Awaken Radio Podcast show

Awaken Radio Podcast

Summary: Connie Chapman is a life coach, speaker and writer who teaches practical, yet soulful ways to clear out struggle, fear and limitation and live with more fulfilment, freedom and flow. On Awaken Radio Connie brings you heart-opening conversations and inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from all over the world. You will hear raw, honest and vulnerable conversations which share the transformative journeys that both Connie and her guests have walked. Each episode is filled with inspiring guidance to help you clear out your fears, transform your mind, crack open your heart and rise into your highest potential.

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 AR #61 - Letting Go (Part 1): How To Release The Old & Expand Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:38

Letting Go: How To Release The Old & Expand Your Life (Part 1) with Connie Chapman In this episode I discuss & explore; + Why many of us struggle with letting go, and how we can instead embrace it as a powerful part of our growth & expansion. + The signs you can look for which will indicate that you need to let go. + How you may be leaking your energy by staying in commitments that your whole heart is not invested in(and why we must clean this up!). + How fear causes us to cling to things that are no longer right for us, and why we must have the courage to follow our intuition instead. + How to resolve old relationship issues where you are still holding resentment, hurts or baggage. + Why it is time to create a new vision for your life, and release anything that is not in alignment with where you want to go. Read the full post at:

 AR #60 - Soul Embodiment, Unravelling Fear & Owning Your Gifts with Melissa Sandon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:20

Soul Embodiment, Unravelling Fear & Owning Your Gifts with Melissa Sandon (AR #60) In this episode we explore and discuss; + The evolution of Melissa's work from a 1:1 Kinesiology practise, into claiming her leadership and creating a more expansive and abundant business. + Why our growth journey may take us through a 'dark night of the soul' and how to move through this transformative phase with purpose and power. + How to unravel and release the old, small, limited parts of yourself so you can birth your highest self into the world. + The power of embracing both your light and dark, and opening to your emotions even if they feel uncomfortable and challenging. + How to fulfil the full potential and vision of your soul. + Melissa's step by step process for clearing the deep inner blocks, fears and unworthiness that are holding you back. + Why awareness, surrender and open-ness are the keys to clearing your limitations. + Why divine action and the uninhibited expression of your soul gifts, is necessary to create abundance and receive your riches. Full Post & Show Notes:

 AR #59 - Build A Loving & Empowering Relationship With Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:19

Build A Loving & Empowering Relationship With Yourself with Connie Chapman In this episode I explore & discuss; + What it means to practise self-love and the importance of building a loving relationship with yourself. + The power of learning to be alone and love your own company. + My simple self-connection practise that will help you tune into yourself each day. + Why we are so addicted to external love and attention and how to support ourselves through the discomfort and emptiness we feel when we are alone. + My favourite 'little loves list' practise that will help you to experience happiness, fulfilment and wholeness from within. + The 2 most powerful self-love questions you can ask to help you support yourself and meet your needs in any moment. + How to open your heart energy, treat yourself with more kindness, softness and acceptance and let love lead your life. Read the full post at:

 AR #58 - Releasing Control Patterns & Practising Deep Surrender with Maddy Moon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:41

Releasing Control Patterns & Practising Deep Surrender with Maddy Moon. In this episode we explore and discuss; + Maddy's journey of healing from a fitness modelling obsession which was full of control, restriction and perfectionism. + How to bring more compassion and self-love to your relationship with food and eat more intuitively. + Understanding your patterns of control and why they are most likely playing out across all areas of your life. + The importance of reclaiming your power and being in charge of what is unfolding within you, rather than trying to control what is happening outside of you. + How to begin practising surrender and live with more trust and faith. + Maddy's tools and practices to help you consciously create your desires. + Why surrendering doesn't mean giving up, but rather letting go of the "how" and then "when". + How to play bigger, break through your own self-imposed limits and step into a brand new version of yourself. Show Notes: Connect with Maddy: Connect with Connie:

 AR #57 - Embodying Your Highest Self & Bringing Your Big Dreams To Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:35

Embodying Your Highest Self & Bringing Your Big Dreams To Life with Connie Chapman In this episode I discuss & explore; + Why most of us are trying to create change the wrong way. + The trap you may be falling into which is causing you to feel blocked, stuck and overwhelmed and unable to follow your dreams. + The power of making a whole-hearted decision to commit to what you want even if you have no idea of the 'how'. + Why embodying the love, power and abundance of your highest self is the first step to having everything you want. + Why a shift happens the minute you change your energy. + The practices you can use to untangle yourself from your limited, fear-based mind and drop into deeper connection with love. + The difference between fear-driven, reactive action, and love-driven inspired action. + How aligning your energy with love before you take action will completely change the results you create. Read more at:

 AR #56 - The Power of Journaling for Clearing Fear & Creating Self-Love with Katie Dalebout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:37

The Power of Journaling for Clearing Fear & Creating Self-Love with Katie Dalebout

 AR #55 - Breaking Free of Emotional Reactions & Finding Inner Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:25

Breaking Free of Emotional Reactions & Finding Inner Peace with Connie Chapman In today's episode I explore; + Why you may at times feel powerless and out of control of your emotions, or respond reactively without knowing why. + The trap you fall into when you try to fix, change or control the external circumstances of your life in order to create happiness. + How to reclaim your power so you can feel how you want to feel no matter what is going on around you. + My powerful 3 step journaling process which will empower you to transform how you're thinking and put you back in charge of your emotional wellbeing. + Why the meaning you place on a situation or event will radically impact how you experience it. + How to find calmness and ease in a situation where you normally feel triggered and reactive. + Why emotional triggers in relationships, can be a powerful opportunity to witness where you are not fully loving yourself. Read the full post at:

 AR #54 - Adore Your Cycle, Love Your Body & Honour Your Feminine Flow with Claire Baker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:32

Adore Your Cycle, Love Your Body & Honour Your Feminine Flow with Claire Baker In today's episode we discuss; + Why our attempts to be healthy may begin innocently, but can turn into an obsession and a way to manipulate and control our bodies. + How to soften our approach to food, health and our bodies and make it less about perfection and more about self-love. + How to know if fear is driving your food choices, and how to instead eat with loving intention. + Why developing a connection to and awareness of your menstrual cycle is the missing link to understanding yourself and healing your relationship with your body. + How to stop seeing your menstrual cycle as an inconvenience and more as an opportunity to honour what it means to be a woman. + Why being a woman can at times make us inconsistent, illogical, indecisive, emotional and chaotic and how to stop judging ourselves for feeling this way. + The phases that our hormones and menstrual cycle undergo each month and how to best support and care for yourself through the 4 seasons (Summer, Autumn, Winter & Spring) of your menstrual cycle. + The best self-care practices to support ourselves in our pre-menstrual (Autumn) phase, and why the foods or habits we use at this time can impact how our menstruation feels. + The power and importance of planning and structuring your life, calendar and commitments around your own personal flow and cycle. Connect with Claire: Connect with Connie:

 AR #53 - Are You Devoted Or Dabbling? The Power Of Whole-Hearted Commitment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:29

Are You Devoted Or Dabbling? The Power Of Whole-Hearted Commitment with Connie Chapman In today's episode I cover; + My personal realisation of how I had been avoiding commitment in my life. + The tell tale signs that you are dabbling including; making excuses, avoidance, resistance and allowing your emotions to rule you. + The reason that we fear making commitments and going all-in. + Why dabbling is sabotaging your success and keeping you small and stuck. + Why you cannot reach your full potential without devotion, and how whole-hearted commitment can radically change your life. + Some questions and journaling prompts for you to explore in order ditch your dabbling pattern and become devoted to what you desire. Read the full post at

 AR #52 - Surrender Your Head To Your Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:16

How To Surrender Your Head To Your Heart with Connie Chapman In this episode I cover; - What it means to practise surrender. - Why patterns of over-thinking, fear and control disconnect us from our heart, our truth and our inner power. - Why our head and heart conflict and why what 'we' think us right for us is not always for our highest good. - Why surrendering your head to your heart may trigger resistance, discomfort and fear. - What it feels like when your heart and inner wisdom are communicating with you. - My process for accessing the deeper wisdom of your heart. - What it feels like to make a whole-hearted decision, and how you will know you have made the 'right' choice. Read the full post at

 AR #51 - Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom & Live Free Of Limitation With Caroline Frenette | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:44

Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom & Live Free Of Limitation With Caroline Frenette In today's episode we explore; + Why we are all intuitive and always have access to this simple and natural form of inner wisdom. + How to clearly identify and recognise the voice of your intuition and how it differs to the thoughts that come from your mind. + Why our thoughts and emotions are the biggest things blocking us following our truth and moving forward. + The difference between divine love and ego love + Why following your intuition doesn't always ‘feel good’ and may in fact feel scary or uncomfortable. + How to make clear, intuitive decisions that are not clouded by fear. + How to shift old beliefs, break free of limited thinking and expand your consciousness so you can live without limits. + How to combine intuition and creative flow, with logical thinking and action to manifest your dreams. + The important of trust when stepping into the unknown (& why there is no such thing as 'risk'). + Why breaking through your mental limitations around money will enable you to create an abundance of wealth. Read the full post at

 AR #50 - Contentment, Wholeness & Healing The Lack Mentality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:29

AR #50 - Contentment, Wholeness & Healing The Lack Mentality with Connie Chapman In today's episode I cover; + How to experience deep contentment, despite what is happening in your life. + The power and importance of living in the present moment. + How to break out of always feeling lack, not enough and like something is missing. + Why releasing your mental judgments and dropping deeper into your body will set you free. + How to experiencing happiness with where you are, even if it is not where you want to be. + Why appreciation and gratitude are your keys to shifting from lack to abundance. + The difference between desires born from lack and need, versus love and abundance + Why experiencing contentment and happiness with where you are, is the secret to creating a life that deeply fulfils you. Read the full post at

 AR #49 - Working With The Lunar Cycles For Peace & Prosperity with Ezzie Spencer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:41

Working With The Lunar Cycles For Peace & Prosperity with Ezzie Spencer In this episode we cover; + How to begin a self-enquiry process and why we need to go within to listen to ourselves and uncover our heart’s deepest desires. + Why working with the moon energy can help us further understand ourselves and how we feel. + The characteristics of a New Moon, how it effects us energetically and how to harness it’s power to set new intentions. + The different Yang and Yin moon phases and how we can use this energy to know when to take action, and when to step back and receive. + Why Full Moons’ help us become aware of what is holding us back, and what we can do to let go of these limitations. + How we can use the moon phases to help us get the most out of our creativity, our businesses, and our careers. + The power of understanding our own personal cycles and the connection between the moon cycle and the female menstrual cycle. + How to manifest our true heart-desires through intention setting, energy work, feeling and inspired, aligned action. + The feminine way to create and experience abundance and how to balance the energies of giving and receiving. + The importance of asking for what we want, knowing our worth, and abundantly receiving money for our work in the world. Read the full post at

 AR #48 - Release Your Fear Of Failure, For Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:25

Release Your Fear Of Failure, For Good with Connie Chapman In this episode, I cover; + Why it is our own judgments and expectations that create a feeling of failure. + The danger of only measuring success on external outcomes and goals, and why we need to redefine what success means to us. + Why an experience is only wasted if you don’t learn from it, and how uncover the deeper purpose behind every experience, even your ‘failures.’ + The reason we keep manifesting the same circumstances and challenges in our lives over and over again. + Why until you fully integrate a life lesson and change and change your behaviour as a result, you cannot create a new outcome. + Why things not working in your life are an opportunity for growth, not a sign of failure. + Why it is that we fear failure and will try to avoid it at all costs + How to eliminate fear of failure for good. Connect with Connie:

 AR #47 - Divine Empowerment, Conscious Relationships & Heart-Yoni Connection with Elise Carr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:49

Divine Empowerment, Conscious Relationships & Heart-Yoni Connection With Elise Carr In this episode, we cover; + Understanding the yoni space and why we need a yoni-heart-mind connection to become our most empowered selves and get our life on track. + Why many women are carrying deep womb trauma as a result of unprotected sex, abuse, STD’s, birth trauma or even PCOS. + The physical indications of a 'yoni disconnect' and the tools that will help you re-connect with your yoni and your heart. + What it means to be divinely empowered woman and how to take your power back through energy work, forgiveness and boundaries. + How an unhealed 'inner prostitute' archetype can cause us to override our inner voice and ignore our truth. + How to create a conscious relationship and why a man's role is to open woman's yoni space, and a woman’s role is to open a man's heart space. + What your relationships with men will look like when you are disconnected from your yoni and your heart, and why you must take responsibility for the relationship patterns you are creating. + How to create a scared union between your inner feminine and masculine so you can step up to manifest your dreams and desires. + How to deeply honour your divine feminine energy, your moon cycle and your body. Connect with Elise: Connect with Connie:


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