Java with Juli show

Java with Juli

Summary: Juli Slattery sits down with guests over coffee and you get to join them. We have honest conversations about sex, marriage, pornography, intimacy, singleness, truth and God's design for sexuality.

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  • Artist: Authentic Intimacy®
  • Copyright: Copyright Authentic Intimacy® 2019


 #10: When Your Husband Isn't 100% | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you said your vows, did you really think about "what for worse, poorer, sickness" really means? Most of us say the words, but when the reality hits, it can be difficult to walk through them. In this episode, Juli & her guests share how they've had to walk along their husbands through every category listed above and then some. They also share about walking through the emotions of feeling like they've had to walk and be strong and haven't been able to be sick or weak. You're in for some great conversation and encouragement if you're walking through a situation where your husband isn't 100%, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Guests: Yvette Maher, Shannon Wexelburg

 #6: Healing from Sexual Abuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you experienced sexual abuse? Do you know someone who has? It's an issue that is incredibly difficult to talk about. Sometimes seeking healing is difficult, even embarrassing or shaming. In this Java with Juil, Juil talks with two women about how to walk through healing from sexual abuse. They'll share their own powerful stories of how Jesus dealt with the issues of sexual abuse in their own lives and families.  As a warning, this episode could be a trigger if you've experienced abuse of any kind. Guests: Becky Harling and Robbie Smarr

 #4: What is Authentic Intimacy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this Java with Juli, Juli casts the vision for what Authentic Intimacy is and how it got started. Juli and Linda also share about what God has placed on their hearts for the women who need God's bold truth about sex, love, and intimacy.

 #124: Why You Need to Address Pornography In Your Marriage and Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Every wife and mother have a common enemy: pornography. It destroys sexual intimacy with our husbands. It robs our children of their innocence. It is a threat to our families and our culture—but not to our God! This week, Dr. Doug Weiss of Heart to Heart Counseling Center joins Dr. Juli Slattery to discuss practical ways you can address pornography in your home. You’ll hear how God exposes addiction and weakness so that He can bring freedom and healing. Don’t miss this bold truth and rich conversation on Java with Juli!

 #123: How Sexual Differences in Marriage Can Make You a Better Lover | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“Lord, I’ll do anything –but just not that!” Giving yourself completely, asking for what you need, and being vulnerable in the bedroom are things that many of us would rather not do. The sexual differences between you and your husband are just too great—some things feel safer left unsaid. But what if those differences could become the change agents that bring you closer together? What if addressing your differences not only brought you greater intimacy but better sex too? Would you be willing to step out of your comfort zone? If you’re ready to be brave, join Juli, Linda, and Hannah at the coffee shop and hear how your sexual differences in marriage can actually make YOU a better lover.

 #122: How Christians Can Respond to the Orlando Tragedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The recent shooting at the gay night club Pulse was a national tragedy –the likes of which often bring mourning human beings together. So, why were Christians’ condolences rebuffed by the LGBT community? Like many, you may feel lost about how to respond to LGBT issues. Here’s the good news: you don’t have to avoid your gay coworker or neighbor because you don’t know what to say. You can love them despite your differences. On today’s Java with Juli, join Dr. Juli Slattery and her guest, Dr. Christopher Yuan, to learn how you can and why you should.

 #5: God Has an Opinion About Sex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know that God has an opinion about sex? More than that, did you know His word is full of truth about one of the most intimate acts between husbands and wives? On this episode of Java with Juli, Juli chats with Linda Dillow and Lisa Bishop about God's design for sexuality and what He desires for you and your husband in your sex life. Guests: Lisa Bishop and Linda Dillow

 #1: Is This Thing On? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our VERY. FIRST. EPISODE of JavawithJuli!

 #121: How Separation Can Strengthen Your Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Separation is often the last step before divorce. But what if it was the first step toward reconciliation instead? By the time someone moves out, one or both spouses are typically angry, emotional, and at the end of their rope. Divorce feels like the only option --but it's not. God is able to heal and restore even the most devastated marriages! On today’s Java with Juli, Dr. Juli Slattery sits down with Dr. Gary Chapman to discuss how couples can use separation as a time of rest, reflection and counsel.

 #120: What to Do When Your Husband Doesn't Want to Grow Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“I feel like I’m married to a child!” says the woman who claims her husband just won’t grow up. She comes home each day to dishes in the sink, socks on the floor, and her husband on the couch. As the burden of providing for her family and managing her home grows heavier, so does her resentment. Can you relate? Well grab your coffee and find a comfy chair (you’re probably exhausted!). Today Dr. Juli Slattery and her guests address this difficult situation that many women find themselves in.

 #119: Talking with Your Kids About Homosexuality and Transgender Issues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Talking to your children about homosexuality and transgender issues are some of the biggest challenges for today’s Christian parents. What is the appropriate age to bring it up with my child? What does “gender fluidity” mean? Should I be concerned about public bathrooms? On this Java with Juli, Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh discuss how to help your child understand homosexuality and transgender issues from a Biblical perspective.

 #118: When To Talk To Your Kids About Sex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you remember when your mom or dad sat you down to have “the talk”? Are you wondering when and how you should approach this conversation with your own kids? The advent of the Internet and social media leave you with precious little time to introduce your children to sexuality before someone else does. Instead of having just one talk with your kids, Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh discuss how to have a series of small conversations in the midst of everyday life. Grab your cuppa' joe and join us for bold truth and rich conversation on this Java with Juli.

 #117: How Your Sex Life Is Connected to Your Spiritual Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One 2nd Century theologian wrote, “We know that when a couple has sexual intercourse the Holy Spirit leaves the room.” You might agree –and you may not even be sure you'd want Him there! After all, is there any time you’re feeling less spiritual than we you’re having sex? But actually, it’s just the opposite. Join Juli, Linda and Hannah on this episode of Java with Juli as they talk about why sex in marriage is not only beautiful, it’s holy.

 #63: Hope and Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Statistically, one in four women have been sexually abused as a child. Often times to mask their wounds, these women turn to promiscuity, substance abuse and other forms of self-destructive behavior. Most women don’t understand how deeply they’ve been impacted until after they get married. Dr. Juli Slattery speaks to a survivor of horrific abuse, who pursued God to find her healing. Listen to this special Java With Juli, as a once broken woman shares how she has witnessed His amazing faithfulness! Guest: Ginger Taddeo

 #116: How to Love Your Husband with Your Whole Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Very few of us go to the altar and vow to give our husbands "most of" our hearts. On our wedding day we’re all in! But after the honeymoon, do you continue offer him your whole heart? Or do you shut down and take back t​hose parts of your heart that just don’t feel safe in his hands? Grab your favorite coffee mug and join Dr. Juli Slattery and her guests as they discuss how to keep your heart open, even during tough times, so that you can whole-heartedly love your husband.​ Join the conversation on this episode of Java with Juli. Guests: Tricia Goyer & Erin Smalley


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