The Daily Evolver show

The Daily Evolver

Summary: Tired of the same old left /right arguments? Want to throw your shoe at the shouting heads on cable news? Then join Jeff for a look at current events and culture from an integral perspective. Each week he explores emerging trends in politics, economics, science and spirituality, all with an eye toward spotting the evolution and up-flow of human consciousness and culture.

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 An Integral Response to Terror in the 21st Century | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:55

The end of ISIS as an occupying army is official with the fall of Raqqa, Syria two weeks ago. ISIS’s defeat was never in question: holy warriors led by God were never a match for the Goliath of modernity. But ISIS lives on in the minds and hearts of its true believers, some of whom would be oh so happy to take jihad to the Great Satan using modern weapons they could never themselves create. This time in New York it was a truck. Next time it could be much, much worse. How should modernity fight back now?

 The Art of Being Unique (But Not Special) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:41

In this episode I take a look at a paradoxical move in vertical development: where we embrace our own radical uniqueness and express it in relation to other beings who are also utterly unique. It’s a new and more vivid integration of the individual and collective realms of reality, and out of it emerges a possibility for a more fruitful, happy and fulfilling life. Once again we are helped out by Sarah Silverman!

 Mueller, Trump & Collusion: The Rule of Law Pushes Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:44

The gradual breakdown and reorganization of the prevailing world order–“the great release”–continues. In today’s Daily Evolver Jeff, Corey and Robb look at today’s groundbreaking headlines to explain how Red and Amber-centered populism, led by President Trump, gained power in order to combat the stagnation brought on by too much cultural and economic power consolidated in too few hands. Today, with indictments being leveled at three people working for the Trump campaign (one of which confirmed collusion with the Russian government), the Orange, Constitutionally-centered rule of law fought back. Orange is beginning to combat the hijacking of the national power by tribalist elements. What’s ahead? More fighting, or the beginning of a new integration of both sets of value? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

 Building Bridges: How to Talk to Trump Supporters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:18

In the wake of the Trump election, many progressives are realizing that one way forward is to reach out to their political opponents, at least to establish a basic human connection. Today Jeff looks at four recent attempts to do that: by comedian Sarah Silverman, philosopher George Lakoff, Vox political correspondent Liz Plank and New York Times columnist David Brooks. Corey also adds some of his own integral tips for good interpersonal hygiene.

 The Witch and the Evolution of Horror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:13

In this segment I review my new favorite horror film: “The Witch: A New England Folktale”. Created by young filmmaker Robert Eggers, it feels like something new in the genre, no only in how it was made, but it also in terms of where it takes the viewer. I nominate it for consideration as a work of integral art — as well as for your Halloween horror movie weekend (but watch it with the subtitles).

 How to Vote Integral | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:47

In a political system that is so polarized and seemingly rife with conflict between irreconcilable views, how do we make the best and most integrally-informed choices possible?

 “DUNKIRK” Rescues Heroism From Postmodernity - And stands as a work of Integral art ... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:16

Hey folks, In this episode I review the movie “Dunkirk”, a wonderful new film by Christopher Nolan which I offer for consideration as a work of lntegral art. As I say in the podcast (and accompanying transcript), “Dunkirk” expresses traditional values in a postmodern voice. The resulting integration is both cool and drenched with meaning. The effect is that we lower our guard to become directly vulnerable to the predicament of the soldiers fighting the battle onscreen. I was thrilled by the movie and left feeling enlarged, as if I had experienced not just the suffering and heroism of the characters, but the suffering and heroism of humanity. Thus inspired, I offer this review to propose that “Dunkirk” achieves and transmits an emergent, post postmodern – integral – aesthetic. And to encourage you to see it! At the end of the review you’ll hear reflections from Brother Corey deVos, editor-in-chief of Integral Life, who hosted the show. Enjoy the podcast …

 Trump-Sick? Try This. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:56

In this segment I respond to a listener who makes a urgent request for relief from a bad case of “Trumpinosis” (fear and loathing of our President). I end the episode by sharing 15 minutes of a video of spiritual teacher Byron Katie as she helps a woman metabolize her distress at Trump. It’s a brilliant integral transmission. You can see the whole thing at “I’m Afraid of Trump – The Work of Byron Katie”

 When Buddhists Go Bad: The Tragedy in Myanmar (And Why Development Trumps Doctrine) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:36

If Buddhism is a religion of peace, what explains the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, where the Rohingya Muslims minority is being killed and driven out by Buddhist militias, incited by Buddhist monks?

 The Transpersonal Workout Less Pain, More Gain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:18

The Transpersonal Workout — I think I have stumbled upon a way to transform my morning workout from something I dread and suffer through, to something that has become quite meaningful and rewarding. In the process I have upped my weights, reps and results – and leave not just physically but spiritually strengthened.

 Harvey Weinstein and the Fall of the Patriarchy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:21

Male domination of women is nothing new. Though modernity and postmodernity seek to dismantled it, pockets of patriarchy continue to flourish in the strangest places, even liberal Hollywood. Till last week …

 The Republic Fights Back (And Even Some Republicans!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:30

In the wake of the Trump election, many progressives are realizing that one way forward is to reach out to their political opponents, at least to establish a basic human connection. Today Jeff looks at four recent attempts to do that: by comedian Sarah Silverman, philosopher George Lakoff, Vox political correspondent Liz Plank and New York Times columnist David Brooks. Corey also adds some of his own integral tips for good interpersonal hygiene.

 The Power of Mutual Awakening - My conversation with Patricia Albere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:48

Hey Folks, Today I’d like to share a conversation I had with one of my favorite evolutionary teachers, Patricia Albere, about her beautiful new book: Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening. Patricia is the founder of The Evolutionary Collective, a group of committed integral practitioners who are investigating relationship itself as a means of spiritual awakening. I hosted Patricia as she started the Collective several years ago at Boulder Integral. I loved working with her; Patricia has a special, right-on-schedule realization, and the gift of real spiritual leadership in sharing it with others. Here’s the blurb I wrote for her book: “Patricia Albere has been conducting basic research into what it is to evolve in mutuality with other people. This book is a report from the frontiers of her explorations. What she has discovered is that love is not just an emotion but an evolutionary force, a force that drives all the fragments of the universe – including us – toward greater connection and wholeness.” You can find out more about Patricia’s new book Evolutionary Relationships here. And if you are seriously interested in the practice of mutual awakening, consider buying the book by Sunday, 10/8/17 and you’ll get complimentary tuition to her four-part course, Mutual Trust. And by the way, I get nothing for occasionally promoting works that I like. Just want to spread the word! Enjoy the podcast! -Jeff

 Donald Trump Has A Very Small Amygdala - New research into people who lack empathy, and how to deal with them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:05

In this episode I attempt once again to plumb the shallows of Donald Trump’s mind. I was spurred by an article in The Atlantic magazine about children who have been diagnosed with “callous and unempathetic traits.” In many ways Trump fits the profile of these children, who to a surprising degree do not respond to disapproval or punishments, but do respond to praise and rewards. They also exhibit unique brain features. The article reports on new treatments that are helping these kids grow into better adults. Unfortunately, at age 71 Trump may be a lost cause. In the last part of the podcast I look at some of the ramifications of his psychological profile, specifically as it relates to North Korea.

 The Morality of Meat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:00

If God didn’t want us to eat animals, why did He make them out of meat?


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