Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

Summary: Get expert discussions and insider tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Life on Fire TV is for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, and marketers who want to make more, work less, give back, and live happier, kick-A$$ lives. Focus on the four pillars of a Life on Fire: marketing, mindset, networking, and purpose with host, Nick Unsworth to get more done in less time, increase marketing conversions, learn highly actionable, innovative strategies from Nick and guests. Make sure you go to to check out all of the free resources we have for you!

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 66: Gary V on How to Get Started & Crush it on Twitter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 26:28

66: Gary V on How to Get Started & Crush it on Twitter

 66: Gary V on How to Get Started & Crush it on Twitter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Audio Only Version On the line today is none other than social media icon, and New York Time Best Selling Author of the “how-to” social media book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”, Gary Vaynerchuk, to talk details on how to crush it on his favorite platform, Twitter! We start off asking the question, “Why Twitter?” For Gary, that was an easy one. He says Twitter is the one place where we can get consumer’s points of view for free and not pay for data and we can action on these points of view, such as joining a conversation, and you’re welcomed rather than shunned for joining. One challenge Gary points out (which is a great tip if you can be patient) is that Twitter is a long-term play. If you try to move too quickly before you’ve built rapport and added value you aren’t likely to see success on the platform. As Gary points out, you can’t just throw “right hooks” (which is to take or ask), you have to throw jabs first (which is to give or provide value). In Gary’s opinion, Twitter is the only true social media platform as it is predicated on community and conversation, as opposed to a platform like Facebook which is all “push” driven. When it comes to establishing your account, Gary highly recommends using your own name, rather than your brand or company name. Gary’s recommendation for how to get in the game on Twitter is to go to and just find people who are talking about your topic. The key though, is again, the “jabs”. You can’t just go straight at people with your sales pitch. Gary sums it up well with a great analogy. “Twitter is a cocktail party. You don’t go to a cocktail party and deliver a presentation.” It’s about connecting and building relationships. When it comes to searching, you have to search what people are actually going to say, like “drinking a smoothy” or “hitting the gym” vs. just “smoothy” or “exercise” where you may get a lot of unrelated content or spam. Another tip Gary shares is to weave what is trending into your content (without overdoing it, of course). So much great Twitter feedback packed into one episode! Gary, you rock! To get a free copy of Gary’s book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World” (just pay the shipping) go to! Digging this episode?? If so, leave a comment below and tell us your big takeaways! And… For more on Twitter, check out this “how to” episode from Twitter expert, AJ Amyx! Watch “How to Create Nearly Unlimited Twitter Leads” HERE! Thanks for watching! Episode Resources Connect With Gary on Twitter! Get a Free Copy of Gary’s Book! Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast Write a Review in iTunes

 65: Jeremy Batt on the Path to 6-Figure Network Marketing Success | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 36:13

65: Jeremy Batt on the Path to 6-Figure Network Marketing Success

 65: Jeremy Batt on the Path to 6-Figure Network Marketing Success | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 36:13

Joining us today is Life on Fire Elite-level coaching client and network marketer, Jeremy Batt, to share his story of corporate financial success, financial rock bottom, and his rise to 6-figures in network marketing! Many people who desire success assume the path to achieve it is a straight line. However, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth for virtually all entrepreneurs. Jeremy got his start working up the corporate latter to the point that he was making good money, but the work and the long hours were making him completely miserable. One day something snapped in him, and he knew he needed to make a change. His first step was buying a gym. He loved the work, the hours were still long, but, unfortunately, the financial prosperity wasn’t there. So, in some senses he went from bad to worse. It was right around that time that Jeremy was introduced to network marketing. Like many, he was skeptical at first. However, when he started using the product himself, others were interested in buying it and using it, and it was actually helping people, that was what told him he was headed in the right direction. Having confidence in the value he was providing is what allowed him to get behind the product. From there it was about building and growing. Jeremy’s big takeaway with how he’s grown is that he tries to meet people where they are. If someone isn’t interested in building a network marketing business, but they are interested in being healthy and getting in better shape, then that’s conversation he has. Conversely, if someone is interested in making a little extra money, or a lot of extra money, then THAT’S the conversation he has. Therefore, he avoids ending up in the conversions that many network marketers find themselves in where they are trying to push something on someone that they don’t want. One great issue Jeremy tackles is how do you deal with the “no’s” and rejection that comes along with being an entrepreneur? For him, the solution was adopting the mindset that they value he brings and the solutions he offers, they aren’t about him. It’s about helping other people and realizing that not every person you approach is going to want or see a need for your solution. The big takeaway there is reframing how you feel about getting a “no”. You have a choice of how you want to let that affect you, and Jeremy has figured out how to look at it perfectly. And, one of the last great nuggets Jeremy leaves us with is a reminder to remain humble and to give to others, whether that be with your time, your talents, money, whatever you can. Great stuff, Jeremy! Love this episode?? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You light our fire!

 64: How to Boost Your Income by Getting in Better Shape | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:45

64: How to Boost Your Income by Getting in Better Shape

 64: How to Boost Your Income by Getting in Better Shape | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:45

Today we’re talking briefly on a topic that rarely gets address in business, your health and fitness. When you feel great and you look great, you’re going to have more confidence, and you’re going to make more money. There’s almost a direct correlation. As entrepreneurs who are often chained to our desks and computers without the structure of the corporate 9 to 5, it’s easy to get into an irregular schedule and start letting routine things like your fitness slip. I personally found a fantastic solution to this by accident through clients of mine, Lauren and Fraser Bayley. They are certified personal trainers who previously had been serving their clients through the standard face-to-face personal training model. This meant that their business wasn’t scalable, they were trading time for money, and could only help a very limited number of people. What they created and I personally went through for the last 30 days is a virtual group personal training program, which has been freaking awesome (and resulted in me dropping 16 pounds in 30 days)! One core component is everyone in the program receives a Jawbone UP band, which tracks all of your movement and sleep, allows you to easily journal your food, and even allows you to have other people like me on your “team” so we can see each other’s activity and it allows Lauren and Fraser to track your progress as well. Their program is simple enough that even a busy entrepreneur can follow it, and it is a ton of fun going through the journey with a group of other motivated people just like you! I crushed it in July, I’m ready to keep going in August, and I want to invite you to join me! You can join the exact same program I’m doing by visiting And, even if you don’t do exactly what I’m doing and what a ton of other entrepreneurs are doing together as a group, my encouragement and call to action for you in this episode is to do SOMETHING. Make your fitness, the way you look, the way you see yourself, and your life-long health and longevity a priority starting today! Are you fired up and ready to rock?!! If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You are a champion!

 63: Scott Britton on Gaining the Competitive Edge | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 44:42

63: Scott Britton on Gaining the Competitive Edge

 63: Scott Britton on Gaining the Competitive Edge | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 44:42

Host of the podcast, the Competitive Edge, Scott Britton, is here today to each us how he uncovers and gains the competitive edge in business and in life. Scott’s story starts with being a collegiate level football player and sustaining a major injury his freshman year that permanently affected his performance. However, that same injury also helped him gain an incredibly powerful life lesson. For 12 months Scott was completely devoted to doing his rehab exercises and not missing a single repetition. And, for him, what that created was a regret-free process. He was at peace with possibly not being as strong or as fast as he was prior to his injury, because he knew that he had done everything he could. Scott carries that lesson with him today into his business and applies his “no regrets” work ethic and mindset. When it comes to marketing, Scott again pulls from his teachings in college football where he learned to gain a competitive edge. For him, in business, his competitive edge is copywriting. Nothing is sold without communication. So, why not be a master communicator? Diving further into marketing, Scott’s approach is to reverse engineer success by figuring out what others have done before him. For instance, when it came to creating his podcast, his focus was on distribution, and specifically on iTunes since iTunes is the single largest traffic source for podcast listeners. From there Scott addressed how to get his podcast guest to promote their episode when they were featured on his show. One idea he came up with was to just ask his guest to mention the episode in a “P.S.” of an email, rather than asking them to dedicate a full email to their list about it. His other insight was coming at it from the angle of, “How do I make these episodes more valuable for my guests?” His solution was to create a process that allowed his guests to essentially showcase their value, which they would naturally, in turn, want to share with their audience. Brilliant! At the end of the day, it’s all about adding value to anyone you’re interacting with. It doesn’t matter if it’s a potential podcast guest, a customer or prospect, or a spouse or loved one, approaching the situation with a value-add mindset set you up for success. Did this episode inspire you to go find your competitive edge? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! Nobody can compete with you!

 62: Wes Chapman on Aligning Your Purpose and Business | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 41:56

62: Wes Chapman on Aligning Your Purpose and Business

 62: Wes Chapman on Aligning Your Purpose and Business | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 41:56

Joining us today is Wes Chapman, founder of A Human Project, an organization with a mission to build a community to empower and give a voice to abused and neglected youth. Wes’s mission and passion stems from his own dark story as a child, and the stories of his siblings and not being able to act and protect them. Often children in these situations end up on the wrong path in life, end up acting out, and so on, which only gets them labeled as problem children in society’s eyes. When really, they just want to be loved. For Wes, starting this mission is him fulfilling his highest purpose. Which begs the question… How do you determine what your purpose is? Wes’s first tip is just be yourself, and don’t try to be something you’re not. It’s often uncomfortable, insincere, and likely out of alignment with your core “you”. To sum it up, “be true to yourself”, Wes says. To take that a step further or to answer the question of where you go from there, you can challenge yourself and create a positive focus by working to be the best possible version of you. Regardless of your situation, you always have a choice. And, for Wes, and really all of us, that choice is simple. In each situation and each area of our lives, we can either choose to be a victim, or be a hero. When it comes to children, the starting point is often giving them hope. Once they have hope, it opens the door to believe in themselves and start to make positive change. From there we shift gears into how Wes plans to market the project. This step would often paralyze a lot of people and prevent them from taking action in the first place. But, getting out there, moving forward, and taking that action is going to trump “planning” all day, if that’s what it takes to move you past the planning stage. Next is networking, and like many who have been around the block, Wes knows that when it comes to networking the best way to make contacts and open doors is to find a way to open a door for someone else first, by bringing value. Bringing it all together, when your values, passion, story, and business can align, you can create an extremely motivating and fulfilling mission for yourself and you don’t ever have to “work” another day in your life. We hope this episode inspired you. If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You can move mountains.

 61: Mark Lack on Unlocking Your Peak Potential | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:33

61: Mark Lack on Unlocking Your Peak Potential

 61: Mark Lack on Unlocking Your Peak Potential | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:33

Back for a short “part 2” Q&A to answer the question, “How do you unlock someone’s peak potential?” is entrepreneur and author of the book “Shorten the Gap”, Mark Lack! Mark’s first step is getting his clients to realize that they can make improvements in every single area of their lives. A great observation that Mark makes is that so many people focused on become a “peak performer” approach it with the mindset that they need to focus all of the efforts on excelling in one area. However, as Mark points out, having an amazing business but lacking in areas like health or relationships is not going to lead to true happiness and fulfillment, and it may even hinder your performance in that one area if the rest of your life is so unbalanced. Another great tip Mark shares is to find the people who are already doing what you want to do, or already have what you want, and model them. Use their stories and their paths as roadmaps to follow to help you achieve growth and success. In doing so, don’t make the common mistake of assuming that the path to success of those who you are modeling was a straight line. (It never is.) There are ups and downs. The key is to acknowledge that there will be downs, and be prepared to overcome them and keep moving forward. That one characteristic alone, moving forward when something seems difficult, insurmountable, or when you just don’t feel like it, is what separates nearly all peak performers from everyone one else. It’s not about trying to avoid ever getting knocked down. Its about how quickly you get back up again, what you learn from the experience, and how quickly you keep moving forward. Start today! Map out the important areas of your life such as your health, your relationship, your business, your family and decide what the very next small steps would be if you wanted to make a tiny incremental improvement in each of those areas. Then, go do them! Love this episode? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You’re a champion!

 60: Mark Lack on Shortening the Gap to Success | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 57:33

60: Mark Lack on Shortening the Gap to Success

 60: Mark Lack on Shortening the Gap to Success | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 57:33

Entrepreneur and author of the book “Shorten the Gap”, Mark Lack, joins us today to share the secrets he’s already discovered by age 24 to success! Mark’s story has an interesting start. In his early teens he set a goal to become a world class paintball player and play on the top team in the world. Of course, his parents assumed it was another short-lived passion, but they supported his dream anyway. When he completed his career in paintball, he had done everything he set out to do. He was a world-class player, played on the top ranked team, and had won over $300,000 in prize money. He was at the top of that sport and couldn’t go any higher. In order to continue to pursue his path of growth, he naturally sought more… As luck would have hit, his father introduced him the concept and practice of personal development as he grew his paintball skills. At age 24, Mark has invested over half a million dollars in personal development, which continues to be his passion. His awareness and expertise with personal development is now at a point where he realizes that he can take it beyond just helping himself and now help others. One fantastic takeaway from Mark’s interview was this quote: “You behave and think congruently to the identity you hold for yourself.” Meaning, if you see yourself as successful and as a high achiever, then you will behave and act accordingly. Mark also has a great observation regarding limiting beliefs. All beliefs, limiting, empowering, or neutral are simply a high level of certainty about something, as Mark points out. That certainty is based on references in our past. Those references may be positive, such as an amazing accomplishment, or negative, such as being told you are “dumb”. The key is to not only be aware of the references but to control your focus on the positive references that are going to empower you. From there, we talk making connections with high-level influencers. Mark hits the nail on the head when he identified that you need to approach those individuals by adding value to them. Way too many people ask for help or a handout when they should, instead, look to see how they can add value to that person. The challenge this presented for Mark is that he wasn’t in a position at the time to add value to someone like Brian Tracy. However, he knew that he would be in that position in the future. So, his solution was to tie his value into the future and to get the person he wanted to connect with on board with is belief. Ultimately, it comes back to making the decision that you’re going to play a bigger game. Mark has honed his vision and decided that he wants to focus on helping young adults be successful, peak performers in life. For him, the personal development he’s done provided far more of an education and latter to success than his time spent at college and his teachings can be a supplement to the traditional higher education system. A great final takeaway from Mark is to find out that he wasn’t always confident, didn’t always have big beliefs, and a history of successes. He attributes all of his change to his focus on personal development. Therefore, no matter where you find yourself in life, you can always grow, improve, and see positive changes in yourself and your situation! Fired up by Mark’s story and passion? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You’re amazing!

 59: Andy Zitzmann on Friending Your Fear | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:54

59: Andy Zitzmann on Friending Your Fear


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