7 Minute Security show

7 Minute Security

Summary: 7 Minute Security is a weekly information security podcast focusing on penetration testing, blue teaming and building a career in security. The podcast also features in-depth interviews with industry leaders who share their insights, tools, tips and tricks for being a successful security engineer.

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 7MS #152: Review of the Almond 2015 Wireless Router | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:10:45

This is a mini-review of the Almond 2015 router by Securifi. This is NOT a paid advertisement or endorsement. I just happen to REALLY like this little router.

 7MS #151: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:11:38

Here are some of my favorite stories and links for this week! Training opportunities NMAP course from Udemy - $24 for a limited time (I think) How to handle the the thoughtless compliance zombie hordes - by BHIS is coming up Tuesday February 16th from 2-3 ET. The price is free! Pivot Project touts itself as "a portfolio of interesting, practical, enlightening, and often challenging hands-on exercises for people who are trying to improve their mastery of important cybersecurity skills. News It is absurdly easy for attackers to destroy your Web site in 10 minutes. Secure your home network better using advice from the SANS Ouch! newsletter. Chromodo (part of Comodo's Internet Security)disables same-origin policy which basically disables Web security. Wha?! Virus total now looks at firmware images as well. We can soon wave goodbye to Java in the browser forever!. Kinda. Tools Here's a nice SSL/TLS-checking checklist for pentesters. Kali is moving to a rolling release configuration pretty soon. Update yours before April 15!

 7MS #150: OFF-TOPIC-Bone Tomahawk / Goodnight Mommy / Comedy Loves Misery | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:10:09

Preview16 wordsIn today's off-topic episode I review the following movies: Bone Tomahawk Goodnight Mommy Misery Loves Comedy

 7MS #149: Securing Your Life - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:08:13

This episode continues the series on securing your life - making sure all the security stuff related to your life is in order. Today we're particularly focusing on preparing to travel. What if (God forbid) the plane goes down? Who has access to your money, passwords, etc.?

 7MS #148: OFF-TOPIC - Apple Watch Review | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:09:07

Yep, there are tons of people/blogs/magazines/children/pets who have provided reviews of the Apple Watch. This is mine.

 7MS #147: DIY Hosted Mutillidae | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:08:24

In this episode I talk about how to build a cheap hosted Mutillidae server to safely hack away on while keeping other Internet prowlers out. Here are the basic commands to run to lock down the Digital Ocean droplet's iptables firewall: *Flush existing rules* **sudo iptables -F** *Allow all concurrent connections* **sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT** *Allow specific IPs/hosts to access port 80* **sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s F.Q.D.N --dport 80 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT** *Allow specific IPs/hosts to access port 22* **sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s F.Q.D.N --dport 22 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT** *Block all other traffic:* **sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP** *Provide the VPS loopback access:* **sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT** *Install iptables-persistent to ensure rules survive a reboot:* **sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent** *Start iptables-persistent service* **sudo service iptables-persistent start** *If you make iptables changes after this and they don't seem to stick, do this:* **sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4** See this Digital Ocean article for more information.

 7MS #146: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:10:34

Here are some of my favorite stories and links for this week! If you missed last week's BURN IT ALL! Webcast, it's now online as a Youtube video. There is still time to register for the Real World Web Penetration Testing Webinar. It's(Thursday, January 28 @ 1 p.m. CST) and $25 (cheap!) Trustwave is in big trouble after failing to find hackers under their noses. Their noses mustreally hurt because Mandiant was quick to point out the work done by Trustwave was "woefully inadequate." I'm scared of IoT stuff. Why? Oh, I don't know, because what happens when your Nest fails and leaves your buttcheeks freezing cold?!?!? Or what if hackers steal your doorbell, and thus your wifi password and pwn your network? Thankfully, OWASP now now has a top 10 for IoT stuff too. A researcher found some clever ways to abuse Lastpass with an exploit called Lostpass. Lastpassresponded with a security change wherein a Lastpass authentication from a new device requires approval via email. A new Sysinternals tool helps figure out if you have shady, unsigned files in c:\windows\system32. Oh, and for sure upgrade all your iThings ASAP. Apple patched some ugly security holes.

 7MS #145: OFF-TOPIC - Sicario and The Walk | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:07:49

In today's off-topic episode I review two movies: Sicario and The Walk.

 7MS #144: Shoulder-Surfing with Seasoned Pentesters | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:07:42

I recently had the opportunity to shoulder-surf with some seasoned Webapp pentesters, and wanted to share what I learned about their tools, techniques and methodologies.

 7MS #143: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:08:23

Here are some of my fav' stories and links for this week! * Burn it all...The New Security Fundamentals **(Wednesday, January 20 @ 1 p.m. CST)**: a free Webinar on setting up the "*core technical things you need to do for your security program*." I've attended many Webinars from the BHIS group and they're always informative and humorous. * Real World Web Penetration Testing **(Thursday, January 28 @ 1 p.m. CST)**: a $25 Webinar on going through "*a real world penetration test. We will explore the methodology and procedures Secure Ideas follows as we test web applications. The course will also walk through some tricks and tips on how to focus your testing on likely flaws*." I have seen four of their recorded courses before and found them to be *absolutely* worth the money I spent, so I'm confident this upcoming session will be no exception. * Fortinet SSH backdoor not much to say except if you use any of the affected products, update immediately as they contain an SSH backdoor: * FortiOS v4.3.17 or any later version of FortiOS v4.3 (available as of July 9, 2014) * FortiOS v5.0.8 or any later version of FortiOS v5.0 (available as of July 28, 2014) * Any version of FortiOS v5.2 or v5.4 * Hacker sentenced to 334 years in prison for operating a phishing Web site similar to that of a legit banking Web site. Moral of the story? Don't do that. * Don't use IE 8, 9 or 10 anymore! unless you like to live dangerously.

 7MS #142: OFF-TOPIC - Media Servers and Making a Murderer | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:56

This off-topic episode covers: * Media servers - I'm a newb in this area and could use your help in setting up a config that actually works! * Making a Murderer - this is a fantastic documentary on Netflix. Stop what you're doing (once you listen to this episode) and watch *immediately* please.

 7MS #141: Happy (Belated) New Year! | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 00:08:29

Happy (belated) new year! This episode is more of a "What am I listening to, a PBS telethon?!" kind of thing, and I'm sorry for that. But I want to cover: * Scheduling changes for 2016 - we're gonna be 3 times a week! * A new documentation project I'm working on called BPATTY (Brian's Pentesting and Technical Tips for You) * A way you can support the podcast financially.

 7MS #140: OFF-TOPIC - Video Games I'm Currently Playing | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:22

This episode talks about some cool video games I've been playing lately: * Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain (Xbox 360) * Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox 360) * Luminocity (iPhone) * Super Mario Maker (Wii U) I recommend 'em all!

 7MS #139: Securing Your Life - Part 2 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:02

Back in episode #93 I talked about securing your life - in other words, asking yourself "What would happen if I was dead right now? Do I have adequate insurance? Are my finances in order? How about estate planning?" This episode continues that train of thought, and I share some new changes I've made in my "life security" department.

 7MS #138: OFF-TOPIC - The Hateful Eight | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:01

Looks like I'm one of the few people in the world who did NOT love this movie. I found it painful slow and claustrophobic. #diappointed.


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