170 | Are You Thrilled to Be Alive? How to Live in Heart Consciousness

Master Mind, Body & Spirit show

Summary: Website: http://www.mattbelair.com & https://liveconscious.com/ Like the content? Toss a buck in the bucket? support the content here: http://www.patreon.com/mattbelair FREE STUFF: Guide to Lucid Dreaming E-Book and Guided Hypnotic Experience: http:www.mattbelair.com/luciddreaming 3 State of the Art, Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D Sound Experiences! http://bit.ly/gammwaves Jake Eagle is an author, retreat leader and psychotherapist with over 25 years experience. In this show we dive deep into the state of consciousness and the art of being alive. Here are some things we discuss. - How can we remove anxiety around feeling uncertain - 3 Reasons for anxiety 1. Life is uncertain, we try to create certainty in a world of uncertainty - How to be comfortable with uncertainty 2. Fear of death in which we don’t talk about, need to deal with some relationship around our mortality 3. Identity - “nothing means anything unless the meaning we give it” Existential Anxiety - We can choose what state of consciousness we are in - The 3 states of consciousness 1. Safety Consciousness 2. Heart Consciousness 3. Spacious Consciousness - A helpful phrase when there is tension in a relationship - “Are you thrilled to be alive?” “Look at all the things you're grateful for?” - We have problems but we don’t have to suffer” Jake Eagle “We have problems, suffering is choice? - I get analyzed - Depression is the loss of hope - Exploring teenage depression - Suicide comes from powerlessness - How we can great communication in relationships = Asking what you need now? Enlightenment as enlightening ourselves it’s an active state? The 4 criteria for a good life 1. Honesty 2. Integrity 3. Courage 4. Love If you live every moment of your life with the value set and life will naturally unfold For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries - Matt@ZenAthlete.com Instagram: @MattBelair Twitter: @Matt_Belair May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste, ~ Matthew Belair