MoneyPlan SOS | Build Wealth | Get out of debt | Pay attention, not interest show

MoneyPlan SOS | Build Wealth | Get out of debt | Pay attention, not interest

Summary: Financial Wellness Coach, Steve Stewart, wants to help you eliminate your debt, give you a deeper understanding about credit, and show you how money really works. This is the show for the everyday American who wants to get control of their personal finances and learn how to pay attention, NOT INTEREST! Subscribe to get every new show automatically and receive information on how to pay off soul-sucking credit card debt, how to save money, and how to avoid marketing pitfalls. More at http://SteveStewart.Me

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  • Artist: Steve Stewart, Financial Wellness Coach
  • Copyright: © Steve Stewart


 Who cares what Dave Ramsey Says? It’s what he teaches we should follow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:25

I’m a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan. I listen to all three hours of the radio show, occasionally volunteer at live events, and I’m the only individual in Missouri who is Certified to teach the Financial Peace University Workplace Edition along with completing his Counselor Training course. I like to show off my picture with him […]

 Recommended Percentages – sos049 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is a great exercise to see if there are any financial anomalies in your house that are out of whack. The spreadsheet (Recommended Percentage spreadsheet) includes high and low percentages recommended for 11 categories. How do you compare to someone who is debt free? Follow the instructions in this episode to find out. Note: […]

 sos048 Invest Like Spock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Emotions help make most of the decisions with our disposable income. A lot of what we do with our money is based on emotions: We want something, we like something, it sounds good or looks good. Some play  money is alright but what about investing? Do you use the same behaviors when deciding to invest? […]

 Who Do You Work For: How taxes make you work longer – sos047 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Pretend you work for $20 an hour and wanted to buy a new iPod Touch for $200. You would need to work for 10 hours to make $200, right? What we forgot in the calculation – income taxes Don’t forget that income taxes come out of your paycheck. Pretend your effective tax rate (how much taxes […]

 sos046 Defending Suze Orman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’m defending Suze Orman, not for her behavior in calling some personal finance bloggers idiots but for something she did with her “Approved Card” that I would love to see other card issuers do. Why am I even talking about this? Last week Suze Orman released a new financial product, a prepaid card. Because she […]

 Setting Goals Part 2 – sos045 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jon White continues this week in Part 2 of Setting Financial Goals in 2012. In Part 1 of Setting Goals for 2012 In Episode 44 we discussed taking a look at where you are before you get started: How much do you have in debt, how much in savings, and how much income do you […]

 Setting Goals with Jon White – sos044 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The first of a 2-part series from Jon White from Resolutions are like the End Zone Most people make resolutions like “I want to lose weight” or “I want to save more money this year”. Resolutions are like the end zone on a football field, a wide area that we want to reach someday. It may […]

 Top 11 Episodes of 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Revisit MoneyPlan SOS Episodes from 2011 More than a year has passed since the introduction of the MoneyPlan SOS podcast. Here is a list of the Top 11 episodes from 2011: Episode #05: The Absolute Simplest Budget That Works by Steve Stewart (take course here) Episode #10: Should I Tithe While In Debt and the importance of […]

 Changing Values Into Valuables – sos042 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We all have things we value One of the things we have to do when building our house of financial freedom open up some windows (share and experience things with others). I call this giving. There are plenty of ways to be a giver. 5 ways to turn things we value into something valuable for […]

 They Need Our Eyeballs -sos041 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In Episode 40 I shared with you Who I Am and that you can’t believe everything you read (or see on TV). The media doesn’t make money unless they sell advertising. What do they need for advertisers to pay them money? They need eyeballs. The more readers, the more money collected in advertising Why do […]

 Who I Am: Steve Stewart’s backstory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I don’t really have a story. There was no life-altering event or pre-destined career choice I followed in order to help people with their personal finances. Sorry, no car chases or bungee-jumping in my history caused me decide to do what I do. But we like to know about people’s stories, find out who they […]

 Open Enrollment Part 3 of 3 – 401k or IRA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Saving for retirement is very important. The first thing is to open an account and the second is to keep putting money in it over a long period of time. IT’S LIKE PLANTING A SEED Opening an account is like planting a seed and continuously funding the account is like watering the seed. Time will […]

 Open Enrollment Part 2 of 3 – Cafeteria Plans and saving with an FSA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What Cafeteria Plans Mean For You Cafeteria Plans, aka Flexible Spending Plans, are a part of Section 125 in the IRS code. Only for employees of companies who offer such plans Pre-tax benefit: BOTH employer and employee save on Federal Income taxes and Social Security/Medicare contributions with pre-tax deductions from your paycheck Most common uses: […]

 Open Enrollment Part 1 of 3 – Insurance Options | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:15

Open Enrollment occurs around this time every year. Packets full of information about employee benefits are filling mailboxes everywhere. We often choose what looks like the best deal but there are other options. Have you looked at the alternatives? Health Insurance: Everyone need health insurance. One uninsured hospital stay can set a family back thousands […]

 Should I Refi – MoneyPlan SOS podcast episode 36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:51

Interest rates are so incredibly low that it makes sense for many homeowners to refinance. Do you understand all the options available to you? Do you know all the ins-and-outs when it comes to getting a mortgage? It wasn’t until this month that refinancing our home’s loan made any sense. I found a local bank […]


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