The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

The Prepper Broadcasting Network

Summary: Promoting Self-reliance and Independence. Broadcasts are designed to involve the listener, answering the 5 W’s of who, what, when, where, why and the how to of being prepared, self-reliant and self sustaining.

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  • Artist: Prepper Broadcasting Network
  • Copyright: Copyright james walton (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Prepping Now! #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Prepping Now! Sundays *7:00pm/Est *6:00pm/Cst *5:00pm/Mst *4:00pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: On this week's episode of Prepping Now we will be discussing Natural Health. Joining us will be Tad Camp (of Prepper Logic), an insightful guest who will fill us in on his journey to natural health and why it works for him. During the episode we will discuss some common remedies as well as what everyone can be doing daily to boost the immune system and ward off illness. Also, you will learn what to have on hand to deal with some of the most common ailments that are likely to occur in a SHTF situation such as diarrhea, infection, tooth aches, pain, and the common cold. Prepping now with prepgirl is a show about the importance of preparing now for what tomorrow might bring. We will discuss not only important prepping issues such as food storage and skill growth but also the general awareness that comes with the prepping lifestyle. Our hope is that this show will bring new people to the community but also encourage those who already faced some of the challenges of prepping to lend a hand or offer an idea to those who are just staring out. Tags: Prepper Now, Prepper, Prepping, Awareness, Self Reliance

 Pathways to Conscious Living #10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Pathways to Conscious Living Saturdays *9:30pm/Est *8:30pm/Cst *7:30pm/Mst *6:30pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to:   Being prepared touches every aspect of our lives.  This week Lynna and co-hosts visit with author & educator Vimala Rodgers.  Vimala will share how changing handwriting patterns work (brain/hand connection) and that it's scientific, affecting all parts of us: mind, body, emotions, soul.  How adopting soul-based letter formations reconfigures the neuropathways in the brain, allowing us to bring out the very best of who we are---And it works every time. Join the show and get even more information and how you can put it to good use in preparing for Life. A show dedicated to expanding knowledge and life through sharing both traditional and new thought concepts about living life. Assisting our listeners in broadening their personal horizons, views and beliefs and opening the box releasing the creative.  Delving into personal and consensus realities and how you can shape your own reality into something positive & uplifting. What part does programming play and how can that programming become better in an ever changing world. How can we take advantage of programming and how does it prepare one for emergency situations. Tune in from the beginning with this collaborative endeavor.It will change you forever! Tags: Pathways to Conscious Living, Prepare, Spirituality, Prepper, Metaphysical, Prepper Broadcast

 Prepper Logic #8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Prepper Logic! Fridays *9:00pm/Est *8:00pm/Cst *7:00pm/Mt *6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: Why Is Prepping Becoming More Popular cont. We will be continuing our discussion about some of the reasons that prepping is growing in popularity. This week we will be discussing the liberal/progressive/socialist indoctrination of our children in public schools and influences throughout the media. We encourage everyone to call and share their thoughts and ideas so we can all learn together. The PrepperLogic Internet Radio Show will focus on a common sense approach to issues that are important to the prepared community.  The hosts will discuss with guests, real world concerns to the modern prepper and attempt to resolve any of the confusing aspects of prepping. This show will spotlight urban survival and will provide logical solutions based in reality.  The hosts, Tad and Angie Camp, bring fresh insight and deal with issues in a PrepperLogic and sometimes humorous way. Listeners will always be encouraged to participate.  It’s the view of the hosts that we all have something to contribute and we can all learn something from one another. Tags: Prepping, Prepper Broadcasting Network, Prepper Logic, Prepare, Urban Survival Stradegies, Surviva

 The Other Side...A Preppers Path #27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

The Other Side...A Preppers Path! Thursdays *9:00pm/Est *8:00pm/Cst *7:00pm/Mst *6:00pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to:   So what can a holiday with it's beginning rooted in a 390 year old celebration do for a modern day prepper?  100 top items a prepper should have? It's a buffet of topics on The Other Side of a Preppers Path this thursday Nov 17th.  Tune in join the show with your info and questions. Get ready for the prepper in you to celebrate life and peace of mind with host Lynna!  The Other Side ....of A Preppers Path is the other side of prepping and life as a whole will be focused on YOU, by prepping the prepper with tips and trends relating to life and spirit, delving into topics addressing your spirit, emotional, physical and mental life. Be sure to find a comfortable chair and tune in. Tags: The Other Side, Prepper, Spirit, Self Help, Prepare, Awareness

 (((Ranters Radio))) #26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

(((Ranters Radio)))   Wednesdays *9pm/Est *8pm/Cst *7pmMst *6pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: In this weeks exciting (((Ranters Radio))) episode we will be discussing Insider trading in Congress, and how once again America disappoints its President. We will also be discussing Obama as the "affirmative action" President, FaceBook secretly building shadow profiles on its users, suing for losing elections, and  more rediculous reasons why we should already have begun a modern Revolution! There is a reason the Government fears us, find out for yourself what those reasons are. On Ranters News we will draw the line in the proverbial sand, here, now, and will not waiver in our commitment to stop socialism in the country. The Ranters News Show will also cover Prepping for newbies and lazy people. This is a great opportunity for people that have always meant to start prepping but didn't know how. You can now join in and get involved. We will start with the most basic information about prepping and survival in emergency situations and provide more advanced information as the show progresses. We will also feature frequent live guests, human interest stories, and current events. Steve is also known for having the best sideburns in the business. Tags: Ranting From Reno, Patriot, Prepper, Survival, Politics, Prepare, Awarenes

 The Waterman Files & Twisted Radio #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The Waterman Files & Twisted Radio! Tuesdays. *9pm/Est *8pm/Cst *7pm/Mst *6pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to:   8:00-9:00pm/Central "The Waterman Files" This entire week I will be covering the topic of the existing monetary system, how it has enslaved us, and what is being done to correct it.   9:00-10:00pm/Central "Twisted Radio" Twisted Radio with Erin Dakins is about un-twisting the lies and deceptions that have been spoon-fed to each and every one of us since birth. What is reality and what is really going on in the world in which we live? Do you have questions?  Do you often wonder about what lies hidden from us. Are you curious if these things will affect you and yours at some point in the future? Are you concerned about the economy and struggling to survive?  Tune in and discover some answers and hear some real news that will help you in your journey and join up with others of like-minds who are preparing for difficult times. Tags: The Waterman Files, Twisted Radio, Geopolitics, Economics, Prepping, Preppers, Conspiracies, Survival

 The Armchair Survivalist #26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Armchair Survivalis! Mondays *9pm/Est. *8pm/Cst. *7pm/Mst. *6pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: *Replay from Sunday 11/13/2011 The Armchair Survivalist covers a wide range of topics and his many hosts ensure a well rounded and entertaining show. Tags: The Armchair Survivalist, Prepper, Prepare, Survival, News

 Prepping Now! #6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Prepping Now! Sundays *7:00pm/Est *6:00pm/Cst *5:00pm/Mst *4:00pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: Continued from last week on this week’s episode of Prepping Now, backwoods prepping with surrycountyprepper! Surrycountyprepper is a brand new prepper who lives in rural North Carolina. We will be discussing her journey into prepping and answer some common questions that new preppers have. Join us for a good time and some interesting prepping discussions. Prepping now with prepgirl is a show about the importance of preparing now for what tomorrow might bring. We will discuss not only important prepping issues such as food storage and skill growth but also the general awareness that comes with the prepping lifestyle. Our hope is that this show will bring new people to the community but also encourage those who already faced some of the challenges of prepping to lend a hand or offer an idea to those who are just staring out. Tags: Prepper Now, Prepper, Prepping, Awareness, Self Reliance

 Pathways to Conscious Living #9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Pathways to Conscious Living Saturdays *9:30pm/Est *8:30pm/Cst *7:30pm/Mst *6:30pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to:   Who were the ancient gods and goddesses? Were they real, or were they myth, as modern science and religion classify them? Were they from other worlds? Is there any proof of their existence? This week's broadcast on Pathways to Conscious Living will discuss these matters and we invite listener interface to discuss these questions. A show dedicated to expanding knowledge and life through sharing both traditional and new thought concepts about living life. Assisting our listeners in broadening their personal horizons, views and beliefs and opening the box releasing the creative.  Delving into personal and consensus realities and how you can shape your own reality into something positive & uplifting. What part does programming play and how can that programming become better in an ever changing world. How can we take advantage of programming and how does it prepare one for emergency situations. Tune in from the beginning with this collaborative endeavor.It will change you forever! Tags: Pathways to Conscious Living, Prepare, Spirituality, Prepper, Metaphysical, Prepper Broadcast

 Prepper Logic #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Prepper Logic! Fridays *9:00pm/Est *8:00pm/Cst *7:00pm/Mt *6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: We will be continuing our discussion about some of the reasons that prepping is growing in popularity. We’ll take a look at some of the most popular prepping items and some of the most overlooked. The lines will be open for you to put in your two cents. We encourage everyone to call and share their thoughts and ideas so we can all learn together. The PrepperLogic Internet Radio Show will focus on a common sense approach to issues that are important to the prepared community.  The hosts will discuss with guests, real world concerns to the modern prepper and attempt to resolve any of the confusing aspects of prepping. This show will spotlight urban survival and will provide logical solutions based in reality.  The hosts, Tad and Angie Camp, bring fresh insight and deal with issues in a PrepperLogic and sometimes humorous way. Listeners will always be encouraged to participate.  It’s the view of the hosts that we all have something to contribute and we can all learn something from one another. Tags: Prepping, Prepper Broadcasting Network, Prepper Logic, Prepare, Urban Survival Stradegies, Survival

 The Other Side...A Preppers Path #26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

The Other Side...A Preppers Path! Thursdays *9:00pm/Est *8:00pm/Cst *7:00pm/Mst *6:00pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: Learn the Realities of Prepping & Surviving through Fiction.  Join Lynna and her special guest Ron Foster, author, survivalist, instructor and mentor for many, as they discuss real life events and how they are mirrored in his trilogy.  Ron's Prepper Road Saga is more than a fictional story, while it is  entertaining, you are drawn into the real world and how to cope with real questions you will want to ask yourself and see the answers. Ron is an experienced and educated man with degrees in Emergency Management, military service and survival knowledge all rolled into one and willing to assit others. Don't miss this show!! Get ready for the prepper in you to celebrate life and peace of mind with host Lynna!  The Other Side ....of A Preppers Path is the other side of prepping and life as a whole will be focused on YOU, by prepping the prepper with tips and trends relating to life and spirit, delving into topics addressing your spirit, emotional, physical and mental life. Be sure to find a comfortable chair and tune in. Tags: The Other Side, Prepper, Spirit, Self Help, Prepare, Awareness

 (((Ranters Radio))) #25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

(((Ranters Radio)))   Wednesdays *9pm/Est *8pm/Cst *7pmMst *6pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: On (((Ranters Radio))) we have brought you some amazing guests. From Cutting edge Authors to Secret Government Agents! On Nov 9th 6pm PST on we will bring you the most “SHOCKING” guest we have ever had. Someone we all thought no longer existed. Brace yourselves as we bring to you “LIVE” … a teenager that cares about our Country! Our guest Madeleine McAulayis a Teenage Political Maverick From attending weekly meetings, writing her upcoming book, writing blogs, and home schooling it is obvious she is not your average teen. Madeleine is very involved in politics, hoping to change the direction of America. She is afraid of where her country is headed, and how dark her future will be. Bring your kids and Join us “LIVE” for a conversation with Madeleine McAulay, a refreshing look at America’s future from a well informed youth.Check out Madeleine’ website, to see what she is all about.Madeleine is also the Team Leader for Team Sarah’s Official Youth Group: Team Cubs. ( Tags: Ranting From Reno, Patriot, Prepper, Survival, Politics, Prepare, Awarenes

 The Waterman Files & Twisted Radio #6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Waterman Files & Twisted Radio! Tuesdays. *9pm/Est *8pm/Cst *7pm/Mst *6pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to:   8:00-9:00pm/Central "The Waterman Files" "The Waterman Files" will cover geopolitics, economics, health and big pharma, ufo’s, and conspiracies, updates for the ground crews, every week from deep inside the castle.   9:00-10:00pm/Central "Twisted Radio" Twisted Radio with Erin Dakins is about un-twisting the lies and deceptions that have been spoon-fed to each and every one of us since birth. What is reality and what is really going on in the world in which we live? Do you have questions?  Do you often wonder about what lies hidden from us. Are you curious if these things will affect you and yours at some point in the future? Are you concerned about the economy and struggling to survive?  Tune in and discover some answers and hear some real news that will help you in your journey and join up with others of like-minds who are preparing for difficult times. Tags: The Waterman Files, Twisted Radio, Geopolitics, Economics, Prepping, Preppers, Conspiracies, Survival

 The Armchair Survivalist #25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Armchair Survivalis! Mondays *9pm/Est. *8pm/Cst. *7pm/Mst. *6pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: *Replay from Sunday 11/6/2011 The Armchair Survivalist covers a wide range of topics and his many hosts ensure a well rounded and entertaining show. Tags: The Armchair Survivalist, Prepper, Prepare, Survival, News

 Prepping Now! #5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Prepping Now! Sundays *7:00pm/Est *6:00pm/Cst *5:00pm/Mst *4:00pm/Pst Live Listen and Chat go to: On this week's episode of Prepping Now, backwoods prepping with surrycountyprepper! Surrycountyprepper is a brand new prepper who lives in rural North Carolina. We will be discussing her journey into prepping and answer some common questions that new preppers have. Join us for a good time and some interesting prepping discussions. Prepping now with prepgirl is a show about the importance of preparing now for what tomorrow might bring. We will discuss not only important prepping issues such as food storage and skill growth but also the general awareness that comes with the prepping lifestyle. Our hope is that this show will bring new people to the community but also encourage those who already faced some of the challenges of prepping to lend a hand or offer an idea to those who are just staring out. Tags: Prepper Now, Prepper, Prepping, Awareness, Self Reliance


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