Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio

Summary: A weekly ‘Doctor Who’ podcast devoted to an open and positive discussion of anything and everything in the Whoniverse, spanning its nearly 60-year history.

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 Nightvisiting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:28

This week, Haley and Keir cut through the dangerous tendrils that weave through the third episode of Class, "Nightvisiting". Our ill-fated students contend with a danger that extends much further than the halls of Coal Hill, as well as issues of family rejection, estrangement, and isolation. This is turning out to be a heck of a feel-good show, eh? EXTRA: Live from L.I. Who 4, we get a few minutes to chat with the wonderful Anneke Wills (Polly Wright) at the outset of the convention weekend, discussing her thoughts on Moffat's writing (for DW as well as Sherlock), her respect for costar Michael Craze (Ben Jackson), and her further exploration of Polly's character thanks to Big Finish.

 Live from L.I. Who 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:57

This week, live from Program Room C of the Long Island Doctor Who Con (or #liwho for everyone on the inside), we invite our audience in on the cast to discuss "Classic Renovations". With the successful reintroduction of villains like the Ice Warriors and Great Intelligence, as well as conventions like the TARDIS Telepathic Interface and HADS, which other aspects of "classic" Doctor Who could see a successful return to the "modern" series? From characters, to locations, to technology, Keir and Haley sit back with more than a few drinks, and invite con attendees to hypothesize what could be brought into the current program, with varying degrees of update or rejuvenation.

 The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:02

In this GPR episode, we recap the sophomore episode of Class, "The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo". Ram and Tanya are in the uncomfortable, blood-spattered limelight for this one, and we discover new depth to their characters, further insight into Ram's relationship with his father, and rather unexpectedly, a side of Miss Quill we weren't exactly prepared for. As the kids these days probably don't say -- "Zoinks".

 Classic Rewatch: The Seeds of Death | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:35

This week, the GPR team romps about with the sixth season classic, "The Seeds of Death". With a strong supporting cast, plenty of running and tumbling, all the questionable props and sets we've come to love, but an equivalent share of interesting camera work and practical special effects, it's a true something-for-everyone six-parter you're sure to find enjoyment in.

 For Tonight We Might Die | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:07

[SPOILERS AHEAD!] This week, Keir and Jay skid into the room just in time to fully enjoy the first episode of Class, the eagerly awaited Doctor Who spin-off. It takes no more than the first few minutes to make it clear that we're not just dealing with a YA-categorized program that is more mature and terrifying dark than the Sarah Jane Adventures ever were; this is arguably more dark than Torchwood on most days. (Agree, disagree? Chime in on the comments!)

 Classic Rewatch: The Krotons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:39

Jay and Haley put on their best pointy-shouldered armor, gather a sack full of interesting rocks, and queue up the DVD for a rewatch of the 1969 Doctor Who classic, 'The Krotons'.

 L.I. Who 4 Preview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:05

We’ve never backed off our immense love and preference for the intimate, fan-run conventions, be they based on the Doctor Who fandom, or any other. There’s nothing like finding yourself in line for a morning cup of tea next to a celebrity or writer you admire, instead of rubbing far more than elbows with every living soul packed like so many sardines into an overcrowded convention hall. Long Island Doctor Who, or L.I. Who for short, has figured you the balance between intimacy of scale […]

 Audio Killed the Video Script | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:36

This week, Jay and Keir discuss just a small segment of the many characters, plot arcs, villains, and other story elements that Big Finish has brought to Whovians that could not only adapt easily to the televised series, but would arguably be extremely well received by viewing audiences. We say "arguably", because why else would we hypothesize such things, if not to get a lively discussion going, right? That's "discussion", not "flame war". (Start that discussion in the comments section!)

 Classic Rewatch: The Mind Robber | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:12

Let us tell you a story. Once, in a far-off land, many, many years apart from the time we live now, three dear friends went on an adventure. This was not your usual storybook adventure, where brave souls battled fearsome monsters, rescuing…oh, wait, it sort of is that sort of adventure. Well, it definitely didn’t have traps and snares, puzzles of wit designed to test our heroes’ intellect as well as physical…hmm. It has that, too. Okay, it certainly wasn’t a journey […]

 Our 200 Episode Diary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:57

Join the GPR trio as we reflect on 200 episodes of our modest Doctor Who podcast, the impact that creating and producing the cast has had on each of our lives, and the profound respect and thanks we have for all those who have contributed, supported, and listened to us for the past half decade. Cheers, mates.

 Classic Rewatch: The Dominators | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:04

This week, Haley and Jay continue our classic rewatch series and discuss the Second Doctor story, "The Dominators." From obnoxious robot voices, to explosions, to extensive outerwear that could make any linebacker jealous, this story has it all.

 A Wise Person Once Said… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:33

This week, Keir and Haley tour a series of the Doctor's most impactful speeches, from short but sweet consolations to a distraught listener, to the arms-wide, sermon-on-the-mount powerhouses that hold armies at bay, and give would-be gods reason to take heed. We discuss the apparent rise in the breadth and content of these speeches, and the adept way that Doctor Who writers have historically written to the strengths of each actor portraying the titular role.

 Classic Rewatch: The Web of Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:49

This week, we square off once again with the Great Intelligence, but with the newly arrived Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart, as we face "The Web of Fear". With twists and turns (both figuratively and literally), deaths and danger, scientific development under pressure, and a Welsh comic relief that deserves Shakespearean praise, this is one you can enjoy time and again. And we do. Often.

 The Elevator Pitch of Doom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:57

This week, we're playing a little innocuous game dubbed 'The Elevator Pitch of Doom', in which we are given a smattering of supporting Doctor Who characters, and have to find ways to utilize them in new program genres and script applications, thus ensuring that the televised world never goes a moment without Whovian influences throughout. It's for the greater good, after all. THE GREATER GOOD.

 Classic Rewatch: Tomb of the Cybermen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:59

This week, we revel in the simple perfection that is the fifth season classic, 'Tomb of the Cybermen'. Enjoying peak performances from Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines, a thorough but not overly complex script from Pedler and Davis, great supporting cast, and a thoroughly enjoyable 'upgrade' to our titular villains, it is a staple of our new viewer recommendations, and simultaneously one of our most treasured classic Doctor Who adventures.


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