Marriage Radio: Real Help to Save Your Marriage show

Marriage Radio: Real Help to Save Your Marriage

Summary: Looking for real answers to your real life marriage problems? This podcast addresses the real issues that marriages face every day. Whether your spouse is in love with someone else, sexual issues are destroying your marriage, or you are wanting to know how to make your marriage stronger - this podcast is for you. Want a question answered? Submit your questions to and

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 How Porn Affects Husband and Wife - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

In this program a couple tell their poignant story. Both had difficult childhoods that led to complications in their marriage, including ography and affairs. The future seemed dim for their marriage. However, they overcame. Hear their story. Ask them questions. Interact with Dr. Joe Beam as he interviews them and also responds to your questions about your own relationship. Sexually Explicit Materials (SEM) - often simply called - is widely available, affordable, and can be accessed anonymously. Both men and women by the millions visit Internet SEM sites every day. Some say it makes their marriage better. Some don't. This couple will share with you the devastating effect it had on their marriage. You may call in during the program at 646.378.0424. This is a program you don't want to miss.  

 How Divorce Affects Kids Whatever Their Age - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Divorce affects children...even grown children...emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Some say that you should never stay married just for the sake of your kids. Others say that kids are reslient and that divorce has little long-lasting effect. The research indicates somethig far different. In this program, we present the findings of some of these research projects and discuss how divorce truly does affect kids....even adults whose parents split up. Additionally, we will explain a new powerful resoure for kids of divorce. Joining Dr. Joe Beam on this program are Kimberly Holmes, Executive Director and CEO of Marriage Helper, and Justin Prince, Project Director of Divorce Help For Kids. During the program call 646-378-0424 to share your comments or ask your questions, including questions about how to help your kids if your marriage is in difficulty.

 Ask Anything About Relationships - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

In this episode of the Dr. Joe Show, Dr. Beam will talk with callers from around the world, hearing their comments and answering their questions about relationships. Often Dr. Beam's program ends with callers waiting. In this program, he will take every call possible in a two-hour special episode. Whether married or single, be sure to hear this program. Call in to ask about anything concerning relationships including: - Communication - Straying Spouse - Love - Sex - Parenting - Trust - Forgiveness ...or whatever relationship topic is on your mind. Be sure to call early to get in the queue so that Dr. Beam can get to you. Call in live beginning at 9 p.m. Central at 646-378-0424 either to listen or to interact live with Dr. Beam. You can also hear the program live (or recorded for the next six days) on All of Dr. Beam's programs are archived on iTunes; you can access them free by subscribing free on iTunes to Marriage Radio with Joe Beam.

 How Your Personalities Affect Your Relationship - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:00

Ever wonder why your spouse is so weird? Whys/he doesn’t think like you, act like you, want the same things you want? Maybe one of you is spontaneous and the other is cautious. Maybe one is an introvert and the other an extrovert. You have different ideas, wants, or needs when it comes to how you handle money, discipline the kids, how to spend your time together. Maybe your differences are even evident in the bedroom. In this program, Dr. Joe Beam shares basic principles of how to understand your own style and the style of your spouse in ways that help you in all these ways: FinancesParentingSocial settingsEmotionsSex ….and much more. It begins at 9 p.m. Central. Call 646-378-0424 during the program to talk live with Dr. Beam about your relationship.

 Are You Controlling if You Stand for Your Marriage? - The Dr. Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Your spouse wants out of the marriage...but you don't. In the process of trying to end the marriage, your spouse is trying to do things that you want no part of. Maybe s/he's spending time with the "lover" while still living at home. Perhaps s/he's demanding things from you that you don't want to give about finances, custody, selling your home, or more. Your friends / family want you to punish your spouse for such egregious behavior and such arrogantly selfish demands. Your attorney counsels going for everything you can get. Your own hurt and anger tempt you to make this divorce a most miserable experience for your spouse. BUT your spouse says you're selfish, that your standing strong is just another example of you trying to control him/her, and that everything you are doing is definitive proof that s/he can't live with you and that divorce is the best thing that can happen. You find yourself worrying whether you should give in to most of his/her demands. You wonder if your standing strong and fighting for your marriage is building such anger and resentment in your spouse that never will there ever be a chance for reconciliation. You even have doubts about your own motives and fear that s/he is right and that you are a mean, selfish person and that the way you're standing strong actually proves that to be true. Would you like to know? Truly know if you are doing the right thing...if you are controlling or mean? In this program Dr. Joe Beam discusses this in depth. You can also call in your questions or comments on this topic live at 646-378-0424 during the program. It airs Tuesday, April 26, beginning at 9 p.m. Central. 

 The First Step to Take when Saving Your Marriage with Kimberly Holmes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

It can be completely overwhelming to know where to start when trying to save your marriage. Where do you start?  What is the most important thing you can do?  What should you do FIRST? Join Kimberly Holmes, the CEO of Marriage Helper, shares how she stopped her marriage from ending in crisis...and teaches you a step by step plan on how to do that in your own marriage. You will leave this podcast with real, implementable steps that you can use when moving forward on how to save your marriage.

 How to REALLY Communicate in Relationships - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Ever wish you could really understand what your spouse is hear the words, you respond, and s/he reacts in a completely different way than you expected. You know you aren't communicating clearly with each other but it doesn't make sense to you why you aren't. It's like he speaks one language and she another. You speak the same language but apparently the words don't mean the same to each of you. In this program, Dr. Joe Beam and special guest Terry Cheatham explain things NOT to do when communicating with another person, things you should ALWAYS do, as well as how to understand what the other person is actually trying to tell you and how to clearly get across what YOU want to communicate. No, it's not rocket science, but it's amazing how many people mess it up. Maybe you've been one of those people. Maybe the person you care about is. Maybe both of you. The program begins at 9 p.m. Central time Tuesday night, April 12. If you would like to call in your questions or comments, do so live at 646-378-0424.

 How to Reconcile Marriage (It's Tougher Than You Think) - The Dr. Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:00

What do you do when you've had major problems in your marriage and now want to try to reconcile? It's tougher to accomplish than most people think. It's great when a couple decides to put a marriage back together. However, without a valid understanding of what caused the trouble (and that usually means MUCH more than the final issue that became the focus of the marriage problems), many couples who try to reconcile run headlong into a wall of pain and frustration. For example, if the marriage hit crisis because of an affair, ending the affair doesn't necessarily mean that the underlying issues have been healed. What led to the affair? What weaknesses exist in either spouse? What relationship dynamics helped create the vulnerability? (This isn't to justify something such as an affair; it's to point out that some people think things are now fine because the affair ended BUT THERE ARE STILL ISSUES that haven't been dealt with.) That same principle applies to much more than applies to control and domination, selfishness, in-law problems, sexual problems, and much, much more. In this program, Dr. Joe Beam guides you through a process of discovering and dealing with the real issues and then following a proven plan to make reconciliation actually work so that the marriage becomes better after the problem than it was ever before.  Dr. Beam will also take calls with specific questions about reconciliation. The program airs beginning at 9 p.m. Tuesday, April 5. If you wish to Dr. Beam during the program call 646-378-0424.

 WHY People Control Others and HOW They Do It - The Dr. Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Are you being controlled in your relationship? Has your partner accused you of being controlling? In this program, Dr. Joe Beam introduces a new way to understand control. He will explain and demonstrate WHY one person tries to control another and HOW that control manifests itself. He clarifies three different motivations that cause a person to control and exposes the methods they use. To help you evaluate whether you are being controlled...or if you are the one who is controlling...Dr. Beam introduces an acronym that you can use immediately to identify controlling motivations and behaviors. With that knowledge you can stop being controlled...or stop controlling. PLUS: Because Dr. Beam works with many marriages in crisis, he will explain how control works when one spouse wants to end a marriage and the other tries to save it. If your partner wants out and has accused you of controlling because you are trying to save your relationship, Dr. Beam will help you determine whether that is accurate. - Could your partner be right? Are you trying to control? If so, what do you change? - Could your partner be trying to manipulate you to stop you from standing for your marriage? If so, what do you NOT change? During this program, Dr. Beam will help you evaluate your actions and your spouse's actions. If you're brave enough to hear his honest opinion, call in live at 646-378-0424 to tell him what you're doing and ask if he thinks you are controlling... It begins at 9 p.m Central, Tuesday March 29, on

 When to Let Go of a Marriage - The Dr. Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

For many years we've been helping people salvage marriages that appeared absolutely hopeless...not only salvage their marriages but make them good again...most better than they were before. That is why Marriage Helper exists ( Our purpose is to help couples in trouble find a new way, see each other in a different light, discover a path to love again. We call it the LovePath. Most of the couples who come to our intensive three-day workshops have one spouse who wishes to save the marriage and one who wants out. Nevertheless, we witness three out of four marriages turn around and not only stay together but learn to love each other again. However, that means that some marriages don't make it. It breaks our hearts for the spouse who wants to save the marriage...for the children who are affected...for the friends and family of both husband and wife. We believe that any marriage can be saved. We encourage people to stand strong when their spouses stray, or are angry, mean, indifferent, cold, or any other of the hosts of hurtful behaviors. But we know that there comes a time to yield to the inevitable, to stop standing and move on with one's life.  The question is: When? How do you know whether to let go or continue to fight for the marriage?  In this program we provide guidelines to consider for all those who think it may be time to stop standing for their marriages. No, there aren't hard and fast rules. However, there are principles and things to consider that can help you make that decision.  This program may give you the strength and motivation to keep on. It may give you the path to peace as you let go. We don't make that decision for you. We show you how to make it for yourself. Call in your comments or questions live during the program at 646-378-0424.

 Hopeless Marriage Turned Around After 4 Years - The Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

Their marriage appeared hopeless. The trouble - a MAJOR problem - had been going on for four years. Only one person thought it could be saved....her name is Petra. She stood strong. She did the right things. It wasn't always easy. Sometimes it seemed it was time to give up. She didn't. Hear Petra and Richard tell their story. What went wrong? Why did it last so long? How did Petra continue to stand? Why did Richard come back? How did they heal their marriage? Host Joe Beam and Marriage Coach Terry Cheatham interview Petra and Richard, as well as adding insight throughout. They will also take your calls live during the program. To participate, call 646-378-0424.

 Marriage Myths: 7 Common Beliefs That Lead to Major Marriage Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

    Everyone had an opinion about marriage. What you should do, what you should not do, and how you should do it. Unfortunately not everyone has the best advice when it comes to marriage. And even worse, some of the advice is actually more destructive to marriage than helpful.

 Faith or Fear - The Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

There are countless philosophical, religious, business, and self-help books that all point to one age-old wisdom:  If you believe something can happen, it will. If you doubt success, it won't come.  You hear many well meaning Christians say, "Have faith. Believe God will save your marriage and He will." that really how it works?  Well, kind of...  ...however, there is a whole lot more to it than that.   Join us this Tuesday night at 9 pm CST for this often asked about and controversial topic.   Are you letting faith guide you, or is your fear prohibiting you from saving your marriage?  Listen in at or by calling in at  646-378-0424.   Talk to you tonight!

 How to Get Your Spouse to Keep Falling in Love - The Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

It's called the LovePath.  It's the process people go through as they fall in love. If you are in love or have ever been in love, you went through it. If your spouse is in love with you, s/he went through it as well. When people follow the LovePath, they fall in love whether they mean to or not. When they vacate or violate the LovePath, they fall out of love whether they mean to or not. Is there a way to keep on the LovePath? To keep falling in love over a lifetime?  Yes. In this program Joe Beam and Kimberly Beam Holmes explain the first step on the LovePath...the step that many people forget over time and, as a result, either start falling out of love with their spouses OR their spouses start falling out of love with them.  Some have gone further than that. They are not at the "starting" point of falling out of love. Love is dead. (Either their's or their spouse's love.) By understanding this first phase of falling in love...and how to use it over your entire can stay in love...and even RENEW LOST LOVE. As we discuss this first phase of the LovePath, we will take your calls to demonstrate how the LovePath works in your life by answering your real-life questions. During the program, you can call 616-378-0424 to speak with us live. The program begins at 9 p.m. Central. 

 Great Sex in Marriage - The Joe Beam Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:00

You may have seen the statistics. One in five marriages are in the "no sex" category. That means they have sex with each other ten times a year or less. Another 15% are in the "low sex" category, which means they have sex with each other 11 to 25 times per year. That means 35% (or we can just round that to one out of three) married American couples between the ages of 18 and 59 make love to each other twice a month or less, and the majority of those are once a month or less. Notice that these aren't folks in the nursing home. Does making love this little have an effect on a marriage? On sexual health? On potential affairs? On use? Yes to all of the above. In this program, Joe Beam discusses how sex in a marriage is directly affected by the relationship the couple have. More than that, he discusses how to increase both the frequency of lovemaking and the enjoyment that both husband and wife can gain from it. For those couples where one spouse wants to do something sexually that the other is resistant to do, he offers practical advice about how to solve that problem to the satisfaction (emotionally and sexually) of both spouses. He also reveals the secret to changing bad sex (or even good sex) to GREAT sex. Call in to talk with Joe about specific questions you have about lovemaking, anatomy, or anything you wish to learn. No questions are taboo. (Proper language is required.)  If you wish, feel free to use pseudonym to hide your identity. Use a fake British accent if you want, but be sure that Joe talks about what you wish to know by calling to talk with him during the program at 646-378-0424. The program airs live beginning at 9 p.m. Central on February 9, 2016.


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