Atletico Spudland show

Atletico Spudland

Summary: Atletico Spudland is a podcast hosted by writer, woodworker and reluctant mage, Spud Murphy Join him as he tries to make sense of the world, be it though his works of fiction, his wood sigils or whatever hare-brained idea he's cooking up.

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 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with American Comedian Maria Shehata | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:08

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from American stand-up comedian Maria Shehata. We kick off the interview by speaking about Maria’s ongoing Edinburgh Show, Wisdomless a show about why she left LA for London after falling in love. She talks about what she both loves and hates about London and the differences she’s noticed having living in both New York and LA before. We get talking about living in cities in general, how I don’t particularly like it and find it hard to sleep among noise, while Maria finds no problem at all and while talking about it, she tells me I probably have misophonia, a strong reaction to specific sounds. We speak about Maria’s ancestry and how got her name 100% wrong. We get talking then again about the Edinburgh Fringe and how this is her first time doing an hour there, we talk about what she knew about the Fringe when living in America and what American comedians think of it. We speak about the challenge of putting on a solo-one hour show and the differences between having polished 10,15-minutes of different clubs sets and why she wanted wrote something completely new for her first Fringe Show. We speak about the differences between British and American audiences and if there’s any truth to there being any difference between them at all. We talk about whether her delivery or style of comedy has changed at all since leaving America for the UK. In a previous interview Maria had said that a friend noticed she kind of lived her life somewhat detached from herself, I thought that was really interesting and to be honest, really helpful when it comes to a life in comedy so we delve into the subject for a bit. We speak then about a web series Maria was part of the America, called My Super Overactive Imagination with Cat Reinhart. Finally then we talk too about Maria’s upcoming comedy album that she’s recording soon. Maria Shahata’s Edinburgh Fringe Show: here Maria’s Website: here Maria’s Twitter: here Maria’s Facebook: here Maria’s Instagram: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter:

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with Australian Comedian John Robertson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:31

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Australian stand-up comedian John Robertson. John was a host of the videogame TV show a few years ago, Videogame Nation, I loved that show so we got straight onto that, how he got involved and what he liked and disliked about working for a Saturday-morning TV programme. John tells me how to this day people still recognise him from it in the UK and do his catchphrase from the show and he tells a hilarious story about being recognised after coming out of a Parisian Burlesque/strip show. There’s an infamous video of John Robertson that went viral about a year ago of when he goes to town on a Heckler, I’ve linked it here so you can have a look, it’s pretty much a work of art, so we spoke about what happened on that faithful night. We speak about John’s Edinburgh Fringe show, Dominant, when and where it’s on an all about it. John won a Choice Award for his Edinburgh Fringe show last year, so I wanted to ask him about that and did he feel any pressure while putting together this year’s show to top last year’s. John talks about how over the years he’s learned to not write his shows, instead coming up with an ending and improvising a full show to get to the end. It’s an amazing talent and I delve into it a bit more with him. We chat about how John learned to read rooms, how he learned how to recognise how far he can push material with different audiences. We talk about kids these days not knowing who the Venga Boys are. John Robertson’s website: here John Edinburgh Show: here John’s Twitter: here John’s Facebook: here John’s YouTube: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with English Comedian Andy Storey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:08

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from English stand-up comedian Andy Storey. We get straight in the Edinburgh Fringe stuff and speak about the show he’s putting on with Maddie Campion, Epoch. Andy’s the first ‘clean comedian’ we’ve had on so I was really interested to get to ask him some questions about clean comedy and how he sees it as being more difficult to be both funny and clean and how he enjoys the challenge of it. We chat about how recently he was compared to Vic Reeves and Alan Bennett and how comparisons like that make him feel. We speak about what he’s learned over the years from putting on shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We talk then about the kinds of existential questions that come to comedians when they’re performing; do the audience care; why am I bearing my life and soul to people I don’t know who I’ll never see again, deep things like that. We chat then for a minute about the the depths of the subconscious and how you can’t even trust your own mind as it’s always playing tricks. And it’s always good to keep grounded by reminding yourself that everything is meaningless really. We talk about why he loves gigging so much, doing 5-nights-a-week as much as he can, honing his material at Open Mic nights and New Material nights around London. We speak about that god-awful phrase ‘the comedy voice’ and how Andy has learned over the years to be more like himself on stage. He sees less of a difference between who he is on stage and who he is in real life. We talk for a bit then about how Andy likes to challenge himself by constantly testing out new material, knowing that he cannot rely on trusted material he has to push his stage presence, his charisma and get his new ideas across well to the audience to get them laughing. We natter too about the importance of language in joke, how particular words at particular times can completely change how an audience laughs, he speak about using the phrase ‘hipster hairdressers’ instead of ‘hair salon’ and how the reaction of the audience was totally different. We speak about why some people need a push to get into things and how it took him so long to get into comedy even though he’d always wanted to do it. Andy Storey’s Edinburgh Dates: Epoch & Keeping it Clean Andy’s Website: here Andy’s Twitter: here Andy’s Instagram: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook:

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with Irish Comedian Rory O’Hanlon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:24

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Irish stand-up comedian Rory O’Hanlon. We start off asking about how the previews have been going in the run up to his show at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We get talking about the whole idea behind having to have a theme for shows at the Fringe and why comedians do this and why some of them use the term very loosely. We speak about Rory’s Edinburgh Show “Getting Serious“, how he’s been preparing for it and what’s the show’s going to be about. We get a bit nerdy then on Edinburgh and speak about what he’s learned over the year from performing there. We chat about the highs and lows of performing at the Fringe and how one of the best parts of it is meeting other comedians from all over. We talk then about the other show he’s running with former Comedy Cast guest Danny O’Brien about a variety show they’re putting on every day. We speak about why Rory’s laptop is set to Spanish instead of English. We get talking then about why if you want to ‘make it’ in Ireland you have to make it in England first, mostly because the Irish love to claim someone once they become well known. We speak about the differences between Irish and British crowds and how there’s very little really, the biggest differences are when you go out into the sticks away from the cities. We chat about sleepy English seaside towns and how they’re like something from old Scooby-Doo cartoons. Rory O’Hanlon’s Website: here Rory’s Podcast, This Happened Last Week: here Rory’s Twitter: here Rory’s Facebook: here Rory’s Instagram: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with English Comedian Zahra Barri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:43

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from English comedian, Zahra Barri. We speak about her Irish and Egyptian roots, where she lives in London now and what it was like spending a few years in Saudi Arabia as a child. We talk then about what it was like growing up in a multicultural family. We chat about comedy writing and how it was writing that lead Zahra into comedy. We talk as well about whether it’s something she wants to pursue in the future. We have a chat about how comedians evolve and how they have continue to evolve over the years to keep their audience interested and laughing. We talk about the difference between the on-stage persona and the off-stage persona and about how the person on-stage is a heightened version of the off-stage person. We natter then about the line in comedy, why it’s OK for men to joke about their penises and wanking but women are slated for joking about vaginas and periods. We talk about how really jokes should be judged on how good they are, it doesn’t matter if a joke is ‘dirty’ if a joke is good it’s funny, if it’s not then it’s not. We talk then a bit more about bodily functions, and I get to leave more about something Zahra jokes about; cystitis, or the honeymoon disease as it’s more commonly known as We talk about Zahra’s writing process then for a bit and how she works on her act. We talk about Zahra’s upcoming Edinburgh Fringe show, Walk Like an Egyptian (Bar 50, Edinburgh – Zahra Barri’s website: here Zahra’s Twitter: here Zahra’s YouTube: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with English Comedian Sheraz Yousaf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:33

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from English comedian, Sheraz Yousaf. We get straight into comedy as Sheraz had recently played some roles in a theatre production so I wanted to know was character acting something he’d like to pursue as well as comedy. We speak about Sheraz’ first gig and a comedy course he took before he took the stage for the first time. We speak a bit then about comedy courses in general, their pros and cons and the strange experience he had on his when a guy made some risque jokes one time and never showed up. Sheraz regularly releases videos on YouTube, so we speak about them for a bit, his inspiration behind the four different types of videos he puts out and how he got into it. We talk about how he keeps bumping into old men who have a fascination for one aspect of their local region. We speak about our shared interest in religion, while neither of us are religious we speak about how we both find the origins of religions fascinating. We have a chat then about Sheraz’ show The Persuit of Manly-ness. We talk about the main theme of the show, are we as men losing our way and becoming less manly? What is ‘being manly’ even supposed to mean? We delve deep into the topic and discover a few things about ourselves. Sheraz speaks about how he likes to change the order of the show and how he works on trying to perfect it. Finally then, we speak about Sheraz’ influences growing up and the type of comedy programmes he was watching in television. Sheraz Yousaf’s website: here Sheraz’ Facebook: here Sheraz’ YouTube: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with English Comedian Maddy Anholt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:46

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from English comedian/comedy character actor, Maddy Anholt. We dive straight into Maddy’s type of comedy, character comedy, what she loves about it and, if things go badly, how she can blame the characters if and when things go wrong. We go back to beginnings then and speak about growing up on Devon before moving to London to pursue a career in acting and comedy. We speak about her new show which she’ll be performing at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Herselves. A show about the different personalities we use in our daily lives. We talk about the idea behind the show and Maddy admits to liking to play different characters in her daily life with different people as well. We chat about the lack of comedians who play different characters on stage and how the people who do it find it so liberating to take on a persona and delve into comedy that wouldn’t normally suit their on-stage persona. Maddy recently set up her own TV production company, MadMaddyTV, so we get taking about the ins and outs of that, how and why she established it, and some of the common pitfalls associated with setting up one. We dig a bit more into this then and talk a bit more about the TV industry and how to get things made and what to avoid doing. We speak about Maddy studying acting and how it lead her into comedy. We speak more then about the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the kinds of things she has learned after having four successful solo shows there. And the depth to which one must go to promote shows there. Maddy Anholt website: here Maddy Anholt Twitter: here MadMaddyTV website: here MadMaddyTV YouTube: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with American Comedian Turner Sparks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:14

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from American stand-up comedian Turner Sparks. We kick off the interview speaking about how he learned to play Gaelic (Irish) football while living in China. There’s no getting around it, Turner Sparks is a pretty cool name, so we get talking about about our porn star names. We speak then about Irish Americans and why Americans in general feel the need to identify with the homelands of their ancestors. We speak about Turner’s role in establishing one of the first English-language comedy clubs in China, the Kung Fu Komedy Club. We talk about how and why Turner moved to China and how after a year he opened an ice-cream truck business. That lasted for 10 years until the Chinese government got involved. We chat then about how Turner had always wanted to be a comedian and about why he was so eager to set up a comedy club when the chance presented itself.  We get onto the difficulties of running an English-language comedy club in a foreign country, but he also speaks of the doors it opened for him and about flying over English-speaking comedians to perform in China. We also talk about the challenge of keeping sets interesting for audiences when you gig in front of the same people regularly and how it and of itself it has many advantages and disadvantages. We talk then about how since returning to America he has found that being able top concentrate on strengthening his act and really honing a set has improved since coming home. We go full comedy nerd then and speak about the different levels of comedy writing and how the first level is speaking about yourself and not you’re feelings about things and who some people can get trapping into never getting out of that first level of writing. Turner Spark’s website: here Lost in American podcast: here Turner’s Twitter: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with Irish Comedian Ger Staunton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:06

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Irish stand-up comedian, Ger Staunton. We kick off the interview and we speak about an Edinburgh preview show Ger had just performed in London along with previous Comedy Cast guest Danny O’Brien. I ask him about the nature of preview shows and about how much a set will change from the previews to the actual Edinburgh set. We speak too about learning to be critical of your work and how sometimes it doesn’t matter what you think of a bit, it’s the audience that are the best judge of new material. We speak about Ger’s podcast with former Comedy Cast guest Martin Angolo, Canary in a Comedy Goldmine, where Martin tests out new material on Ger. It’s a brilliant podcast and I urge you all to subscribe, the lads are hilarious together. I tell Ger that I get the impression for other comedians in Dublin that he’s somewhat looked up to, but he reveals it’s not because of his talent as a comedian… We speak about Ger’s job of being a video editor for live sporting events and some short films he’d made in the past in particular Bealtaine, a short about an old neighbour who brought back a dying tradition to Mayo. We talk then about how and why Ger got into comedy. Ger’s speaks then about putting the foot down in comedy recently and about how the more you put into performing regularly the more you’ll get out of it. We speak about the comedy scene in Dublin, the advantages and disadvantages to gigging to a lot of tourists and people who don’t regularly attend comedy and how as new comics you have to be willing to work hard and do the small gigs before getting the bigger ones. Ger Staunton’s Website: here Ger’s Twitter: here Ger’s Facebook: here   Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here  

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with American Comedian Ryan Bourassa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:28

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from American stand-up comedian, Ryan Bourassa. We kick off the interview and we get straight into comedy. The comedy scene in Las Vegas has always been a strange one, so I asked Ryan for his opinion on it. I ask Ryan about the inspiration behind one of my favourites jokes of his, involving Ikea and a baby and how parts of the internet turned on him for it. We speak about skirting the line between what is offensive and what’s funny and how comedians have to always be aware of it and aware that’s it changes from comedy club to comedy club and from different areas and on top of that with the politicial landscape changing almost daily too. Ryan also talks about how the same joke can get a completely different reaction from different crowds even on the same night. We speak about Ryan’s really outstanding podcast Mental Chillness, a solo podcast where he speaks candidly about his battle with Borderline Personality Disorder. We talk then about the illness and how Ryan has dealt with it since he was diagnosed. He speaks about why he started his podcast and how, for a change, the internet has welcomed it with open arms. We speak about how I came across Ryan many, many years ago on Twitter and we get speaking then about atheism and why religion is the worst of all the mental illnesses. We speak about Ryan’s love for the darker elements of comedy and alternative comedy, he also talks about how he talks enjoyment out of being cynical, sarcastic and pissing on the parade. But he says too that this all comes from honesty and that being honest onstage allows people to identify with him more. Ryan speaks passionately then about staying true to yourself in comedy and how not selling out and keeping artistic integrity is so important. Ryan Bourossa’s website: here Ryan’s Podcast Mental Chillness: here Ryan’s Twitter: here Ryan’s Facebook: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with American Comedian Jeremy Pace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:22

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from American stand-up comedian, Jeremy Pace. We kick off the interview speaking about Missouri where Jeremy’s from, I know very little about the state so I was keen to know what it was like growing up there for Jeremy. We get talking then about the commonalities we share in both growing up in small rural towns and that god-awful Dutch outfit Scooter get a dishonourable mention. We chat then for a bit about Jeremy’s day job where he helps people with addictions and we speak too about his own battles with addiction in the past. We also talk about why drug addiction is so common among creatives. We talk then about how former addicts use comedy to deal with their pasts and how when they meet together they love trading funny/horror stories with each other. We speak about how and why Jeremy got into comedy and his previous career in Burlesque in Washington DC. We talk too about a stand-up comedy course he took before going on stage for the first time. He also speaks about his mantra of being truthful in his comedy. We get chatting then about the community spirit that is present in comedy, how people are far more supportive than in other art forms. We speak about what it’s like to share the same stages in LA that so many legendary comedians have threaded over the years and he shares a story about pissing off stand-up comedian and TV actor, Ali Wong. Jeremy Pace’s YouTube: here Jeremy’s Instagram: here Jeremy’s Facebook: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with Irish Comedian Chris O’Neill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:10

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Irish stand-up comedian and Jesters Comedy Club chief Chris O’Neill. We kick off the interview speaking about where Chris in from in Ireland, a place called Naas. Although well known in Ireland, Naas’ reputation isn’t widely known, that’s probably a good thing though… We also talk about his what Chris studied as a student and I finally got to ask something I’ve always wanted to ask a politics student. We speak about where Political Satire is going wrong in Ireland, and why it’s hard to perform satire aimed at Irish politicians in front of Dublin audiences. We dig a bit deeper then on the subject and discuss why we don’t see enough comedy on Irish television. We get onto Jesters Comedy then. Regular listeners will know that the Jesters name pops up a lot when we have guests based in Dublin on the show and it was the reason I wanted to speak to Chris. We get into comedy promotion here and how he runs the nights and why he decided that instead of just hosting regular open mic and guest nights he wanted to challenge the comedians gigging in Dublin with themed nights and challenges. We speak about the different themed-nights, Jesters Raw,  Jesters Weird, Jesters Surprise and Jesters Politics, that he runs and why he decided on them. We speak about the workshop Chris holds every year in October to help new comedians with their gigs at the following year’s Edinburgh Festival, he offers advice on things like who to apply to, organising where to stay, technical aspects of venues and more besides. And finally then we chat about his role at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival where he runs two compilation shows and helps to put on over 150 shows every year. Rent-a-Comic Facebook Group: here Peadar Kearney’s pub: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with Irish Comedian Niamh Marron | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:56

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Irish stand-up comedian Niamh Marron. We kick off the interview speaking about coming from County Monaghan and why the county produces so many excellent stand-up comedians. And poultry farms. Niamh was a photography student before getting into comedy so we spoke about that for a bit and if there’s any cross over between photography and comedy, and her mighty Instagram page. We speak too about her final college project, something really cool where she mixed photography and comedy. We speak about how and why she got into comedy. We talk then about what it’s like to die on stage and how with Niamh it makes her more determined to right that wrong the next time she’s on stage. We chat about one incident in particular when she had the unfortunate experience of a whole room turning against her, but she explains how she won them back. We have a chat about her experience on Britain’s Got Talent and how their toilets had no window and she couldn’t escape. We talk about a play that Niamh was recently a part of, Living on the Edge, we spoke about the play, the idea behind it and how she became involved in it. Finally then we chat about the watered-down comedy on TV and how it’s a sad reflection of the spontaneity of live comedy. Niamh Marron’s website: here Niamh’s Twitter: here Niamh’s Facebook: here Niamh’s Instagram: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with Irish Comedian & Actor Tom Moran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:21

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Irish actor, comedian and writer Tom Moran. We kick off the interview speaking about a favourite of Irishmen when they get talking; the weather. We get onto living in Dublin then and Tom tells a mad story about what he was expected to do to get a flat on Dublin’s Capel Street. Tom hosts the wildly successful podcast Personality Bingo, so we speak about the idea behind the show and how it’s been going. We get talking then about Tom’s web series Fix Me, we get deep on it and talk about the writing of it and the challenge of writing about a therapist and a patient. Tom is also a contributing memeber of the Facts Channel. You will probably know about them by now having had a few guests on from the crazily successful YouTube channel, so we get talking about that, how he got involved and what he likes about it. We dug a bit deeper on the subject too and we pondered upon why tradition media outlets don’t try to get successful new media types on board. We turn the subject then to The Belly Button Girl, a one man play Tom wrote and performed last year. He reveals it’s been booked again for this year so we speak about it and the process of getting it from script to stage. Finally then we speak about Tom’s comedic influences growing up and what comedians he looks up to now. Tom Moran’s Twitter: here Tom’s Instagram: here Squad Productions: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here

 Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast with English Comedian Tiernan Douieb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:04

Hello and welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from English stand-up comedian and satirist, Tiernan Douieb. We kick off the interview with me telling Tiernan about how I sacrificed a Pavlova date to be with him and then we get into where he gets his awesome name from. Usually with the podcasts I tend to wait until towards the end before speaking about guests’ podcasts, but with Tiernan I wanted to get straight into it. Tiernan has a really mighty podcast every week called Partly Political Broadcast. If you have any interested in British politics at all you should subscribe to it because it’s pure mighty. He mixes satire, gags and serious topics absolutely brilliantly so it was really mighty to speak to him about the podcast. Of course, because the podcast is politically motivated we delved into British politics. We bitch about Theresa May and the Conservatives, Brexit, and the upcoming Scottish dilemma. The lies on a ‘massive effing bus’ gets a mention as well and Tiernan reveals exactly why he started his podcast and how it helps him to make sense of what’s happening in UK politics at the minute. We talk about why voter apathy is large among young people and some of the solutions to it. Tiernan brings up Rexit, it involves robots! We chat about Tiernan’s first gig, how he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep even after it, he also tells me one of the jokes he did that night. We speak about him doing a comedy course and how when doing it he knew that comedy was what he wanted to do in his life. We also discuss the thin line between exaggeration and bullshit and how the best comedians thread that line. Tiernan’s Podcast: Partly Political Broadcast Tiernan Douieb’s Twitter: here Tiernan’s Facebook: here Get in Touch Don’t be shy, get in touch with The Comedy Cast or follow us on social media If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at) The Comedy Cast on Facebook: here The Comedy Cast on Twitter: here The Comedy Cast on YouTube: here The Comedy Cast on Instagram: here


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Thepolandpodcast says:

A podcast where the host interviews new, up-and-coming comedians. Simple as that.