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 What next for Brexit? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:42

Parliament has given the government the power to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and the formal process of the UK’s departure from the EU should begin before the end of this month. What should British negotiators be seeking from the talks? What should any deal mean for immigration, trade and wider cooperation? Are the difficulties of getting out so great that we should reconsider our decision to leave? Earlier this week, Rob Lyons was joined by Ian Dunt and Luke Gittos for a lively and passionate discussion of the issues. Ian Dunt is editor of and author of Brexit: what the hell happens now? Luke Gittos is law editor for spiked, an author and a regular speaker at the Battle of Ideas festival.

 Tax wars and inequality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:09

Arguments over tax and inequality have moved centre stage in politics in recent years. Erstwhile Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders declared: ‘The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time, it is the great economic issue of our time, and it is the great political issue of our time.’ The World Economic Forum argues ‘A growing body of research suggests that rising income inequality is the cause of economic and social ills, ranging from low consumption to social and political unrest, and is damaging to our future economic well-being.’ Then there's the question of paying a 'fair share' of tax. The furore around the Panama Papers, which revealed the tax-avoiding strategies of many wealthy people, recalled Leona Helmsley’s infamous quote ‘We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.’ Should we be worried about inequality as well as poverty? Does inequality have effects on society that go beyond material disadvantage? Why have politicians become so keen on talking up inequality today? Is inequality inevitable – or even beneficial? SPEAKERS Daniel Ben-Ami journalist and author, Ferraris for All: in defence of economic progress and Cowardly Capitalism Dr Yaron Brook executive director, Ayn Rand Institute; co-author, Equal is Unfair: America’s misguided fight against income inequality Dr Faiza Shaheen economist, writer, activist; director of CLASS (Centre for Labour and Social Studies); former head of inequality and sustainable development, Save the Children Stefan Stern director, High Pay Centre

 Who are we? Identity politics dissected | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:13

Listen to the debate from the Battle of Ideas 2016. In recent years, more and more political and cultural discussions have been conducted through the prism of identity. Who we are, rather than what we do or believe, has become ever more important. But why has this happened and what are the implications? The shift from the idea of a universal human outlook, born in the Enlightenment, appears to have become badly degraded. This historical trend is the focus of The Academy 2017, the Institute’s residential weekend of study and debate on 15 & 16 July at Wyboston Lakes in Bedfordshire. Early Bird discounted tickets for the event are available until Monday 6 March. Find out more about the event and how to get tickets at The Academy 2017 page. This Battle of Ideas debate from 2016 offers a flavour of some of the issues we’ll be discussing at The Academy. SPEAKERS Dr Julian Baggini founding editor, the Philosophers’ Magazine; author, Freedom Regained: the possibility of free will and The Edge of Reason: A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World Ivan Hewett chief music critic, Daily Telegraph; professor, Royal College of Music; broadcaster; author, Music: healing the rift Sunder Katwala director, British Future; former general secretary, Fabian Society Professor Michele Moody-Adams Joseph Strauss professor of political philosophy and legal theory, Columbia University; author, Fieldwork in Familiar Places: Morality, culture and philosophy

 Immigration: what is the future of free movement? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:01

Immigration was a key issue during Britain’s EU referendum. The success of the Leave campaign owed much to the belief that the UK has lost control over its borders. Many British citizens are resentful that their communities have undergone dramatic changes as a result of immigration policies about which they were not consulted. At the same time, there are humane, economic and political arguments for welcoming migrants. So why do we have borders at all? If the EU can manage with porous internal borders, why can’t the whole world? Do open borders really threaten the integrity of a democratic nation state? NICK CATER executive director, Menzies Research Centre, Australia; columnist, The Australian JON HOLBROOK barrister; writer on legal issues; regular contributor to spiked KENAN MALIK writer and broadcaster; author, The Quest for a Moral Compass: a global history of ethics and From Fatwa to Jihad CHAIR: CLAIRE FOX director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive

 Immigration: what is the future of free movement? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:01

Immigration was a key issue during Britain’s EU referendum. The success of the Leave campaign owed much to the belief that the UK has lost control over its borders. Many British citizens are resentful that their communities have undergone dramatic changes as a result of immigration policies about which they were not consulted. At the same time, there are humane, economic and political arguments for welcoming migrants. So why do we have borders at all? If the EU can manage with porous internal borders, why can’t the whole world? Do open borders really threaten the integrity of a democratic nation state? NICK CATER executive director, Menzies Research Centre, Australia; columnist, The Australian JON HOLBROOK barrister; writer on legal issues; regular contributor to spiked KENAN MALIK writer and broadcaster; author, The Quest for a Moral Compass: a global history of ethics and From Fatwa to Jihad CHAIR: CLAIRE FOX director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive

 Does Britain need an industrial strategy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:10

Rob Lyons talks to Patrick Hayes, director of the British Educational Suppliers Association, about the UK government's recent consultation document on industrial strategy, why Brexit has focused the minds of politicians on economic growth and why we need to be far more ambitious about supporting research, innovation and wider development.

 Does Britain need an industrial strategy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:10

Rob Lyons talks to Patrick Hayes, director of the British Educational Suppliers Association, about the UK government's recent consultation document on industrial strategy, why Brexit has focused the minds of politicians on economic growth and why we need to be far more ambitious about supporting research, innovation and wider development.

 Podcast of Ideas: 10 February 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:02

Rob Lyons is joined by Claire Fox and Alastair Donald to discuss the UK government's housing strategy, John Bercow's refusal to invite President Trump to address parliament and the protests against invited speakers on US campuses. The team also discuss a new Institute of Ideas initiative, Living Freedom.

 Podcast of Ideas: 10 February 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:02

Rob Lyons is joined by Claire Fox and Alastair Donald to discuss the UK government's housing strategy, John Bercow's refusal to invite President Trump to address parliament and the protests against invited speakers on US campuses. The team also discuss a new Institute of Ideas initiative, Living Freedom.

 The UK economy after Brexit: sink or swim? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:59

This week, the latest GDP figures revealed that the UK economy continues to grow faster than expected, despite the vote to leave the European Union. In fact, in 2016, the UK economy grew faster than any of the other G7 industrialised countries. But will these good times last? Earlier this month, the prime minister, Theresa May, announced that she intended to leave both the EU's single market and customs union. It was just such a scenario that led to some of the bleakest economic forecasts before the referendum vote. However, economists who argued for a vote to leave the EU are generally sanguine about the future, believing the EU had become a barrier to further economic growth. What should the UK look for in negotiations with the remaining member states of the EU? In any event, are things really so rosy? At a time when all the major economies are struggling, are the latest growth figures a sign of a robust economy or do they simply leave the UK as, temporarily at least, the strongest of an increasingly feeble bunch? Are there more fundamental questions to be asked about the possibilities for creating wealth for everyone in the future, like questioning the poor productivity of the UK economy? Are questions about our relationship with Europe really just a sideshow to more deep-rooted problems? SPEAKERS Daniel Moylan former deputy chairman of Transport for London; Conservative Councillor; co-chairman, Urban Design London Phil Mullan economist and business manager; author, <em>Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance</em> (forthcoming) Merryn Somerset Webb Editor in Chief, <em>MoneyWeek</em> Andreas Wesemann partner, Ashcombe Advisers LLP; author, The Abolition of Deposit Insurance

 The UK economy after Brexit: sink or swim? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:59

This week, the latest GDP figures revealed that the UK economy continues to grow faster than expected, despite the vote to leave the European Union. In fact, in 2016, the UK economy grew faster than any of the other G7 industrialised countries. But will these good times last? Earlier this month, the prime minister, Theresa May, announced that she intended to leave both the EU's single market and customs union. It was just such a scenario that led to some of the bleakest economic forecasts before the referendum vote. However, economists who argued for a vote to leave the EU are generally sanguine about the future, believing the EU had become a barrier to further economic growth. What should the UK look for in negotiations with the remaining member states of the EU? In any event, are things really so rosy? At a time when all the major economies are struggling, are the latest growth figures a sign of a robust economy or do they simply leave the UK as, temporarily at least, the strongest of an increasingly feeble bunch? Are there more fundamental questions to be asked about the possibilities for creating wealth for everyone in the future, like questioning the poor productivity of the UK economy? Are questions about our relationship with Europe really just a sideshow to more deep-rooted problems? SPEAKERS Daniel Moylan former deputy chairman of Transport for London; Conservative Councillor; co-chairman, Urban Design London Phil Mullan economist and business manager; author, <em>Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance</em> (forthcoming) Merryn Somerset Webb Editor in Chief, <em>MoneyWeek</em> Andreas Wesemann partner, Ashcombe Advisers LLP; author, The Abolition of Deposit Insurance

 Podcast of Ideas: 20 January 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:12

Rob Lyons is joined by Claire Fox and Geoff Kidder to discuss Donald Trump's inauguration, the attitude of liberals and the media to Trump's supporters and offer their thoughts on Theresa May's Brexit speech.

 Podcast of Ideas: 20 January 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:12

Rob Lyons is joined by Claire Fox and Geoff Kidder to discuss Donald Trump's inauguration, the attitude of liberals and the media to Trump's supporters and offer their thoughts on Theresa May's Brexit speech.

 Is utopian thinking dead? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:52

As a new year begins, thoughts turn to the future. But how do we see the year - or the decade - ahead? Do we think that things will get better, that our lives will improve, or will we be stuck in a gloomy mind-set that suggests that the world is going to hell in a handcart? Can we imagine a truly prosperous world where everyone lives in peace - a true utopia? Does the concept of utopia represent an unattainable ideal – or the kind of idealistic ambition that can promote change in the real world? Debates about technological progress seem to vacillate wildly between utopianism and dystopianism. At a time when innovation is universally celebrated and culturally validated, it also appears to be in a constant state of crisis. Utopian optimism seems destined to remain divorced from practical applications, useful only in terms of blue-sky thinking. But are the constraints on innovation a matter largely of investment and official focus, or are there cultural and intellectual issues too? This Battle of Ideas debate offered a chance to explore our attitudes to the future. SPEAKERS Dr Yaron Brook executive director, Ayn Rand Institute; co-author, Equal is Unfair: America’s misguided fight against income inequality Dr Eliane Glaser writer, lecturer and radio producer Dr Norman Lewis director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation Karl Sharro architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture Kirsty Styles talent and skills programme lead, Tech North

 Is utopian thinking dead? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:52

As a new year begins, thoughts turn to the future. But how do we see the year - or the decade - ahead? Do we think that things will get better, that our lives will improve, or will we be stuck in a gloomy mind-set that suggests that the world is going to hell in a handcart? Can we imagine a truly prosperous world where everyone lives in peace - a true utopia? Does the concept of utopia represent an unattainable ideal – or the kind of idealistic ambition that can promote change in the real world? Debates about technological progress seem to vacillate wildly between utopianism and dystopianism. At a time when innovation is universally celebrated and culturally validated, it also appears to be in a constant state of crisis. Utopian optimism seems destined to remain divorced from practical applications, useful only in terms of blue-sky thinking. But are the constraints on innovation a matter largely of investment and official focus, or are there cultural and intellectual issues too? This Battle of Ideas debate offered a chance to explore our attitudes to the future. SPEAKERS Dr Yaron Brook executive director, Ayn Rand Institute; co-author, Equal is Unfair: America’s misguided fight against income inequality Dr Eliane Glaser writer, lecturer and radio producer Dr Norman Lewis director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation Karl Sharro architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture Kirsty Styles talent and skills programme lead, Tech North


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