The Unplug Podcast: Activated Living for Truth Seekers and Critical Thinkers in a Collapsing World show

The Unplug Podcast: Activated Living for Truth Seekers and Critical Thinkers in a Collapsing World

Summary: The Unplug podcast explores the tough conversations so skillfully silenced by our world in collapse. It’s an inspirational show created for listeners who are fed up with the status quo paradigm of conformity, consumption, compliance, judgement, fear, denial, and indifference. The Unplug podcast evolves beyond magical thinking, hope and the illusion of a better world by inspiring a profound state of activated presence. It strips away the ties that bind us to our collective separation from the web of life to reveal the truth that lives within the authentic human heart. Through bi-weekly, long-format, free-flow conversations with passionate truth-seekers, the Unplug podcast delves into the depths of our planetary crisis and provides an island of sanity in an insane world. It’s an audio show created for all who are disenchanted with our hyper-paced, consumptive world, who denounce what we’re doing to animals and the Earth, and who feel the tug of the soul to live more, give more, be more, and love more—even if it’s too late. The Unplug podcast is all about evolutionary activism, personal transformation, planetary hospice, and living a deeply connected life in a collapsing world. No sound bites, no life hacks, no b.s. Check out

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  • Artist: Deb Ozarko: Cultural revolutionary, author, speaker, and passionate lover of life.
  • Copyright: Unplug Podcast 2017


 UP #10: Living a Fully Authentic Life by Shifting from Head to Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:56:41

First off, I want to wish you a very, very happy, joy-filled, and love-drenched 2014! May this year mark the entrance of an entirely new YOU! A you who brings peace into every day of your own life and, by default, into the world. As we ease our way into a new year, this is a time when many of us reflect on the past with intentions to “do better”. Flipping the page on a calendar to reveal the entrance of a new beginning has a symbolic meaning. Traditionally, it’s a time to set resolutions – which often go well for the first 6 weeks until they slowly morph into the “same old, same old” once again. This year, rather than push forward with mental will to do better, why not fall back into love to BE better? Love has lasting power. It comes from the heart. It’s infinite. It is who you are. Willpower fizzles out. It comes from the head. It’s finite. It’s not who you are. Unless you truly love who you are and what you’re doing, willpower will wane. When you love, will isn’t necessary. Period. It’s just that simple. Most people “should” their way through life which is why “old habits die hard”. This is also why new year’s resolutions fail. When you combine who you are – love – with anything that you do, sticking with anything is never an issue. Ever. If you hate running, what are the odds that you’ll stick with it? Resentment eventually takes over. If you love dancing however, you will dance forever. Why? Because running is not who you are. It’s who you think you “should” be. Dancing on the other hand is who you are. It comes from your heart. It’s infused with love. Today’s Unplug podcast is a special recording which addresses exactly this topic. Living from love. Living authentically – fully and completely with no holds barred. The world needs you. YOU need you! When you move from ego to essence, your life is forever altered and you remember…you remember the magnificence of who you are and who you’ve always been at the very core of your being. Life takes on an indescribable richness that empowers you to never settle for less than who you are AND for who you are yet to become. Life is not a process of discovery. Life is a process of creation. You truly are the creator of your life, your experiences, and your reality. You are the Michelangelo, the Picasso, the Georgia O’Keeffe. When you give yourself the gift of the authentic you, you become the painter, the designer, the architect…the CREATOR! In today’s Unplug podcast I discuss: • What is essence? • Who are you? • What does it really mean to live authentically? • Who do you want to be? • Who is really holding you back. • How you can change the world. (No kidding!) • How to turn fear into faith. • And how losing yourself is the key to finding yourself. I want to thank you for sharing yourself with me in 2013. I’m deeply grateful for each and every one of you and I look forward to co-creating a powerful new year with you. May 2014 reveal the full luminosity of your heart so that you shine with blinding brightness for all to see. Be the spark. Be the flame. Be the change you wish to see in the world! Happy New Year!!! Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show

 UP #09: Looking through the Lens of Compassion with Jo-Anne McArthur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

Unplug podcast number nine is all about kindness, compassion, and purpose. It’s about connecting so deeply to your life purpose that the Universe sweeps you lovingly forward into continually abundant opportunities to fulfill this inner calling. Today, we look through the lens of compassion with award winning, internationally known investigative photographer, Jo-Anne McArthur. To be perfectly honest, I don’t even know where to begin with Jo-Anne’s intro because she’s already done so much in her very purpose-driven life that its challenging to pinpoint a starting point. So let’s briefly turn back the clock to her earlier years. At a young age, Jo-Anne knew that photography was in her soul. She was first introduced to her passion for animals when she started walking a neighbours dog whose emotional expression of excitement and joy made Jo-Anne realize that animals were deeply feeling beings just like us. This epiphany became the foundation for what she wanted to communicate to the world with her photojournalism. Her deep love for animals, along with her admiration for those who protected them such as Diane Fossey and Jane Goodall moved her so deeply that it guided her to her calling. Mostly self taught with mentoring from other exceptional photographers, she supports herself through portraits, food and event photography, but to fully express the purpose in her soul, she spends half the year away from her hometown of Toronto, Canada working on documentary projects such as We Animals which is a project she created that connects how we are all animals and none of us should be made to suffer. She documents our relationships with animals – both the light and the dark, and she exposes these issues and relationships to the world through the lens of her constant companion – her camera. Her awards are plentiful – with the recurring theme of compassion. She was presented the 2013 Compassion for Animals award in Toronto this summer. She’s was also awarded the Canadian Empathy Award in 2011, she was named one of CBC’s Top 50 Champions of Change; she collected Farm Sanctuary’s 2010 “Friend of Farm Animals” award; and she was listed in the HuffPost’s WOMEN’s website as one of the “Top 10 Women trying to change the world”. But it doesn’t end there. Jo-Anne is also the featured subject of Canadian film maker Liz Marshall’s celebrated documentary, The Ghosts in Our Machine which is currently taking North America by storm. I’ve since found out that its made the formidable list of 151 documentaries that qualified for the Oscar in the Best Documentary Feature category this year. This symbolizes a significant shift in consciousness that will hopefully remind “we animals” that we truly are all connected. And, if that’s not enough, Jo-Anne’s beautifully photographed and designed first book entitled We Animals which has just been released by publisher Lantern Books. Just in time for the holiday season! When we look through the lens of compassion and the photographic eye of Jo-Anne McArthur, we remember the love that we have at our core for all living beings. Jo-Anne is a true paradigm shifter who shows that we can change the world simply by following the love in our hearts. Enjoy today’s beautiful interview and have a peaceful and festive holiday. The Ghosts in Our Machine movie trailer: SHOW NOTES: * We Animals website: * The Ghosts in Our Machine website: http://www.

 UP #08: Creating a Movement Toward a More Compassionate World with Gene Baur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:07

Gene Baur is a man with a mission. A mission of compassion and love. He’s a man who is so deeply connected to his higher purpose that it’s an effort to even get him to take credit for the huge impact he’s had on the lives of both human and non-human animals. The defining moment in his life arrived in a rather dark and unlikely place – a place that is termed by animal-use industries as a “dead pile” located behind a live animal stockyard. As grisly as it sounds, a dead pile is exactly that – a large pile of dead and dying animals – considered useless by those who profit from the body parts of animals. Gene and his then wife, Lorri were in the midst of exploring the dark truth behind the production of animals for food when they noticed a slight expression of life in the pile of what was supposed to be dead sheep. Without hesitation, with hearts in the lead, they removed the animal from the pile of lifeless beings and took her to their vehicle. Thinking euthanasia was the only humane option, Gene and Lorri took her to a vet to prevent further suffering. Much to their surprise, she needed only vitamins and fluids to bring her back to health. She not only recovered, she went on to thrive for 11 more years. This is the condensed story of Hilda. The sheep who touched the hearts of two dedicated activists and in turn, created an international movement of compassion. Since that life altering experience, Gene has since co-founded Farm Sanctuary, America’s leading farm animal protection organization, which runs the largest rescue and refuge network for farm animals in North America. Farm Sanctuary now has 3 locations found in Watkins Glen, New York, as well as Orland and Los Angeles, California. He’s the best selling author of the very moving book Farm Sanctuary; Changing hearts and Minds about Animals and Food. He’s an inspiring speaker and, on a more personal level, he’s also a very impressive athlete. This past summer, he completed his first Ironman triathlon – Ironman Lake Placid – in a very impressive sub 12 hour finish time. Above all else though, he’s one of the kindest, most dedicated people on the planet. He’s a tireless voice for the voiceless – always coming from the depths of extreme compassion. And despite the darkness he’s exposed himself to over the years in order to fully understand the reality of today’s animal-use paradigm, he’s a shining light of hope and optimism for a kinder, more compassionate world. Gene was recently involved in a debate on NPR titled Don’t Eat Anything with a Face. Partnered with Dr. Neal Barnard, the compassionate duo won the debate hands down. This one is worth grabbing a cup of tea and finding a comfy spot in the living room to sit back and enjoy. Time magazine calls him the conscience of the food movement. I’d like to take that a step further and call him the conscience of a new paradigm. Welcome the inspirational, Gene Baur. Check out this short video by Farm Sanctuary supporter, Ellen DeGeneres that captures the essence of their beautiful work. SHOW NOTES: • Farm Sanctuary website: • Order Gene’s best-selling book Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food

 UP #07: Spreading the Culture of Compassion with Rae Sikora | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:12

Today’s Unplug podcast is all about making a difference. It’s about living a simple life of love, compassion and purpose. It’s a reminder to each of us that we’re here to make a difference. We’re here to live, to laugh, to love and to serve. Every one of us has a purpose that includes these four essential components. And when we connect to that core part of our being, we have everything that it takes to change the world and propel ourselves out of the mess that we’ve gotten ourselves into as a species and into a new paradigm of love and compassion that includes all living beings. Yep, it really is that simple. I’ve been blessed in my lifetime to have so many beautiful souls in my circle of compassion. People who move the world in a positive direction and make a difference for all living beings. People who lead the revolution towards higher consciousness and Divine love for animals, the planet and humanity. People who inspire so many others to change the world with their own unique essence and sense of purpose. Today, we chat with one of these beautiful souls – my dear friend and one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met, the wonderful co-founder of the Institute for Humane Education and champion for compassionate living, Rae Sikora. Rae’s heart is like a beacon – a beaming love bolt that penetrates all. In our household, we just call her Rae of Sunshine. Her love has no boundaries. Animals, humanity, the natural world – everyone, everything. She’s a shining example of the yogic principle of ahimsa – which is the Sanskrit word for non-harming or non-violence that is the ethical foundation of pure ancient Yogic philosophy. On the website, Plant Peace Daily that Rae shares with her partner in compassion, Jim Corcoran, this dynamic duo clearly invite everyone to live their lives as a message of peace every single day. If we want a world that is non-violent, loving, non-judgmental, and peaceful we must first become that ourselves – in every area of our lives. From our thoughts, to our choices, to our actions. This is Rae’s life work – helping us remember who we are at our core. In today’s interview, we discuss: * The importance of focusing on how far we’ve come rather than how far we still have to go; * How the culture of compassion is spreading. * Living our lives as examples of compassion by connecting to the Divine Force of Compassion; * A beautiful reminder that YOU matter, and how compassion begins with yourself; * The important difference between want and need; * Redefining wealth. What does a rich life truly look like? * Letting go of the story, surrendering to faith, and reconnecting to hope; * And lastly, there really is no such thing as a lost cause. Rae Sikora is truly a gift to the world and I’m honored to be able to share her wisdom with you today. So sit back, open your mind and heart and enjoy! PS. Skype was a little wonky at times during this interview but stay with us because it’s worth it. SHOW NOTES: *  Plant Peace Daily website: * Plant Peace Daily: Everyday Outreach for People Who Care: Buy the book on Amazon * Damien Mander talk referenced in interview: Modern Warrior: Damien Mander at TEDxSydney Are you inspired by this podcast? If so,

 UP #06: Living Consciously in an Unconscious World with Peter Russell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:58

Have you ever pondered what it would look like to combine the linear thought process of science with the non-linear heart connection of spirituality? If so, you’d probably conjure up a little something that looked like today’s guest. Peter Russell is considered somewhat of a “rock star” in the spiritual world (although he’d probably be embarrassed by the fanfare). He began as a rather unlikely spiritual guru studying mathematics, computer science and theoretical physics at Cambridge University. Over time, he became increasingly fascinated with the human mind and changed his course of study to experimental psychology. This eventually led him to India where he studied meditation and eastern philosophy with the likes of Maharishi (yes, THE Maharishi of Beatles fame) along with many other inspirational spiritual teachers. Peter’s deep-dive into the world of spirituality eventually led him on a journey that has taken him on an extensive exploration of consciousness, and, as is written in his Huffington Post bio, “His mission is to distill the essential wisdom on human consciousness found in the world’s various spiritual traditions, and to disseminate their teachings on self-liberation in contemporary and compelling ways.” Peter is the author of 8 books including “From Science to God”, “The Consciousness Revolution”, “Waking Up in Time”, and “The Global Brain”. He’s the creator of the fascinating documentaries “The Global Brain” and “White Hole in Time”. He’s an inspiring speaker, empowering facilitator and he’s also a really kind human being. In today’s interview, we discuss a vast array of important topics including: • How to deal with despair given the state of the world in today’s times. • Living consciously in an unconscious world. • The 3-fold acceleration happening on the planet today. Are we leaning towards catastrophe or higher consciousness? • And, what is essence? I promise yet another hour of inspiration with a man who lives from the very core essence of his being. Enjoy! Great chat about meditation with Peter Russell and Eckhart Tolle: SHOW NOTES: • Peter Russell’s website: • Peter’s Books, cd’s and dvd’s: • Waking up in Time: Buy the book on Amazon • How to Meditate Without Even Trying: Online Meditation Course (My personal review: excellent!) • Follow Peter on Facebook: Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show on Stitcher where the show will now be available all over the world on Stitcher mobile, tablet and web apps and, also in over 4 million in-car dashboards.

 UP #05: Courage, Wisdom, Love, and Intuition. Becoming a 21st Century Goddess with Sierra Bender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:39

After listening to this passionate interview, you will never doubt your intuition again. Meet the powerful Goddess-force known as Sierra Bender, a true 21st century Renaissance woman who is deeply connected to her life purpose as a healer, activist, and leader in the women’s empowerment movement. After a near-death experience (NDE) from a rare ectopic pregnancy on Dec. 23, 1995, her life was forever changed. Modern medicine saved her life but it didn’t heal her. The NDE woke her up to the ongoing struggles with identity, weight and self-esteem related to the many years of sexual abuse still residing within her core being. On the outside, she conveyed the appearance of success working with celebrities, Wall Street CEO’s, professional athletes, and leaders of Fortune 500 companies as a top-rated personal trainer. All that changed when she “died” on the operating table on that fateful day…and woke up to the truth of the essence at her core. Sierra’s subsequent quest for self-revelation led her across the globe in a driven search for healing. It was time spent in the ashrams of India, the jungles of the Amazon, and the mountains of Peru that guided her to the shamans, yogis, and indigenous healers that showed her the way – and led her to the life purpose that would transform the lives of countless women. She’s the author of the book “Goddess to the Core” (a must read for every woman), the creator of the transformative “Bootcamp for Goddesses” full-week workshops and “Goddess to the Core” weekend workshops, and she is also the founder of the Sierra Bender Empowerment Method® (SBEM), a 4 Body Fit® multi-disciplinary approach to transforming women’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. I had the honor of spending a week with this amazing woman at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY for her “Bootcamp for Goddesses” workshop this past summer. After experiencing Sierra’s work first-hand, I can honestly say that it should be mandatory for every woman living in our current cultural paradigm. If we all tapped into the powerful Goddess within, the current ego-centric, male-dominated paradigm of selfish dominance would quickly collapse and would finally be replaced with the love and kindness that we all share at our core. Today’s extra special interview falls on a very special week. This week is my birth week and it marks the commencement of a new era of life – an exciting time of great transformation. This is exactly what happened to my beautiful sister Goddesses and I during our week with Sierra and her amazing team – great transformation. I can’t think of a better birthday gift to myself than to share the amazing wisdom of a truly exceptional woman with a truly exceptional group of readers and listeners. Enjoy this uber inspiring interview! SHOW NOTES: • Sierra Bender website: • Goddess to the Core: Buy the book on Amazon OMG Productions Interview: Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show

 UP #04: The Power of Love as the New Face for Activism with Anita Krajnc and Mary Fantaske | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:46

Today’s podcast interview is one that is especially close to my heart at this particular time. You see, October 26, 2013 marked the commencement of a new chapter in my life. It was the symbolic day that my partner and I along with our furry family of 8 cats and 2 dogs left the comfort of our family and friends in Ontario and embarked on a cross-country journey towards a new life on the west coast of British Columbia. It also meant that for the better part of a week during our cross-country journey, I would need to leave the security of my bubble of compassion and venture into the world of the collective coma comprising today’s prevailing cultural paradigm. I knew before embarking on this lengthy journey that I would see some of the most beautiful sights that nature could offer. I also knew that I would witness some of the ugliest realities created by humanity. I’ve done this trip before. Three times to be exact. And it’s always hard on my soul. But stay with me here because there is much light at the end of this tunnel. As expected, only 3 days into the journey, the low vibration of the collective energy field rattled me to the core. Forests, transformed from their initial beauty into ugly barren moonscapes – demolished by clearcut logging. An ongoing barrage of men in pickup trucks carting guns, crossbows, ATV’s, and the bodies of murdered wildlife. Most upsetting of all was the relentless, endless convoy of cruelty in the death trucks transporting countless terrified sentient beings to a premature, violent and mechanized ending. I’m talking about the transport trucks shipping innocent animals to slaughter. There was no foreseeable end to the trucks coming and going in every conceivable direction from sunrise to sunset and likely well into the darkest hours of night. It highlighted for me the sheer magnitude of the illness that is the voracious appetite for the suffered flesh of innocent beings that has been rationally normalized in today’s society. The desperate fear emanating from each and every death truck was palpable. It was haunting and it was heartbreaking. Interspersed amongst this unconscious violence was signage for hunting camps, baited bear hunts, and billboards advertising women’s shelters and other forms of help for female victims of violence. Even writing this two weeks later hurts my heart. Animal feedlots, auction houses, and slaughterhouses were also in plain sight of the main highway as we made our way westward. Admittedly, there were days where it was utterly impossible to find the beauty in our species. It’s not often that I throw myself into the world of the collective coma because it creates despair. And it hurts – it really hurts. I much prefer to surround myself with people who live from the essence of their compassion and a higher level of consciousness. This trip left me feeling broken – and dumbfounded with the extreme level of unconscious violence still prevalent in today’s world. But just as I feel myself plummet into the depths of despair, the Universe shines her light – to remind me of who I am at my core – love…and hope. Two red foxes playing off in a field. An eagle majestically gliding in the sky. A beautiful sunrise. A gorgeous prairie sunset. The rugged, majestic beauty of the Rocky Mountains. A funky dude at a full-serve gas station in the middle of nowhere whose smile lights up the sky. Yes, I take notice. And I feel the healing influence of the natural world in my soul. Despite the heaviness I feel about the insane reality of the rationally accepted violence that includes the consumption of animal flesh and secretions, I have a strong belief that one day we will look back on this paradigm with disgust and horror – just as we have with previous historical paradigms of extreme rationalized violence. And I have a strong intuitive feeling that I’ll witness this massive shift in my lifetime.

 UP #03: The Power and Promise of Humane Education to Ignite the Power of Critical Thought with Zoe Weil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:17

Today, we chat with co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education, the feisty, funny and fabulous, Zoe Weil. Zoe is a pioneer and passionate crusader in the humane education movement – a movement which works to create a humane, peaceful, healthy and just world for all people, animals, and the environment through education. She created IHE’s M.Ed., M.A. and graduate certificate programs, as well as IHE’s acclaimed humane education and MOGO (most good) workshops and online courses. She’s a 6 time author with inspiring books including the Nautilus Silver Medal-winner “Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life”. She’s also written many articles on humane education and humane living and has been interviewed by numerous radio and television stations and media outlets such as Zoe is a tireless speaker at universities, conferences, schools and communities across North America and she’s also an inspiring TEDx speaker. Her 2010 TEDx talk “The World Becomes what you teach” became one of the 50 top-rated of more than 12,000 TEDx talks that year. And since then she’s given 3 more amazing TEDx talks. And, if that’s not enough, in 2012, Zoe premiered her 1-woman show “My Ongoing Problems with Kindness: Confessions of a MOGO Girl” and now brings humane issues to communities through entertainment. Have I mentioned yet that this tiny woman is an absolute ball of fire? And that’s just the beginning. So sit back, enjoy the interview and allow Zoe to inspire you to think more critically, love more deeply and live as an exemplary ambassador for compassion. The World Becomes What You Teach TEDx talk SHOW NOTES • Institute for Humane Education: • Zoe on Facebook: • Zoe on Twitter: @ZoeWeil • Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life • My Ongoing Problems with Kindness: Confessions of a MOGO Girl Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show on Stitcher where the show will now be available all over the world on Stitcher mobile, tablet and web apps and, also in over 4 million in-car dashboards. 3. TELL A FRIEND ABOUT THE SHOW and spread the word FAR AND WIDE! As always, thank you for listening and thank you for helping to co-create a better world!

 UP #02: The Transformative Power of the Yogic Mind with Sylvie Gouin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:27

You know when you’re in the company of someone who you feel like you’ve known forever? Someone who you connect with on a soul level? Today I sit down to interview a wise and very dear friend of mine. Sylvie Gouin is the author of Inspired Living: A Guided Yoga Journal. She’s also one of the kindest, most compassionate people I know. Someone I feel so deeply honoured to have in my life. She continually inspires me to view the world with an open heart and open mind. Sylvie is one of those rare, beautiful people who defies linear time when in her presence. Sylvie is a well loved yoga teacher, registered Nutrition Consultant Practitioner, Reiki Master and she’s also currently completing a degree in interfaith theology. She writes regularly on her blog – always inspiring a broader way of viewing life. Above all else, Sylvie exemplifies kindness. She has one of those beautiful smiles that lights up a room. Yoga is Sylvie’s life. She lives and breathes the philosophy. She teaches and trains the asana practice with loving mindfulness while always inspiring critical thought. For Sylvie, yoga is not just another form of westernized exercise. It’s a way of being that’s built on the very foundation of love and compassion. Today’s interview is truly inspiring and will definitely elicit some deep inner reflection. Enjoy! SHOW NOTES: • You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay • Sylvie’s Blog: • Sylvie’s yoga training and retreats: Inspired Living Consulting • Inspired Living, A Yoga Journal Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show on Stitcher where the show will now be available all over the world on Stitcher mobile, tablet and web apps and, also in over 4 million in-car dashboards. 3. TELL A FRIEND ABOUT THE SHOW and spread the word FAR AND WIDE! As always, thank you for listening and thank you for helping to co-create a better world!

 UP #01: Living Your Purpose in a Disconnected World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:52

Finally! The inaugural Unplug Podcast is up and running and ready to inspire. What the heck is the Unplug Podcast you may ask? It’s a weekly audio program for listeners who are ready to shift the paradigm from head to heart and co-create a more passionate, compassionate, loving and interconnected world – for humanity, animals, the natural world and, of course, ourselves. So the title “Unplug” is actually all about unplugging from status-quo and living an authentic life that serves you and a planet so desperately in need. This podcast is for people who want to live a simpler, kinder and more spiritually inclusive life outside of the distraction and stifling confines of the status-quo cultural mindset. Each week I’ll interview an amazing, heart-centered paradigm buster to motivate you to live a more passionate, compassionate and inspired life that helps shift this crazy paradigm. In today’s debut episode, you get to know a little bit about my journey, what you can expect from this podcast and then we deep dive into my favorite topic – living a life of purpose. What’s my goal with this podcast? Why world peace of course (no joke)! And I certainly can’t accomplish this mission alone. My aim is to unleash more compassion, more passion, more authenticity, more critical-thinking, and waaay more consciousness on a planet that’s crying out for mercy. I hope you enjoy this first episode. This is only the beginning of what I’m hoping will be a revolutionary platform for consciousness and peace. Because I really want for this to be a collective effort, I’m wide open for suggestions on topics you’d like to hear about in upcoming episodes, people you’d like me to interview, and anything else that helps create a more heart-centered paradigm. And please spread the word! Share this podcast far and wide and let’s co-create a better world! Thanks so much for listening…and caring! SHOW NOTES • Eckhart Tolle • Rich Roll • Old MacDonalds Factory Farm – David Coates • Kelly Howell Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show on Stitcher where the show will now be available all over the world on Stitcher mobile, tablet and web apps and, also in over 4 million in-car dashboards. 3. TELL A FRIEND ABOUT THE SHOW and spread the word FAR AND WIDE! As always, thank you for listening and thank you for helping to co-create a better world!


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