podcasts to listen to, #spirituality podcast, #consciousness podcast, consciousness videos, #best self help podcasts, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment, #self help podcasts, #personal development podcast, #mindset podcast, #millionaire mindset podcast, #podcast #growth mindset, #self improvement podcast, #best self improvement podcast #consciousness videos channel, #self help videos on youtube, #personal development videos, #personal development videos youtube, #mindset video youtube, #best self improvement videos, #podcast youtube channel, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment

 170 (2) | Are You Thrilled to Be Alive? How to Live in Heart Consciousness | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:58:57

Website: & Like the content? Toss a buck in the bucket? support the content here: FREE STUFF: Guide to Lucid Dreaming E-Book and Guided Hypnotic Experience: 3 State of the Art, Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D Sound Experiences! Jake Eagle is an author, retreat leader and psychotherapist with over 25 years experience. In this show we dive deep into the state of consciousness and the art of being alive. Here are some things we discuss. - How can we remove anxiety around feeling uncertain - 3 Reasons for anxiety 1. Life is uncertain, we try to create certainty in a world of uncertainty - How to be comfortable with uncertainty 2. Fear of death in which we don’t talk about, need to deal with some relationship around our mortality 3. Identity - “nothing means anything unless the meaning we give it” Existential Anxiety - We can choose what state of consciousness we are in - The 3 states of consciousness 1. Safety Consciousness 2. Heart Consciousness 3. Spacious Consciousness - A helpful phrase when there is tension in a relationship - “Are you thrilled to be alive?” “Look at all the things you're grateful for?” - We have problems but we don’t have to suffer” Jake Eagle “We have problems, suffering is choice? - I get analyzed - Depression is the loss of hope - Exploring teenage depression - Suicide comes from powerlessness - How we can great communication in relationships = Asking what you need now? Enlightenment as enlightening ourselves it’s an active state? The 4 criteria for a good life 1. Honesty 2. Integrity 3. Courage 4. Love If you live every moment of your life with the value set and life will naturally unfold For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 170 | Are You Thrilled to Be Alive? How to Live in Heart Consciousness | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:01:33

Website: & Like the content? Toss a buck in the bucket? support the content here: FREE STUFF: Guide to Lucid Dreaming E-Book and Guided Hypnotic Experience: 3 State of the Art, Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D Sound Experiences! Jake Eagle is an author, retreat leader and psychotherapist with over 25 years experience. In this show we dive deep into the state of consciousness and the art of being alive. Here are some things we discuss. - How can we remove anxiety around feeling uncertain - 3 Reasons for anxiety 1. Life is uncertain, we try to create certainty in a world of uncertainty - How to be comfortable with uncertainty 2. Fear of death in which we don’t talk about, need to deal with some relationship around our mortality 3. Identity - “nothing means anything unless the meaning we give it” Existential Anxiety - We can choose what state of consciousness we are in - The 3 states of consciousness 1. Safety Consciousness 2. Heart Consciousness 3. Spacious Consciousness - A helpful phrase when there is tension in a relationship - “Are you thrilled to be alive?” “Look at all the things you're grateful for?” - We have problems but we don’t have to suffer” Jake Eagle “We have problems, suffering is choice? - I get analyzed - Depression is the loss of hope - Exploring teenage depression - Suicide comes from powerlessness - How we can great communication in relationships = Asking what you need now? Enlightenment as enlightening ourselves it’s an active state? The 4 criteria for a good life 1. Honesty 2. Integrity 3. Courage 4. Love If you live every moment of your life with the value set and life will naturally unfold For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 (2) Dr. Will Tuttle Why Going Vegan Can Create World Peace: Origins of Herding Culture | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:48:30

websites: (sign up for the email list) Dr. Will Tuttle: Support: * Do one act of kindness * Share, comment, leave a review :) FREE stuff: 5 Steps to learn how to lucid dream quickly and easily with guided hypnotic meditation: - 3 State of the Art, Gamma wave Inducing Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D sound experiences: Dr. Will Tuttle is the author of the international best selling book "The World Peace Diet". He is a former Zen Monk with a Ph.D that has done some incredible research into the effects of herding culture and how it has changed our society. In this episode we discuss; - How Will Walked across the US with his brother asking the question, “Who AM I?” - How food can create conflict - His work as a ZEN Monk 90 day meditation from 3 AM to 9 at night and what he learned - Inheriting cultural narratives – Thomas Hubl was saying the same thing - Going beyond what we think we are - How he got his Ph.D. and then traveled the world playing music - The beautiful story of how he met his wife and how they overcame a language barrier - Understanding the toxic cultural narratives - The massive environmental impact of animal agriculture - The cultural shift of becoming a herding culture - The primary way a society transmits information and culture and food - We have more human slavery today than the 1850’s - Questioning cultural programming - The five things that happened when the herding revolution happened - The first word for war – The Origins of War and Slavery through animal herding - How herding changed our narrative with Women - Mass scale of The rapping of animals and stealing their beings - Understanding the industries that profit from this system - The first step to making a transition toward veganism easy Predatory consumerism - Understanding all of the toxic stuff you’re eating meat - Why natural, organic, farm raised is actually worse - Looking beyond materialism, what happens, when - Herding as a direct erosion of our intelligence - Grow as much food as you can yourself - Having a morning Ritual – take time in the morning and have a ritual – very first thought of gratitude and joy and set the tone for the day. Life is a gift. Hour of a meditation per day (will), then physical activity, Journal, Read inspiriting book, have harmonious relationships with other and see the best in them “Our consciousness can never go higher than our behavior” Dr. Will Tuttle For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair HashTags ======== #podcast, #self help, #self improvement, personal development, #podcast, #best podcast, #top podcast, #consciousness, #mind, #body, #spirit, #matt, #matthew, #belair, #spirituality, #awakening, #top rated podcasts, #top video podcasts, #best video podcasts, #best health podcasts, #spiritual podcasts best, #spiritual podcasts to listen to, #spirituality podcast, #consciousness podcast, consciousness videos, #best self help podcasts, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment, #self help podcasts, #personal development podcast, #mindset podcast, #millionaire mindset podcast, #podcast #growth mindset, #self improvement podcast, #best self improvement podcast #consciousness videos channel, #self help videos on youtube, #personal development videos, #personal development videos youtube, #mindset video youtube, #best self improvement videos, #podcast youtube channel, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment

 Dr. Will Tuttle Why Going Vegan Can Create World Peace: Origins of Herding Culture | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:10:10

websites: (sign up for the email list) Dr. Will Tuttle: Support: * Do one act of kindness * Share, comment, leave a review :) FREE stuff: 5 Steps to learn how to lucid dream quickly and easily with guided hypnotic meditation: - 3 State of the Art, Gamma wave Inducing Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D sound experiences: Dr. Will Tuttle is the author of the international best selling book "The World Peace Diet". He is a former Zen Monk with a Ph.D that has done some incredible research into the effects of herding culture and how it has changed our society. In this episode we discuss; - How Will Walked across the US with his brother asking the question, “Who AM I?” - How food can create conflict - His work as a ZEN Monk 90 day meditation from 3 AM to 9 at night and what he learned - Inheriting cultural narratives – Thomas Hubl was saying the same thing - Going beyond what we think we are - How he got his Ph.D. and then traveled the world playing music - The beautiful story of how he met his wife and how they overcame a language barrier - Understanding the toxic cultural narratives - The massive environmental impact of animal agriculture - The cultural shift of becoming a herding culture - The primary way a society transmits information and culture and food - We have more human slavery today than the 1850’s - Questioning cultural programming - The five things that happened when the herding revolution happened - The first word for war – The Origins of War and Slavery through animal herding - How herding changed our narrative with Women - Mass scale of The rapping of animals and stealing their beings - Understanding the industries that profit from this system - The first step to making a transition toward veganism easy Predatory consumerism - Understanding all of the toxic stuff you’re eating meat - Why natural, organic, farm raised is actually worse - Looking beyond materialism, what happens, when - Herding as a direct erosion of our intelligence - Grow as much food as you can yourself - Having a morning Ritual – take time in the morning and have a ritual – very first thought of gratitude and joy and set the tone for the day. Life is a gift. Hour of a meditation per day (will), then physical activity, Journal, Read inspiriting book, have harmonious relationships with other and see the best in them “Our consciousness can never go higher than our behavior” Dr. Will Tuttle For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair HashTags ======== #podcast, #self help, #self improvement, personal development, #podcast, #best podcast, #top podcast, #consciousness, #mind, #body, #spirit, #matt, #matthew, #belair, #spirituality, #awakening, #top rated podcasts, #top video podcasts, #best video podcasts, #best health podcasts, #spiritual podcasts best, #spiritual podcasts to listen to, #spirituality podcast, #consciousness podcast, consciousness videos, #best self help podcasts, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment, #self help podcasts, #personal development podcast, #mindset podcast, #millionaire mindset podcast, #podcast #growth mindset, #self improvement podcast, #best self improvement podcast #consciousness videos channel, #self help videos on youtube, #personal development videos, #personal development videos youtube, #mindset video youtube, #best self improvement videos, #podcast youtube channel, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment

 168 (2) | Thomas Hübl: Mysticism and the Science to Inner Development | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:53:28 - Support the content become a patron! Thomas Hübl is a visionary, teacher and the founder of the Academy of Inner Science. Hosting workshops, retreats, and teachings to tens of thousands across the world he explores consciousness, evolution and the junctures between mysticism and science. In this episode we discuss. - How do we have inner peace and connect with GOD - What Mysticism is - Why your body is thousands of years old - Developing spiritual intelligence - Knowlege based vs potential based education - Collective trauma agreements and how they affect your life - How Trauma gets passed down - GOD the innermost force of life that is positive - Spiritual embodiment and congruence - understanding fear Want to support the show? Do 1 ACT of KINDNESS :) Sharing, Leaving a review, becoming a patron and getting free stuff at are all also very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 168 | Thomas Hübl: Mysticism and the Science to Inner Development | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:55:08 - Support the content become a patron! Thomas Hübl is a visionary, teacher and the founder of the Academy of Inner Science. Hosting workshops, retreats, and teachings to tens of thousands across the world he explores consciousness, evolution and the junctures between mysticism and science. In this episode we discuss. - How do we have inner peace and connect with GOD - What Mysticism is - Why your body is thousands of years old - Developing spiritual intelligence - Knowlege based vs potential based education - Collective trauma agreements and how they affect your life - How Trauma gets passed down - GOD the innermost force of life that is positive - Spiritual embodiment and congruence - understanding fear Want to support the show? Do 1 ACT of KINDNESS :) Sharing, Leaving a review, becoming a patron and getting free stuff at are all also very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 166 | Across The Kings River: Following and Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose with James Weeks | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:42

James Weeks is a spiritual leader, shaman, philosopher and creator of the Across the King's River Facebook Page, book and upcoming documentary. His Facebook page inspires hundreds of thousands of people every month. In this episode we discuss: Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: James's Website: - The IFA spiritual tradition of West Africa - Core principles of the IFA tradition - Connecting to the wisdom and support of our ancestors - Allowing ourselves to be guided - Trust - Progress doesn't always mean moving forward - Creating your own unique spiritual routine - Individualism vs Collectivism - How to live a more purposeful and fulfilling life - The most important question you can ask yourself every day - Learning to BE yourself and follow your inspiration - Who is GOD and how to create a connection with that force Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 167 | Five Changes in Thinking to Experience More Happiness and Fulfillment NOW! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:22:44

Greg Jacobson is the international best selling author of Think Yourself Happy: Five Changes in Thinking That Will Immediately Improve Your Life He founded a company worth over 100 million dollars but eventually lost it all. In the process, he began to understand that money and success did not equal happiness. (apologies for the technical glitches) In this episode we discuss; Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Greg's Website: - Greg's incredible story of creating a 100 million dollar company and why he wasn't happy and why losing it was the best thing that ever happened to him - Take the happiness quiz! - The two most important days of your life - How the suicide rate has skyrocketed in youth over the last few years - The benefits of being happier (as if you needed any) - The 5 Changes in thinking to experience more happiness now - Understanding what real happiness is - A simple way to make decisions for the rest of your life Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 165 (2) | Interactive Mindfulness Technologies, Biofeedback and VR with Founder of Unyte | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:49:58

Jason Tafler is the founder of Unyte which uses biofeedback and gamification to train the brain. They also have virtual reality experiences to help you experience the benefits to meditation and mindfulness training. Here are some things we discuss; Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Jason's Website: - What Jason learned from his near death experience and how it changed his life - How to identify and breakthrough limiting beliefs - The pioneer of interactive mindfulness WildDivine - Start with asking yourself the big questions, who am I, what my purpose? - Using natural remedies to heal the body - Gamifying mindfulness - Stress being the root cause of most illness - Some amazing science and studies on the benefit of mindfulness - Why you can't win playing the "game" of accumulating things or status - Focus on the effort not the result - Full Catastrophe living book - The book of Joy by the Dalia Lama and Desmond Tutu - Why you can accomplish more with self-care - Meditation to assist with trauma and addiction - The top two things to reduce health risk Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 165 | Interactive Mindfulness Technologies, Biofeedback and VR with Founder of Unyte | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:51:00

Jason Tafler is the founder of Unyte which uses biofeedback and gamification to train the brain. They also have virtual reality experiences to help you experience the benefits to meditation and mindfulness training. Here are some things we discuss; Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Jason's Website: - What Jason learned from his near death experience and how it changed his life - How to identify and breakthrough limiting beliefs - The pioneer of interactive mindfulness WildDivine - Start with asking yourself the big questions, who am I, what my purpose? - Using natural remedies to heal the body - Gamifying mindfulness - Stress being the root cause of most illness - Some amazing science and studies on the benefit of mindfulness - Why you can't win playing the "game" of accumulating things or status - Focus on the effort not the result - Full Catastrophe living book - The book of Joy by the Dalia Lama and Desmond Tutu - Why you can accomplish more with self-care - Meditation to assist with trauma and addiction - The top two things to reduce health risk Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 164 | THE 4 YEAR OLYMPIAN: From First Stroke to Olympic Medallist | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:11:42

At seventeen, Jeremiah Brown barely escaped an eight-month incarceration for robbery; ten years later he stood on the podium with eight other men, now a silver medallist in rowing at the London Olympics. In this episode we discuss Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Jeremiah's Website: Why rowing is the hardest sports in the world Making the choice to become a champion Why mindset is essential Anxiety, depression, and sport Why you need a plan and conviction to succeed Why you should measure your progress in years The bedrock of resolve creating a compelling goal or mission to succeed Jeremiah’s advice to youth Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 163 (2) | Life Explained with Hans Wilhelm | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:48:49

Hans Wilhelm is the creator of the Life Explained YouTube channel. He has written and illustrated over 200 books and worldwide sales have exceeded 42 million copies! In this interview we discuss; Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Hans's website: - The 10 surprises that happen after death - The importance of walking your talk, even if it's a limp - Understanding Karma - Understanding reincarnation - The purpose of Karma - The various tools for escaping - How boredom can be incredibly powerful or destructive - Earth as a college - The simple spiritual path and combining religions - The 7 Deadly sins accessible now through the internet and phone applications - Advice for dealing with addictions Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 163 | Life Explained with Hans Wilhelm | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:51:20

Hans Wilhelm is the creator of the Life Explained YouTube channel. He has written and illustrated over 200 books and worldwide sales have exceeded 42 million copies! In this interview we discuss; Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Hans's website: - The 10 surprises that happen after death - The importance of walking your talk, even if it's a limp - Understanding Karma - Understanding reincarnation - The purpose of Karma - The various tools for escaping - How boredom can be incredibly powerful or destructive - Earth as a college - The simple spiritual path and combining religions - The 7 Deadly sins accessible now through the internet and phone applications - Advice for dealing with addictions Want to support the show? Sharing, Leaving a review and visiting our incredible sponsors and getting free stuff at are all very helpful! Thank you! podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair

 162 (2) | The 7 Systems Approach to Food and Spirit with Paula Sturm RDN | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:51:55

Learn the 7 Systems Approach to Food and Spirit which can be applied to weight loss, gut health, disease and so much more. Paula Sturm is a registered dietitian, medical nutritionist and certified food and spirit practitioner. In this episode we discuss: Go to and get a free guide to lucid dreaming e-book and guided meditation Support on Patreon: Paula's Website: - The difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist - Why you need to take responsibility for your health - How mental and emotional issues are the root of disease - The 7 systems of health - The laddering technique to help stop bad habits - Bringing in awareness of what you're doing and giving yourself love and kindness - Understanding the chemical addictions of the body and transforming yourself - The power of a food and habit journal - The art of emotional intelligence - Why you need to eat whole food - How to lose weight and keep it off - Detoxification - Food, Colours and what they do - What you need to know about fasting and intermittent fasting podcast sponsors: Purium: Receive a $50 Gift Card on the worlds best all organic supplements and health products with code "activatehealth" go to Synctuition: Get 3 Free state of the art, 3-D sound, Gammwave Inducing binaural beat tracks here For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair HashTags ======== #podcast, #self help, #self improvement, personal development, #podcast, #best podcast, #top podcast, #consciousness, #mind, #body, #spirit, #matt, #matthew, #belair, #spirituality, #awakening, #top rated podcasts, #top video podcasts, #best video podcasts, #best health podcasts, #spiritual podcasts best, #spiritual podcasts to listen to, #spirituality podcast, #consciousness podcast, consciousness videos, #best self help podcasts, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment, #self help podcasts, #personal development podcast, #mindset podcast, #millionaire mindset podcast, #podcast #growth mindset, #self improvement podcast, #best self improvement podcast #consciousness videos channel, #self help videos on youtube, #personal development videos, #personal development videos youtube, #mindset video youtube, #best self improvement videos, #podcast youtube channel, #mindset, #healthwisdom, #spirituality, #consciousness, #selfhelp, #selfcare, #mindset, #selfimprovement, #selfdevelopment, #personaldevelopment


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