Data Engineering Podcast show

Data Engineering Podcast

Summary: This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here.

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 Declarative Machine Learning Without The Operational Overhead Using Continual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:51

Building, scaling, and maintaining the operational components of a machine learning workflow are all hard problems. Add the work of creating the model itself, and it's not surprising that a majority of companies that could greatly benefit from machine learning have yet to either put it into production or see the value. Tristan Zajonc recognized the complexity that acts as a barrier to adoption and created the Continual platform in response. In this episode he shares his perspective on the benefits of declarative machine learning workflows as a means of accelerating adoption in businesses that don't have the time, money, or ambition to build everything from scratch. He also discusses the technical underpinnings of what he is building and how using the data warehouse as a shared resource drastically shortens the time required to see value. This is a fascinating episode and Tristan's work at Continual is likely to be the catalyst for a new stage in the machine learning community.

 An Exploration Of The Data Engineering Requirements For Bioinformatics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:09

Biology has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years, even before the pandemic. As an outgrowth of that popularity, a new field has grown up that pairs statistics and compuational analysis with scientific research, namely bioinformatics. This brings with it a unique set of challenges for data collection, data management, and analytical capabilities. In this episode Jillian Rowe shares her experience of working in the field and supporting teams of scientists and analysts with the data infrastructure that they need to get their work done. This is a fascinating exploration of the collaboration between data professionals and scientists.

 Setting The Stage For The Next Chapter Of The Cassandra Database | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:28

The Cassandra database is one of the first open source options for globally scalable storage systems. Since its introduction in 2008 it has been powering systems at every scale. The community recently released a new major version that marks a milestone in its maturity and stability as a project and database. In this episode Ben Bromhead, CTO of Instaclustr, shares the challenges that the community has worked through, the work that went into the release, and how the stability and testing improvements are setting the stage for the future of the project.

 A View From The Round Table Of Gartner's Cool Vendors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:16

Gartner analysts are tasked with identifying promising companies each year that are making an impact in their respective categories. For businesses that are working in the data management and analytics space they recognized the efforts of, Soda Data, Nexla, and Tada. In this episode the founders and leaders of each of these organizations share their perspective on the current state of the market, and the challenges facing businesses and data professionals today.

 Designing And Building Data Platforms As A Product | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The term "data platform" gets thrown around a lot, but have you stopped to think about what it actually means for you and your organization? In this episode Lior Gavish, Lior Solomon, and Atul Gupte share their view of what it means to have a data platform, discuss their experiences building them at various companies, and provide advice on how to treat them like a software product. This is a valuable conversation about how to approach the work of selecting the tools that you use to power your data systems and considerations for how they can be woven together for a unified experience across your various stakeholders.

 Presto Powered Cloud Data Lakes At Speed Made Easy With Ahana | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

The Presto project has become the de facto option for building scalable open source analytics in SQL for the data lake. In recent months the community has focused their efforts on making it the fastest possible option for running your analytics in the cloud. In this episode Dipti Borkar discusses the work that she and her team are doing at Ahana to simplify the work of running your own PrestoDB environment in the cloud. She explains how they are optimizin the runtime to reduce latency and increase query throughput, the ways that they are contributing back to the open source community, and the exciting improvements that are in the works to make Presto an even more powerful option for all of your analytics.

 Do Away With Data Integration Through A Dataware Architecture With Cinchy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:26

The reason that so much time and energy is spent on data integration is because of how our applications are designed. By making the software be the owner of the data that it generates, we have to go through the trouble of extracting the information to then be used elsewhere. The team at Cinchy are working to bring about a new paradigm of software architecture that puts the data as the central element. In this episode Dan DeMers, Cinchy's CEO, explains how their concept of a "Dataware" platform eliminates the need for costly and error prone integration processes and the benefits that it can provide for transactional and analytical application design. This is a fascinating and unconventional approach to working with data, so definitely give this a listen to expand your thinking about how to build your systems.

 Decoupling Data Operations From Data Infrastructure Using Nexla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

The technological and social ecosystem of data engineering and data management has been reaching a stage of maturity recently. As part of this stage in our collective journey the focus has been shifting toward operation and automation of the infrastructure and workflows that power our analytical workloads. It is an encouraging sign for the industry, but it is still a complex and challenging undertaking. In order to make this world of DataOps more accessible and manageable the team at Nexla has built a platform that decouples the logical unit of data from the underlying mechanisms so that you can focus on the problems that really matter to your business. In this episode Saket Saurabh (CEO) and Avinash Shahdadpuri (CTO) share the story behind the Nexla platform, discuss the technical underpinnings, and describe how their concept of a Nexset simplifies the work of building data products for sharing within and between organizations.

 Let Your Analysts Build A Data Lakehouse With Cuelake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:37

Data lakes have been gaining popularity alongside an increase in their sophistication and usability. Despite improvements in performance and data architecture they still require significant knowledge and experience to deploy and manage. In this episode Vikrant Dubey discusses his work on the Cuelake project which allows data analysts to build a lakehouse with SQL queries. By building on top of Zeppelin, Spark, and Iceberg he and his team at Cuebook have built an autoscaled cloud native system that abstracts the underlying complexity.

 Migrate And Modify Your Data Platform Confidently With Compilerworks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:09

A major concern that comes up when selecting a vendor or technology for storing and managing your data is vendor lock-in. What happens if the vendor fails? What if the technology can't do what I need it to? Compilerworks set out to reduce the pain and complexity of migrating between platforms, and in the process added an advanced lineage tracking capability. In this episode Shevek, CTO of Compilerworks, takes us on an interesting journey through the many technical and social complexities that are involved in evolving your data platform and the system that they have built to make it a manageable task.

 Prepare Your Unstructured Data For Machine Learning And Computer Vision Without The Toil Using Activeloop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:39

The vast majority of data tools and platforms that you hear about are designed for working with structured, text-based data. What do you do when you need to manage unstructured information, or build a computer vision model? Activeloop was created for exactly that purpose. In this episode Davit Buniatyan, founder and CEO of Activeloop, explains why he is spending his time and energy on building a platform to simplify the work of getting your unstructured data ready for machine learning. He discusses the inefficiencies that teams run into from having to reprocess data multiple times, his work on the open source Hub library to solve this problem for everyone, and his thoughts on the vast potential that exists for using computer vision to solve hard and meaningful problems.

 Build Trust In Your Data By Understanding Where It Comes From And How It Is Used With Stemma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:36

All of the fancy data platform tools and shiny dashboards that you use are pointless if the consumers of your analysis don't have trust in the answers. Stemma helps you establish and maintain that trust by giving visibility into who is using what data, annotating the reports with useful context, and understanding who is responsible for keeping it up to date. In this episode Mark Grover explains what he is building at Stemma, how it expands on the success of the Amundsen project, and why trust is the most important asset for data teams.

 Data Discovery From Dashboards To Databases With Castor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:46

Every organization needs to be able to use data to answer questions about their business. The trouble is that the data is usually spread across a wide and shifting array of systems, from databases to dashboards. The other challenge is that even if you do find the information you are seeking, there might not be enough context available to determine how to use it or what it means. Castor is building a data discovery platform aimed at solving this problem, allowing you to search for and document details about everything from a database column to a business intelligence dashboard. In this episode CTO Amaury Dumoulin shares his perspective on the complexity of letting everyone in the company find answers to their questions and how Castor is designed to help.

 Charting A Path For Streaming Data To Fill Your Data Lake With Hudi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:36

Data lake architectures have largely been biased toward batch processing workflows due to the volume of data that they are designed for. With more real-time requirements and the increasing use of streaming data there has been a struggle to merge fast, incremental updates with large, historical analysis. Vinoth Chandar helped to create the Hudi project while at Uber to address this challenge. By adding support for small, incremental inserts into large table structures, and building support for arbitrary update and delete operations the Hudi project brings the best of both worlds together. In this episode Vinoth shares the history of the project, how its architecture allows for building more frequently updated analytical queries, and the work being done to add a more polished experience to the data lake paradigm.

 Adding Context And Comprehension To Your Analytics Through Data Discovery With SelectStar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:23

Companies of all sizes and industries are trying to use the data that they and their customers generate to survive and thrive in the modern economy. As a result, they are relying on a constantly growing number of data sources being accessed by an increasingly varied set of users. In order to help data consumers find and understand the data is available, and help the data producers understand how to prioritize their work, SelectStar has built a data discovery platform that brings everyone together. In this episode Shinji Kim shares her experience as a data professional struggling to collaborate with her colleagues and how that led her to founding a company to address that problem. She also discusses the combination of technical and social challenges that need to be solved for everyone to gain context and comprehension around their most valuable asset.


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