MoneyPlan SOS | Build Wealth | Get out of debt | Pay attention, not interest show

MoneyPlan SOS | Build Wealth | Get out of debt | Pay attention, not interest

Summary: Financial Wellness Coach, Steve Stewart, wants to help you eliminate your debt, give you a deeper understanding about credit, and show you how money really works. This is the show for the everyday American who wants to get control of their personal finances and learn how to pay attention, NOT INTEREST! Subscribe to get every new show automatically and receive information on how to pay off soul-sucking credit card debt, how to save money, and how to avoid marketing pitfalls. More at http://SteveStewart.Me

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  • Artist: Steve Stewart, Financial Wellness Coach
  • Copyright: © Steve Stewart


 A MoneyPlan for Kids – sos035 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Teaching kids about money is hard. The good news is that it isn’t complicated. It can be broken down to four things: The three things you can do with money and how you get some (work). There are only 3 things you can do with money. This applies for both children and adults: Spend: It […]

 No thanks credit score! I’m Saying No To FICO – sos034 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’m Saying No To FICO and working on my Debit Score 5 components of FICO score: 10% Type of credit (debt) 10% New credit (debt) 15% Credit (debt) history 30% How much you owe 35% Debt payment history Each of these components are based on debt. The more you borrow and pay back the better […]

 eCredable is Incredible: Using alternatives to prove credit worthiness – sos033 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:25

Steve Ely, CEO of eCredable, used to work for Equifax running the Direct Consumer Business. One of the challenges he experienced was they had a very limited scope in terms of how they could help consumers. Consumers really wanted help with financial advice or with their credit file but that was not what they were there for. Their […]

 Privatizing Social Security: Interview with Ashley Barnett – sos032 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ashley Barnett, Personal Finance Blogger from, shares her thoughts on Social Security. We know the system is broken but what can be done to fix it? She has an idea and she wrote about it in her blogpost “An Argument For Privatizing Social Security“. She talks about who Social Security is for, it’s not […]

 House Poor Are You? Is it better to buy or rent? – sos031 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

House Poor Are You? There are some stark differences that I just wanted point out between buying and renting because knowing these differences might just help that first home buyer or someone who is strapped to their house. You see, When someone has too much of their take-home pay going towards household expenses, we call […]

 Real Life Case Story: Paying off tons of debt with a moneyplan – MPSOS030 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Glenn and Fredonna didn’t have a plan for their money. He handled the finances and she was a “willing bystander” with the budget. When they contacted me they wanted to do better, to have a plan for their money. And I answered the call. They also allowed me to use their struggles for a Real […]

 029 MPSOS – Everything Is Normal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  Alex Humphrey from tells us that Everything is Normal. Places, people, things, even the way we think money should be handled is weird to some but becomes normal when you’re around it long enough. To read the original blogposts visit: and the post we discuss in this episode: Alex’s recent project is a […]

 028 MPSOS – Debt Snowball Calculator with Eric Lentz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

UPDATE: Eric has moved on to do other things. If you are looking for a copy of his Debt Snowball Calculator then get a hold of me. You can do so here: Contact Eric Lentz paid off $53,000 in debt over 24 months. As he worked two full-time jobs and got intense on eliminating his […]

 027 MPSOS – Crown Financial Ministries with John Riley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:58

John Riley is the US Director of Volunteer Ministries at Crown Financial Ministries and has his eyes on Heaven in 2011. He serves a number of people at Crown who give of their time freely to churches, businesses, and schools in order to produce a true financial peace and freedom. In short, he supports Financial Coaches who […]

 026 MPSOS – Build a House of Financial Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Imagine a home where there are no obligations (debt) Here is the step-by-step plan to building a house of Financial Freedom: Work Plan Give Pay for necessities Save $1,000 Pay for a few wants Pay off all debt (except mortgage). Save 3-6 months of expenses Save for short-term purchases (repairs, vacations, etc..) Invest wisely Pay […]

 025 MPSOS – The Great Recovery Action Steps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Great Recovery Event was simulcast all over America on July 21st, 2011. Dave Ramsey called out to Church Leaders and Financial Peace University Coordinators all over America to inject a spirit of hope into our congregations, communities, and our country. The answer won’t come from the Government, it certainly won’t come from the President, […]

 024 MPSOS – Zac Bissonnette, Real Life Case Study guest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Zac Bissonnette, writer for and Author of Debt Free U, is passionate about personal finance and financial literacy issues. Zac has been studying and researching for many years on ways to pay for higher education and he views the student loan crisis in America as the most pressing financial issue that we have. He […]

 023 MPSOS – Savings Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You need to save money. Once you have learned to live on less than you make, what do you do with the extra money? First thing for anyone (whether in debt or not): Have $1,000 in cash put aside for emergencies. When you hit that $1,000 amount, say to yourself out loud “I saved A […]

 022 MPSOS – Living Without Credit Cards Pt4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One giant choice we can make to get control of our money is to stop using credit cards. It may seem impossible but the steps I’ve laid out in this 4 part series gives anyone some time to work the process and even start back over again if they mess up. Step 1 – Take […]

 021 MPSOS – Real Life Case Study with Kelly Brantley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Kelly Brantley from Financial Freedom Counseling Service Our guest coach in this Real Life Case Study is a Dave Ramsey Certified Counselor (that guy in the picture with her) who has been helping individuals, couples, churches, and businesses with their personal finance challenges for over 3 years. You can find more about her at […]


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