Java with Juli show

Java with Juli

Summary: Juli Slattery sits down with guests over coffee and you get to join them. We have honest conversations about sex, marriage, pornography, intimacy, singleness, truth and God's design for sexuality.

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  • Artist: Authentic Intimacy®
  • Copyright: Copyright Authentic Intimacy® 2019


 #275: Finding Freedom from Unwanted Desires | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Overwhelmingly, the response to unwanted sexual desires has been to manage them. Bounce your eyes. Get accountability. Love Jesus more. How's it working for you? We believe there is another approach. In this episode, Jay Stringer explains how internet search bars and browser histories reveal more than just your sin, they also reveal the unaddressed and untended wounds in your heart. Will you sit awhile with your brokenness? It can be a roadmap to healing. Guest: Jay Stringer Mentioned: Jay's book, Unwanted Juli's book, Surprised by the Healer

 #274: Vulnerability, Infidelity & God's Redemption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For today’s guest, infidelity as a woman meant double the shame. Jessica McDaniel shares the lies she believed as a teenager about sex, how they followed her into marriage, and (after learning of her husband’s pornography addiction) contributed to justifying an affair.  With full confession, Jesus brought full restoration.  Grab your java and join us! Guest: Jessica McDaniel, LPC Mentioned: Java #246: Lies You Believe About Sex Passion Pursuit

 #273: Tell Someone You're Broken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you’re ever going to heal, you have to tell someone you’re broken.  Today’s guest on Java with Juli kept his brokenness a secret for 42 years.  In this episode you’ll hear how one isolated incident of childhood sexual abuse changed the trajectory of Brian Pusateri’s life, how God gently invited him to tell his story, and the steps he took to find complete healing in Jesus.  Grab your java and join us! Guest: Brian Pusateri Mentioned: Broken Door Ministries Surprised by the Healer, book

 #272: From Sexual Exploitation to Freedom (Harmony's Story) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to our guest, most women in the sex industry want to escape but have no other means for survival. As an abused child, rape victim, and stripper, she would know. Victim of exploitation turned UCLA honor student, Harmony Dust Grillo's goal is to help women and girls entrenched in sexual exploitation find freedom. Pull up a chair and join us for a remarkable story of God's healing power and redemption. Guest: Harmony Dust Grillo Mentioned: Join us at Reclaim! Treasures Scars & Stilettos

 BONUS! #236: Pursue Wholeness, Not Purity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

None of us is pure, but we can be whole. The imperfect packaging of the evangelical purity movement left many feeling confused and ashamed. Listen in as Dr. Juli Slattery shares a refreshing new approach to how we see our sexuality and how we're all on a journey to become more like Jesus. Guest: Hannah Nitz Mentioned: Join us for our August 6th webinar on addressing sexual brokenness with both truth & love. Episode #160: Why God Created You To Be Sexual Episode #166: We Are All Sexually Broken Click here subscribe to Java with Juli in your favorite podcast app

 BONUS! #235: How the Purity Movement Hurt Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I always thought that if I did everything the way God told us to, then I would be blessed, I would be happy and I would have a good marriage. That was decidedly not the case."  Well-meaning parents and youth pastors promised marital bliss if you could only make it to the altar as a virgin. For many, the promise didn't deliver. In this episode, Juli brings truth and compassion to the imperfect purity message of the 90s.  Mentioned in this episode: Join us for our August 6th webinar on addressing sexual brokenness with both truth & love. Episode #160: Why God Created You To Be Sexual Episode #166: We Are All Sexually Broken Rethinking Sexuality        

 #271: The Truth (and Lies) About Infertility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One in seven couples struggles with infertility --and it's easy to make some pretty hurtful assumptions about them if they're not public about it. In this episode Juli sits down with her life-long friend Taylor Scott (of The Kevin & Taylor Show!) to talk about the sorrow, the truth, and the things to say and not say along the journey of infertility. (And you'll get to hear stories about Juli too!) Guest: Taylor Scott Mentioned: Do you listen to Taylor on The Fish? Give her a shout out here! Juli's book, Finding the Hero in Your Husband

 #270: Winning the Battle in Your Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sometimes the most difficult battles we face are the ones that rage within our own hearts and minds. In this episode, Juli gets practical with Kelly Balarie, author of Battle Ready, as they talk about how to handle feelings of insecurity, how to defeat unwanted thoughts or desires, and how to prepare our hearts and minds for intimacy. Grab your java and join us! Guest: Kelly Balarie Mentioned: Join us at Reclaim! Battle Ready (Book)

 #269: Loving Jesus in the Season You're In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

No matter what season of life you’re in, the object is the same: love Jesus and become more like Him. Are you single and wondering if God has forgotten about the longings He placed inside you?  Are you married and wondering why your longings to serve God (or just spend time with Him!) get hijacked by your responsibilities as a wife or mom?  Pull up a chair for wisdom & encouragement with Juli and her guest, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Guest: Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Mentioned: Bible Study: Sex & the Single Girl Bible Study: Passion Pursuit  

 #268: BONUS! When God "Wakes Up" Your Love Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know that an intimate relationship with the Lord can lead to a more intimate relationship with your husband?  In this BONUS episode Juli and her guest discuss the connection between our spiritual lives and our sexuality. Grab your java and join us! Guest: Ruth Buezis Mentioned: Bible Study, Passion Pursuit Book: Awaken Love

 #159: When Your Child Struggles With Gender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If your child is making choices you don’t agree with, this episode is for you! Today Juli sits down with a mother who recognized her daughter's gender confusion early on. Despite many prayers and conversations, her daughter now leads a homosexual lifestyle, but they have found ways to bridge their differences for the sake of their relationship. Have you struggled with balancing truth and love when your child's choices go against what you taught them? Grab your coffee and pull up a chair. You’ll find truth and wisdom on this Java with Juli. Guests: Lori Wildenberg & Courtney Wildenberg Mentioned: Join us at Reclaim! Book: Messy Journey; How Grace & Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home

 #267: Are You Having Sex or Building Intimacy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You can be sexually active without being sexually intimate. But is that God's best? Our sexuality is designed to be laced with spiritual and relational significance, but we have all been impacted by sin, busyness, and the cultural trend to see sex as simply something that we do (or worse: a "duty").  Pull up a chair with Juli, Linda and Yvette as they discuss the difference between sexual intimacy and sexual activity. Guests: Linda Dillow & Yvette Maher Mentioned:x Join Juli at a Winshape Marriage Retreat! Bible Study: Passion Pursuit Are you sexually active but not intimate? Learn three ways you can grow as a couple. Learn more at Sex is the Icing on the Cake and Your Sexual Differences Can Make You Better Lovers

 #266: Your Marriage, God's Design | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you want out of marriage?  If you’re like most of us, you hope for love, companionship, passion and other good things that happen to be self-serving.  But our guests in this episode, Aaron & Jennifer Smith, contend that “like everything that God gives us, [marriage] is not intended for us only.”  Grab your coffee, pull up a chair and be challenged to think about marriage in a way that transcends what you hope to get out of it. Guest: Aaron & Jennifer Smith Mentioned: Join Juli at a Winshape Marriage retreat! Book: Marriage After God Register for our Reclaim conference

 #265: The Hard (and Hopeful) Truth About Losing a Spouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“God created our bodies to become one in marriage in a very physical and neurological way. When that is suddenly ripped apart, there’s a severe grieving that happens …and nobody talks about it.”   In this episode Juli sits down with Rachael Flick, widow of fallen police officer Micah Flick, to learn about living through the loss of a spouse.  Whether you’re divorced or widowed (or you know someone who recently has been), grab your java and pull up a chair for an honest conversation about the difficult moments, the beautiful moments, and the daily life in between. Guest: Rachael Flick

 #264: You (Too) Can Help #MeToo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What can you do to make sure the voices of sexual abuse victims continue to be heard following the #MeToo movement? How can our churches become safe places where people can find help?  In this episode, Dr. Dan Allender joins Juli to share how all of us have been harmed in some way by sexual sin and what we must do in order to offer help and hope to others. ps. Listening to this Java with Juli episode is a great place to start! Guest: Dr. Dan Allender Mentioned: Unwanted by Jay Stringer God Loves Sex by Dr. Dan Allender & Dr. Tremper Longman Rethinking Sexuality by Dr. Juli Slattery Donate to AI today!


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