Drummers I Like Podcast show

Drummers I Like Podcast

Summary: The Drummers I Like Podcast features a new episode each week focused on the many different elements of the Drumming spectrum. From weekly interviews with professional drummers, business owners, and entrepreneurs to drum lessons, career guidance, and gear reviews. Join Richard Ducat each week for a brand new drum related show and don’t forget to subscribe!


 Daily Fill #15: Pro Updates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:47

Welcome to the daily fill! What's going on today?   We are keeping it short and sweet with a quick update on Drummers I Like Pro! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Matt Halpern - episode #2 We took it back to the bottom of the map with episode 2 of the Drummers I Like Podcast with Periphery man himself Matt Halpern! Get the full scoop in episode 4 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Matt Halpern! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Evan! * The release of Periphery's album, and Matt's thoughts on writing a record. * Matt talks about the warped tour and Full Moon clinics. * Matt answers some listener submitted questions. That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! SIGN FOR ZACK AUSTINS DRUMMERS GUIDE TO BUILDING SPEED FOR METAL IS FREE FOR EVERYONE JUST SIGN UP BELOW! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): The Contortionist - Language I: Intuition Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Wes Keely – Kbrakes – Drummers I Like Podcast #46 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:40

Welcome back to this week’s episode of Drummers I Like. Today we are joined by Wes Keeley who is the owner/founder of KBrakes and former drummer for Walls of Jericho. In this episode: Wes takes us from Detroit to Europe and its metal punkness!   Out of the Paper Zone and into the studio, Wes shares how he created his own way of a drummer for hire. Find out why Wes puts 256 spikes on the bottom of KBrakes. The answer will surprise you. Wes Himself      Wes Keeley is one of the drummers who has seen the backstage all around the world and learned how to make the touring process as efficient for him. When you think of a touring drummer who wants out of the bus lifestyle but not out of drumming think of Wes. The drummer from Detroit has deep roots in metal which mean pounding double bass. Wes is proof that creativity will take you to places you have never thought you would go, as long as you have the dedication to do what it takes to make your vision reality. Products that aren’t going anywhere KBrakes is one of those products that you never really know you need until it’s too late. Wes found that it was better for him to go to college to get a degree and design his own product than to wait around for his drum rug or have his bass player hold his bass drum in one spot. Check out what Wes has to say about creating and designing his own product!   KBrakes can be found at Kbrakes.com Thanks! Thank you, Wes, for breaking down the amazing journey that ended with KBrakes! Thanks to our listeners for joining us today. Look out for the new products coming soon for KBrakes and don't forget if you order from K-Brakes using code: DILKB you will get some free goodies. Drummers Bang Harder!! - Kbrakes Links website Instagram Facebook - SIGN FOR ZACK AUSTINS DRUMMERS GUIDE TO BUILDING SPEED FOR METAL IS FREE FOR EVERYONE JUST SIGN UP BELOW! Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Daily Fill #14: – 1 year anniversary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:19

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the listeners. We wouldn't be here without you! Today marks the 1 year anniversary for the launch of the Drummers I Like Podcast and we are stoked to have made it this far! 60 shows, 40+ different guests, over 50 hours of audio and a ton of experience to learn from! The Drummers I Like Daily Quote: Richard Ducat: “Podcasts are the future of Drummers I Like, just watch" Although I have not written any books, you can still grab anyone you want in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? Its the 1 year anniversary of the Drummers I Like Podcast, Beta launch day for a new platform that Im developing. Hint hint... I plan to change the stigma on marijuana whilst giving medicinal/recreational collectives a strong and proper way to market themselves! Stay tuned! Episode 1 of the podcast was with Sam Applebaum and it was one of those trials by fire type situations. Sam was a great guest and really gave Kevin and I some good material to work with. It defined everything we are today and gave us fuel to keep moving forward! We've had our ups, downs, in-betweens and more, but we are stronger than ever with over 50K in downloads a month with more coming each day! You all have helped build this and without you (the listeners) we would not be here today! We are diligently working on ways to bring you more and more each month and with something really big in the works I can assure you that we have taken the leap to do so.  I want to once again thank you all for helping me build this platform, for listening each week, each day. This is for you! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Evan Ryan - episode #39 Evan is flat out a cool dude with tons of drive and ambition. He own's a drum school in L.A., runs the city's most elite jam session, and can play/teach basically anything ever. Our chat was fun, lengthy and full of a ton of value that you can apply today! Get the full scoop in episode 39 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Evan Ryan! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Evan! * Evan's Life story: Rich and Kevin get the full scoop on this well-developed mind. * Building your business, finding your knack and going for it: Evan breaks down his navigation through L.A.. * One of the most intense Rapid singles sessions ever. Evan provides us with some pretty epic answers! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! SIGN FOR ZACK AUSTINS DRUMMERS GUIDE TO BUILDING SPEED FOR METAL IS FREE FOR EVERYONE JUST SIGN UP BELOW! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): After the burial - Rareform Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Daily Fill #13: Disciplined drummers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:08

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the vets. We are tearing up right now with all these conflicts and potential boiling wars. Drummers I Like works closely with and is partnered with Veterans and we support you 100%! Thank you all for your service, undeniable patriotism to our country and consistent drive to be the best you can be! It's no coincidence that a handful or successful business owners have a military background and it truly points back to the disciplined nature of this highly coveted but accessible brotherhood! As a kid, I ridiculed and judged it like an arrogant fool. Now I praise and thank them every day!  The Drummers I Like Daily Quote: Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." You can pick up books on Dwight in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? I have the honor of being partnered up with a Military vet for my Digital marketing company and although she does business with me, she also mentors me. As a result,  I get to deal with a pretty disciplined and strategic military leader on the daily. She is the pinnacle of success and while being a firm and tough leader, she is fair and just with a strong touch of compassion. Could she be considered a level 5 leader? Maybe so. Through this partnership, I have been running through the ringer of tough lessons, hard realizations, and everything would push the ordinary man to quit. It has had me thinking about my approach to my business and how it reflects my playing behind the drum kit. I had to ask myself this first. Am I not applying these same fundamentals? Although I do the maximum efforts with everything revolving my company and clients. Am I doing for my playing? This is my true passion and although it is hard to find time to play I want it to count. It was kind of easy to see that although it was not fully the case, it kind of was. I have my daily regimens for health, fitness and relationship building, but do I have it for drums? The answer is no, I do not. It isn't ideal and it almost hurts to admit, but I'm going to change it. I'm adding a practice regimen into my morning routine and I started this morning with working on my fundamentals. Singles to be exact. So what next? I'm keeping track and I will keep you updated each week with my progress and where I'm at on the practice scale. I want to know what you're doing to stay on top of your practice daily. Pass me your tips and Ill make sure to address our listeners on what works best for me! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Freddy Charles - episode #4 and a serious throwback! This was the fourth episode and at the time Freddy was like a social media god to me. He really helped put us on the map and his allegiance and friendship has stood a character justification ever since. We learned a lot about this drumpretrenuer and I was nothing short of inspired. Want to know what it takes to pursue your passions while traveling the world? Hear it on episode 4 of the Drummers I Like Podcast Get the full scoop in episode 4 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Freddy Charles! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Freddy! * Everything Freddy! We get an insiders tour to the life of Mr. Charles and how this Multi-Instrumentalist made it here today. * The struggle of rehearsal real estate in New York and Miami along with what it took to lock it down. * Getting what you want in life and making it happen !!   That's it for the Daily Fill!

 Daily Fill #12: Workout routines and staying healthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:48

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to my wife! Anyone that's married to an entrepreneur can agree with me when I say. IT ain't no joke! I have to be honest, I'm a workaholic and my wife puts up with 20 hour days almost regularly. I am constantly struggling to find time for them let alone myself is almost impossible and I would be crazy if I said it doesn't take a toll on both sides. So, to all my spouses dealing with a workaholic... This goes out to you! The Drummers I Like Daily Quote: Paul Valery: “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." You can pick up any of Pauls books in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? Something we never talk about on the podcast is fitness and for a while now I have been working on the best fitness regime for my lifestyle and to assist my playing. After a long last few weeks at looking at gym alternatives, I can tell you that it's not easy to build a home gym that works for both a drummer and mom. We have looked at ellipticals, bikes, treadmills, and benches. It has been insane. Ultimately, I settled on some kettle bells and a pair of ropes. A few years ago I had a bad ass trainer give me some rope exercises and ultimately we realized you could practice rudiments with the ropes. I'm taking the Pepsi challenge on this one and I will keep you all up to date. I think it's important that you take proactive action now on your health now and focus on staying fit so you can always play the kit. Fit for the kit! I want to know what you're doing to stay in shape and specifically what you are doing to improve your playing! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Tim Buell - episode #45 and last weeks episode! I would be a fool to drop all this info on Zack and his Drummers Guidto Speedmetal without a little podcast love! This podcast was really the beginning of what has become a tightly knit friendship and this episode bleeds inspiration. Zack has a lot going for him behind the drum kit but it's his state of mind, approach to life's hardships, strategic planning, and drive that enable him to be so successful. Get the full scoop in episode 45 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Tim Buell! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Tim! * From Europe to the living room: Learn first hand the lifestyle of a touring drummer and find out if life on the road is all it’s cracked up to be. * Communication is key to accuracy: Why taking the first gig is not always the most valuable decision when starting your drum career and how to take pride out of the equation. * Transcribing the Greats: Tim shares with us what drew him to transcribing drummers from Aaron Spears to Calvin Rodgers. That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! SIGN FOR ZACK AUSTINS DRUMMERS GUIDE TO BUILDING SPEED FOR METAL IS FREE FOR EVERYONE JUST SIGN UP BELOW! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): Immortal technique - The cause of death Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook

 Daily Fill #11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:00

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to everyone that signed up for Zacks class this weekend! We already know we are destined for metal greatness with Zacks Guide to Building Speed in Metal(yes we changed the wording. Sorry for the misinfo as Zack will not be teaching speed metal, but how to build speed in metal). This course is going to blow your mind and allow you to start conceptualizing some of the techniques and practice methods he is applying daily! The Drummers I Like Daily Quote: Winston Churchill: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." You can pick up books on Winston in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? DRUMMERS I LIKE PRO LAUNCHED OVER THE WEEKEND! We dropped the Floodgates for Zacks Guide to building speed in metal for early adopters and it went great! Now what ? THE DOORS ARE WIDE OPEN! What exactly is Drummers I Like Pro going to offer you? We offer you a different approach to drums. Our unique cycling of artists each month will diversify your understanding while connecting you closer to Drummers I Like, the community, the podcast and the family. For a small fee of only $10/month we offer you the following: Exclusive content from a new drummer every month: New content every week and a new artist focus every month Live access to the Drummers I Like Podcast recordings: We are opening the doors to the podcast by offering our users Live access to show recordings featuring Q&A's every week! Access to the exclusive Drummers I Like Pro forum: Help shape the show, request a guest, get early access to upcoming events, connect with Rich and the team and more! Exclusive giveaways every month for our Pro members: We raffle a prize off each month exclusively for members of the Drummers I Like Pro community. Drumsets, Cymbal packs, VIP Tickets & more! The best part of this venture is that a big portion of each month’s proceeds goes right back into our artists pocket to grow their future and ability to serve their fans! Just visit PRO.DRUMMERSILIKE.NET to get signed up. Month 1 we hit the streets of speed with the official DRUMMERS GUIDE TO BUILDING SPEED IN METAL. This Month is led by our good friend Zack Austin! Zack and I have worked hard to put something awesome together and you can’t afford to miss it. THE WEBINAR IS FREE FOR EVERYONE JUST SIGN UP BELOW! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): Lower Definition - Miami nights Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Tim Buell – Drummers I Like Podcast #45 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:33

Welcome back to this week's episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast. Today's guest is the amazing Tim Buell. Tim endorses Butt Kicker, The Drum Wallet, and Vic Firth. Tim is also a touring drummer, session artist, and educator. Today's show is not an episode that you should skip over. We “spill the coffee” with this Nashville Native and get to know him as a drummer and as a creator. Tim is one of those drummers whose skill-set is not limited to the number of sticks in his stick bag. In this Episode: From Europe to the living room - Learn first hand the lifestyle of a touring drummer and find out if life on the road is all it’s cracked up to be. Communication is key to accuracy - Why taking the first gig is not always the most valuable decision when starting your drum career and how to take pride out of the equation. Transcribing the Greats - Tim shares with us what drew him to transcribing drummers from Aaron Spears to Calvin Rodgers. Life On the Road:       Early on Tim was already making his way around the world behind the kit and this Nashville Native was learning the importance of utilizing time both behind the kit and off the stage. Hopping show to show isn’t something that Tim jumped into blindly. Tim says that “Your time has more value than others will try to give you,” this is one of the most important aspects of a gigging drummer. Surround Yourself with Value: One of the most valuable lessons Tim speaks about is knowing what you're worth. When a gig comes around don't just settle for anything less than what you know your worth. Grabbing details before saying yes is something that has helped Tim become the successful drummer he is today. Learning to Teach: Tim Buell is one of the only people who will admit he enjoys transcribing complicated chops and fills and how lucky we are that he does. Tim realized that throughout his College career his reading abilities didn't match his playability, so Tim found that transcribing other drummers improved both. This lead Tim to share his efforts with others through teaching and has grown transcribing into a business. Tims Lessons, Transcriptions and nerdy thoughts on drums can be found at timbuellmusic.com     Rapid Singles! What was one of the biggest hurdle you had to overcome as a drummer? Reading music and learning to negotiate. What was the best piece of advice you ever received? “I woke up today.” Not advice but life changing. What's a personal habit that contributes to your success as a drummer? Being competitive with yourself to always improve. Share a resource or tool that helps you survive as a drummer. Computer, and a program called Transcribe! If you could recommend one book what would it be and why? Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Imagine you wake up tomorrow in a word just like ours, you have all the same knowledge and skill as a drummer, but you know no one. All you have is a smartphone, $500, and a small portable drumset. What is the first thing that you do? I WOULD BUILD A WEBSITE Thank You, Tim, for being on the show. Thank you our listeners for tuning into this week's’ episode. Tim is a very dedicated passionate drummer, and it was a blast hearing his story. - Tim Buells Links website Instagram Facebook

 Daily Fill #10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:08

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the hi-hat! Where would drummers be without you? For millions of years you have served as the bread and butter to the old slap box and today we show our appreciation for you! Thank you Hi-hats, we love you! The Drummers I Like Daily Quote: Gary Vaynerchuk: “Smart work will never replace hard work, it only supplements it." You can pick up books on and from Gary in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? DRUMMERS I LIKE PRO IS HERE!   We are so excited to announce Drummers I Like Pro! An exclusive community for up and coming drummers. This new premium access, members only community offers our listeners and fans a new and unique approach to their journey behind the drum kit. With a new artist cycling out every month we intend to work those drum muscles and minds out in different ways each and every day! What exactly is Drummers I Like Pro going to offer you? We offer you a different approach to drums. Our unique cycling of artists each month will diversify your understanding while connecting you closer to Drummers I Like, the community, the podcast and the family. For a small fee of only $10/month we offer you the following: Exclusive content from a new drummer every month: New content every week and a new artist focus every month Live access to the Drummers I Like Podcast recordings: We are opening the doors to the podcast by offering our users Live access to show recordings featuring Q&A's every week! Access to the exclusive Drummers I Like Pro forum: Help shape the show, request a guest, get early access to up coming events, connect with Rich and the team and more! Exclusive giveaways every month for our Pro members: We raffle a prize off each month exclusively for members of the Drummers I Like Pro community. Drumsets, Cymbal packs, VIP Tickets & more! The best part of this venture is that a big portion of each month’s proceeds goes right back into our artists pocket to grow their future and ability to serve their fans! Just visit PRO.DRUMMERSILIKE.NET to get signed up. Month 1 we hit the streets of speed with the official DRUMMERS GUIDE TO SPEED METAL. This Month is led by our good friend Zack Austin! Zack and I have worked hard to put something awesome together and you can’t afford to miss it. SO HERE’S THE DEAL FOR ALL MY FIRST COMERS! Early subscribers (first 100) Get Early access to the DRUMMERS GUIDE TO SPEEDMETAL Opening Webinar. This is a special bonus webinar led by Zack and I (rich) that is only available for the FIRST 100 subscribers to PRO! Sign up for 1 year and I will throw in 2 months for free! Sign up for 2 years and I will throw in 5 Months free and a DIL PRO shirt! CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED! PODCAST OF THE DAY!  Zack Austin - episode #38! I would be a fool to drop all this info on Zack and his Drummers Guidto Speedmetal without a little podcast love! This podcast was really the beginning of what has become a tightly knit friendship and this episode bleeds inspiration. Zack has a lot going for him behind the drum kit but it's his state of mind, approach to life's hardships, strategic planning, and drive that enable him to be so successful. Get the full scoop in episode 38 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Zack Austin! Just Click here!

 Daily Fill #9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:10

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to all my favorite podcasts! Entrepreneur on fire, Tim Ferris, the Church of what's happening now, Amy Porterfield, The higherside chats, Tony Robbins podcast, Phew you all rule!! The Daily Quote: Jack Welch: "Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." You can pick up books on Jack Welch in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? We are doing our big announcement today and blowing it out of the water all week! It's going to be big, the biggest announcement we have ever done as it will mark our next chapter! I am excited to chat with Earl today as well as this show has been a long time coming. Earl is a powerful communicator master drummer and 5-star teacher! You are going to love this one! PODCAST OF THE DAY!  Stan Bicknell episode #33! Stan is the insane Aussie packing the super foot from down under and its safe to say that he is one of the biggest inspirations to grace the cast as of yet. We chat everything from being an entrepreneur and raising kids to get married and running a coffee shop. Drums played a big role but were just the icing on the cake on this compelling episode of the Drummers I Like podcast! You do not want to miss it! Here why in episode 33 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Stan Bicknell! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Stan! * Stans intro to music, how he found drums and how he made it to IG KING * How Stan developed his insane foot technique * Stans Kit preference, cymbal breakdown, and snare to floor tom explanation! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): Animals as Leaders - Tempting time Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Daily Fill #8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:02

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is once again dedicated to my son! WE ARE KILLING IT IN THE POTTY TRAINING WORLD!! The Daily Quote: Richard Bandler: "If you can’t enjoy what you have, you can’t enjoy more of it." You can pick up Richard Bandler books in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? Something big is coming and I am getting stoked!! We air episode 45 featuring Tim Buell this Friday and it's going to be a blast! I am excited for my chat with Earl Talbot coming up on Wednesday and as the day approaches, I am getting really excited! Earl is literally one of my favorite drummers of all time and I seriously look up to this pro! I got to spend some time with him during Winter Namm at Evan Ryans Drum school LA and it was unforgettable, to say the least. He is a top notch person and an amazing teacher and guide. Anyone would benefit from a lesson with this guy so do yourself a favor and reach out to Eswabidi PODCAST OF THE DAY! Michael Levine episode #15! Mike Levine is a heavy hitting master that can play just about everything and his approach to practice and be getting the gig is a proven plan to make it to the top. Do you have what it takes to keep up with a hardcore guru? Join us in our elder days as we shoot the skins with our boy Mike during Episode #15 of the drummers I like podcast Here why in episode 15 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Michael Levine! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Michael! * Hit harder than hell: Mikes breaks down his story and how he broke into the industry. * Reputation is everything: Mike takes his rep seriously and he explains the in's and out's of how that applies to his success. * The guts to take the gig: Mike is Playing some of the hardest metal around and he explains in detail as he explains what it takes to jam with the Glasscloud team! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): Radiohead - Wierd Fishes Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Daily Fill #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:01

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to Potty Training your kids! This has been one hell of a weekend and my appreciation for my fellow parent has changed dynamically! The Daily Quote: Jack Schafer: "INCREASED RESTRAINT INCREASES DRIVE" You can pick up Jack Schafer's "The Like Switch" in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? I am catching up from a giant weekend of potty training my son and doing family stuff and I am feeling the burn. We are getting ready to launch something big over here at Drummers I Like and the prep is taking a lot of my time but It's going to be big! Think like that parade in Ferris Bueller's day off. Yeah, that big! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Richie Martinez episode #22! Have you heard our chat with Richie Martinez? It was a blast and this Instagram celeb is no stranger to the giant following, rediculous talent and great personality! You don't want to miss this one! Here why in episode 22 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Richie Martinez! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Richie! * The story of Richie Martinez, his roots, his family's musical aspirations. * Richie's take on mental practice and finding time no matter what it takes. * How Richie built his Instagram page, put himself out there and built a following! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): T.R.A.M. - Consider Yourself Judged - A little post 2012 Eric Moore X Tosin Abasi for you!! Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 J.C. Clifford – Drumtacs – Drummers I Like Podcast #44 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:16

Today's episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast is brought to you by Music Mentors online! If you visit Musicmentorsonline.com/drummersilike you will reserve your consultation lesson & receive their complete webinar series with Luke Holland; 3.5 hours of content with Luke going over techniques/exercises, drum composition, creative fill ideas & creating your name & brand as a drummer. Welcome back to this week's episode of The Drummers I Like Podcast. Today's guest, J.C. Clifford is a partner and the business end of things at Drumtacs, father of 7, Man of many journeys, and much more! J.C. Spends a good chunk of time with us breaking down his journey, his success's and all the fun in between. In this Episode: From Washing Cars to Running the Show - J.C. details his journey a started with him wielding the wash rag at the dealership in a time where giant empires were being constructed and the inner circle was tight. An adhesive without adhesive - After his close friend Cristian Beaulieu discovered what one would consider modern day fire, He and J.C. Went to work. J.C. gives us the run-down on the formation of Drumtacs and the details within.. getting down to brass tacks - J.C. gives us the 411 as he details the essential need to know behind Drumtacs. We were astonished, to say the least. About J.C. From humble beginnings to a successful track record of business credentials, J.C. has done it all. As a partner and of Drumtacs J.C. navigates the waters of the industry better than the best of them. A Husband and father 0f 7 children he is nothing but patient for the world of business and music. That's it for this week's episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast. Tune in next week! Drumtacs Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter Subscribe to the Newsletter for early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter Click here to get a free subscription to Audible with our exclusive Drummers I Like Link

 Daily Fill #6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:11

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the team at Drummers I Like We couldn't do it without you boys! Thank you! The Daily Quote: Henry Ford: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.." You can pick up Henry Fords Bio " My Life and work" in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? Today we are recording another episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast with Doug Court! It's going to be a doozy. My snare from predator percussion is close to done, so is Mikes site. Nate came by yesterday and hooked me up with a new snare stand and I can't wait for the weekend! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Seamus Menihane episode #27! This multi-faceted hardcore groove master is a drum GURU and we had a hell of a chat! Not only can Seamus play like a beast, but he can teach too! I love his style and he is serious a lot of fun to watch! Here why in episode 20 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Seamus Menihane! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Seamus! 1. The Story of Seamus and his journey to musical greatness. 2. Growing up listening to his parent's records and the influence they played. 3. Understanding that he needed lessons to be where he wanted to be!! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): Misery Signals - Coma - A personal Fav! Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Daily Fill #5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:01

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to all you to all my female drummers out there! The drum world has been long regarded as the boys club. You're changing that stigma significantly and everyone at Drummers I Like loves it! The Daily Quote: Steven Covey: "Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships." You can pick up any of Steven's Books in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? Today we are recording episode 45 with the homie @Tim Buell! Tim is one of the sickest drummers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and also a genius. His ability to transcribe is something I would consider a super power and I can't wait to scoop spoonfuls from his noggin! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Josh Manuel episode 20! Have you heard of Josh? The ghost man himself can be heard behind the kit playing with his band Issues! It was a great show and honestly marked a turning point for our fan base! Thanks to Josh for spending that day with us! Here why in episode 20 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Josh Manuel! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Josh! * Parental Guidance Suggested: It takes a strong set of parents to put up with the beating of drums but that was no match for the Manuels! Josh gives us the full scoop on Mom and Dad's big influence. * I got you covered: Did a few youtube covers really play a part in Josh's joining of Issues? Find out more! * Sample this please: Josh breaks down the process behind the development of his personal drum samples! That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): Incubus - Pardon me - A CLASSIC FOR Y'ALL! Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter

 Daily Fill #4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:34

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to all you Drum Techs out there!  You are the backbone of the ... backbone.. but for real. You guys make the kit sound great, give the drummer the confidence he or she needs and we love you so much!! The Daily Quote: Hal Elrod: “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body and prayer is to the soul. We become the books we read.” You can pick up any of Hal's Books in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here What's going on today? We are bringing on a new SPONSOR to the program and I can't wait to announce this week! I had a great talk with the owner and he is one of the most humbled and respected drummers in the industry. I am truely honored to watch this baby of mine grow into a full-fledged walking talking Podcast. PODCAST OF THE DAY! TITO FELIX EPISODE 28! Have you heard his band Upon a burning body? His flow is like butter and his chops are comparable to your town's top Hibachi Chef.. Here why in episode 21 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Tito Felix! Just Click here! A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Tito! * From Brazil to America: Tito takes us on his Journey across the country. * Thank's Youtube: Get the scoop on how a strong and disciplined work regime along with a detailed YT channel played a big role in his success * The rig, the whole rig, and nothing but the rig: Tito gets into the juicy deetz of his setup. That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode! - Richard Daily Music (heard in intro/outro): DISPERSE - Profane the Ground Subscribe to the Newsletter for Daily Fill updates, early access to content, contests, and offers! Drummers I Like Links website Instagram Facebook Twitter


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