Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

Summary: Get expert discussions and insider tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Life on Fire TV is for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, and marketers who want to make more, work less, give back, and live happier, kick-A$$ lives. Focus on the four pillars of a Life on Fire: marketing, mindset, networking, and purpose with host, Nick Unsworth to get more done in less time, increase marketing conversions, learn highly actionable, innovative strategies from Nick and guests. Make sure you go to to check out all of the free resources we have for you!

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 74: Scott Britton on How to “Network Up” and Tips to Connect With Influencers | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 12:02

74: Scott Britton on How to “Network Up” and Tips to Connect With Influencers

 73: Wes Champan on Scaling Your Business - 4 Tips on How to Grow Faster! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:45

73: Wes Champan on Scaling Your Business - 4 Tips on How to Grow Faster!

 73: Wes Champan on Scaling Your Business - 4 Tips on How to Grow Faster! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:45

Here to answer one of the questions we should all ask when starting a new business, “How will I scale and grow the business?” is entrepreneur and founder of A Human Project, Wesley Chapman! First, there’s automation. If there is any way to package what you deliver into a replicable process, such as recording a training as a series of videos, that allows the customer to consume the training at their convenience. Next, comes leveraging other people’s content. If there are other people in your niche or other companies who can provide resources and solutions to your customers, perhaps partnering with that person makes sense. (Similar to a “supplier” relationship, if you’re in a business with physical products.) Another great tip is to make yourself more accessible in more places. For instance, if you have a video blog, why not start a YouTube channel? Why not start a podcast and get your content on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio, and more? And, finally, what about people? For Wes, what he found was when you are perfectly aligned with your passion, and you are communicating that out to the world, you will find others who share your passion and want to be a part of what you’re doing. Don’t keep your mission a secret! Let other people know what you’re doing so they can help you make it happen, even faster! We hope this episode inspired you to share your mission and start growing your business faster! If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You light our fire!

 72. How to Launch a Product, Brand or Coaching Program - Within 90 Days! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:21

72. How to Launch a Product, Brand or Coaching Program - Within 90 Days!

 72. How to Launch a Product, Brand or Coaching Program - Within 90 Days! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:21

One of the best ways to start, grow, and leverage your business and experience is to package and sell your knowledge. Here are some great tips on how to get started! If you’re brand new to your niche, then you need to start building your expert status by getting real customers and adding value for them. You can coach, train, or provide services to anyone who meets your ideal client profile who knows less than you. A great step to take when starting out is to seek out an anchor client. An anchor client is someone highly recognizable and influential in your niche. Getting that real-life experience is what gives you the information you can package into a product, training, report, and so on. Once you have a compelling story and the results to back it up, another great step is to seek out the top blogs in your industry and offer to write a guest blog post. Posting on other popular blogs is likely to get you out there much faster than just posting on your own. So, how do you “package” your information? That can be a short series of videos, audios, and downloadable report that you give away in exchange for an email opt-in, or other program that you sell. When creating a training course, one great method is the “build as you go” model. What that means is you can create an outline of what the course will include, offer it for sale, gather your sales over a short period of, say, 10-30 days, and then begin delivering your training live. You record the live sessions using something like GoToWebinar, and those recordings become your product that you can later sell to others. This prevents you from getting stuck in the product creation phase. A great “value proposition” goal to have when creating a product is knowing that you have the ability to help your customers generate a 10 times return on their money. So, if your product costs $1,000, you want to be confident they can generate at least $10,000 of revenue within a reasonable period of time. When you’ve got this formula dialed in, the sky is the limit! This topic can easily get detailed, fast. So, we’ve put together an even deeper dive where you can learn how to launch a product, brand or coaching program within 90 days that we’re going to teach, LIVE! Register for free by going to! Excited to get started?!! If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thanks so much for subscribing! Make today a game-changer!

 71. Interview Tips With A-List Entertainment Reporter Kelli Gillespie Richardson | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 56:45

71. Interview Tips With A-List Entertainment Reporter Kelli Gillespie Richardson

 71. Interview Tips With A-List Entertainment Reporter Kelli Gillespie Richardson | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 56:45

On the hot seat with us today is A-list entertainment reporter and editor-in-chief of Risen Magazine, Kelli Gillespie Richardson, here to talk interview tips and how to give a great interview for a podcast, article, video show and more! Kelli’s journey started out right out of college when she knew she wanted to break into the media field. What started opening doors for her first was her willingness to work harder than others and do what others were unwilling to do, such as begin the first ever intern on the Morning Show, simply because nobody prior to her was willing to get up that early! Many times we assume the things that separate the ultra successful, top achievers from the rest of society is that they were willing to go leaps and bounds beyond what others were willing to give, and it’s always interesting to find out that it doesn’t always require miles and miles of extra effort. Sometimes it’s just about working hard and going that extra inch, like Kelli did. Her drive and passion to pursue a career in media has lead to a 12-year career in entertainment reporting and having interviewed nearly every big-name celebrity entertainer you can think of! When it comes preparing for an interview, knowing as much as possible about her guests in advance allows her to be confident in approaching the interview and it shows that she respects the person for taking the time to learn about their project or background. Another solid interviewing tip from Kelli for traditional media, podcasting, you name it, is to know where you hope the interview will go in advance, but to be open to it going a completely different direction. When working through how to interview someone, one of the biggest rookie mistakes Kelli sees is simply not listening to the person. It’s easy to get nervous or to always try to think of the next thing you want to say, which can pull your awareness away from the person you’re there to focus on. Kelli’s tip on how to get those hard to get interviews is two fold: 1. Longevity demonstrates that you are someone worth talking to. The more interviews you have done or the longer your publication or podcast has existed, the more respect that typically offers you. 2. Do your homework on the person. Find out what they have going on. Do they have a new book, a new program, product, or event that they want to get the word out about? Those can be great opportunities to get an interview with high-level influencers. And, finally, for Kelli, when working with the top celebrities in the world, one of the things that helps keep her grounded and focused is her spirituality. When you are serving out a higher purpose, whether that’s through spirituality or charity work, and so on, living for something that is bigger and outside of you creates what for many is essentially a mission they are on in life. Great advice, Kelli! Can honing or stepping up your interview skills open more doors and lead to more great things for you and your business? Take the first step today and watch what happens! Get some great nuggets from Kelli? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thanks so much for subscribing! You’re an A-lister in our book!

 70: Sue Zimmerman on How to Use Instagram for Business | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:22

70: Sue Zimmerman on How to Use Instagram for Business

 70: Sue Zimmerman on How to Use Instagram for Business | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:22

Live with us today is Instagram expert, Sue Zimmerman, to give us her tips on how to use Instagram for business! Using Instagram for business can be a fantastic strategy, if you follow Sue’s proven method! So, why Instagram? For Sue, when she implemented in her brick and mortar business, she saw a 40% increase in sales! Instagram is one of the newest, hottest social media platforms, and it is still in it’s growth stage (which is where some of the best opportunities lie). If you’re new to Instagram, here are three great tips from Sue on how to market on Instagram: 1. Make sure you build out a full and relevant bio, including your keywords that relate to your business. 2. Make sure you have a great hashtag strategy. You can use up to 30 hashtags (not to say that you need that many). And, when doing so, it’s important that you use them in the secondary comments, not the initial comments. 3. Have a photo posting strategy. For example, when we recorded this episode with Sue, she wanted to take a screenshot of her and a screenshot of me so that she could combine them into one photo and share that on Instagram. Great tips, Sue! Get your Instagram marketing strategy started today! If you got some awesome Instagram ideas from this episode, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thanks so much for subscribing! You are a star!

 69: How to Create a Virtual Telesummit | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:36

69: How to Create a Virtual Telesummit

 69: How to Create a Virtual Telesummit | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:36

A virtual telesummit can be a fantastic way to get your list started, make high-level contacts within your niche, and instantly become an authority on your topic! In this episode we’re going to break down how to create a virtual telesummit! So, what is a virtual telesummit? Essentially, it is a series of typically 15-30 recorded (or live) interviews with experts on a related topic, bundled into one package that customers can purchase (or receive for free, depending on your model). The best place to start when planning is with your anchor speaker. This is going to be a highly influential person in your niche. The key to securing your anchor speaker is there has got to be something in it for them. Perhaps they are allowed to promote or sell on their interview, where others may not be. Another significant factor in “looking the part” is you have to have great graphic design. Your design is one way speakers are going to judge whether they are interested in participating if they don’t know you. As you’re securing your speakers, you want to select a monetization model. For our summit, we are choosing not to charge for the speaker content. Instead, we are creating an additional bundle of fantastic products from us and other speakers, worth over $10,000, and we are selling that product for $97. Every penny of which will be going to charity! For us, and perhaps for you as well, when we making it about charity and about fundraising, it creates a far bigger purpose than just making it about ourselves. Your goal should be to create the biggest “buzz” possible around your summit. That can happen from your own efforts, the efforts of your speakers and affiliates promoting, and in our case, we are going to promote the fundraiser on the platform Indiegogo, which is a well-known crowdsourcing platform. Most entrepreneurs approach situations and decisions with a “what’s in it for me” attitude. However, when you approach a project like how to create a virtual telesummit, and you ask yourself, what’s in it for the speakers? What’s in it for the charity? What’s in it for the customers who purchase the course? Suddenly, you have a very different perspective on how to approach the entire project and plan. And, that’s what it’s all about. How can you add value to others? If you got some great tips and inspiration from this episode, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thanks so much for subscribing! You can change lives!

 68: AJ Amyx on Building Relationships, a Following, & Your Business Using Twitter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:01:39

68: AJ Amyx on Building Relationships, a Following, & Your Business Using Twitter

 68: AJ Amyx on Building Relationships, a Following, & Your Business Using Twitter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:01:39

Musician and rockstar turned Twitter guru and marketing strategist, AJ Amyx, joins us for a follow-up episode to teach us how to build relationships, a following, and your business using Twitter! For AJ, where it all starts in business is helping and inspiring others to pursue their passions. Many times we feel stuck in a job we’re not happy with, or simply unfulfilled with what it is we do for work each day, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A bridge that AJ found to quickly connect with people, join conversations, and build relationships (and ultimately customers) was Twitter. What’s unique about the Twitter community is that unlike most other social media platforms where conversations are private, Twitter conversations are intentionally public and when you join the conversation with something valuable to add, you are welcomed! One question that often comes up is how do I create meaningful, valuable content in only 140 characters? AJ’s recommendation is start to think like a journalist. View your tweets as headlines that are there to motivate someone to click your link to a longer article, post, etc.. Another common question that comes up is, since people are there to connect with other people, what percentage of the time do you weave in personal content or information? AJ’s tweets are about 5-10% personal (which are still related to his overall content strategy), and 90-95% his core content strategy. Next, we’ve heard a common theme over and over again, when it comes to establishing relationships with influential people in your niche, which is to GIVE first. On Twitter, that couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is share or retweet pieces of their content that you like! Direct messages, are they still relevant on Twitter? Absolutely! But, you have to use them in a genuine and “human” way. Nobody wants a spammy auto response direct message to go buy something, etc.. Using direct messages the way they were intended is a fantastic way to connect with people! As AJ points out, “It’s all about relationships.” And, Twitter is arguably the best social media relationship-building platform available. One of the biggest opportunities we see on Twitter is the ability to advertise. Historically, new platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook went through a period of coming into their own with regard to advertising. Twitter is approaching that tipping point. So, how do you get started on Twitter if you don’t have a lot of time? As AJ mentioned in his last episode with us, your graphic design is hugely important when it comes to how you and your brand are perceived. So, make sure you have good design, a good photo of you, a great bio, and start building a history of tweets with high value content. And, a final thought from AJ: “Figure out what is your stance, and then buy into it that you are literally born to liberate somebody.” That’s it! Go! Liberate! If AJ’s passion, tips, and enthusiasm has you fired up, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thanks so much for subscribing! You’re a liberator!

 67: AJ Amyx on Leveraging Your Virtual Real Estate on Social | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:32

67: AJ Amyx on Leveraging Your Virtual Real Estate on Social

 67: AJ Amyx on Leveraging Your Virtual Real Estate on Social | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:32

Back to share some more marketing wisdom with us today is marketer and Twitter expert, AJ Amyx, to talk branding your social media and leveraging the “virtual real estate” the main social platforms provide! Virtual real estate? Yep! Your YouTube cover, Facebook cover, Twitter, and so on, those are all tiny little pieces of virtual real estate which you essentially own for your name or brand. Think of those as virtual billboards. When you think of it that way, it starts to make a lot of sense to advertise and create congruent branding across the various platforms, right?? One thing that often gets overlooked when we put our marketing hats on is that on social media people are still looking to connect with another human. So, put yourself in your brand. Use imagery where you’re looking them in the eye. Don’t have a huge budget for photography? AJ has a great tip! Seek out photography students at a local college. They often have access to high-end equipment and software, and would be happy to get paid anything at all to take photos! When it come to generating ideas, look to model other pages in your niche or industry you like and pull from the different styles you see to create something that is unique to you. We’ve quoted this before and we’ll probably quote it again, “In 2014, your graphic design matters more than your copy.” So, definitely don’t skimp in this area. And, one last idea you can consider is systematically changing your design. As an example, once a week we update our Facebook cover photo to highlight our newest “Firestarter of the Week”. Is there something in your business you could change or highlight on a regular basis?? If you got some great ideas from this episode, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thanks so much for subscribing! You rock!


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