Lin Eleoff  show

Lin Eleoff

Summary: Woman UP is code for stepping UP, speaking UP, showing UP, standing UP, and living the eff UP. This is a podcast for women who find themselves stuck between a rock and a hot flash. Get ready to take back all that power you've been leaking without realizing all these years. This is not the time to fade off into the sunset, GirlFriend. Get ready to tackle topics like, aging, menopause, love and loss, weight gain (and loss) from a whole new perspective. Stand back, there's no telling what will happen when you learn how to Woman UP and go after EVERYTHING you want.

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  • Artist: Lin Eleoff
  • Copyright: Copyright 2016-2020 Lin Eleoff |


 Ep #80: BREAKING THROUGH FEAR w/ NAOMI ESTMENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:23

If you’re like so many coaches, you approach marketing and selling as necessary evils when it comes to running a coaching business. Just a thought but… What if you’re totally wrong?  I know I was! I used to think of marketing and selling as the equivalent of medieval tickle torture (which is actually quite excruciating – it involves having a goat lick salt from the bottom of one’s feet and it seems goats can do this for hours on end.) Anyway, truth is, if you want a fool-proof marketing plan, do this: look in the mirror until you like what you feel. Marketing is all energy and emotion and connection. Do you feel amazing when you talk about your coaching services to someone, or does the thought make you uncomfortable? If it does, that’s what you need to focus on… nothing else. Forget your website, forget your newsletter, forget it all. And if you’re experiencing even an inkling of self doubt, then that’s going to hurt your business. Self doubt is inevitable when you’re building your own business but eventually you have to step into your role as a visionary – that’s how we become PROSPEROUS CEOs.    Seriously. There’s no way around it. The only thing you have to do when it comes to self doubt is DECIDE: Are you going to figure out how to get over that hurdle or are you going to stop right there, sit down, and say, “I’ll never figure this out.” Once she realized those were her only options – stop in front of the hurdle named “Self Doubt” or jump over it –  Naomi Estment decided she was not going to be derailed. Naomi recognized the AFGO that self doubt presented. An AFGO is Another Freakin’ Growth Opportunity and like I always say, starting your own business is an AFGO of epic proportions. Naomi is an amazing photographer whose specialty is getting her clients to feel comfortable on camera. But she was struggling to sell her signature program. Like so many other coaches, Naomi was very uncomfortable when it came to actually getting paid, a.k.a., asking for money. Then Naomi decided to take my $100k DNA  Mastermind for a spin and suddenly found herself inundated with consults. That’s when she was forced to make another decision: SELL or go broke. Listen to Naomi’s story in the audio player, above, or in Apple Podcasts. LINKS: Naomi’s website and programs: READY TO MAKE YOUR FIRST $10k AS A COACH? CLICK HERE. If you’re like so many coaches, you approach marketing and selling as necessary evils when it comes to running a coaching business. Just a thought but… What if you’re totally wrong?  I know I was! I used to think of marketing and selling as the equivalent of medieval tickle torture (which is actually quite excruciating – it involves having a goat lick salt from the bottom of one’s feet and it seems goats can do this for hours on end.) Anyway, truth is, if you want a fool-proof marketing plan, do this: look in the mirror until you like what you feel. Marketing is all energy and emotion and connection.


Anxiety is a Bitch. With a capital B. Actually, let’s make that ALL CAPITALS (with an exclamation mark and italics): Anxiety is a BITCH! It keeps you small, it makes you hide, it makes you think you’re gutless.  The antidote: Build a business! That’s what Sydney Allen decided to do and her business is now kicking her anxiety in the ass. Sydney spent more than three decades in a nursing career before deciding she wanted to explore life coaching, which lead to life coach training and the dream of starting her own business. I love the story about how Sydney would hand out pamphlets in the dark because she was so afraid to be “seen” and how she was able to step out into the light thanks to the deep work she was willing to do on herself. I met Sydney in my $100k DNA Mastermind for coaches who are seeking real transformation in the way they not only do business but their whole lives. Listen to Sydney’s story in the audio player, above, or in Apple Podcasts. LINKS: $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. Anxiety is a Bitch. With a capital B. Actually, let’s make that ALL CAPITALS (with an exclamation mark and italics): Anxiety is a BITCH! It keeps you small, it makes you hide, it makes you think you’re gutless.  The antidote: Build a business! That’s what Sydney Allen decided to do and her business is now kicking her anxiety in the ass. Sydney spent more than three decades in a nursing career before deciding she wanted to explore life coaching, which lead to life coach training and the dream of starting her own business. I love the story about how Sydney would hand out pamphlets in the dark because she was so afraid to be “seen” and how she was able to step out into the light thanks to the deep work she was willing to do on herself. I met Sydney in my $100k DNA Mastermind for coaches who are seeking real transformation in the way they not only do business but their whole lives. Listen to Sydney’s story in the audio player, above, or in Apple Podcasts. LINKS: $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach.

 Ep #78: THE ART OF CONSCIOUS AND DELIBERATE SELF TRANSFORMATION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:38

Yeah yeah yeah. You want to be a better person. You want to live your best life and all that stuff that Oprah talks about. But do you really? After all, just about anyone will tell you they wish things could be better. Or different. Or something. But my question is: How committed are you?  How badly do you want it? Is Self Transformation on your list of TOP 5 priorities?  If your knee-jerk response is,“Yeah, sure, of course it is, then I don’t believe you because there must be nothing knee-jerk about this! (BTW I say this with all the love in my heart and the biggest virtual kick in the pants I can deliver because I’ve been a recipient of such a kick and it made all the difference in my life.) ALL.        THE.          DIFFERENCE.  If you truly are committed to living your best life, you have to Woman UP and transform thyself. Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: How to Woman UP: A Step-By-Step Guide My Woman UP Facebook Group Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to UP their game when it comes to making MONEY and making an IMPACT. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. Yeah yeah yeah. You want to be a better person. You want to live your best life and all that stuff that Oprah talks about. But do you really? After all, just about anyone will tell you they wish things could be better. Or different. Or something. But my question is: How committed are you?  How badly do you want it? Is Self Transformation on your list of TOP 5 priorities?  If your knee-jerk response is,“Yeah, sure, of course it is, then I don’t believe you because there must be nothing knee-jerk about this! (BTW I say this with all the love in my heart and the biggest virtual kick in the pants I can deliver because I’ve been a recipient of such a kick and it made all the difference in my life.) ALL.        THE.          DIFFERENCE.  If you truly are committed to living your best life, you have to Woman UP and transform thyself. Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: How to Woman UP: A Step-By-Step Guide My Woman UP Facebook Group Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to UP their game when it comes to making MONEY and making an IMPACT. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the 

 Ep #77: BECOMING A PROSPEROUS CEO OF A COACHING BUSINESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:10

A woman said to me the other day, “I’m not interested in being powerful.” The statement made me curious about what having power meant to her. It made me protective of my own power. Shonda Rhimes, a powerful woman if there ever was one, was once quoted as saying: “I’ve seen plenty of powerful women squander a chance at power simply because they waited for someone else to give them permission to have power. There is no permission slip — you just have to BE powerful.” You just have to BE powerful.  And you get to define what “powerful” looks like! Let’s go Girls. This is not the time time to back away from the notion of being powerful. You get to define your power and use it in a way to do good in the world. The natural consequence of taking the role of CEO in your life and business? Prosperity. Listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: How to Woman UP Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. A woman said to me the other day, “I’m not interested in being powerful.” The statement made me curious about what having power meant to her. It made me protective of my own power. Shonda Rhimes, a powerful woman if there ever was one, was once quoted as saying: “I’ve seen plenty of powerful women squander a chance at power simply because they waited for someone else to give them permission to have power. There is no permission slip — you just have to BE powerful.” You just have to BE powerful.  And you get to define what “powerful” looks like! Let’s go Girls. This is not the time time to back away from the notion of being powerful. You get to define your power and use it in a way to do good in the world. The natural consequence of taking the role of CEO in your life and business? Prosperity. Listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: How to Woman UP Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club a...

 Ep #76: BE DO BE DO BE (Changing Your Emotional DNA) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:01

Have you noticed that whenever we want to change anything about our lives we tend to focus on getting something, or having something, or doing something? We put our attention on taking action. I have to eat less. I need to study more. I’ll just work harder. I have to get more clients. I need to make more money. But change doesn’t come through getting or having or doing. Change comes from becoming a different kind of woman – one whose emotional DNA has been re-programmed to do the things she was once afraid to do. BE, first. Then, DO. BE DO BE DO BE. Always in that order. Listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: How to Woman UP Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Other Important Links: Strangers In The Night (Do Be Do Be do) by Frank Sinatra Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. Have you noticed that whenever we want to change anything about our lives we tend to focus on getting something, or having something, or doing something? We put our attention on taking action. I have to eat less. I need to study more. I’ll just work harder. I have to get more clients. I need to make more money. But change doesn’t come through getting or having or doing. Change comes from becoming a different kind of woman – one whose emotional DNA has been re-programmed to do the things she was once afraid to do. BE, first. Then, DO. BE DO BE DO BE. Always in that order. Listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: How to Woman UP Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Other Important Links: Strangers In The Night (Do Be Do Be do) by Frank Sinatra Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach.

 Ep #75: How Pam Slim Made Me A Better Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

Coaching can change your life in an instant. It can also make you a better coach.  In Episode 66 I told you all about my so-called Pam Slim Smackdown nearly a decade ago when I was in training to become “the best coach in the world!” Even back then I was living by my “be do be do be” philosophy, meaning that coaching isn’t something I “do,” it’s a fundamental part of who I am. Coaching As Spiritual Practice To my surprise, coaching has become a veritable spiritual practice for me and I attribute my clarity of vision to just 15 minutes with a coach who knew how to hold a space for me to figure out what was swirling around in my head. Another coach might’ve fallen for all my stalling and side-stepping but not Pam… she held my feet to the fire in a way that said, “You’ve got this and I’m here to help you figure this out.” Without exaggeration, that one coaching session with Pam brought me such clarity and it would forever influence the way I would “be” a coach. Today I hold my clients’ feet to the fire while simultaneously holding the space for them to sort through all the gobbledegook that swirls around in their heads. (Thanks, Pam, for showing me how it’s done.) Pam Slim graciously accepted my invitation to be a guest on my MESS MAGIC MONEY podcast and in Episode 75 we laugh about how “chill” Pam was during that coaching session way back when, all while I was silently freaking out(!) in my own head. We also talk about “leadership energy” (and why it’s so important to your coaching business), gratitude, and your power to shape the world through your coaching. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS MENTIONED: Pam’s Website Pam’s books: Escape From Cubicle Nation and Body of Work Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Other Important Links: Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women. How To Woman UP: Get a dose of VITAMIN G [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] Coaching can change your life in an instant. It can also make you a better coach.  In Episode 66 I told you all about my so-called Pam Slim Smackdown nearl...

 Ep #74: How To FEEL So Much Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:16

Did you hear the one about the woman who wanted to start her own business but she was so afraid to do it because, in her own mind, she’d already failed?   She said she couldn’t stop the repetitive (negative) loop in her head (the one that sounded an awful lot like her mom). It went like this: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you can’t do that! Don’t be ridiculous.  Episode 74 of MESS MAGIC MONEY explains why, just when you think you’re on a roll, and you’re feeling pretty good, you suddenly sabotage everything, and then try to blame in on your mom (or your ninth grade boyfriend).  It’s enough to make you feel downright terrible. This is how to feel better. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS MENTIONED: Free download: Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Get a dose of VITAMIN G [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] Did you hear the one about the woman who wanted to start her own business but she was so afraid to do it because, in her own mind, she’d already failed?   She said she couldn’t stop the repetitive (negative) loop in her head (the one that sounded an awful lot like her mom). It went like this: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you can’t do that! Don’t be ridiculous.  Episode 74 of MESS MAGIC MONEY explains why, just when you think you’re on a roll, and you’re feeling pretty good, you suddenly sabotage everything, and then try to blame in on your mom (or your ninth grade boyfriend).  It’s enough to make you feel downright terrible. This is how to feel better. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS MENTIONED: Free download: Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group Get a dose of VITAMIN G [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’]

 Ep #73: There’s No Upside To That Dangerous Story You’re Telling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:51

Do you know someone who appears to be grouchy most of the time? It’s because they’re telling themselves a grouchy story day in and day out. People like that are kinda dangerous… they can mess up your day if you let them. Likewise, people who seem to be upbeat and positive? They can turn your day into magic. But your real power lies in the storytelling that takes place on an unconscious level all day long in your head. Our realities are a reflection of the stories we tell. Tell a lousy story, have a lousy day. Want to have a better day? Tell a better story! Do not underestimate the power of what’s going on beneath the surface of your conscious mind. In Episode 73 of MESS MAGIC MONEY I show you how to take the first step towards telling a better story. Without rewriting the painful stories we unconsciously tell ourselves we pay a hefty price… the life we didn’t sign up for. This is how we woman UP. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS MENTIONED: Free download: Gutsy Glorious Business Woman Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group $ [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] Do you know someone who appears to be grouchy most of the time? It’s because they’re telling themselves a grouchy story day in and day out. People like that are kinda dangerous… they can mess up your day if you let them. Likewise, people who seem to be upbeat and positive? They can turn your day into magic. But your real power lies in the storytelling that takes place on an unconscious level all day long in your head. Our realities are a reflection of the stories we tell. Tell a lousy story, have a lousy day. Want to have a better day? Tell a better story! Do not underestimate the power of what’s going on beneath the surface of your conscious mind. In Episode 73 of MESS MAGIC MONEY I show you how to take the first step towards telling a better story. Without rewriting the painful stories we unconsciously tell ourselves we pay a hefty price… the life we didn’t sign up for. This is how we woman UP. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS MENTIONED: Free download: Gutsy Glorious Business Woman Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group $ [blank_space height=’1em’]

 Ep #72: Your Lousy No Good Rotten STINKIN’ (HORROR) STORY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:05

I love a good story, don’t you? So why do we tell such horror-able stories about ourselves? In Episode 72 of MESS MAGIC MONEY we’re going to take a closer look at the lousy no good rotten stinkin’ scary stories we tell and why you have to rewrite yours. Turn it into a romantic comedy. Or maybe an action adventure. But under no circumstances must you ever tell yourself a horror story! Your story runs in the background of your mind all day every day. If it’s a lousy story, your subconscious mind is lapping it up. It’s memorized every word of that story and it feeds you thoughts that are aligned with that story. So you can understand why you’d better be telling yourself a good story, right? That’s what this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY is all about… telling yourself a story that doesn’t make you feel like bawling on the bathroom floor accompanied by a giant bag of Doritos and a Big Gulp. This is how we woman UP. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group $ [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] I love a good story, don’t you? So why do we tell such horror-able stories about ourselves? In Episode 72 of MESS MAGIC MONEY we’re going to take a closer look at the lousy no good rotten stinkin’ scary stories we tell and why you have to rewrite yours. Turn it into a romantic comedy. Or maybe an action adventure. But under no circumstances must you ever tell yourself a horror story! Your story runs in the background of your mind all day every day. If it’s a lousy story, your subconscious mind is lapping it up. It’s memorized every word of that story and it feeds you thoughts that are aligned with that story. So you can understand why you’d better be telling yourself a good story, right? That’s what this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY is all about… telling yourself a story that doesn’t make you feel like bawling on the bathroom floor accompanied by a giant bag of Doritos and a Big Gulp. This is how we woman UP. You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes. LINKS: Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group $ [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’]

 Ep #71: BELIEVING You Can have EVERYTHING You Want | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:43

WHAT IF everything you say you want, all your plans, all your dreams… what if all of it is being contradicted by your subconscious mind? You can see the havoc that would cause with your life, right? That’s the thing though – you can say what you want, wish for it, dream about it, “law of attraction” the heck out of it BUT if your subconscious/unconscious mind isn’t on board, you can FORGET IT. That’s why “thought work” only gets you so far. It’s BELIEF WORK that creates true transformation. The podcast episode is a quickie (5 minutes) but it’s loaded with Vitamin G (GUTS). LINKS: Episode 69: Everything Worth Having Starts With “I WANT” Episode 70: How To Get EXACTLY What You Want $100k DNA: From Competent Coach To Money-Making Business Woman [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] WHAT IF everything you say you want, all your plans, all your dreams… what if all of it is being contradicted by your subconscious mind? You can see the havoc that would cause with your life, right? That’s the thing though – you can say what you want, wish for it, dream about it, “law of attraction” the heck out of it BUT if your subconscious/unconscious mind isn’t on board, you can FORGET IT. That’s why “thought work” only gets you so far. It’s BELIEF WORK that creates true transformation. The podcast episode is a quickie (5 minutes) but it’s loaded with Vitamin G (GUTS). LINKS: Episode 69: Everything Worth Having Starts With “I WANT” Episode 70: How To Get EXACTLY What You Want $100k DNA: From Competent Coach To Money-Making Business Woman [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’]

 Ep #70: HOW To Get Exactly You Want | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:58

Once you know what you want, how will you make sure you get it? In episode 69 of MESS MAGIC MONEY I gave you an assignment: articulate with clarity what it is you want. People will often lament the fact that life isn’t what they expected, but when you ask them exactly what it is they expected, they start to stammer. “Well I thought that maybe…”  Um, that’s never going to do it, thinking that mayyyyybeeee… Waiting for something or someone to bring you what you want is  a passive way to do your life. It practically guarantees disappointment. And, here’s the worst part of not having what you want: You’re not in integrity, because saying you want something and then not making sure you get it means there’s a disconnect somewhere, and it’s usually because you’re not walking your talk. So, how do you get what you want? Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and let’s make it happen. LINKS: [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] Once you know what you want, how will you make sure you get it? In episode 69 of MESS MAGIC MONEY I gave you an assignment: articulate with clarity what it is you want. People will often lament the fact that life isn’t what they expected, but when you ask them exactly what it is they expected, they start to stammer. “Well I thought that maybe…”  Um, that’s never going to do it, thinking that mayyyyybeeee… Waiting for something or someone to bring you what you want is  a passive way to do your life. It practically guarantees disappointment. And, here’s the worst part of not having what you want: You’re not in integrity, because saying you want something and then not making sure you get it means there’s a disconnect somewhere, and it’s usually because you’re not walking your talk. So, how do you get what you want? Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and let’s make it happen. LINKS: [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’]

 Ep #69: Everything Worth Having Starts With “I Want” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:45

You can’t have what you want if you don’t even know what you want. Sounds obvious, I know, but if I asked you right now what it is you really really REALLY want, how would you answer? Sometimes when I ask women this question someone will say something like, “George Clooney.” In other words, she doesn’t believe she can have what she wants. So she doesn’t even bother to answer the question in a thoughtful way. WHAT DO YOU WANT? GirlFriend, you have to know what you want, for heaven’s sake. Start with, “I want,” and don’t feel bad about finishing the sentence. You deserve to have everything you want. Yes, everything, and not believing that means you’re not getting what you want. Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and get to work on your “I want” list. PS: One of the things I want, that I already have, is a beautiful home on the water. I didn’t just wish for it, I wanted it. It’s not an accident that I have it. It’s not a coincidence. It’s not luck. I became the kind of woman who makes sure she gets the home of her dreams. It’s a manifestation of my deep wanting to have a beautiful home for our family. I relish living in our home. I am so grateful for our home. Here’s the photo I promised in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY where I talk about how much I enjoy my home in the summer months especially because living in New England in the summer is like being on vacation for 3 months. After you listen to the podcast, come tell me what you want HERE. Lxo   [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] You can’t have what you want if you don’t even know what you want. Sounds obvious, I know, but if I asked you right now what it is you really really REALLY want, how would you answer? Sometimes when I ask women this question someone will say something like, “George Clooney.” In other words, she doesn’t believe she can have what she wants. So she doesn’t even bother to answer the question in a thoughtful way. WHAT DO YOU WANT? GirlFriend, you have to know what you want, for heaven’s sake. Start with, “I want,” and don’t feel bad about finishing the sentence. You deserve to have everything you want. Yes, everything, and not believing that means you’re not getting what you want. Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and get to work on your “I want” list. PS: One of the things I want, that I already have, is a beautiful home on the water. I didn’t just wish for it, I wanted it. It’s not an accident that I have it. It’s not a coincidence. It’s not luck. I became the kind of woman who makes sure she gets the home of her dreams. It’s a manifestation of my deep wanting to have a beautiful home for our family. I relish living in our home. I am so grateful for our home.

 Ep #68: What Should I Name My Business And My Website? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:23

Is naming your coaching business making you crazier than a politician telling the truth on opposite day? (That’s pret-ty darn crazy!) I’ve seen so many coaches spin themselves in circles trying to come up with “the perfect name” for their business, only to change their minds a year later (and sometimes only a couple of months later). I put my lawyer hat on for this episode, as well as my business coach hat because there are a few things to consider when you’re naming your business AND your website. Take a few tips from this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and save yourself time (and money) down the road. LINKS: [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’] Is naming your coaching business making you crazier than a politician telling the truth on opposite day? (That’s pret-ty darn crazy!) I’ve seen so many coaches spin themselves in circles trying to come up with “the perfect name” for their business, only to change their minds a year later (and sometimes only a couple of months later). I put my lawyer hat on for this episode, as well as my business coach hat because there are a few things to consider when you’re naming your business AND your website. Take a few tips from this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and save yourself time (and money) down the road. LINKS: [blank_space height=’1em’] Do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? Come join the $100k Coach Club and find out exactly what it takes to break through your inner glass ceiling when it comes to making six figures and more as a life coach. [blank_space height=’3em’]

 Ep #67: Who Do You Think You Are? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:19

If you saw yourself across the room at a party, would you want to meet you? It’s one of my favorite questions to ask clients: “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”  How do you see yourself? Why are you the way you are? Do you like the way you are? Do you approve of the things you do? Do you stand by the choices you’ve made? Why do you do you the way you do? And the best question of all… Who are you becoming? That’s what we’re talking about in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY. [blank_space height=’1em’] Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? $100k DNA is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls!  [blank_space height=’3em’] If you saw yourself across the room at a party, would you want to meet you? It’s one of my favorite questions to ask clients: “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”  How do you see yourself? Why are you the way you are? Do you like the way you are? Do you approve of the things you do? Do you stand by the choices you’ve made? Why do you do you the way you do? And the best question of all… Who are you becoming? That’s what we’re talking about in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY. [blank_space height=’1em’] Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? $100k DNA is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls!  [blank_space height=’3em’]

 Ep #66: My Pam Slim Smackdown (It hurt so good!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

Why, Pam, whyyyy? If you’re a parent, you know how it can make you oh-so-crazy when a child asks you WHY over and over and over again. But when it’s an adult who’s doing the asking, and “I don’t know” is absolutely the wrong answer, well, let’s just say it can make an otherwise sane woman (me) crazier than a soup sandwich. That’s pretty crazy. And it’s all Pam Slim‘s fault. It was during Martha Beck’s Master Coach training nearly ten years ago but it feels like an hour ago that I was feeling the heat from Ms. Slim’s go-for-the-jugular interrogation. Don’t worry, the story has a (very) happy ending. In fact, I love Pam Slim, but for about 20 minutes there I thought I was going to sweat to death, and it was all because she kept repeating the same 3-letter word 467 times! Good coaches need good coaches and to this day I credit Pam Slim for teaching me what it means to hang in with someone who’d rather be left alone to crawl under a rock. Listen to the whole story in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY. [blank_space height=’1em’] Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? $100k DNA is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls!  [blank_space height=’3em’] Why, Pam, whyyyy? If you’re a parent, you know how it can make you oh-so-crazy when a child asks you WHY over and over and over again. But when it’s an adult who’s doing the asking, and “I don’t know” is absolutely the wrong answer, well, let’s just say it can make an otherwise sane woman (me) crazier than a soup sandwich. That’s pretty crazy. And it’s all Pam Slim‘s fault. It was during Martha Beck’s Master Coach training nearly ten years ago but it feels like an hour ago that I was feeling the heat from Ms. Slim’s go-for-the-jugular interrogation. Don’t worry, the story has a (very) happy ending. In fact, I love Pam Slim, but for about 20 minutes there I thought I was going to sweat to death, and it was all because she kept repeating the same 3-letter word 467 times! Good coaches need good coaches and to this day I credit Pam Slim for teaching me what it means to hang in with someone who’d rather be left alone to crawl under a rock. Listen to the whole story in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY. [blank_space height=’1em’] Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? $100k DNA is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls!  [blank_space height=’3em’]


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