Data Engineering Podcast

Weekly deep dives on data management with the engineers and entrepreneurs who are shaping the industry

About the show

This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here.


  • Data Migration Strategies For Large Scale Systems

    May 26th, 2024  |  1 hr

    Any software system that survives long enough will require some form of migration or evolution. When that system is responsible for the data layer the process becomes more challenging. Sriram Panyam has been involved in several projects that required migration of large volumes of data in high traffic environments. In this episode he shares some of the valuable lessons that he learned about how to make those projects successful.

  • Zenlytic Is Building You A Better Coworker With AI Agents

    May 18th, 2024  |  54 mins 19 secs

    The purpose of business intelligence systems is to allow anyone in the business to access and decode data to help them make informed decisions. Unfortunately this often turns into an exercise in frustration for everyone involved due to complex workflows and hard-to-understand dashboards. The team at Zenlytic have leaned on the promise of large language models to build an AI agent that lets you converse with your data. In this episode they share their journey through the fast-moving landscape of generative AI and unpack the difference between an AI chatbot and an AI agent.

  • Release Management For Data Platform Services And Logic

    May 12th, 2024  |  20 mins 8 secs

    Building a data platform is a substrantial engineering endeavor. Once it is running, the next challenge is figuring out how to address release management for all of the different component parts. The services and systems need to be kept up to date, but so does the code that controls their behavior. In this episode your host Tobias Macey reflects on his current challenges in this area and some of the factors that contribute to the complexity of the problem.

  • Barking Up The Wrong GPTree: Building Better AI With A Cognitive Approach

    May 5th, 2024  |  54 mins 16 secs

    Artificial intelligence has dominated the headlines for several months due to the successes of large language models. This has prompted numerous debates about the possibility of, and timeline for, artificial general intelligence (AGI). Peter Voss has dedicated decades of his life to the pursuit of truly intelligent software through the approach of cognitive AI. In this episode he explains his approach to building AI in a more human-like fashion and the emphasis on learning rather than statistical prediction.

  • Build Your Second Brain One Piece At A Time

    April 28th, 2024  |  50 mins 10 secs

    Generative AI promises to accelerate the productivity of human collaborators. Currently the primary way of working with these tools is through a conversational prompt, which is often cumbersome and unwieldy. In order to simplify the integration of AI capabilities into developer workflows Tsavo Knott helped create Pieces, a powerful collection of tools that complements the tools that developers already use. In this episode he explains the data collection and preparation process, the collection of model types and sizes that work together to power the experience, and how to incorporate it into your workflow to act as a second brain.

  • Making Email Better With AI At Shortwave

    April 21st, 2024  |  53 mins 43 secs

    Generative AI has rapidly transformed everything in the technology sector. When Andrew Lee started work on Shortwave he was focused on making email more productive. When AI started gaining adoption he realized that he had even more potential for a transformative experience. In this episode he shares the technical challenges that he and his team have overcome in integrating AI into their product, as well as the benefits and features that it provides to their customers.

  • Designing A Non-Relational Database Engine

    April 14th, 2024  |  1 hr 16 mins

    Databases come in a variety of formats for different use cases. The default association with the term "database" is relational engines, but non-relational engines are also used quite widely. In this episode Oren Eini, CEO and creator of RavenDB, explores the nuances of relational vs. non-relational engines, and the strategies for designing a non-relational database.

  • Establish A Single Source Of Truth For Your Data Consumers With A Semantic Layer

    April 7th, 2024  |  56 mins 23 secs

    Maintaining a single source of truth for your data is the biggest challenge in data engineering. Different roles and tasks in the business need their own ways to access and analyze the data in the organization. In order to enable this use case, while maintaining a single point of access, the semantic layer has evolved as a technological solution to the problem. In this episode Artyom Keydunov, creator of Cube, discusses the evolution and applications of the semantic layer as a component of your data platform, and how Cube provides speed and cost optimization for your data consumers.

  • Adding Anomaly Detection And Observability To Your dbt Projects Is Elementary

    March 31st, 2024  |  50 mins 44 secs

    Working with data is a complicated process, with numerous chances for something to go wrong. Identifying and accounting for those errors is a critical piece of building trust in the organization that your data is accurate and up to date. While there are numerous products available to provide that visibility, they all have different technologies and workflows that they focus on. To bring observability to dbt projects the team at Elementary embedded themselves into the workflow. In this episode Maayan Salom explores the approach that she has taken to bring observability, enhanced testing capabilities, and anomaly detection into every step of the dbt developer experience.

  • Ship Smarter Not Harder With Declarative And Collaborative Data Orchestration On Dagster+

    March 24th, 2024  |  55 mins 39 secs

    A core differentiator of Dagster in the ecosystem of data orchestration is their focus on software defined assets as a means of building declarative workflows. With their launch of Dagster+ as the redesigned commercial companion to the open source project they are investing in that capability with a suite of new features. In this episode Pete Hunt, CEO of Dagster labs, outlines these new capabilities, how they reduce the burden on data teams, and the increased collaboration that they enable across teams and business units.

  • Reconciling The Data In Your Databases With Datafold

    March 17th, 2024  |  58 mins 14 secs

    A significant portion of data workflows involve storing and processing information in database engines. Validating that the information is stored and processed correctly can be complex and time-consuming, especially when the source and destination speak different dialects of SQL. In this episode Gleb Mezhanskiy, founder and CEO of Datafold, discusses the different error conditions and solutions that you need to know about to ensure the accuracy of your data.

  • Version Your Data Lakehouse Like Your Software With Nessie

    March 10th, 2024  |  40 mins 55 secs

    Data lakehouse architectures are gaining popularity due to the flexibility and cost effectiveness that they offer. The link that bridges the gap between data lake and warehouse capabilities is the catalog. The primary purpose of the catalog is to inform the query engine of what data exists and where, but the Nessie project aims to go beyond that simple utility. In this episode Alex Merced explains how the branching and merging functionality in Nessie allows you to use the same versioning semantics for your data lakehouse that you are used to from Git.

  • When And How To Conduct An AI Program

    March 3rd, 2024  |  46 mins 25 secs

    Artificial intelligence technologies promise to revolutionize business and produce new sources of value. In order to make those promises a reality there is a substantial amount of strategy and investment required. Colleen Tartow has worked across all stages of the data lifecycle, and in this episode she shares her hard-earned wisdom about how to conduct an AI program for your organization.

  • Find Out About The Technology Behind The Latest PFAD In Analytical Database Development

    February 25th, 2024  |  56 mins

    Building a database engine requires a substantial amount of engineering effort and time investment. Over the decades of research and development into building these software systems there are a number of common components that are shared across implementations. When Paul Dix decided to re-write the InfluxDB engine he found the Apache Arrow ecosystem ready and waiting with useful building blocks to accelerate the process. In this episode he explains how he used the combination of Apache Arrow, Flight, Datafusion, and Parquet to lay the foundation of the newest version of his time-series database.

  • Using Trino And Iceberg As The Foundation Of Your Data Lakehouse

    February 18th, 2024  |  58 mins 46 secs

    A data lakehouse is intended to combine the benefits of data lakes (cost effective, scalable storage and compute) and data warehouses (user friendly SQL interface). Multiple open source projects and vendors have been working together to make this vision a reality. In this episode Dain Sundstrom, CTO of Starburst, explains how the combination of the Trino query engine and the Iceberg table format offer the ease of use and execution speed of data warehouses with the infinite storage and scalability of data lakes.

  • Data Sharing Across Business And Platform Boundaries

    February 11th, 2024  |  59 mins 55 secs

    Sharing data is a simple concept, but complicated to implement well. There are numerous business rules and regulatory concerns that need to be applied. There are also numerous technical considerations to be made, particularly if the producer and consumer of the data aren't using the same platforms. In this episode Andrew Jefferson explains the complexities of building a robust system for data sharing, the techno-social considerations, and how the Bobsled platform that he is building aims to simplify the process.