History Goes Bump Podcast show

History Goes Bump Podcast

Summary: Podcast dedicated to the side of history that goes bump in the night. Every episode's content features community time that includes listener mail and experiences, a “Moment In Oddity” and “History Of The Day” segments and then interviews and discussions about a historic location, event or person and the hauntings associated with the subject of the particular show. The tagline for the show is “Ghost tours for the theater of the mind” and our goal is to entertain you while creeping you out just a bit.

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  • Artist: Diane Student
  • Copyright: Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 4.0 International License


 HGB Halloween Round Table | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:04

On this episode we get nostalgic, share creepy personal experiences and have a ton of fun as we get ready to celebrate our favorite holiday: Halloween! Denise and Diane are joined by Patrick Keller of the Big Seance Podcast, Dan Foytik of 9th Story Studios and The Wicked Library, Jeanette Andromeda of Horror Made and Phil Childers of the Hateful Dead Podcast. Happy Halloween!!

 Ep. 79 - Maltby Cemetery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:20

Cemeteries have always carried a mystique about them and many people expect them to be haunted. Most haunted cemetery stories consist of an apparition returning to their plot or a hitchhiking ghost being dropped off outside of a cemetery. But at Maltby rumors of Satanism and thirteen steps to Hell have given this cemetery quite the reputation. Join us as we explore Maltby Cemetery! The Moment in Oddity features Crying Mary and This Day in History features the escape of Winnie Ruth Judd!

 Ep. 78 - The Legend of Mercy Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:17

It was the 1800s & the dreaded consumption was wreaking havoc. Many families lost several of their members. One of those families was the Brown family. It was the death of one of their daughters that started the Legend of Mercy Brown. Were there really vampires in America and was Mercy one of them? Join us as we investigate the history of this craze & a young woman named Mercy Brown. The Moment in Oddity features the Legend of Catherine's Hill & This Day in History features the Charge of the Light Brigade.

 Ep. 77 - Cachtice Castle and Elizabeth Bathory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:42

The Cachtice Castle was once home to Baroness Elizabeth Bathory. What led her to be called the "Blood Countess"? The Castle is a magnificent structure that may house the energy of intense emotions and pain. Come with us as we look at the history and hauntings of Cachtice Castle and Madame Bathory. We also included what appears to be nearly a Class A EVP from our visit to the St. Augustine Lighthouse that listener Shawn heard while listening to Episode 76.

 Ep. 76 - St. Augustine Light Station | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:32

The St. Augustine Lighthouse is actually a Light Station, meaning that the lighthouse is accompanied by several outbuildings. This is one of the tallest and oldest lighthouses in America. While many families lived here without incident, there were a couple that suffered tragedy. And it is through those tragedies that spiritual energy seems to have continued on. The Moment in Oddity features the Eillean Mor Lighthouse Mystery and This Day in History features the Battle of Neville's Cross.

 Ep. 75 - Marie Laveau and Voodoo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:35

New Orleans is a city that seems to ooze the paranormal and the occult. Every corner seems to reveal a new delight for the history lover and foodie alike. The legend around New Orleans' Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau is larger than life. She captivated the city for decades and her grave still draws people from around the world. Explore the history and the hauntings of Marie Laveau. The Moment in Oddity features Princess Olga of Kiev and This Day in History features Emperor Claudius's Death.

 Ep. 74 - Gettysburg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:48

The Battle of Gettysburg is perhaps the most famous battle of the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln even gave one of his most enduring speeches from Gettysburg. Many men died during that battle and it was truly the turning point of the war. Perhaps this is why the Battle of Gettysburg continues to this day. Not just as a part of re-enactments, but as ghostly battles continuing on the field. The Moment in Oddity features the Nagyrev Poisonings & This Day in History features the railway opening in Dublin.

 Haunted True Crime Teaser - The Black Dahlia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:30

Haunted True Crime Teaser - The Black Dahlia

 Ep. 73 - Bran Castle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:07

Bran Castle is more famously known as Dracula Castle. Bram Stoker chose this location as the setting for part of his novel "Dracula." Stoker never visited the castle and thus his description does not match reality. But the history connected to the castle gives it an ominous mystique, one that would lead many to believe the castle is haunted. But is it? And what of the lore about vampires? Are they real? Join us as we examine the history and hauntings of Bran Castle.

 HGB First Anniversary Special | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:28

We are a year old! What started as a fun side endeavour into the world of podcasting has become a community and so much more than we ever imagined. We thank each and every one of our listeners for their support and for listening. Here's to a great year and an even better year to come! In this special, we introduce everyone to our HGB Research Crew - they share a little about themselves and their paranormal experiences along with answers to some "tough" questions we asked them. Enjoy!

 Ep. 72 - The Life and Afterlife of Bruce Lee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:15

Just the mention of the name Bruce Lee conjures visions of martial arts fighting & movies. He is considered the most influencial martial artist of all time. His candle did not burn long as he died at the young age of 32. Some say it was a curse that took his life. A curse that carried over and took the life of his actor son Brandon Lee as well. Was it a curse that plagued the Lees? Moment in Oddity features strange German rules of the past & This Day in History features the Navy ending its use of flogging.

 Ep. 71 - The Flamingo & Bally's Casinos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:52

Las Vegas was a warm retreat for gangsters at one time and some of those gangsters helped Vegas to become the city it is today. People driving towards Las Vegas witness the glow on the horizon from all the neon lights that sparks the imagination. Las Vegas plays host to more than just the living though. Today we explore just two of the places that are reportedly haunted. The Flamingo and Bally's have interesting histories that have led them to be rumored to be haunted.

 Ep. 70 - Haunted Tombstone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:10

We are joined on today's episode by author and medium Janice Carlson to discuss her experiences in Tombstone, Arizona. Tombstone calls itself "The West's Most Famous Town" and it probably is just that. Come with us as we explore the history and hauntings of Tombstone! The Moment in Oddity features the Backward Imposter Body and This Day in History features the publications of the Hobbit.

 Ep. 69 - Landers Theater | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:29

Landers Theater in Springfield, Missouri has stood for decades and seen much history. Famous performers took to the stage, including Lillian Russell and Lon Chaney. But there is more than just a rich history to this place. Something else seems to have carried over through the decades. Spirit activity is reportedly high inside this elegant theater. Moment in Oddity features the Skeleton Under the Tree and This Day in History features Harriet Tubman and her Flight to Freedom.

 Ep. 68 - Maitland Gaol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:59

Maitland Gaol is considered Australia's hardest jail. For nearly twenty years the gaol has stood empty, but for 150 years this jail housed some of Australia's worst criminals. Violent crimes from murders to rape and of course, suicides occurred here. Inmates claim that the cells were concrete coffins. Rumors of hauntings permeate the stories about the gaol. Moment in History features the Fertility Chair and This Day in History features Francis Scott Key being inspired to write the Star Spangled Banner.


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