Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News Excerpts show

Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News Excerpts

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 Sen. Corker says 'Absolutely zero corroboration' of charges against Kavanaugh in FBI report | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:03

Today, the FBI's report on the details of the background investigation into Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh was released. Democrats say the FBI's probe was too narrow and ignored people who said they had information on Kavanaugh's behavior and drinking during college, but the FBI couldn't find any corroboration. However, there was no one that could back up Dr. Ford's allegations. If there were, surely, they would have come forward. After the report was released Sen. Collins and Sen. Flake said they will vote in favor of Judge Kavanaugh. Stay tuned to see what this weekend's vote will bring.

 O'Reilly on Newsmax TV: Trump comments on Dr. Ford During Rally; Fairness in the media? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:55

Bill O'Reilly is back on Newsmax TV with Wayne Allyn Root to discuss stories ranging from Trump's comments on Tuesday night about Dr. Ford to the media's reporting on Judge Kavanaugh. Is it a good move for the president of the United States to bring up a Senate hearing at a political rally? Last night President Trump questioned Dr. Ford's testimony, but did it really get him anywhere? In fact, it probably made it more difficult for Judge Kavanaugh to get confirmed. Then, yesterday Dr. Ford's ex-boyfriend said that she helped a friend prepare for a polygraph test. Why hasn't this been all over the news? Find out more on Wednesday's No Spin News.

 Why isn't the media covering the Kavanaugh story? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:56

Dr. Ford's ex-boyfriend has released a statement saying that she coached a friend on how to pass a polygraph test. The ex-boyfriend wrote that, "I witnessed Dr. Ford help

 Monica Crowley Discusses Why the Only the Left Seems to be Accusing Kavanaugh | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:03

Bill talks to political commentator, Monica Crowley, about how many of the accusers who are taking aim at Judge Kavanaugh are Democrats. Is it a ploy from the Democratic Party? Watch the entire interview above, or the entire show on

 O'Reilly on Newsmax TV: How the American Press is Covering the Kavanaugh Story | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:59

In the mid-1990s, President Clinton became embroiled in a number of controversies when various women said that he treated them disrespectfully. The press covered the situation in a way that did not put President Clinton on the spot. Journalists are given a mandate and extra protection by the Constitution to do one thing, find the truth. The Founding Fathers said we need an independent press so that the people can get information that the political parties are not going to give them. The press' job is to find the truth, but if you fast forward to President Trump and the accusations against him that seems to have changed. It reached a crescendo about a month ago with Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, the far left doesn't want him because he will be the swing vote on abortion and because he's Trump's nominee. How will this play out? Will Kavanaugh get the nomination? Find out on

 Sen. Blumenthal attacks Brett Kavanaugh | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:01

He's been one of the few senators that have really been out to convict Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Richard Blumenthal lectured embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the importance of not telling even a single lie, but now the Connecticut Democrat's own difficult history with the truth is coming back to haunt him. Just because Judge Kavanaugh defended himself and showed indignation in the assertion that he did anything wrong, Sen. Blumenthal said he didn't like him. So, last night, Trump seized upon it. Find out more on Tuesday's No Spin News!

 Saturday Night Live Attacks Judge Kavanaugh | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:04

Saturday Night Live uses its power to destroy Judge Brett Kavanaugh's character. Is this satirical program taking it too far? Plus, get Bill's take on why the left is really going after Judge Kavanaugh. The Democrats have had a common theme since Kavanaugh was nominated to sit on the Supreme Court-hear it only on the No Spin News.

 Wendy Patrick Talks About Kavanaugh | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:34

Wendy Patrick, Ph.D., is Prosecutor, patriot, media commentator with a passion for people. On Monday, Bill asked her about Brett Kavanaugh and what, if any consequences he will face. Will he be confirmed as the 9th Supreme Court Justice? Find out more on the "No Spin News."

 O'Reilly Analyzes Dr. Ford's and Judge Kavanaugh's Testimonies Start to Finish | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:59

We are opening up Thursday's No Spin News to all this weekend so please watch and alert your friends. I believe you'll find my analysis tough but fair and honest in every way.

 A Historic Day In America | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:57

During today's testimony with Dr. Christine Ford she came across as polished and sincere. However, then she began to unravel. Dr. Ford's testimony just doesn't stack. It all begins with Sen. Dianne Feinstein who was the first to receive Ford's accusation who then assigns lawyers to defend Ford. Then in conjunction, Ford speaks to the Washington Post and tells her story to the press. Why wasn't this information released as soon as Kavanaugh was nominated? Sen. Feinstein waited for the last possible moment to turn this information in, she put both Ford and Kavanaugh in a position of being scrutinized for the rest of their lives. The best analysis of this testimony is on so make sure to check it out!

 O'Reilly on Newsmax TV: O'Reilly Responds to Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh's Hearings | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:00

Today was the day most Americans were waiting for, the testimonies of Dr. Christine Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. However, what you were witnessing was a he said, she said situation. So, someone is lying, but who? When questioned Dr. Ford did not remember key things about the night in question. Everyone who was allegedly in house that night has denied being there, so there are enormous holes in Dr. Ford's story.

 Jenna Ellis Discusses What Happens When False Accusations are Made | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 12:01

On Wednesday's No Spin News, Bill interviews Jenna Ellis, who is the Director of Public Policy for the James Dobson Family Institute. Ellis talks to Bill about what happens to someone who files false accusations. Bill specifically mentions the three women who have come out accusing Judge Kavanaugh of sexual harassment. What happens if these accusers are found to have lodged false allegations? The questions that need to be asked of these three women are, what is reasonable from their stories, and what is likely to be true? For people to believe that Kavanaugh doesn't deserve the presumption of innocence, that is a dark, dark day in America. Become a Premium Member on so that you don't miss Bill's expert analysis of the Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday.

 Kavanaugh Shouldn't Be Presumed Innocent? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 3:07

On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters on Capitol Hill that he doesn't believe Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should be presumed innocent before Thursday's hearing. Schumer said, "There's no presumption of innocence or guilt when you have a nominee before you." That's not true. Every American has the presumption of innocence until or unless they're found guilty. So why is Schumer making these claims? It really makes you think twice about where the Democratic party's values lay. The real tragedy is that not one Democrat has spoken up to defend Kavanaugh or due process. Stay tuned to Thursday's No Spin News as we will continue to cover the topic.

 O'Reilly on Newsmax TV: More accusations against Kavanaugh; What should happen to the accusers if they're lying? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:40

Bill O'Reilly is back on Newsmax TV with Wayne Allyn Root to discuss all things Kavanaugh. On Wednesday, attorney Michael Avenatti identified Judge Kavanaugh's third accuser, Julie Swetnick. In the actual sworn affidavit, there's no crime that Swetnick is accusing Kavanaugh of. What it does say is that Kavanaugh was at multiple parties where there were spiked punch and gang rapes. If this woman was at these parties where this type of debauchery was happening, would she keep attending? Something seems off. Nobody came forward at the time these parties were going on? Nobody has said anything until now? If it's proven that the women accusing Kavanaugh are lying, they need to go to jail, along with their lawyers. This is destroying the fabric of our country.

 George Stephanopoulos redefines Hypocrisy | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:10

On Tuesday's "Good Morning America," George Stephanopoulos interviewed White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on the President's consistent support for alleged accused sex predators. However, in the 90's Stephanopoulos defended the scandals surrounding Bill Clinton including the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But now, Stephanopoulos believes all accusations that are being brought forward by women, no matter if they have evidence, who they are, or what the surrounding circumstances are should be taken for at their word. Hypocritical? Yes.


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