Mindfulness Mode show

Mindfulness Mode

Summary: Increase your calm, focus and happiness through mindfulness & meditation. Learn from entrepreneurs like Nate Hockstra, Pat Flynn, Michael Pullman so you can be more relaxed, earn more money and be happy & contented. Interviews, tips and strategies to live in the moment and & be more centered. For entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, CEOs, teachers & parents. Hosted by Bruce Langford.

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  • Artist: Bruce Langford
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 137 Play to Win With A Mindful Letter To Self, Suggests Inner Changemaker, Jay Wong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:11

Jay Wong is a Podcaster, brand strategist and trainer. His Podcast, The Inner Changemaker, is his platform to share his knowledge and interview such guests as Bob Proctor, Nathan Chan and Tucker Max, to name a few. He loves to help others get their inner message out to the world in their own unique way. Not only is Jay a super high energy guy, but he thoroughly understands the concept of mindfulness and truly rocks at living in the moment.Contact InfoYoutube: JayWongTVWebsite: TheInnerChangeMaker.com Podcast: The Inner ChangemakerMost Influential PersonJuVon LangfordEffect on EmotionsIt has allowed me to get in tune, get in touch, with my emotions and you start realizing what you are reacting to. You are able to almost observe how you are feeling. If you get really in tune with it, you get this focus and you are allowed to see what triggers something in you. For me, it gives me that space of asking, " Why does this trigger something inside me?". It's just a good indication for me to actually find the root of a lot of these issues, but I would say, you get more in touchwith all the different emotions, good and bad, on the scale.Thoughts on BreathingBreathing is everything. Breathing is one of those tactics that people think is nothing when they say it, even though it's something so vital, obviously, for all of us. When things are going crazy, when you are being overwhelmed and you don't know what to do, the thing is, you do know what to do! You just can't get there. So the way to get there is just by stopping everything. Just pausing, and by breathing. When you are done doing you first breath, to do your second breath. That's almost like how you can build momentum in a sticky situation, by breathing. I think it has a lot of tremendous impacts from meditation to mindfulness.Suggested ResourcesBook: The Intention Experiment by Lynn MctaggartApp: Winstreak

 136 Don't Let The Demons In and You'll Do Really Well Says Five Minute Bark Host Dennis Langlais | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:32

Dennis Langlais is an inspiration to thousands. Since he was five years old he wanted to build teams, be a speaker and motivate people. At the age of 16 he became a professional Free Style BMX Bike Rider, travelling the world to compete. In 1991 he started his first business called Perfection on Wheels, successfully presenting over 7000 live shows. He is now well known as host of The Five Minute Bark Podcast where he continues to inspire listeners across the world.Contact InfoWebsite: codiedog.com Youtube: Five Minute BarkTwitter: @DennisLanglaisFacebook: Dennis LanglaisMost Influential PersonTony RobbinsEffect on EmotionsIt's a good way to recheck where you're at because, we live in this massive world and when we get in a situation where we're down and out or not focused, we then put ourselves in a small little box, right now I'm visualizing it as this 8 by 8 square box that we stick ourselves in, and we forget that the whole world is out there.Thoughts on BreathingBreathing is just... you're tensed up, I don't know if people know about, cancer happens and disease happens more from tenseness, stress. It's a drug you should be taking every day. You should breath as much as you can, you hear a lot about it these days, drinking water and breathing. I remind myself because I have friends who are stressed out to no end about their businesses and themselves and I see them not breathing and I see them not focusing on breath and it reminds me to do it.Suggested ResourcesBook: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace WattlesApp: The Cody Dog Inspirational Tools for Success PlatformAdvice for Newbie You've got a thousand things you've got to get done, you've got to take one little thing and get it done one little thing, and get it done. Just chip away one little piece at a time because if you keep looking at the big picture, you're just never going to get anything done. It's something I always struggle with. I have to reconnect myself to get one little thing done, today I'm just going to get these three automated emails done. Today I'm just going to get these podcasts done. So you got to chip away at these things in little pieces. You're going to get distracted constantly about the big picture, but the big picture is much more important.Free BonusDownload your five free guided meditations by Bruce Langford called Fine Tune Your Focus. Watch and listen, or close your eyes to listen. Enter your name and email. Click here: www.MindfulnessMode.com/focus

 135 A Real Estate Sale & Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:59

You’re listening to Mindfulness Weekends with Bruce Langford. Today I’m talking about confidence. I think confidence is like a tide going in and out, in and out. This is how I used to feel anyway. Some days pumped up, ready to go, feeling like the world was mine, other days, a lot more on the opposite side. More like, a little discouragement creeping in, a little frustration. You get the picture. As human beings, that voice in our head can do surprising things to our emotions. In the last few years, I realize that more and more, and now I’m ready for it. I’m in charge. As I sat down just now, I had a confidence flash. What I mean is, I thought of the word confidence and a precise moment in time popped into my head. It was a few years ago. I was in real estate. Not much was selling because the interest rates at the time were high. I can tell you; I went through some discouraging days in that profession. But I stuck with it, for awhile anyway and I did my thing. One day a woman called the office, and it was my turn to the take the call. She was calling about a specific home. She’d noticed the ‘for sale’ sign went on the lawn, so she phoned in right away. I chatted with her and made an appointment to show the house on the following Saturday. After the call, I did my research. I set up a time to show her the home, which was modest side split in a pleasant area of town, not far from the west end subdivision of Westmount, which was a highly desired area at the time. I also found two other homes to show her, which in my opinion were quite comparable. The day came, and I realized I had some nervous excitement happening. I wasn’t familiar with the term mindfulness back, then, I don’t even know if it was used much, but I did know I wanted to be calm and collected when I showed the properties. I remember sitting in my car when I arrived at the office and deciding to take five minutes or so to close my eyes, take some quiet breaths and think about good things. Thinking back, I likely visualized this woman, buying the house, but after this number of years, I’m not totally sure whether I was into visualizing or not. I know I listened to a lot of sales training talks on cassette tapes, and I learned a lot of strategies that I didn’t know till later, would be considered mindfulness. Anyway, I showed the lady the houses, and the one she had originally called me about was the third one. She was a quiet woman, with brown hair, kind of softly flowing around her face. She explained to me that she had inherited some money and had decided she loved this area, and it was in her price range. She had seen a number of houses with an agent in another company, but, she told me, she really didn’t feel comfortable with that particular agent. She walked around the home, casually looking around in the various rooms. She said, I just like to get the feel of the place. She’d go to the center of a room, give herself a little shake, close her eyes and smile a bit. It was like she was absorbing the vibes of the house. She told me, “This feels right. I want to buy it. Can you fill out the papers for me?” We talked about an offer price and right then and there, I completed the paperwork; she signed, and off she went with a big smile on her face. “I’m so happy she said.” And you’re just the right kind of real estate agent for me. Not too pushy. You get me,” she explained. I had no idea a sale could be this easy. I felt an immediate rush of confidence, joy, and satisfaction. She drove away, I gathered up my papers and picked up my briefcase. I was so ecstatic; I felt light on my feet as I walked down the driveway. Seeing that no cars were coming, I started to run across the street to my car. Right now I can taste that exact moment in my mind. Suddenly, I was jolted into reality. My briefcase went flying and landed on the pavement. I was still holding the handle; it had broken off the case, and I was standing there feeling a little sheepish, a little embarrassed. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching and I didn’t see anybody. I scooped up the case and held it tight under my arms as I continued to walk to my car. I was so glad it hadn’t burst open. Somehow I immediately thought this was a lesson to me. I had been feeling maybe a little too confident, or too proud, and it was like I was being given a lesson when that case came flying through the air, me standing there holding the handle in surprise. I didn’t think of it in terms of, ‘the universe’ sending me a lesson at that time, I just remember thinking, somehow this was a lesson. “Bruce, you need to act more like a professional, more like how a real estate agent is supposed to act. Imagine what someone would have thought if they had seen you, a real estate agent, just having sold a house, acting like a kid, gleefully running across the street? Totally unacceptable.” Now I know this was my inner voice scolding me. I was certainly well aware of the message I was getting from that inner voice, or I wouldn’t be sitting her right now, remembering this event in such detail. I mean there are some details I don’t remember very well, but so much of its crystal clear. Maybe I was mindful back then. Maybe my mindset was in the right place, and I simply allowed this whole event to happen, without stressing about it, without worrying what might happen if she didn’t buy the house. Hard to believe this was twenty-nine years ago. Anyway, Mindful Tribe, I hope you can take this little event of mine, and use it to help yourself, as I say, reach new heights of calm, focus, and happiness. Stay in the mode. Send me an email, bruce@mindfulnessmode.com and tell me an activity you did in the past which made you a more mindful person. Bye now.Quotes:Confidence is like a tide going in and out. - Bruce LangfordBooks: Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-ZinnThank You Bonus: Would you like to help your children become more mindful? This book contains simple exercises related to the senses. Fun for you, fun for your children. Download the book for free right here: 21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce Langford

 134 Lose Massive Weight By Listening To Your Body Mindfully Suggests Cassie Crossley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:33

Cassie Crossley is a Paleo Diet success story! She has lost over 130 pounds (59 kg) after adopting the Paleo Lifestyle. Cassie is a technology executive in an international company which keeps her traveling 75% of the time around the world. Paleo has not only given her tremendous weight loss but also incredible improvements in all her health markers.Contact InfoCompany:Website:ilovemyjobpodcast.comBlog:Podcast:email: cassie@cassiecrossley.comMost Influential PersonMy husbandEffect on EmotionsI think I've mentioned it quite a bit, but the anger is gone. I still get angry, I mean, everybody get angry, but I used to... I'm sure my blood pressure would go through the roof. It was like the coyote off of the road runner series. I would be just a burst of frustration and stuff. And now, I think of it more of a gradual increase or a frustration. It's a big difference.Thoughts on BreathingThat's actually how I focus on my meditation. I focus on the breathing in and the breathing out. If I stray off, which happens every few seconds, I refocus on the breathing so it is important and I'd listen to that breath so I don't always use ocean sounds as I'm meditating but I do always focus on the breathing.Suggested ResourcesBook: The Primal Blueprint by Mark SissonApp: Brain WaveAdvice for Newbie I would like those people to not worry about being perfect at it. Even if you can just do two minutes a day and just start and increase it, and that's what I did. I started very short on the meditation but it was pretty easy for me to come up to a longer time. I could go longer than eight minutes but I usually find that that is the point where I can continue to focus and I don't want to go and do something else. The other thing that I would recommend is they not only focus on meditation. It's not only that time, It's how they're treating their whole life.

 133 Connect With What Is Bigger Than Ourselves Suggests Conscious Millionaire Author JV Crum III | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:00

J V Crum III helps established entrepreneurs create a Big Impact and Big Profits by growing businesses that make a difference in the world. He is a speaker, coach, Huffington Post Columnist, and #1 best-selling author of “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference.” J V hosts the top-ranked “Conscious Millionaire Show Podcast.” He is the Founder CEO of ConsciousMillionaire.com, global coaching and entrepreneur training business. J V holds an MBA, JD, Masters in Psychology, and has built and sold successful companies, and is featured in the upcoming movie, RiseUP.Contact InfoWebsite: ConsciousMillionaire.com Podcast: Conscious MillionaireMost Influential PersonCarol YencarEffect on EmotionsMuch more equanimous from meditation, from focusing on being conscious and mindful, I react so much less and reflect much more and I'm also much more frequently in a state of just acceptance of who I am and the moment that I'm in which makes for a much smoother ride through life.Thoughts on Breathing It's very much part of my mindfulness practice because the meditation I do is Vipassana meditation. I've lived at a Buddhist monastery for seven weeks at a closed retreat and focused just on learning to meditate. There were days where we just did 12 hours of meditation in silence. People would go, Oh, that's horrible, you definitely encounter yourself but I loved it and the whole meditation that I do is focusing on the breath and realizing that's the real life force. The difference between a human that's alive and a human that's dead is whether they're breathing.Suggested ResourcesBook: Practicing Peace by Pema ChodronBook: The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat HanhApp: No AppAdvice for Newbie Well, I'm going to recommend another book. Thich Nhat Hanh, I love Thich Nhat Hanh and there is a book, it's fifty seven pages long, it's red, I think I have it memorized. I've read it so many times and given it to so many people, and it's his explanation of the Heart Sutra. The Heart Sutra's about a page and a half long, but he really explains in such a beautiful way about how everything is interconnected and to me, that's the heart of mindfulness. It is realizing that who we are and everything around us is all interconnected and that we are on this journey together.

 132 Hay And Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:38

This week’s weather has been hot and sticky, just the kind of weather you’d expect in a dripping wet rain forest with the heat turned up. This hot weather has me thinking about the farm work we did in the summers. Going back to when I was twelve, at home on the farm. Any day that looked warm and sunny was usually a hay day. My dad would say, ‘sure hope the hay won’t be too green to bale’. That meant he hoped the hay would be dry enough. Once it was cut, it needed to dry in the hot sun for a day or two. Then he’d put it into windrows. The wind rower would pull behind the tractor and would grab the hay and spin it into a nice even, fluffy pile of hay in the form of a long row, like a never ending fluffy snake. A day or two later, when the hay ‘wasn’t too green’ 3 or 4 of us would go out with the baler and hay wagon and bale the hay. The 3 or 4 would be me, my dad, my brother Max, and maybe one of my other brothers too. The smell of the hay is still as clear in my nostrils as it was then. Something dry and crispy about the smell, like wafts of weedy dryness with the sweet mixture of clover and alphalpha. I would usually be pegged to drive the tractor. This was a job I did not enjoy because it forced me to stare at the row of hay and keep the front right wheel of the tractor exactly to the left of the row of hay as I drove. Even straying one way by a few inches would mean the baler would miss a little bit of hay, and there’d be a yell from the hay wagon. That would be my dad’s voice, booming over the roar of the tractor and the clanging, repetitive sound of the baler, repeatedly banging out 50 pound rectangular bales of hay. Now that I think back, I realize I had to be totally mindful, forcing myself to keep my brain on one thing for an extended period of time. Ummmm. Maybe that’s why I’m good at meditating today. Once I got into the swing of driving the tractor, I usually didn’t mind it so much. After all, as long as I kept the wheel of the tractor exactly where it was supposed to be, I was free. I was free to think of anything else I wanted. I could sing a song in my head. I could imagine where I’d be in ten years from now. I could think about the book I read last night, under the covers with a flashlight till 2:33 in the morning. I was free. Wow, what a feeling. Woops, keep that wheel in the right place. Oh, there goes a field mouse, frantically racing out from under the windrow. Looking back at the wagon, I’d make sure Max and my dad were keeping up with the bales, repeatedly spitting out of the baler, onto the hay wagon. Looking ahead at the field, I’d realize I’d better get ready for the end of the row. That was the most stressful part. I was supposed to know where to go. Right, left. Which new row to choose? I wanted to do it right. I didn’t want to get yelled at; that’s for sure. I was supposed to still gather as much hay as I could in the headlands and then turn down the row my dad wanted me to. I’d stare at him; try to read his body language. Maybe he’ll give me a clue, I thought, so I don’t feel stupid. Hmmmmm. How am I supposed to know, I’d wonder? Eventually, the hay wagon would be piled high, like a rectangular tower of solid bricks. My dad and brothers were always proud of how high they could build the load and still keep it solidly on the wagon. The wagon only had a rack on the back, the sides and front had no racks or supports, so the way the load was built, was what kept it together. One by one, every bale was put in its place, each one was important to holding it all in place. Focusing on that one thing was my lesson. I had to learn to ignore the hot sun, the ear-shattering clanging of the baler, the obnoxious, burning hot diesel fumes pouring out of the tractor, the sharp, angry yells from my dad. I was practicing mindfulness even then, even before I knew what the word meant. How do you practice mindfulness in your day? Send me an email, bruce@mindfulnessmode.com and tell me an activity you did in the past which made you a more mindful person. Till next time mindful tribe, use what we’ve learned today to reach new heights of calm, focus, and happiness. Stay in the mode.Quotes:Focusing on that one thing was my lesson. - Bruce LangfordBooks: The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan Thank You Bonus: Would you like to help your children become more mindful? This book contains simple exercises related to the senses. Fun for you, fun for your children. Download the book for free right here:21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce Langford

 131 Is Pokemon Go A Terrible Game? Hear The Answer From Gym Leader Falkner aka Dylan Mead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:01

Pokemon Go is a terrible game, according to some critics. Others say it has great features and can bring out the best in people. Does Pokemon Go have an aspect of mindfulness? Can it help us live in the moment and move our anxieties to the back burner? Recently, I attended a Gaming Event with my son called ConBravo which was billed as The Celebration Of Everything Geek. It was for gamers, movie, TV and Cosplay enthusiasts and others too. Dylan Mead was one of those passionate gamers and Cosplayers. In case you didn't know, Cosplay means dressing up like a character from a game, movie or even as a character you've created. Dylan loves Pokemon Go and was even dressed as a Gym Leader from the original world of Pokemon. Today I interview Dylan about the Mindfulness of Pokemon Go. We talk about how the game works, the general concept and challenges and what people like and don't like about it. When you stop to think about it, a game like Pokemon Go can be a positive mindful experience for people everywhere. Hope you enjoy the show.Contact InfoCompany: NintendoWebsite: Download Pokemon Go from the App Store on your device.Most Influential PersonPokemon Go has influenced many people. Some say it's in good ways, others would say the opposite. How has Pokemon Go affected your life?Effect on EmotionsHelps many people become more focused and grounded. If you are playing Pokemon Go with awareness of the moment and a sense of mindfulness, you will probably become more mindful of your emotions. Making good choices as to how to react to your emotions can help us feel more balanced and in control.Thoughts on BreathingPokemon Gyms and Gym Leaders are an important part of Pokemon. Do you think of deep, healthy breathing when you think of a gym or when you decide to go to the gym? Considering your breathing habits can be a positive way to improve your health.Suggested ResourcesBook: 21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce LangfordApp: Pokemon Go is available for download on IOS or Android.Advice for Newbie BE CAREFUL when you play Pokemon Go. Be mindful of your surroundings and be mindful of other people. Be safe and respectful while you play. Pokemon Go can be lots of fun and it can even help you live in the moment and enjoy time with family and friends. As in other aspects of life, remember to live mindfully and not be judgmental about others. Put yourself into the shoes of the other person and be a great role model.Thank You Bonus: Would you like to help your children become more mindful? Get this book for free right here:21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce Langford

 130 Ditch Your Emotional Obesity and Deal With Your Anger Says Laura Coe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:44

Laura Coe is an entrepreneur, author, and certified life coach working to help you find fulfillment one day at a time through daily emotional workout routines, emotional nutrition, and other tools and insights. She co-founded Litholink Corporation, a healthcare company serving over 350,000 patients per month nationally. When it sold to a Fortune 500 company, she left corporate America to pursue lifelong passions. Now she helps break down monumental life-changing philosophy and ancient wisdom in a way that everyone can apply to their own lives. Contact Info Website: LauraCoe.com / EmotionalObesity.comMost Influential Person Pema Chodron (Author of Start Where You Are and Don’t Bite The Hook)Effect on Emotions It’s been the most important piece because it allows me to have the awareness and then to recognize that to be human is to have emotions and to not judge those emotions. Just to allow them to have a life force of their own. I think the mindfulness practices, the ancient ideas that have been around for thousands of years, they really have figured this out.Thoughts on Breathing I teach pranayama to my coaching clients sometimes. We breathe at the top of our chest. When I learned from my yoga teacher that our lungs are actually around our whole rib cage, and in your back. Breathing is one of the most incredible experiences. To take a deep breath, all the way from the base of your belly, all the way through your chest, into your back. It can get rid of so much emotional stress, it’s amazing.Suggested Resources Book: Emotional Obesity: A Philosophical Guide to Lighten Your Life by Laura Coe Book: Start Where You Are by Pema ChodronApp: HeadspaceApp: 10%HappierAdvice for Newbie The most important thing I can say is, let go of these ideas that you find on the internet that you have to go to India on a mountaintop or check yourself into some kind of month long program. Just start with anything. There’s a new app out there called 10%Happier. Just start with something. Take 3 minutes to meditate. Just closing your eyes can be enough for you. My real advice is to just do anything, because anything is better than nothing. Thank You Bonus: As a thank you for listening, download your Calm Your Busy Mind Infographic. It focuses on breathing, exercise and mantras. Please leave your name and email you’ll receive your infographic in your inbox right away. Download It here.

 129 Voiceover Acting and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

Voice Acting and Mindfulness. I recently attended an event called ConBravo where gamers, movie and tv enthusiasts and others gathered together to learn, share and network. It was referred to as the Annual Festival of Everything Geek. There I met Mylez who is a voice actor, devoted to building his voice acting business to a new level. He was inspired by his friend, who voiced for Sonic The Hedgehog. Mylez went on to become a voice actor in his own right, having now been in the profession for seven years. I asked him the question, ‘as a voice actor, how do you use mindfulness to stay focused? He explained that he makes it a practice to focus on the task at hand, and nothing else at the given time. He does his homework, thinking of what he needs to do to prepare for playing the role. He says it is vital to do the homework and be totally prepared. He says he writes out what he needs to do to be that character. He writes out how he will endeavour to get into the character he’s playing. He referred to the Great Uta Hagen’s Nine Questions: Who am I? What time is it? Where am I? What surrounds me? What are the given circumstances? What are my relationships? What do I want? What is in my way? What do I do to get what I want? Utah Hagen has had a powerful influence on Twentieth Century actors. She is known for her role in Anton Chekov’s The Seagull in 1938. She also played the original Martha in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? After that she taught budding actors in New York City at the Berghof studio. She wrote two well-known books for actors, Respect for Acting and A Challenge for the Actor. She also taught such famous actors as Jack Lemmon, Matthew Broderick and Al Pacino. Mylez continued to say that he delves into all the questions an actor would ask himself before getting into character. Mylez is also an audio editor. He does production for demo reels for up and coming actors. Depending on what they need, he creates a script, has them voice the character and then mixes it together with music and sound effects to make it sound like it’s an actual scene from a movie. Actors can then use this sample reel to promote themselves to agents. Mylez ended by mentioning the great Latin quote, lamento mori explaining that it means you should celebrate life every day until it’s your last day on earth, so that you can have a great life and never have any regrets. Quotes:You should celebrate life every day until it’s your last day on earth, so that you can have a great life and never have any regrets.Books: Respect for Acting by Utah Hagen A Challenge for the Actor by Utah Hagen Thank You Bonus: Would you like to help your children become more mindful? This book contains simple exercises related to the senses. Children love them. Download the book for free right here: 21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce Langford

 128 The Healthy Way To Process Grief Is To Honestly Feel Your Emotions Explains Ramona Rice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:17

Ramona Rice is a Sports kinda girl. At least that’s how she is known and loved by thousands of her followers. It wasn’t always that way though. Sports was of minimal interest in her life until she met James. James was a big guy, and a big time sports fan,  and Ramona’s passion for James stoked a deep passion in Ramona for all things sports. Ramona even started her own Sports podcast called, The Sports Gal Pal. Then the unimaginable happened. With a young marriage and two high energy children referred to by Ramona as her Tiny Humans, James suddenly died of a stroke. This was only six months ago. Ramona’s strength, her support team, mindfulness abilities combined with her writing and online content creation skills, have given Ramona the words to share her journey of grief so you can learn from her experience.Contact InfoCompany: Podcast Websites (Ramona is the Community Manager there) www.PodcastWebsites.com Podcast: We Should Not Be Friends (www.weshouldnot.com)  Note: Rated R Not Suitable For ChildrenPodcast: SportsGalPal (www.SportsGalPal.com)Twitter: @SportsGalPalMost Influential PersonMy children. The way they handle their grief and their joy; their focus on today, they don't worry about today or yesterday.Effect on EmotionsMindfulness helps me see what are truly emotions versus what is really happening. It gives you a clear-cut filter of what you're feeling and what is happening.Thoughts on BreathingMy therapist and I work on this. When I go in, he forces me to do breathing exercises so I calm down. It does help just to take a quick before you react. Just take 10 seconds. Do some deep Lamaze breathing, deep yoga breathing, where you breathe into the belly. It's amazing how much stress that relieves.Suggested ResourcesBook: The Shack by William P. YoungBook: Why Bad Things Happen To Good People by Harold KushnerApp: Brainwave 32  (It plays pulsating waves which keep me focused)Advice for Newbie Start small, baby steps. Just pick one activity each day to be mindful for and a small amount of time. Whether you chose to follow a guided meditation or you chose to actively pray where you're actually focused on the prayer. Or you do devotional time, journalling. Even if it's something as simple as, I'm going to mindfully wash the dishes and not let my mind race off, but be clear in the present washing the dishes.

 127 Become A Champion By Mindfully Focusing On The Process With Business Coach Greg Faxon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:16

Greg Faxon is a coach who works with high-achieving entrepreneurs and converts them into champions. He believes these individuals are the multipliers of society. Greg has a background as an athlete, first a wrestler and then Obstacle Course Racing where mud and trail runs present mental and physical challenges. Greg is intent on changing how the world tackles poverty, so he’s making his own difference through a non-profit organization called Acumen. Greg’s goal is bold; he says: “By the end of my life, I want to have helped more people unleash their full potential than any other person in the world.Contact InfoWebsite: www. GregFaxon.com Most Influential PersonTara BrachEffect on EmotionsI think it's helped me with that roller coaster that we mentioned. It's helped me create less high highs and less low lows, and have them be not so dependent on outside circumstances. Have me be the agent of how those emotions play out. For example, in the past, I would get really excited if I got a new great client and really bummed out if someone said no, but now there's no attachment, emotionally, to that process. I'm good ether way emotionally. There's maybe things strategically that I can change or improve, but I think that's been one of the biggest ways, helping me have not such big fluctuations in them.Thoughts on BreathingI really do mindful meditation, so it's all focused on the breathing. I don't do mantra based stuff so I think it's all through breath. To me, breathing is huge, breathing is the center of everything.Suggested ResourcesBook: Radical Acceptance by Tara BrachBook: Don't Let the Fear Win by Greg FaxonApp: Insight TimerAdvice for Newbie I would say, to do the 60 second thing for a week. Set a really low bar for yourself. 60 seconds, focus on your breathing, count your breath. It's like with habit formation, people talk about it, if you want to form a new flossing habit, just floss your front teeth for a week. That's so easy, you have to do it.  Then eventually you feel, that's kind of silly, I need to floss more than that and so you've do it on your own when you have those quick wins. I would say commit to a week of 60 second breathing.

 126 Children and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford and Clem Harrod | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:03

Children and Mindfulness is our topic today. Clem Harrod and his son CJ have joined me because Clem is a mindful person and is mindful about making sure his relationship with his son is the best it can be. Clem was a previous guest on Mindfulness Mode on Episode 107 Connect With Family Through Mindfulness, Says Orlando Magic Cameraman, Clem Harrod. Clem teaches others how to stay connected with their children and other family members while traveling. Clem travels frequently for his work and has made it a priority to stay connected with CJ and with his wife. CJ explains how he and his father communicate when his dad is on the road and he also talks about the conversations they have.Quotes:The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. - unknownBooks: Book Sitting Still Like A Frog: Mindfulness Exercises For Kids (and Their Parents) by Eline Snel The Art of Mindfulness for Children: Mindfulness Exercises That Will Raise Happier, Confident, Compassionate, and Calmer Children by Alisa ReddyThank You Bonus: Would you like to help your children become more mindful? This book contains simple exercises related to the senses. Children love them. Download the book for free right here:21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce Langford

 125 Feel The Energy Channels Through Your Feet With Ayurveda Explains Dr. Michele Summers Colon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:17

Dr. Michele Summers Colon is a holistic podiatrist, practicing in southern California. She's been quoted in many well-known publications including USA Today, Bloomberg Business Week and US News. Dr. Michele has the ability to help women create balanced, healthy lives by looking at their overall health picture and applying her knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine. She's maintained a private medical practice for over two decades where she uses her knowledge of yoga, reiki, reflexology and accupressure. Dr. Michele believes that food is medicine and that yoga, ayurveda and meditation are the keys to perfect health.Contact InfoWebsite: drmichele.com Most Influential PersonDeepak ChopraEffect on EmotionsI'm a lot calmer now.Thoughts on BreathingBreathing is the first thing you learn, especially, when you're trying to meditate. It's actually its own form of meditation.Suggested ResourcesBook: Getting in the Gap by Dr. Wayne DyerApp: OmvanaAdvice for Newbie I think it's a great tool and something everyone should do. If they have trouble with it, start with the guided meditations or with breathing. just inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly three times can calm you down.

 124 Narcotic Addiction, Mindfulness and Intention Leads Mohamed Omar To 7 Simple Steps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

Mohamed Omar is a podcaster and teacher of the concept of intention. He shares the philosophy that we are here on earth to spread harmony in creative ways.  We are everybody and everything and every being and we are designed to be driven with passion to serve specific purposes that are in harmony with all life. Through his Simple 7 Steps of Intention, Mohamed will help you live consciously knowing who you are and what your life purpose is.Contact InfoWebsite: www.IntentionalBeings.comMost Influential PersonYogi RamacharakaEffect on EmotionsCalms it down and makes it more on the positive side and expands it. Anything that is beyond compulsive thinking will get you eventually into the creative thinking and insights and more expansion. More finding out of who I am.Thoughts on BreathingThere is a yoga technique which has been taught for thousands of years. Everybody reported the same, that when you do breathing exercises you basically become in a state that is superior than your mind. In other words you're able to calm the mind and control the mind in that state. It is called in yoga, pranayama. When I do breathing exercises before meditation, it becomes really good, even better than usual.Suggested ResourcesBook: Yogi Philosophy by Yogi RamacharakaBook: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart TolleApp: TwelveStepJournaling.com Advice for Newbie Mindfulness, [being in a] meditative state ... this does work in your decision making process, in your daily process. You are a lot more than you think you are when you calm your mind and live in a state of mindfulness.Bonus Get your Free guide to meditation, breathing and mantras. This pdf is available at www.mindfulnessmode.calm/calm [show-notes-newbie]

 123 Taste and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:00

Taste and Mindfulness is our topic today. Hot weather and ice-cream go hand in hand. Thinking about ice-cream takes me back to my childhood, growing up on the farm when we got an ice-cream freezer. This ice-cream making machine was great because we already had fresh milk, fresh cream and fresh eggs. My mom would make up the recipe and my dad would get ice to put in the machine with some salt, which would lower the temperature of the ice. My four brothers and I would be watching and waiting impatiently, crowded around the kitchen table watching this machine magically make homemade ice-cream. We could barely wait until it was time to stop the machine and look inside. Would it be ready? Or would we have to put the lid back on and let it churn a little longer? By the time the ice-cream was ready it felt like Christmas morning. We were all ready with bowls and spoons each one of us wanted to be the first to 'dig in'. Suddenly - BRAIN FREEZE!!! You had to be really careful or you would experience the powerful, painful sensation of brain freeze. The delicious flavour combined with the exciting ice-cream making experience, then coupled with brain freeze seemed to etch this experience into my mind forever. This was a mindful experience. Once that ice-cream hit my taste buds, I didn't think about anything else. Except for the brain freeze of course. Flavours can be a great way to experience mindfulness because we can slow down, think about the flavour experienced when the food first touches the tongue. Think about the sweetness, the creaminess and the richness. By focusing on all these sensations, you are being mindful. You are thinking of nothing else at that particular time. Taste is a powerful sensation and is linked to smell. Many times we enjoy the smell of the food before we experience the taste. Take your time. Savour the smells, savour the flavour. Savour the moment you first experience the flavour. This form of mindfulness will open you up to a deeper understanding of what mindfulness really is. You will then translate the mindfulness you experience with taste, over to the mindfulness you experience with the other senses. That is the reason I separated mindfulness experiences for children into the categories of see, hear, smell, taste and touch in the book mentioned below. The book includes specific mindfulness activities you can do with your children. After doing the included exercises, you'll think of your own to do. Making the decision to be truly mindful and focusing on taste when you eat is the first step to mindful eating. If you're anything like me, you'll begin to eat less and enjoy food more. Quotes:Mindfulness of the body is the awareness of the taste and smell of this moment. - Steve HagenTaste, smell and enjoy the present moment. - Bruce Langford Books: Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life by Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think by Brian Wansink Thank You Bonus: Would you like to help your children become more mindful? Most children are naturally mindful already but they need to hear from adults that it's OK to live in the moment.  You will experience laughs, serious moments and enjoy new-found connections as you interact with your child using the innovative, yet simple techniques found in this book. Download it for free right here: 21 Ways To Practice Mindfulness With Your Child Every Day For 7 Minutes by Bruce Langford


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