The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

The Prepper Broadcasting Network

Summary: Promoting Self-reliance and Independence. Broadcasts are designed to involve the listener, answering the 5 W’s of who, what, when, where, why and the how to of being prepared, self-reliant and self sustaining.

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  • Artist: Prepper Broadcasting Network
  • Copyright: Copyright james walton (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Survival Pistols Part 2 with Dane D. on Gunmetal Armory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Survival Pistols Part 2! Host: Dane "The Gunmetal Armory" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Thursdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  Two weeks ago, on the Gunmetal Armory, I didn’t get to finish my Survival Pistols Show. So thats what we’re gonna do this week. i have more insights and knowledge to add to this topic, and a few ideas that may seem different but I know they’ll work. Tune in this Thursday at 6pm Pacific and join us as we get trapped inside… THE GUNMETAL ARMORy! ... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE!  Tags: Gunmetal Armory, Prepper Broadcasting

 Fathers Survival Wisdom with James Walton on I Am Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:43:00

Fathers Survival Wisdom! Host: James Walton"I Am Liberty" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Wednesdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  As we sit on the threshold of another Father’s Day it calls into question the idea of what fathers teach their sons and what skills you might have learned from your father as you grew up. That is most often the measure of your relationship with your father. It is hard to have a great relationship with a father who never taught you anything. Still, it’s a conversation worth having. More to the point and more for Prepper Broadcasting I want to talk about what fathers teach their sons in regard to survival. I want to talk about the things my father taught me directly and indirectly about survival... Read More HERE! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: I Am Liberty, Prepper Broadcasting

 Walking on Sunshine: Natural Health with A Preppers Path on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Walking on Sunshine: Natural Health! Host: Lynna "A Preppers Path" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Tuesdays 3:00pm/Est 2:00pm/Ct 12:00pm/Pt P.B.N. Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  Hey all you preppers out there the sun is shining at least up here in the wilds of the north. Temperatures are climbing and the golden rays of sunshine are flooding the landscape. A perfect time to get outside and enjoy. It’s easy enough to fill a page with all the positives of sunshine, but are you aware how important the sun is for our bodies. It’s true the sun is a health tonic for each of us, you see the sun allows us to naturally produce the vitamin we sometimes know as the sunshine vitamin, what vitamin is that? D of course. Now vitamin D naturally occurs in a few foods including some fish, fish liver oils, and egg yolks and in fortified dairy and grain. So what’s so important about getting out in the sun and increasing our Vitamin D? Well it is essential for strong bones, but D is even more important to our health as low levels of Vitamin D have been associated with an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease,... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: Prepper Broadcasting, A Preppers Path

 Battlefield America Part 4 The Classroom on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Battlefield America Part 4 The Classroom   Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: For the ninth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will examine the battlefield called academia from a defensive vantage point. A short synopsis of the preceding episode will lead into how to combat the ‘pro-state’ mentality. This plan centers upon a re-examination of the coursework highlighted in the previous episode. This dissection will develop into the construction of a defense against the ‘collectivist’ philosophy inherent in the aforementioned curriculum (and apparently running rampant in higher education). Using the ‘question/answer’ format, we will attempt injection of specific observations and logical deductions regarding the content of the course material. Introducing these elements should remove certain assumptions and suppositions apparently present... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting

 Surviving Sprains and Broken Bones when there is no help! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Surviving Sprains and Broken Bones! on American Preppers Radio! Sunday 7:00pm/Est 6:00pm/Ct 5:00pm/Mt 4:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: Sprains and broken bones happen and they happen often. From a simple sprain to minor and compound fractures, injuries effecting mobility can be one of the lengthiest and most uncomfortable to overcome. Is it possible to treat and immobilize the injury long enough to function and allow healing until help can be found? Will you be the burden or can you still be a productive member of your group? Do you have the knowledge and the skills to overcome such an injury in a wilderness or disaster environment when there is no help? Coming Sunday 6/10/2018 at 7:00pmEst 4:00pm/Pt we are joined by medical experts Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton to discuss how to avoid, the procedures in diagnosing, and how to treat bone injuries. Do not be the burden to yourself or those counting on you. Learn what you you can do to help yourself and those that count on your support.… Read More! Visit our chat room HERE! Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, 

 Getting Caught Off-Grid with Reality Check on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Getting Caught Off-Grid! Host: Micheal Kline "Reality Check" on Prepper Broadcasting aka American Preppers Radio! Fridays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: This week we are discussing the reality of the electric grid going down and a personal story about me being somewhat caught off-guard. I have been on vacation with my family this past week in the North Georgia area with Tropical Storm Alberto coming through. So, like a good little prepper, I packed a small propane stove, my EDC, my camping cook set, and a family size battery powered lantern. However, I was unprepared for the power going out unexpectedly and being off grid sucks. The power going out is different from camping and even preppers are not fully prepared to deal with it mentally. In camping you have the psychology of preparing your mind to be off grid and it’s something you want to do. We relax and relish the darkness and the quiet of the night. It is however, not all quiet and not all dark.... MORE! Joins us in our Chat Room HERE!  Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, Reality Check, Preparedness

 The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification with Gunmetal Armory on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification! Host: Dane "The Gunmetal Armory" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Thursdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  This week, On the Gunmetal Armory… we are going to dive back into Single Mom Survival and prepping. Something many moms think about is how to protect their children… in every day life, and in a worst case scenario. Any sort of SHTF situation would present problems very few single mothers have prepared for or even come close to handling… but we are gonna help you with that. This week, we are going to talk about Fortifications. How does a single mom or any mom work to fortify her home? What items are around her house that she can use to make that house a nightmare to come in to? Can you safely prepare the outside so you and your children are protected in the inside? There are many scenarios you could encounter and we are going to talk about things you can do to handle them, items that you have there that can slow or stop an attack, and many other options... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE!  Tags: Gunmetal Armory, Prepper Broadcasting

 I AM Liberty Catch up with James Walton on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:00

I AM Liberty Catch up! Host: James Walton"I Am Liberty" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Wednesdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  Hey! How’ve you been? We need a catch up show. We have had such tremendous guests on lately and there has been so much to talk about I think its time we slow things down and have some fun. I plan on coming to this show with a decent stack of ideas, articles and updates but I also want the chatroom and our listeners to dictate the direction of this show. Why? Because that’s usually how it goes anyway! Imagine we are at a bar and I am the bartender. I would like to just shoot the breeze with you this week and see where we end up. There is plenty in the news and plenty to discuss in all this chaos we call living. Let’s look into it and enjoy ourselves together for a couple hours... Read More HERE! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: I Am Liberty, Prepper Broadcasting

 Battlefield America Part 3 with Behind The Lines on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Battlefield America Part 3   Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: We will continue the examination of the ‘combatants’ while reviewing a specific portion of the battlefield – academia. A short synopsis of preceding broadcasts will lead into how the ‘pro-state’ viewpoint entrenches itself within the posterity of our nation. Examining the proponents of the ‘pro-state’ perspective from their own writings, we will uncover portions of their ‘battle plan’ and examine their current and potential influence upon the American people. We will come to a greater understanding toward the forces at work in our ‘institutions of higher learning’. Apprehension of their tactics and mechanisms of control will give us an understanding of their designs, and enlighten ourselves. Also, we will gain a heightened sense of urgency regarding the need for intelligent discourse in this arena.... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting

 Digestion System and Complaints Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Digestion System and Complaints Part 2! The Herbal Prepper Live on American Preppers Radio! Sundays 7:00pm/Est 6:00pm/Ct 5:00pm/Mt 4:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: This week’s episode continues our series on the digestive system with a look at some viral and parasitic infections which are currently both common and generally easy to survive. However, in a post disaster scenario, could become far more serious. We will also discuss one more bacterial infection that will become a far more common, serious threat- cholera. Overwhelmingly, the norovirus is the most common “stomach bug.” An estimated 90% of all non bacterial gastroenteritis globally is caused by the norovirus, and approximately 50% in the US. It is extremely contagious and concentrated population centers, such as nursing homes, schools, prisons, and cruise ships, where the virus has a chance to spread like wildfire.… Read More! Visit our chat room HERE! Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, The Herbal Prepper, Health Care

 Solar up with the Jones on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Solar up with the Jones! Host: David Jones "Prepping Up with the Jonest" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Saturdays 8:00pm/Est 7:00pm/Ct 5:00pm/Pt P.B.N. Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  This week’s show has solar electric expert and CEO of P.E.G. Solar, Joe Ordia. He is a Prepper that started a solar electric company when he could not find the help he needed as a Prepper. His company has been steadily growing and prides itself as being a solar company that understands Preppers and Prepping. Joe will answer all your questions on solar power in a grid down situation. Tune into this show to find out how you can plan out your solar power system no matter how big or small you want to make it. Learn what you can power and what you should leave turned off. We will talk about the differences between 12 and 24 volts and when you should use each... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: Prepping Up with the Jones, Prepper Broadcasting

 Hurricanes and Lessons Learned with Reality Check on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

Hurricanes and Lessons Learned! Host: Micheal Kline "Reality Check" on American Preppers Radio! Fridays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: In this show we will be talking about what could have been done different and ideas to think about. Some of the ideas we will discuss are the rapid rate of water rise, the fact that levees were breached, and the dams that were opened and flooded people who were otherwise ok. We will talk about the US Energy Mapping System and items near you that might cause you to have to evacuate. Lastly we will go over ideas to help you speed up the evacuation or bug out process. Ideas like storing medicine in waterproof containers, making digital scans of your important documents and storing them on a portable hard drive or thumb drive, and water filtration.. Joins us in our Chat Room HERE!  Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, Reality Check, Preparedness

 Survival Pistols & Fortification with Gunmetal Armory on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Survival Pistols & Fortification! Host: Dane "The Gunmetal Armory" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Thursdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  This week on the GMA we are gonna hit the ground running, probably trip, and fall on our faces. But then we’ll get back up and give you a great show. We are gonna talk about Survival Pistols, moreover, which pistols are ideally suited for a survival situation, for an armory, and which ones are best for a long term apocalyptic scenario. Which pistols do you have now? Are they reliable? How long until various parts give out on you? We are gonna discuss ALL these things, and many more Thursday night at 6pm on THE GUNMETAL ARMORY. Also, don’t forget coming up VERY soon, we are gonna do the next installment in the Single Mom Survival Series with the Mistress of Metal, and be giving away the most epic prize we have ever given away... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE!  Tags: Gunmetal Armory, Prepper Broadcasting

 Bunker Days with I Am Liberty on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Bunker Days! Host: James Walton"I Am Liberty" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Wednesdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  If you aren’t aware channels that focus on firearms review and shooting are being demonetized on YouTube along with other conservative voices. Facebook and Twitter are silencing political opponents by banning accounts and redirecting traffic to these pages. Is it criminal, no, its their business? Is it right? No. This week on the I AM Liberty Show we are going to have on the team from Bunker Days. What is Bunker Days, you ask? Some of us are Parents. Some of us are Outdoorsman. Some of us are Preppers. We are all Concerned Citizens. And we are keenly aware of the fragile state of the world around us. Bunker Days is here to provide a centralized community platform to exchange ideas and take the necessary steps towards preparation and self-reliance together.... Read More HERE! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: I Am Liberty, Prepper Broadcasting

 Battlefield America Part 2 with Behind The Headlines on PBN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Battlefield America Part 2   Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: Behind the Lines, we will continue the examination of the ‘combatants’ vying for control of America’s culture and morals. After a short review of the previous episodes, we will shift the focus from the ‘pro-individual’ philosophy to the ‘pro-state’ viewpoint. Using documents written by the founders of both disciplines, we will compare and contrast these ideologies –observing how they vie for complete control – while preserving their current influence in the lives of John/Jane Q. Public. Continuing the investigation into the foundational principles of both sides, we will come to a greater understanding regarding the antipathy held by each entity toward the other. By delving into history, we will see why the opposing forces can only seek the elimination of the opposition... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting


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