Mindfulness Mode show

Mindfulness Mode

Summary: Increase your calm, focus and happiness through mindfulness & meditation. Learn from entrepreneurs like Nate Hockstra, Pat Flynn, Michael Pullman so you can be more relaxed, earn more money and be happy & contented. Interviews, tips and strategies to live in the moment and & be more centered. For entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, CEOs, teachers & parents. Hosted by Bruce Langford.

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  • Artist: Bruce Langford
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 197 Overcome Obstacles With Focus and Belief Suggests Tim Laskis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:54

Tim Laskis is trained as a clinical psychologist and holds a PhD. Although successful as a psychology student, Tim pushed through many challenges and failures in his life, including almost flunking out of high school. He failed at almost every sport and was even demoted to sweeping floors inhis Dad’s family business. In spite of this track record, Tim pushed forward and became a successful business owner and entrepreneur, even moving to the point where he became a mental skills coach. Tim knows exactly how to manage his emotions and use mindfulness to be a high achiever while still being content in his life. Contact Info Website: www.TimLaskis.com Email: tim@timelaskis.com Podcast: The Tim Laskis Show Social Media - FB, Instagram, LinkedIn: TimLaskis Most Influential Person My dad. Effect on Emotions It's helped me to keep things in check. It's helped me to regulate my thoughts and my emotions because I'm a practitioner of cognitive behavioral therapy which is; your thoughts really control your emotions and your emotions control your behavior. Being able to utilize deep breathing and being able to relax yourself to help you analyze situations more clearly. When you see them more clearly you have less intense emotion and your reaction and behavior then is much better. When people aren't very mindful they have these negative thoughts that impact others, that impact how they feel and then their behaviors negatively impact others and themselves. Thoughts on Breathing Belly breathing is the go-to tool. It's where you take in that deep breath through your nose. You fill that lower diaphragm, you hold it, you exhale, you do that a couple of times, it helps to restart and erase everything that's going on and put you in a neutral state. [show-notes-breathing] Suggested Resources Book: None App: Schedule Once Bullying Story In high school I wasn't in the cool group. There were times that I might have been targeted. Kids might say something, but for the most part I got along with everyone. There were probably one or two people that I didn't. When bullies go after someone and they target their victim, a lot of times it's about the bully, it's not about the victim. The victims will often look at themselves and go, what's wrong with me. What's so bad about me that they pick on me? And they will often internalize it. In working with adolesents who have been bullied, to a really high level, they turn that anger inward. Many times they will get into cutting themselves and self-harm and these really deep down negative thoughts about themselves. That's the real danger with bullies is that mental impact that they make. Maybe they give you a wedgie or they put you in a head-lock or punch you or something. That kind of stuff, the bruises go away, but the mental scarring of that is what is the real dangerous part with bullies. It's to help victims understand that it's not about you as the victim, it's about them. And don't internalize that negativity about yourself. That's what often happens with victims.

 196 Be Mindful Of What You Want To Create Recommends Media Expert Esther Kiss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:13

Esther Kiss works in the field of marketing and publicity where she helps experts and personal brands get exposure. She uses elements of mindfulness to be a true connector of people. She is founder of a one-of-a-kind agency called Born To Influence and co-founder of Strategic Influence. Esther gets her clients on traditional TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, as well as online telesummits, podcasts, and large publications. Esther has interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk, Perry Marshall and many others for her own show; Born To Influence, The Marketing Show. Contact Info Website: www.borntoinfluence.com Free Media Positioning Checklist www.borntoinfluence.com/gift Podcast: Born To Influence: Helping Experts Build Their Platform Online Most Influential Person Keith Ferrazzi  (Author of Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time) Effect on Emotions It made me incredibly more conscious of being grateful for things and being more high vibe. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is part of the audio meditation that I use when I'm trying to calm down and go to sleep. Suggested Resources Book: The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz App: My Alarm Clock Advice for Newbie Think about how you want to feel and who you want to be and what you want to create in your life. Just focus on those goals and start making a list of up to a hundred of the things that you want to be and do and have. Brainstorm and then pick your top ten to fifteen priorities and see how you can be mindful around that. Focus on that every day and commit to actions that you'll do to actually accomplish those goals.

 195 How Mindset Will Improve Your Business With Donnie DeSanti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:16

Donnie Desanti is a health & wellness coach, teaching people to lose weight and regain their energy naturally so they never diet again ever. Before coaching, he battled ADHD and had some medication challenges before making changes in his diet and lifestyle. He has successfully been medication free for over 20 years. He also witnessed his mother go through a similar struggle, clearing her breast cancer through holistic methods. She is now cancer free and has been free of cancer for 19 years. It has become Donnie’s passion to help others renew their health and enjoy life to their fullest potential. Contact Info Website: www.DonnieDeSanti.com Facebook Group: LifeInBalanceTribe.com Most Influential Person Deepak Chopra Effect on Emotions It goes back to what I was saying about growing up. Things don't really stick so much. Life's struggles. Of course, I still have them; I'm human like everyone else. If you're working on that mindfulness, you control your emotions a little more, or you don't wear them on your sleeve so much. Some of life's struggles don't really stick to you so much. You really try to protect that inner peace as much as you can. I try to keep my emotions steady, but there are times when we have those ups and downs. For the most part, I think that being more mindful just helps a lot with the emotions. Thoughts on Breathing If we go from a health standpoint, we could talk about eating nutrient-rich food and drinking water and exercising but our breath is [so important] we can't survive without it. Some of us can only go a couple of seconds without it. It's something that I encourage my clients to and promote to get in touch without breathing and to breathe more and to breathe purposefully and to really concentrate on that. I try to get some kind of breath work in on a daily basis. Whether it be a meditation practice concentrating on the breath or a deep breathing practice. I think it's so essential because it is that kind of life force that many of us don't pay attention to, we take it for granted, but we get stressed out, we get angry, the first thing that starts to become restricted is our breathing. It's so important and I try to make a daily practice for myself. Suggested Resources Book: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer App: Headspace App: Smiling Mind Bullying Story In my own life growing up, I was kind of a worrisome kid. I had my share of getting picked on and getting bullied. There were times when kids picked on me and it would hurt. There'd be that one kid I struggled with in class. Looking back I think as I got more into mindfulness and meditation, certain things just don't stick to you as much when you have that kind of practice going where you are more mindful. I think that would have helped a lot. These kinds of fears and worries that I had of just calming down, getting that quietness. I think a lot of these things that I struggled with probably wouldn't have stuck as much. I would have brushed them off a little bit more.

 194 Love That Which Impedes Your Harmony Explains Nicholas Upchurch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:33

Nicholas Upchurch is a Digital Marketer. In fact, he has owned companies that have generated millions of dollars in sales in relatively short periods of time. He’s obviously successful at business, but it was something completely different that changed Nicholas’s life. That was when he visited the Sacred Valley of Peru. As a result, he has now dedicated his life to helping people find their true purpose and while doing it, succeed in business along the way. Contact Info Website: www.Believe.love Podcast: Believe Most Influential Person My Mother. My mother and I are very alike. These things that are deep inside of us. Sometimes we think they're really bad because our parents are doing ___(fill in the blank), and making us crazy. But actually, it's a great gift because maybe now I can see things from a different perspective. It will help me to love what I think I should hate about whatever happened growing up and things that our parents do that make us crazy. Effect on Emotions My emotions are becoming more harmonized. When I feel cycles, whatever the cycles are; some days are bad and some are good. Right now I could be more centered, but the world is what it is so I'm happy to be the way I am right now. Mindfulness is just a realization. It's awareness. My emotions are becoming more in harmony, the more that I'm loving and accepting and letting the energy flow through all those cycles and appreciating it versus feeling guilty and hating it. Thoughts on Breathing I could do this more. In Kundalini Yoga you do this for hours, and also in other practices too. You become a different person. For whatever reason, I didn't do that today. That's okay. If people don't do it every day, they do what they can. Probably we could say they should, but breathing can really be a life-changing thing. Suggested Resources Book: The Power by Rhonda Byrne App: Gaia.com (They have an app and also original programming ) Bullying Story I would say I bullied myself. I would say even on this interview and I would emphasize to people out there, I've been very peaceful, I've helped a lot of people. I've had really tough times that I've put myself through. We can resist. I have healed people remotely. That works. Raiki remotely, and moved bones. People that were very skeptical. When you're most mindful and things are opening up to you and there are some very amazing things that are possible. On the flip side, that strong (whether it's a masculine energy) that we can see as evil. It's just the strong potential. Think about if that energy was going in the right direction. That energy can be so strong, and as we start to harmonize, it can shift and we can bully ourselves and resist, because we think we're going to fail.

 193 Create a Life Around Who You Truly Are Says Computer Zen Guy, Calvin Correli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:55

Calvin Correli is a software engineer, a creator, a meditator, a musician, an online entrepreneur and an all round mindful guy. He was born and raised in Denmark and currently lives in New York City.  Calvin has created a million dollar software company called Simplero which is an all-in-one solution forselling courses and knowledge online. Calvin once created a product called Computer Zen which helped people use computers while using a Zen mindset. Calvin is a meditator and feels that’s a great way to spend quality time with your inner child. Contact Info Website: www.CalvinCorreli.com Most Influential Person Gay Hendricks Effect on Emotions Radically. I was completely cut off from my emotions for the majority of my life and so starting to get all that untangled. In the beginning of that process it seemed like everything was like a yawn of this untangled stuff. I couldn't tell things apart but now I see my emotions, which is great. I love my emotions. I want them. Thoughts on Breathing I do Gay's [Gay Hendricks] 'Yes Breath' every morning as part of my routine. I work a lot with my breath, trying to get different breathing techniques down. Suggested Resources Book: There is Nothing Wrong With You by Sherri Harper Book: F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way by John Parkins App: No Apps - Calvin suggests to delete FB from your phone. Mindfulness Meets Bullying As a child, I was bullied quite a bit. I think people quickly figured out I was a pretty easy victim. Throughout the whole thing, mindfulness pretty much from anyone or anywhere, mindfulness in me and really seeing what was going on [would have made a difference]. It personally wasn't about me. Mindfulness in any of the teachers who were actually present to what was going on. Mindfulness in my parents. Anyone of those places would have made a big difference. What tended to happen was that, if they say something, people would be like, 'oh we've gotta do something' and then there would be parental intervention that was just not helpful at all, it just makes it worse. Being with me and how I was feeling, them and how they were feeling, Any of those things would have made a huge difference. There were some kids in the class just above me, for some reason they thought I was the funniest thing in the world to go after. Anytime they saw me around school they would hit me. They would just be looking out for me [to hit me]. During wintertime, I would never make it outside when there was snow because the minute they saw me, there would just be snow all over. Advice for Newbie Pay attention to yourself more than anything. Listen to other people and get inspired. Trust your own sense of what resonates with you because we're all alike in many ways but we're all different and what's gonna work for you is not necessarily what's gonna work for somebody else. Allow yourself to be selective, allow yourself to see what you resonate with and pick that. Do expose yourself to a bunch of stuff. That's helpful.

 192 Mindfulness Wisdom With Blockgeeks Co-Founder, Ameer Rosic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:15

Ameer Rosic is an entrepreneur through and through. He's created and sold businesses. He's a connector, a practical systems guy and he calls himself a 'wild dog'. He's intense, determined and focused on what matters in his world. Part of what matters is being fully in the game which he achieves in part with his own brand of mindfulness. Contact Info Company: www.blockgeeks.com Website: www.AmeerRosic.com Most Influential Person Joseph Campbell (Author) Effect on Emotions It made me more aware and conscious of what emotions I have. Thoughts on Breathing I would say this is the best thing I've added in my life in the last six months. It gives you clarity. It's not like, this is going to happen next week. It's like after ten minutes, I'm humming. It gives you clarity of mind. It gives you this energetic hum on your body. You feel euphoric. You literally feel like a million bucks. The great thing about this breathing is that you can't concentrate on anything else. It's so heavy, you have to be concentrating on the breathing because it's hyper ventilation. Hand's down I would call breathing a technology like meditation is. Breathing is a technology. In a nutshell, it's like this: you have thirty rounds of this. You would inhale as much as you can. Then exhale fast. Do that thirty times and on the thirtieth round, the last inhale you have, you exhale and you hold as long as you can. You have a stop watch. So you have no oxygen, you have no breath in you. If you can't hold it any longer, you time that and take one big breath and then you hold that too. There are two holds back to back. Then you let go. Then do the whole process again. Do the whole process between three to five rounds. That takes about ten minutes. I learned this from Wim Hoff, it's the Wim Hoff Breathing Method. Suggested Resources Book: The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell (Audio Book) Book: The Hero With A Thousand Faces - The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell App: Usually none. But on occasion Headspace or Heart Rate Monitoring Apps Bullying Story I was bullied as a child. My parents were imigrants. Culturally we're different. I grew up in Toronto, but my parents were from Yuguslavia. Back then it was communist Yuguslavia; very different then. I was bullied, not too much in elementary school, but I was more bullied at the end of grade 8; the last year of elementary school. Then in grade 9, I was bullied at the beginning and something switched in me and I snapped one day and I beat up my bully. Then I realized that's power. That was kind of like the stepping stone for me.

 191 Guilt and Shame Can Be Countered by Mindfulness Says Aaron Hunnel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:21

Aaron Hunnel is an ultra endurance athlete and health enthusiast. He holds a Certified Wellness Practitioner designation from the National Wellness Institute and he shares his vast knowledge of health and fitness by speaking and writing. Aaron helps others reach their full potential by tapping into his experience as a United States Military veteran and athlete. He emphasizes three P’s In his teachings: Positivity, Passion & Purpose. Aaron has published a book called: Upwards: Maximize Life With Positivity, Passion & Purpose. Contact Info Website: www.AaronHunnel.com Facebook: Aaron Hunnel Author Instagram: @AaronHunnel email: PressPlay@AaronHunnel.com Most Influential Person Eckhart Tolle (Author of The Power of Now) Effect On Emotions Mindfulness puts me in a positive emotional state. I love positive emotional states because when I feel positive and I feel more energized I am more likely to do the things that are important to me and that I find valuable. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing, especially while running is so important for my mindset and my mindfulness practice. I recall specifically when I was doing the hundred mile run and how challenging it was the last six miles. So for the last six miles I developed a rhythmic breathing pattern that allowed me to focus on being present and worrying about having to do the last six miles, which was just really, really challenging. So I just focused on my breathing and I'll tell you what, Bruce, it made me just appreciate everything I was just then and there and I wasn't worried about the future. I was so fixed on the present moment that the last six miles just flew by and they weren't as tough as I thought it would be. Suggested Resources Book: The Half-Empty Heart by Alan Downs Book: Upwards: Maximize Life With Positivity, Passion and Purpose by Aaron Hunnel. App: Bullying Story I'm in the military and I recall a situation when I was first going to basic training. Basic training is the boot camp for the army. I remember getting off the bus and I had this really light blue suitcase with all of my stuff in it. As soon as I got off this bus, all of these drill sergeants, which are the ones that are in charge, just started attacking me. I remember specifically [them saying] ... "what do you think, are you going to Disney World? Hey Drill Sergeant, this private thinks he's going to Disney World." So they were ridiculing me and you know that's their job. That's what they're there to do. They try to break you. I was like, oh my gosh, what is going on? Fear started to creep in and I started to think about the nine weeks that I had to spend there. I was thinking about the future, which isn't the present moment, which isn't mindful. I just kept walking and I kept walking and I finally got to the point where I was like, I just have to internally smile and just say, it's going to be okay. So I did. I realized they're here to do this; this is their job. I have to be present right now and understand that they're just trying to make fun of me because I've got this suitcase here and I'm not actually going to Disney World. But I get to be in control of my emotions. Sometimes I think bullying is somebody who wants to exercise control or power over somebody else. And I think mindfulness is finding a way to exercise control or power within yourself. And that's what I did right then and there. Because I found a way to exercise power and control within my own thinking and I overcame it. It ended up being a really cool experience. I loved basic training. It was a challenging experience and I had so much fun with it.

 190 How To Live Through Death and Heaven With Mindfulness Explains Cherie Aimee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:12

Cherie Aimee has the vision to run mastermind retreats around the world, and she mentors emerging leaders who want to create massive impact. She has personally been through major health crisis including a near death experience where her heart flat-lined for 90 minutes. A team of 100 doctors and surgeons at the cost of three million dollars helped bring her back to the healthy, vibrant life she now enjoys. Her story has been shared extensively, including being featured on the History Channel. Contact Info Website: www.CherieAmee.com Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/livebigbehappy Most Influential Person My meditation teacher. [show-notes-influence] Effect on Emotions Mindfulness has allowed me to stabilize my emotions, to manage them more effectively and to handle stress. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is a huge part of my mindfulness practice. I always utilize deep breathing, it allows me to go deeper into that meditation practice. I highly recommend it. [show-notes-breathing] Suggested Resources Book: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle App: Carolyn Myss www.myss.com Bullying Story I definitely can think of two instances, both growing up; one was a best friend of mine. [It was] one of those things where I accepted a behavior for way too long; extreme bullying. This person was a class bully. It's crazy to think back to some of the things this person got away with. Mindfulness absolutely would have helped. I always felt, when I got bullied, that I had done something and to be honest and fair, when I would go to the guidance counsellor at the time, they would pull us both in and the bully would go through this whole [thing]; they would start crying and make it about them. It would be made to look like maybe I was misinterpreting. In schools I think they're still struggling with how to handle this. Back then they would just say, go make up. The guidance counsellor would say, what did you do to invoke that? If I was more aware of who I was and my own self worth and my own powerful beauty as a soul, I wouldn't have allowed that kind of behavior. I would not have continued to allow somebody like that to even be considered a friend.

 189 Surrender To Fear To Reach Peace Says Relationship Expert Erik Newton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:14

Erik Newton is a relationship guy. He formerly worked as a family law attorney & helped thousands of couples get divorced. As a result, Erik understands the nuts & bolts of relationships and their full life cycle from beginning to end. His expertise in relationships led him to team up with a psychologist friend to lead premarital courses for couples, offering them real-life skills so they wouldn’t need a divorce attorney. Erik’s passion for helping couples get mindfully connected and ultimately build healthier relationships caused him to transition from law to working full-time creating a place where couples can go for information, inspiration and real truth. That place is an extensive on-line resource called TOGETHER, found on the web at www.Together.Guide. Contact Info Website: www.Together.guide Podcast: Together - The Podcast Most Influential Person My mom. Effect on Emotions My emotions are less terrifying. My emotions now happen and pass through and I can enjoy them fully for what they are; the good and the bad. I'm less attached to avoiding them. I'm less attached to seeking the good and avoiding the bad. I allow both much more frequently. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is a great way to occupy mind. I find that focus on breath allows mind to have something to do so that being can be. It's when minds chitter chatter is quieted for a moment; is occupied by immediate experience that being can unfold for me. Often times I'll use breath to calm and quiet my mind; to allow the universe to settle. Suggested Resources Book: Your Brain on Sex: How Smarter Sex Can Change Your Life by Stan Siegel App: None Bullying Story I'll make a distinction between what I believe is true and my identity's experience of my past. My identity has it that when I was a kid I was a nerd and I was bullied. My identity has it that I was often betrayed by people who were close to me and when I was younger it was how they became cool kids; by beating up on the dork. And when I was older, for some reason I think it was a pattern I was creating. It all fit into this rubrik; this view of how the world worked and how I fit into the world that ultimately I would be betrayed by the people who were close to me and that was a bullying mechanism when I was a kid. The truth is I don't think that's the case anymore. There were experiences and I interpreted them through a particular lense because I have a mind and my mind is limited. The truth is something much greater. My experience through a lot of my life was resisting bullying.

 188 Be Happy, Healthy and Whole With Dr. Phillip Carson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:25

Dr. Phillip Carson wants you to live a more balanced, healthy and vibrant life. He has over thirty years experience in traditional and natural medicines and daily mindfulness is a philosophy he lives by. Dr. Phil is a pharmacist and also host and creator of The Feeling Good Podcast where he answers health questions and discusses the latest in health and wellness. Last March, Dr. Phil partnered with a colleague and opened the Life Transformation Medical Center in his local community in Mississippi. Contact Info Website: www.CarsonNatural.com Blog: Free Guides www.CarsonNatural.com/MindfulnessMode "The 7 Keys To Living Happy, Healthy and Whole" and "The 7 Keys To Stress Relief" Podcast: The Feeling Good Podcast Most Influential Person My grandmother. I lived with her a lot when I was growing up. She taught me to pray, to read, and she read the Bible to me all the time. She taught me to relax and we spent time putting puzzles together. She was a great influence. Effect on Emotions Mindfulness has affected my emotions in a very positive way; like I was talking about with my prayer walks. It was part of my daily routine of meditation. It calms me and helps me start my day off right. It's very important to me; it has helped me tremendously. Thoughts on Breathing The deep breathing that I do is so relaxing. One of the things that I do, (and I tell other people to do this as well), is when I feel stress or I feel like things are crashing in on me, I'll stand up and I'll take some deep breaths. I Inhale and exhale slowly, and as I'm exhaling, I say I'm blowing the stress away. That's been a tremendous help to me. Suggested Resources Book: Fully Alive: A Journey That Will Change Your Life by Ken Davis App: Evernote Advice for Newbie My oldest son was in a situation when he was in high school. The way we raise him, the way we raised all our children, to be mindful of other people's feelings and to be a person that stands up for somebody that's being bullied or being made fun of or put down and not to ever take part in that but to be a friend to those people. He was in a situation where that was happening to a young guy in the classroom one day. He stood up for that guy and actually got physically attacked for standing up for him.We've taught our kids to be mindful of those kind of things. because that's something that really touches me and hurts me when I see somebody being mistreated that way. So they're very mindful of that and I'm grateful for that.

 187 Bring Purpose Into Your Life To Decrease Pain Says Dr. Joe Tatta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:27

Dr. Joe Tatta is a doctor of physical therapy, board certified nutrition specialist and functional medicine practitioner who specializes in treating persistent pain and lifestyle-related musculoskeletal, metabolic and autoimmune health issues. His mission is to create a new paradigm around treating persistent pain and reverse our global pain epidemic. He is the creator of the Healing Pain Online Summit and The Healing Pain Podcast and is also the author of a highly acclaimed book called Heal Your Pain Now. Contact Info Company: www.HealYourPainNow.com/mindfulness (Free Gift About Busting The Myths Around Chronic Pain) Website: www.Dr.JoeTatta.com Podcast: The Healing Pain Podcast Facebook: Dr Joe Tatta Most Influential Person Dr. Peter Levine PhD Effect on Emotions Mindfulness has affected my emotions by allowing me to have certain emotions, things like fear, frustration or anger, but not letting them overwhelm my entire day or my entire physical or emotional experience. Thoughts on Breathing I practice something called Four By Four breathing. That's inhaling for four seconds, holding it for four seconds and then exhaling for four seconds. We know that brings healthy oxygen to our system, it helps release tense muscles, it helps regulate high cortisol levels and it even helps regulate high blood sugar levels. Suggested Resources Book: The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton Book: Heal Your Pain Now: The Revolutionary Program to Reset Your Brain and Body For A Pain-Free Life  by Dr. Joe Tatta App: Universal Breathing (Called The Pranayama Free App)

 186 Time Hacking and Mindfulness With Writer Benjamin Hardy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:52

Benjamin Hardy and his wife, Lauren, are the foster parents of 3 epic kids. Benjamin Hardy is a writer and adviser for startups. He is pursuing his PhD in I/O Psychology at Clemson University. I/O Psychology is short for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. His research examines the psychological differences between entrepreneurs and wannabe entrepreneurs. Benjamin is passionate about mindfulness, how we perceive the passage of time and he is also a productivity expert. His book, Slipstream Time Hacking, explains how to fully live in the present, slow your time down and get where you want to go faster. His writing has been featured at Fortune, Fast Company, Inc., Success, Psychology Today, Huffington Post, Business Insider, New York Observer, Thought Catalog, and others. Contact Info Website: www.BenjaminHardy.com Website: Read his work at www.medium.com Most Influential Person Ellen Langer (Author) Effect on Emotions I think mindfulness is a way to emotionally regulate; in other words its a way to be aware of your own emotions so that then you can decide what to do with them.  Another way ... if you've read Michael Singer's work, The Untethered Soul, I think a big part of mindfulness is just being aware of your emotional blocks, your suppressed emotions, your oppressed emotions, beginning to look at your life and saying, why is it this way. Am I living this way because I'm trying to protect myself from emotions like fear or shame? So being mindful of why you're avoiding certain emotions. A lot of people live way smaller than they want to because they're trying to avoid certain emotions like fear for example. If someone has the dream of becoming a professional writer for example, but they're too afraid to put their work out there, then their life is set up in a way that they're trying to avoid that emotion. Part of emotional regulation is being willing to experience the dark emotions. Another part is trying to understand your emotions better so you can more healthily live. I think mindfulness is essential to both of those. Thoughts on Breathing I don't use mindfulness in the exact same way everyone does as far as direct meditation where I have breathing exercises. I don't spend as much time on that one. My form of meditation is more in the form of journal writing and running and prayer. Breathing is not one I use as much. Suggested Resources Book: Mindfulness by Ellen Langer App: www.medium.com (I publish a lot there and I feel that's a way to become mindful, is to have a practice of writing).

 185 Better Leaders, Better Schools Happen With Mindfulness Says Principal Daniel Bauer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:07

Daniel Sunshine Bauer is a Principal at a middle school in Texas. He is dedicated to the success and development of school leaders everywhere and he helps them create a winning culture by focusing on what’s truly essential so they can lead with courage and integrity. His passion is developing school staff members to their fullest potential. Daniel says, 'the impact a highly-functioning staff can have on the student body and community is priceless.'  His mission is to create better leaders to lead better schools. Daniel believes in mindfulness, meditation and running and finds these habits help keep him focused and centered. Contact Info Website: www.DanielBauer.com Podcast: Better Leaders, Better Schools Email: Daniel@BetterLeadersBetterSchools.com Free Gift: The 15 Challenging Questions Guaranteed To Unlock Your Leadership Potential Text "UnlockNow" to 33444 for a free gift or email Daniel directly for this gift. Most Influential Person Chade-Meng Tan  (Author of Search Inside Yourself) Effect on Emotions It makes me notice them [emotions]. It helps me be aware that they exist. It helps me separate them from what follows. So even if it's a great happiness or a great hurt, I can just notice it and then chose to respond in a positive way. This is as opposed to letting emotions dictate where I go. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing slows you down. When you focus on your breath I find that you have slower, more intentional breaths. It brings your heart rate down and it brings you into a place of calmness. That's why I enjoy when meditating, I really focus on the breath. Plus, how do you meditate? It's okay that your mind wanders, but your breath is the centering piece. It's about calmness and decluttering your mind.  Suggested Resources Book: Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan App: Calm  (Also Headspace)

 184 Avoid The Fish Out Of Water Syndrome; Calvin Wayman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:59

Calvin Wayman is an author, speaker, and social media entrepreneur. Most of all, he's aware of what it means to be mindful. He was determined to pursue his dream of working for himself, so he laid out his plans, he put his mind to it and in the Spring of 2015 he quit his day job and began his journey as an entrepreneur. He's a man on a mission. He owns Cobbs Media, which is a social media management agency, designed for entrepreneurs to stand out beyond ninety-seven percent of everyone else on social media. He's been featured in Entrepreneur magazine, Social Media Examiner, The Huffington Post, and was even named one of the top 30 entrepreneurs under the age of thirty by Influencive Dot com. Contact Info Website: www.CalvinWayman.com Calvin's Book - Fish Out of Water www.CalvinWayman.com/book Most Influential Person Eckhart Tolle (Author of The Power of Now) Effect on Emotions I just read something called 'The Cowboy Syndrome'. It's something in the U.S. where we've been taught, as men, to not express our emotions. Just to be strong and resolute. I think I grew up in that type of environment, being here in the U.S. Now I realize it's okay, it's not harming your masculinity, but it's actually helping it. As Brene Brown might say, vulnerability is a good thing. Thoughts on Breathing That is where the steadying comes in for me because it's such a simple thing and if you can keep your focus on the breath, then you chase less rabbits. You just feel the breath and notice it and it's keeping you focused. That's the anchor that gets me there. Suggested Resources Book: The Mindful Brain by Daniel J. Siegel Book: Fish Out of Water: The Guide To Achieving Breakthrough and Permanently Transforming Into the New You by Calvin Wayman Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle App: Calm App: Headspace

 183 Create The Life You Love With Dr. Paul Jenkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:51

Dr. Paul Jenkins specializes in positivity. He is a psychologist who provides you with an owner's manual for your brain. His wisdom and insight will help you understand your mind so you can let it work more effectively on your behalf. Through his writing and speaking, Dr. Paul loves to help his followers get an iron grip on powerful pathological positivity principles that make an immediate difference in their lives. Constantly using his creative juices to help others, Dr. Paul also has a podcast called 'Live On Purpose Radio', where he calls himself 'The Shrink Who Expands Your Life'. Contact Info Website: www.DrPaulJenkins.com Podcast: Live on Purpose Radio Most Influential Person George Clason (Author of The Richest Man in Babylon) Effect on Emotions It makes all the difference. We can get trapped in depression and anxiety. And folks, I'm a trained professional psychologist and a participating member of planet earth, of the human race and so I get to feel these things too. Even as a trained professional, the feelings that I have; this is part of the powerful effect of mindfulness. These feelings that I have are perfect and completely consistent with the way my mind is doing those two processes we talked about today; evaluation and creation. And you're never wrong about the way you feel. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing; I recommend it every day! Breathing is something that I teach my clients as a way to calm the limbic system response. There are structures in your brain including the amygdala that create a fight or flight response and in the meantime we experience threat. The easiest way and the quickest way that we have a lot of control over is to engage in conscious, deliberate, breathing exercises. This has a calming effect on the limbic system of the brain and reverses some of the chemical processes that are going on that allow us to get back into mindfulness mode. When the limbic system is triggered it actually changes the blood flow in the brain and makes those higher cognitive areas of the brain less accessible to us. Suggested Resources Book: My Story by Elizabeth Smart Book: The Art of Significance: Achieving The Level Beyond Success by Dan Clarke App: Feed Your Happy Advice for Newbie You've already started [to discover mindfulness] ... you're listening to this episode! Subscribe to the Mindfulness Mode Podcast. Read, associate with people. I've had several colleagues and people I've interviewed who have called back to the same principle that you will be most like the people you hang out with. Look at the five people who hang out with the most. What kind of a mode are they in? Are they in mindfulness mode? Are they in positivity? And if not, can you surround yourself with people who are? So read, associate, listen. Pay attention to the input your putting into your mind. And the daily news is not the best way to remain mindful.


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