The Unplug Podcast: Activated Living for Truth Seekers and Critical Thinkers in a Collapsing World show

The Unplug Podcast: Activated Living for Truth Seekers and Critical Thinkers in a Collapsing World

Summary: The Unplug podcast explores the tough conversations so skillfully silenced by our world in collapse. It’s an inspirational show created for listeners who are fed up with the status quo paradigm of conformity, consumption, compliance, judgement, fear, denial, and indifference. The Unplug podcast evolves beyond magical thinking, hope and the illusion of a better world by inspiring a profound state of activated presence. It strips away the ties that bind us to our collective separation from the web of life to reveal the truth that lives within the authentic human heart. Through bi-weekly, long-format, free-flow conversations with passionate truth-seekers, the Unplug podcast delves into the depths of our planetary crisis and provides an island of sanity in an insane world. It’s an audio show created for all who are disenchanted with our hyper-paced, consumptive world, who denounce what we’re doing to animals and the Earth, and who feel the tug of the soul to live more, give more, be more, and love more—even if it’s too late. The Unplug podcast is all about evolutionary activism, personal transformation, planetary hospice, and living a deeply connected life in a collapsing world. No sound bites, no life hacks, no b.s. Check out

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  • Artist: Deb Ozarko: Cultural revolutionary, author, speaker, and passionate lover of life.
  • Copyright: Unplug Podcast 2017


 UP #40: Love, Beauty, Justice, and Truth are What Make the World Go Around with Ruby Roth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:40

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you know that I speak regularly about the vegan lifestyle. Although I don’t promote this podcast as a vegan podcast, I truly believe that the only way that we can live as the authentically selfless, caring, kind, and loving species that we are at our core, is by living compassionately from the interconnection that we share with all life. Making choices that contribute to violence towards any living being hurts us as it hurts them. Consuming the suffered flesh of a living being that valued its life as much as we do only creates suffering within ourselves. The physical manifestations of our separation-based choices are painfully obvious in today’s world. Obesity, heart disease, cancers, wars, depression, stress, and rampant violence. What I’m getting at is that in order to live as the best version of who we’re meant to be in this lifetime, we need to reconnect to the essence of who we are at our core. We all share the same essential soul nature of compassion, courage, empathy, kindness, selflessness, joy, and love. When we remember that these are the authentic qualities that comprise the heart of humanity, we remember that we are not separate from any living being. Whether it’s another human being, a cat, dog, chicken, pig, cow, flower, or a tree. We’re all in this together. We all share life. We all live within an intricate web of life where too much or too little of anything can bring about massive collapse. We all have the potential to be such incredible beings of compassion, kindness and love. We also have the potential to be such incredible beings of cruelty, violence, hatred, and fear. The only thing that differentiates one from the other is choice. Do we choose to live consciously, guided by the truth that lives inside of us – a truth that is connected to all life and unplugged from the archaic belief systems of an outdated separation-based cultural paradigm or do we choose to live unconsciously, plugged into the cultural matrix of separation, brainwashed by habits and unexamined hand-me-down belief systems created to ensure our compliance so that we remain small, separate, fearful, and stressed-out. I don’t know about you, but for me, the choices is a no-brainer. I choose truth. End of story. With truth comes liberation. As the saying goes, the truth shall set you free. The truth can also painful, but beyond the pain, truth is actually comforting to those who do not wish to ignore it. Then, not only is truth comforting, it’s also inspiring. It is truth that mobilizes the soul for action. We can’t ever reach the true potential as our best selves if we selectively negate animals and the natural world on our path to wholeness. Vegan, in its purest form, connects us to our essential nature. It’s about compassion and interconnection with all life. Non-harming choices towards others equals non-harming choices for ourselves. It’s that simple. Spiritual interconnection 101. Instant status quo crusher status. Why is it that we’ve strayed so far from the core of who we are? The experts say that from ages of 0 to 6, we’re being programmed by those who care for us. In these first years of innocence, the belief systems of our parents and caretakers become firmly installed – that is, unless someone who has unplugged from the matrix comes along to teach us otherwise. It’s only then that we have a chance as children to maintain a connection to our core essential nature of compassion for all life. Otherwise, we’re indoctrinated into the willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance of the paradigm of separation that our parents have passed on, and their parents before that – and then we’re screwed for many years until we’re able to shake off the trance and explore kinder options that feel more authentic to who we’ve always been meant to be. This week’s Unplug podcast guest is a true paradigm buster who has complete...

 UP #39: Igniting a Revolution and Changing the Paradigm of Food with Ocean Robbins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:51

Imagine being born to parents who are fully awake and have unplugged from the matrix of cultural conditioning. Parents who have chosen to crush status quo in favor of a simpler life of meaning and purpose. Can you imagine the potential of who you could become from early on in life? Can you imagine what it would be like to never be indoctrinated into the cultural coma of conformity and separation? Can you imagine the liberation of a life where authentic expression was celebrated, selflessness was cultivated, simplicity trumped consumption, purpose was nurtured, and love for ALL living beings was the household modus operandi? Can you imagine being brought up in a household where you were taught about what really matters – leaving the world a better place because of how much you care? Close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine… This week’s Unplug podcast guest is a truly special man who was born into such a household. Ocean Robbins, son of best-selling author John Robbins (Diet for a New America), is a beautiful man who has gifted his life to the world in a way that is not only leaving it a better place, but is also changing many lives along the way. At the tender age of 15, he co-founded YES! – or Youth for Environmental Sanity. The organization has since grown into a powerful non-profit organization that connects, inspires and collaborates with young changemakers in building thriving, just and sustainable ways of life – for all life. He’s spoken to hundreds of thousands of people, led hundreds of retreats, workshops and Jams for leaders in 65+ nations, written books, mentored (and learned from) changemakers, been a creative partner and lead editor for bestselling books. He is now the CEO of the Food Revolution Network where 100,000 plus people have mobilized for healthy, sustainable, humane and delicious food and food systems. He is also an adjunct professor of Peace Studies at Chapman University, a blogger, a speaker, and a facilitator. He’s a man of many world changing accomplishments. No surprise considering his exceptional upbringing. Despite being born into a status quo crushing household with a father who has transformed the lives of many, Ocean has not been exempt from hardship. He’s the father of two identical twins who spent the first six weeks of life in intensive care for their premature entrance into the world. Ongoing oxygen was a life-saving necessity to prevent their untimely deaths. The boys survived and live with autism under the loving care of Ocean and his wife Michele. They have been incredible teachers and, in Ocean’s own words, “to this day the boys struggle with numerous developmental delays and special needs. They are also incredible reminders to me, on a daily basis, of the power of play, of the simple healing beauty of love, and of what really matters most in life.” In 2008, the bulk of the Robbins’ family life savings were wiped out in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. As Ocean himself writes in his essay titled “My Learning Journey”: For the past several years, I have offered the following prayer every morning, “may I be given everything I need to do what I am alive for.” In that light, the fact that my wife and I had lost our life savings and the safety net of my mom and dad’s earned wealth in one fell swoop had to hold a crucial lesson. I felt that in some way, I was being tested again, and that this profound loss must be a part of my ultimate purpose. So we set about rethinking all of our expenses, and looking at what we could do ourselves, what we could make ourselves, what we could do without, and how we could live more simply, more healthfully – and more frugally. What is clear to me is that we don’t get to choose most of what happens to us. In my twin’s premature birth, subsequent special needs,

 UP #38: You Have the Power to be Exactly Who You Want to Be with Brynn McLennan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:58

How many people do you know who whine and complain their way through life refusing to take ownership for their circumstances? How many people do you know who adopt the victim identity for every little thing that isn’t just “right” about life? I’m sure we can all think of at least a few of these types. Perhaps a co-worker, acquaintance, family member – they’re everywhere. The energy sucking vampires with a perpetual case of what I call PMS – or Poor Me Syndrome. I’ve reached a point in my life where I have limited bandwidth for this type of energy drain and refuse to enter what would become a life-sucking codependent relationship with a PMS victim. This is self love through self respect. I’ve also learned to be very protective of my energy so that I can maintain laser focus on my purpose without the distraction of someone who refuses to take ownership for their life. This is what I call compassionate detachment. I energetically wish the person well on their journey with the detached hope that they’ll eventually wake up, take charge of their life and become the person that their soul is longing to be. I love meeting people who inspire me. People who own their lives – everything – the awesome stuff as well as the messy stuff. People who don’t pretend to be something that they’re not. People who are as comfortable being open and vulnerable with their perceived weaknesses as they are with their successes. People who are loving, humble, honest, selfless, integrous, caring, passionate, inspiring, raw, and real. People who are open-hearted, awake, and who truly own their power. I feel deeply blessed that I have so many people like this in my life and that I continue to meet many more through this podcasting journey. Today’s Unplug podcast interviewee is no exception. Brynn McLennan is an inspiring woman with a fierce passion for life and a powerful faith in the magnificence of the human heart. Brynn is also a determined woman who believes deeply in human potential. She was introduced to me by my inspiring friend Sylvie Gouin (who was interviewed last week in episode #37). Sylvie intuitively knew that Brynn and I were meant to connect and after snooping around her website, I agreed that it was destined to be. I was immediately inspired. You see at age twelve Brynn was given a wheelchair sentence by doctors for a rare form of muscular dystrophy that stripped her of the ability to stand upright. Not one to be easily deterred, Brynn is still upright 20 years later and has built a rich life for herself despite the medical odds. The mind, when coupled with the heart, is powerful beyond cognitive comprehension. Brynn is someone who could easily fall prey to Poor Me Syndrome with her physical reality, but instead, she refuses to define herself by the disease that has robbed her of what many people take for granted – the ability to move freely, uninhibited by the soul temple known as the physical body. Brynn’s soul is so vibrant that the body she inhabits doesn’t slow her down. She’s an upcoming author and a passionate crusader for stem cell therapy – an exciting advancement not only for human health but also for the elimination of archaic and cruel animal testing. Brynn shares her deep wisdom on topics such as: • Living intuitively to bypass the downward spiral of the story mind. • How we are so much more than our physical body. • How it’s ok to feel everything as long as we allow it to continually move through us. • How everyone has the resources within to be able to handle anything that comes their way. • How choosing the role of victim becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. • What is stem cell therapy and it’s exciting implications for all living beings.

 UP #37: A Flexible Approach to Living a Balanced Life with Sylvie Gouin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:28:09

What does it mean to have balance in your life? Does it mean living in a state of perpetual zen-like bliss – clear headed, calm, grounded, and motivated? Even keeled and strong as the world crumbles around you? Or is it possible that it could mean something completely different? Balance is one of the many pervasive buzz words in today’s culture that has been hijacked, watered down and distorted by the self-help movement. It’s become so cliché that for many of us, it’s lost its “oomph”. We recognize that the modern definition of a blissed out zen guru moving through the world in perfect balance is nothing more than another new age fantasy. In the end, “balance” has become yet another unattainable ploy to make us feel crappy about ourselves. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a variation of “I just can’t get my act together to have more balance in my life”, I’d be a wealthy woman. So what exactly is balance? Is it really something meant to cause more stress in our lives because we just can’t get our acts together or, heaven forbid, could it possibly mean something more realistic – anchored in a reality that we can all relate to? This week’s Unplug podcast takes back the word in a way that not only makes sense, it empowers. Sylvie Gouin is a dear friend and wise yogini who shares her deeply meaningful outlook on balance  – an outlook that really makes sense and offers fresh perspectives on non judgmental self awareness. Today we discuss: * What is yoga? How the purity of yoga helps us define balance in an attainable way. * Are you a mechanical human doing or a mindful human being? * Understanding why you believe what you believe and how this impacts your everyday life. * The all encompassing non-violence of ahimsa. * What does balance really mean? * The difference between non-attachment and non-caring. * How non-attachment helps us become more expansive within ourselves. * How non-attachment is directly interconnected with love and how the only way to love is so that others feel free. * How non-attachment is the key to balance. * The three cycles of nature and how they influence our life (important and fascinating!). * How balance is knowing what you need at all times.This week’s conversation is for everyone – whether you’re a practicing yogi or not. I invite you to enjoy today’s conversation with Sylvie Gouin who offers a flexible and attainable approach to balanced living. THIS WEEK’S INSPIRED INVITATION: This week I invite you to mindfully observe your patterns of action, inertia and containment to notice where you may need a little more TLC. You may surprise yourself! SHOW NOTES: • Sylvie Gouin’s website. • Inspired Living: A Yoga Journal – Sylvie’s book on Amazon. Are you inspired by this podcast? If so, here’s how you can fan the flame for the message: 1. Support the show! Support the paradigm-altering Unplug movement on Patreon. Every little bit makes a difference! 2. Subscribe & Review the Show on iTunes: Here’s a simple 5-step process to quickly rate, review and subscribe to the show. You can also now subscribe to the show on Stitcher where the show will now be available all over the world on Stitcher mobile,

 UP #36: Daring to Live a Meaningful Life with Louise LeBrun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08:15

Sometimes the Universe coordinates the meeting of two like-minded souls in creative ways. Call it fate, chance or destiny. Personally I believe that there’s something more powerful at work. Have you ever noticed that you attract in your life what is directly related to the energy you give off? When you feel angry and “funky”, you attract angry, “funky” circumstances. When you feel creative and passionate, you’re blessed with inspired thought that feeds your passion. Don’t worry, I’m not going sideways on you with new age “hookey pookey” law of attraction stuff. What I’m talking about is more grounded in reality. I’m talking about the Law of Resonance. The Universe has a number of strict laws which determines life on planet earth. One such law is the Law of Gravity which prevents us from floating aimlessly around the planet – thank goodness. I for one feel far more comfortable with my feet firmly planted on terra firma. The Law of Resonance is another strict law that determines precisely what you will attract into your life based on the resonance or frequency of energy that you are projecting at any given time. You see, the energetic signals we emit determines what and who comes our way in life. Think about it – we can all feel the difference between good and bad vibes. Good vibes attract like a magnet. Bad vibes repel like the opposite side of the same magnet. Everything and everyone that we attract in our lives is based on the frequency we emit. This is determined by our thoughts, emotions, and how connected (or not) we are to our authentic Self – or soul, spirit, core essence, Higher Self – whatever you want to call it – same thing, different words. The Law of Resonance is the law which determines precisely what and who we attract based on the resonance or frequency of energy that we choose to convey. Spiritual love (contrasted with fickle romantic love) projects the highest frequency. Fear projects the lowest. Quantum Physics explains that at the most basic level, everything in the universe is vibrating energy. This includes you, me, and all life. The only thing that differentiates you from water is the intensity with which the energy vibrates. At the core, both you and water exist as the same energy. It’s simply the vibrational output of the energy that causes differing physical manifestations. In other words, we are all energetically interconnected. It makes no difference if it’s a tree, a chicken, a pig, a bird, a flower, a child, a woman, or a man. We are all vibrating energy and energy is what creates the powerful force that we all share called life. Our quality of consciousness determines the vibrational intensity of the energy projected which then determines what is attracted to us. When we live from a higher state of resonance (or consciousness) that connects us to our authentic Self, we remember – on an energetic level – our interconnection with all life and we make more compassionate and loving choices as a result. In this same way, we determine what we’ll experience in our lives based on the resonance that we choose to project. We are the ones in charge of our energy and the Universe merely reflects this energy and gives us more of what we emit. Think of yourself like a tuning fork. You emit your own energetic signal and those who resonate with a similar frequency will resonate with you. When I was a wee young lass, one of the greatest pieces of wisdom bestowed on me by my father came from these words, “Debbie, you will please some of the people some of the time but you won’t please all of the people all of the time. Always stay with your truth because that’s all that matters.” When we stay in our truth, we resonate from a higher frequency. When we stay in love, we resonate from a higher frequency.

 UP #35: Look Beyond the Story and See the Soul with Seane Corn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:09:38

I’m always grateful when I receive emails that initiate inspired thought. Last week I received an email from a podcast listener that asked how I deal with feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness stirred up by those still living in delusion. She went on to mention that she feels like she was born with the “burden of too much compassion for all beings and it’s too much to handle sometimes”. I read this email and I felt immediate empathy. Because I’ve been there. I get it. Sometimes the pain of the world can be overwhelming when we choose to live from a higher state of consciousness that is free from the prison of cultural delusion. Outside this illusory prison is truth. But if we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the paradigm of separation and delusion without remaining steadfast in our truth, the pain is sometimes unbearable. So how do we deal with the emotions that rise with such ferocity that they sometimes bring us to our knees? The short answer is to remain firmly planted in our light – even when the shadow rises to take us out. Today’s Unplug podcast interview discusses this topic in extensive detail. In other words, we go deep. I’ve been a long-time admirer of Seane Corn’s work. Over the years, her words have guided me towards great personal transformation. When I had the opportunity to meet her in Vancouver last December, I jumped at it. I signed up for a three day intensive yoga workshop led entirely by Seane – knowing that the asana practice was going to kick my butt. You see, even though I’m a dedicated athlete who lives a yogic lifestyle, yoga always kicks my butt. I confess that I don’t have a regular asana practice (I know, my bad), so it always becomes apparent how negligent I am in the flexibility department when I finally get my heinie to a yoga class. No matter. I wasn’t really there for the yoga anyways. I was there for Seane. I was willing to pay the price in my body for the plethora of wisdom that I would obtain from meeting her in person. To add to the complexity, I sprained my ankle three days before the workshop – a good solid sprain I might add. So how to make this work? Since I had no intention of cancelling, the only thing I could do was reframe the experience. Instead of being bummed out, I shifted my perception in a way that helped me realize that a gimpy swollen ankle may just be the Universe’s way of helping me be noticed amongst a sea of adoring yogis. It worked and today’s interview is the result of perseverance, a sprained ankle, and a body that incurred two days of post-yoga DOMS. Seane Corn is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher known for her impassioned activism, unique self-expression, and inspirational style of teaching that incorporates both the physical and mystical aspects of the practice of yoga. Her passion is fierce and her compassion is palpable. She has no fear of showing her vulnerability – her shadow and her light. And with this, her light shines even brighter. This week we delve deep into human nature – into the soul. We discuss: • Ignoring the story to see the soul in order to remember to always love. • How our job in life is to be big and bold in our love. • Activating change from the inside out. • How we perpetuate separation in our culture with our habits and beliefs. • How spiritual activism puts love first. • The importance of doing shadow work to become whole. • How emotions are energy and energy is simply movement with information. • How this energy can be transformed when expressed. • Moving from reactive to responsive (from fear to love). • How separation is the disease of our global culture. • How being fearless with your commitment to your Self creates room for magic to follow. Seane is currently the co-chair of Marianne Williamson...

 UP #34: Living in the Gift with Skye Dreamer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:57

Do you dare to dream? And when I speak of dreaming, I mean big dreams. Big dreams for an awesome life. Big dreams for an awesome world. Inspired dreams of living a meaningful life that leaves a noticeable impact on the world for the better. Dreams of selflessness, kindness, compassion, passion, creative expression, and service. Dreams that elevate your heart rate and ignite you from the inside out. John Lennon wrote a poignant song that captures the essence of important dreams – that song is Imagine. Every time I hear that song, I cry. Every single time. For me, tears mean truth. One day I played it 5 times in a row and I cried each time. It’s a deeply moving song about dreaming big. About believing in a new paradigm. About creating it – by living it. I live in a beautiful coastal community of dreamers and implementers. I’m continuously blown away by the passion people share for shifting today’s paradigm from selfish to selfless – from head to heart. I had no idea it would be like this when I moved here last fall. Obviously my soul knew though. I’ve been aching for a return to community and I’ve found it – big time. People are eager to share their gifts, to connect and to co-create a beautiful world well outside of the box. So what is community? And what does it mean for you? For me, community is a collective of people who support and help one another. They help without expectations in return – because they care. Community is about sharing our gifts with one another and inspiring each other to live better. Community is like an extension of family. This is how I grew up – which is why I ache for it now. Community brings out the best in us – in times of need, and in times of joy. When we reconnect to community, we return to our inherent gift giving nature. The cultural breakdown of community is intertwined with the modern mindset of money. Money originated as a token of gratitude. The genesis of money was to connect gifts (money) with needs (products and services) to make us all richer. Unfortunately it’s done exactly the opposite. Status quo culture has created a scarcity mindset which causes people to hoard and live from the illusion of not enough. Money also perpetuates the paradigm of separation. For instance, when we pay for “stuff”, we often have no connection to who made it, how it was made, or where it was made. Ditto for the services we buy. As soon as money exchanges hands, the relationship is often over – if there was ever one in the first place. When we pay for something, we don’t owe the person on the other end of the transaction anything – including gratitude. This is the separation that money has created. If we met more of our needs locally, the natural world and our relationships would be the richer for it. On the flip side, the return to a gifting mentality creates a deep bond of gratitude. Gifts create a tie – a relationship. If you think about it, we’ve become a species who is hungry for the unique. We’re hungry for the things that have stories attached to them. Things that people have personally created help us recognize the pricelessness of the unique. They show us how authenticity, creativity, and story are intertwined with love. For instance, think about how you feel when you receive a generic Hallmark birthday card vs. a hand made birthday card created especially for you. A one of a kind creation that can never be replicated because it was created in a powerful moment of love – of interconnection – just for you. The difference is palpable. You can actually feel the love weaved through the threads of the story that inspired this heartfelt creative expression. This is priceless. A couple of weeks ago, I attended an inspiring and engaging talk by a beautiful young man who is dreaming big dreams, creating a new world story, building community, and living the gift.

 UP #33: Intuition, Deep Veganism, and World Peace with Dr Will Tuttle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:09

I got rid of my cellphone this week. I just yanked another plug from the matrix and I’m a few steps closer to cultural freedom. Despite the fact that I’ve never been a big cellphone user, it’s still a liberating feeling. My partner and I shared a phone that we kept in the car “just in case”. Somehow, our forgotten minutes expired which prompted us to confront the decision – to have or not to have. In our 14 years together it was the quickest joint decision we’ve ever made. Hands down, “not to have” won out. No contest. The end. Buh bye techno distraction. Since we made the decision to move across the country, leave city life behind and simplify our lives in ways that honor our core selves, we’ve been been feeling increasingly liberated with each decision to unplug from mainstream culture and take back our essential nature of interbeing. The reactions from friends and acquaintances has been surprising. For the most part, people are applauding our decision (although we know that they won’t be parting with their beloved electronic leashes anytime soon). Of course, there is the typical “what happens in an emergency” question. An expected question with the same feel as the “where do you get your protein?” question that often follows the knowledge of my vegan lifestyle choice. These questions expose deeply rooted fears perpetuated by a culture that wants to ensure that we remain consumptive, conforming automatons. I’ve coined a phrase for this rote line of conversation. I call it trance talk. Mindless chatter with no critical thought. Automaton talk. So how do I answer the “what happens in an emergency” question? Well, my reply is three-fold. First, I believe that if we move through the world continually fearing a looming emergency, that is what we manifest. The reason I embraced the cellphone culture in the first place was because I wanted the “what happens in an emergency” fear mongers off my back truth be told. And here’s the reality, in the 10 or so years that I’ve sporadically owned a cellphone, there’s never been enough of an emergency to warrant the money wasted on the darned thing. Second, if there ever is an emergency, I’m often not in cellphone range anyways which prompts me to rely on my inner guidance instead. For me, it’s far more important to cultivate this important inner quality than it is to rely on a piece of ornery technology that doesn’t have the reliable track record that my intuition does. Last, my answer to the “what happens in an emergency” question is that I’ll do what I’ve done for far more years than the years that I’ve ever owned a cellphone. I’ll knock on a neighbor’s door and ask for help or just flag someone down on the road. I’ve been aching for a return to community and have found it where I’m now living. People are good here and there’s nothing to fear like there can be in many cities. The elimination of a cellphone in my life is an empowering return to what matters most – connection, community, and face-to-face conversation. I personally feel that every step away from convenience and technological distraction is a running leap towards peaceful living and Self liberation. And peaceful living is what this week’s Unplug podcast interview is all about. This week I speak with Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the extremely powerful book “The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony.”. Will is a tireless advocate for peaceful living. On his website he states: “If you could sum my message up in a simple phrase, it would be: Respect for all life.” Indeed, he is one person who truly lives his talk. He and his wife Madeleine tour the world presenting workshops and lectures to people interested in living more compassionately, sustainably and spiritually by embracing a vegan lifestyle. He also states on his website:

 UP #32: Healing the World with Passion, Presence, and Permaculture with Kym Chi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08:39

I was ocean kayaking this past weekend on one of those memorable days with still water, sunshine, and towering distant mountains. It was one of those magnificent days where I felt deeply connected to nature, to myself, to my partner – to life. The bald eagles, blue herons, jellyfish, starfish, and assorted other sea creatures made my heart sing with joy. In many ways it’s a paradise on earth, but humanities detrimental impact on nature has a way of taking the wind out of my sails. I live from a higher level of awareness that allows me to see the world from many angles – bad, good, ugly, beautiful, violent, peaceful, fearful, loving – and everything in between. I see it all. I feel it all. I often notice what others don’t. This is what motivates me to action. I see “stuff” – everywhere. Stuff on the side of the road. Stuff in the forests. Stuff floating in the water. Stuff where stuff should never be found. Stuff that doesn’t look right when viewed from a distance. Stuff that compels me to paddle over and do something about it. A hunk of styrofoam, fishing line, beer bottles, plastic water bottles, packaging, beer cans. The list is endless. Bits of carelessly discarded human garbage interspersed among the sea creatures that call this ocean home. My awareness broadens to the stark reality that what I see is only a minute fraction of the bigger problem hidden from eyesight – well below the surface. Hidden from eyesight but not from consciousness. As I remove the various bits of garbage, a familiar medley of emotions rises into consciousness. A mix of outrage at the planetary disrespect that motivates this selfish behaviour, sadness for all beings affected by this selfish behaviour, fleeting feelings of hopelessness, and overwhelming feeling of violation. It’s a toxic recipe for unhappiness. Unhappiness that there are so many members of my own species infected with the widespread mental illness known as indifference. I spiral further into the darkness wondering how we can be so biologically similar yet so vastly different in how we perceive the world. I wonder how I can care so passionately while so many others sleepwalk through life. I’m baffled. I’m heartbroken. I’m angry. And then I remember. I’m paddling in a natural paradise. Ocean, blue sky, mountains, eagles, starfish, and my wonderful partner. I’m alive. I’m awake. And I care. I’m passionate in my caring and awake in my passion. I allow the truth of my experience to wash through me so that I can return to the moment. Alive, awake, and in love with this beautiful planet we call home. The return to present moment reality revives the changemaker within and I remember who I am at my core. Love. The energetic stamp that drives me to live more, give more, do more, be more, and do more. And I remember you. And yes I’m talking to you reading this post right now. Because you too are a changemaker. You wouldn’t be reading this post if you didn’t care. It may be true that selfish outweighs selfless, but we must remember the wise words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. We are creating the tipping point, the 100th monkey phenomenon – the butterfly effect. Whatever you choose to call it, we are the rapidly growing minority of changemakers who are designing a new paradigm. We are the creators who are rising above the crumbling ruins of a paradigm gone wrong and are courageously altering the course for a new way of being. We are the trailblazers for a new reality based on simplicity, love, community, and interconnection, or as Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh calls it – interbeing. We are the changemakers who embrace our essential nature, live with a deep sense of purpose, express ourselves authentically and lead the sleepwalkers into...

 UP #31: The Ripple Effect of Personal Transformation with Suzanne Thomas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:50:34

Ghandi once said, “You must be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Have you ever pondered how this expression can be applied to your life? Have you ever wondered how moving through life as the best version of your self impacts the world? Have you ever considered that world changing actions are as simple as sharing a compliment with a stranger, carrying groceries for an elder, or moving earthworms from a rainy sidewalk? Have you ever contemplated the fact that you are so much more than you think you are and if you just got out of your way, you could live the life of your dreams? When we show up fully for ourselves, we show up fully for others. And they in turn, inspire others to show up fully in their own lives. This is the ripple effect of personal transformation. This is how we change the world. It really does start from within. It really is as simple as being the change that we wish to see in the world and acting outwardly from a place of pure connection. I’ve come to realize over the years that we never really know the full impact we have on others when we’re just being ourselves – our pure authentic and caring selves. Whether its being present with someone you care about, removing litter from a hiking trail, or holding the door for the person behind you, it all matters. It’s often the simplest actions that have the greatest impact because we’re often unaware of the ripple effect that follows. What we do know is how wonderful these actions make us feel and that’s a great indicator that we’ve just made a positive difference. In this week’s Unplug podcast I speak with my dear friend Suzanne Thomas. Suzanne is one of the biggest influences in my life as far as my personal growth is concerned. She’s also a wonderful example of how the ripple effect extends well beyond our own experiences. Because Suzanne was so influential in my personal growth and healing journey, she’s also been influential in helping me to fully embody the person that I am today. Because of this, my voice is spreading even greater ripples of transformation with the hopes that you are now doing the same. Suzanne is transforming lives as an elite life coach with the Tony Robbins organization. We first met when I studied NLP with her a few years back. At that time, I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I can tell you this – NLP life altering. If you don’t know what NLP is, Suzanne explains it beautifully in this week’s interview. This week we discuss: • What is NLP? • The inner critic’s oppressive stranglehold on intuitive guidance – and how to find your way back. • Uniting mind with heart for an authentic life of purposeful action. • The only thing standing in your way for an amazing life – is you. • The ripple effect of inspired transformation. • The importance of safe space. • How what we think we need (head) and what we know we need (heart) are often completely different. • The two biggest ways that people stand in their own way. • Change your questions, change your life. • The extremely powerful logical levels of change. • How your life is a direct reflection of what you do consistently. Suzanne Thomas helped me transform my life and become a more lovingly powerful version of my core self. I will be eternally grateful to her for this so I’m so deeply honored to be able to share her plethora of humor and wisdom with every one of you this week. Enjoy! THIS WEEK’S INSPIRED QUESTIONS: How do I get in my own way? And how is this preventing me from living the life of my dreams. SHOW NOTES: • Suzanne Thomas website • Tony Robbins website Are you inspired by this podcast? If so,

 UP #30: Redefining Activism and Living an Inspired Life with Roz Savage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:01

Imagine a world where an indescribably powerful beam of universal higher consciousness has completely altered the minds of humanity. This beam of higher consciousness has roused the pure potential of love, connection, and compassion previously dormant in the hearts of the masses. People around the globe shake off the slumber from centuries of separation. Conformity, judgement, fear, selfishness, apathy, and indifference are replaced with authentic expression, acceptance, love, selflessness, passion, and inspiration. Kindness and community are restored. Animals are no longer treated as commodities. Rather, they’re remembered as the fellow earthlings that they’ve been all along. The mere thought of exploiting, oppressing, and consuming the bodies of innocent sentient beings triggers revulsion as this behavior finally makes its way to the history books of a primitive species that had lost its way. A deep love for the natural world returns to the hearts of the masses. And the shocking planetary mess created by this once primitive species becomes the greatest priority for all to act on. Together – united as one team with the singular mission of healing planet earth. Imagine… Alright, now take a deep breath and let’s return to reality. There hasn’t been a powerful beam of universal higher consciousness that has altered the minds of humanity, and separation is still the prevailing mindset, BUT, what if your thoughts, choices, and actions have a much greater impact on planetary healing than you could ever imagine? What if YOU are the powerful beam of universal higher consciousness that was imagined only a few moments ago? What if everyone remembered that the powerful beam of universal higher consciousness already exists within their hearts? If everyone remembered their essential nature and operated at their highest potential, what would the world look like? When you turn up the volume on your own personal potential, how would your life change and how would the lives of everyone around you be impacted? We often forget how inspiring we are when we operate from our core being. When we express ourselves authentically with our actions aligning with the truth of our essential nature, we really are the change that the world needs. Individual actions multiplied by many have the very real potential to heal this planet. This is the topic of today’s Unplug podcast interview. Today we speak about how the powerful beam of universal higher consciousness snapped a former British management consultant out of her consumptive ways into the inspiring role of adventurer/passionate environmental advocate. Roz Savage is the first woman to row solo 3 oceans – the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian. As she states on her website: “She has rowed over 15,000 miles, taken around 5 million oarstrokes, and spent cumulatively over 500 days of her life at sea in a 23-foot rowboat. She uses her ocean rowing adventures to inspire action on the top environmental challenges facing the world today. Since embarking on her first ocean in 2005, she has braved 20-foot waves, been capsized 3 times in 24 hours, and faced death by dehydration when both her watermakers broke. She has encountered whales, dolphins, sharks, and turtles, and admired the timeless beauty of sunrises, sunsets, and star-filled night skies. The ocean has forced her to develop courage, tenacity, perseverance, and the strength to transcend self-imposed limits.” Roz is the author of two books : “Rowing the Atlantic: Lessons Learned on the Open Ocean” and “Stop Drifting, Start Rowing: One Woman’s Search for Happiness and Meaning Alone on the Pacific”. I have to say, there are few books that leave me wanting more but “Stop Drifting, Start Rowing” was one of those books that could have easily continued on for a few more hundred pages. Today Roz and I chat about:

 UP #29: Perception is Everything with Beca Lewis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:26

How do you perceive your life? How do you perceive the world? Is life a gift, or a chore? Is the world abundantly beautiful, or abundantly painful? Or is it all of the above…or none of the above? The truth is that there is no right answer. How we perceive our existence on planet earth stems from how we distort, delete, and generalize our experiences through our internal processing filters. And how we filter the influx of information, memories, and experiences in our lives determines our perceived worldview. How we perceive reality can also be altered as quickly as flipping a switch. Do we perceive the world through the limited data of the intellect or do we perceive the world through the expansive wisdom of the heart? There’s a saying that our thoughts create our reality. And its absolutely true. For instance, let’s say that you buy into an unexamined belief system that makes you feel unworthy in life. Because this is your perceived reality, this is also going to be your manifested reality. No amount of external cheerleading from others will be able to alter this belief as the roots lie deep within the subconscious depths of your mind. As a result, unworthiness becomes a habituated pattern of thought that repetitively manifests itself in your conscious behaviour – which often means that you play small and have a fear of acting on your dreams since you don’t think you’re worthy of actually making them happen. It often means a life driven by “should’s”, “could’s”, and “would’s” and a detachment from authentic expression. The only way out, is in. Through conscious awareness and honest self discovery, breaking through belief systems that keep you trapped in repetitive patterns of unworthy thought is a very real possibility. This is how a perceptual shift can break you out of mental patterns that hold you back in life. But perception isn’t limited to our own personal belief systems. Perception also has a dramatic effect on collective status-quo belief systems. Collective thought patterns in mainstream culture are often based on the premise of separation. Examples include: the consumption of certain animals, while others are pets; the scarcity of money, despite the fact that most money exists only as numbers moved from one computer to another; the notion of competition to succeed, despite the obvious benefit of collaboration to create a much deeper sense of success; and how humans label some feelings as “good” and others as “bad” despite the fact that suppressed feelings are the number one cause of the rampant plague known as depression. Ultimately it comes down to two perceptual choices in our personal lives and in our collective lives. Perceptions that connect us to the source of all life or perceptions that separate us from the source of all life. The saying that perception is everything has alot of weight behind it. Perception can break us or it can make us. It can destroy the world or it can transform the world. Ultimately, the choice is ours. This shows the incredible power that we have with our minds. Perception also has the immense power to unite head with heart. When we close the incongruent gaps in our consciousness, this is how we elevate it. When we move from thought to feeling, we connect more fully to truth. And when our minds are connected to our hearts, we become an unstoppable force for miraculous transformation – in our own lives as well as in the lives of others. Perception is powerful. How we filter the world matters and today’s interview guest is an expert on helping people create perceptual shifts that help to bust free from the prison of limited perceptions, habits, and paradigms. Beca Lewis is a personal and business consultant, speaker, author of eight books, and the creator of the 7-step system called the Shift which works to help people fulfill their life’s purpose from the inside out – from perception to rea...

 UP #28: Living Authentically from Your Core Values of Compassion with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:47

Have you ever stopped to savor the transformative power inherent in just being…you? How living your life from the inspired place of passion in your heart can have an equally inspiring effect on others? My partner and I recently spent a lovely day in the presence of two new friends. We had a wonderful day hiking in a beautiful rainforest near our home, enjoying the warm sands of a local beach, and chuckling at the antics of our ever present canine companions. The fresh air and sunshine helped to stimulate hearty appetites for a delicious selection of home-made vegan appetizers that eventually evolved into a lovely compassionate dinner. It was our authentic passion for joy, wellness, and compassion that motivated our new friends to ask questions. Hard questions. Questions about our compassionate food choices as well as our simple, yet loving way of life. They courageously ventured into territory where many turn a blind eye. As a result, their hearts and minds were greatly expanded with the honest and loving answers that we were able to provide. It was beautiful to witness the compassionate shift. Neither knew the extent of hidden cruelty found in the animal-based food production system. However, when we finally parted ways after a fantastic day together, it was apparent that their lives had been transformed. It was also obvious that they had connected to a more beautiful and more loving part of their core selves. This is the power of example. The magnificent power of living your own truth with conviction, compassion, and authenticity. This is when we shine. And when we shine, we give others permission to shine as well. The telling of this story has particular relevance today because this week’s Unplug podcast guest is someone who has dedicated her life to reconnecting people to their core values of wellness and compassion. This week we speak with the Compassionate Crusader herself, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. I had the honor of hearing Colleen speak at the 2012 Toronto Vegetarian Fair and I can honestly say that she blew me away. She’s passionate, compassionate, inspiring, and funny. She also has a real talent for answering tough questions with honesty, integrity, and compassion. Colleen is the host of the life-changing Food for Thought podcast which is now in its 8th year. This makes her a true pioneer in the realm of podcasting. She’s also the author of 6 books, including “The 30 Day Vegan Challenge” which is currently out of print, but is being resurrected through a recent Indigogo campaign. Colleen has a plethora of wisdom to share in today’s interview. We speak about: • Trusting your inner guidance – even when it takes you against the current. • How fear can stop us from doing what is right in our hearts. • The importance of being honest with ourselves. • How compassion is the foundation of who we are. • How vegan is the physical manifestation of our core compassion. • Living authentically! • How anger, when properly channeled, can move mountains. I have a deep admiration for Colleen. I believe in her passion. Her compassion, and her message to guide people towards remembering their own deeply rooted core values of compassion for all living beings. Let Colleen inspire you! From Excuse-itarian to Vegan THIS WEEK’S INSPIRED QUESTION: How do you know when you’re operating from your highest self? SHOW NOTES: • Colleen Patrick-Goudreau website • Colleen on Facebook. • Colleen

 UP #27: Radical Evolutionary New Thought for a Brave New World with Barbara Marx-Hubbard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:36

It’s a no-brainer that today’s world is in crisis. Climate change, melting icecaps, tsunamis, droughts, floods, extreme weather, superstorms, GMO freak “foods”, ongoing global wars, starvation, plastic infested oceans, dying sea life, billions of tortured factory farmed animals, soil depletion, death, corruption, and violence everywhere we turn. The commoditization of the earth, sea, air, plant, animal…humanity. Homo sapien has yet to live up to its billing as a supposedly intelligent species as it brings about the ruin of everything sacred on planet Earth. It can be so easy to fall into the pit of despair, declaring the hopelessness of our current situation while waiting for the planet to sneeze us off like an annoying germ. But is this the course of non-action you’d prefer to take? I doubt it. I know that I don’t buy it because I believe that we can live up to our billing as an intelligent species by connecting to the source of higher wisdom in our hearts. When we collectively unite head with heart, miracles can happen. The unification of head with heart will mean the birth of an entirely new human species. A species who has matured into the love at its core – its Divinity. A species who has left the culture of separation behind – once and for all. This week’s Unplug podcast guest speaks in great detail about just this topic. Barbara Marx-Hubbard is a visionary futurist with a plethora of experience and wisdom to share. At 84 years young, she says that she is someone who is growing newer rather than older. As the evolutionary impulse to create a brave new world enters the minds and hearts of the growing masses, Barbara has lovingly taken on the role as our passionate leader. She’s a woman who has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world, an author of 7 books, the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book “Mother of Invention”, and she’s also been called “the voice for conscious evolution” by Deepak Chopra. Her website bio states that: At her heart, Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She is an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers, and crises precede transformation, giving a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation. Today’s interview is like no other I’ve done before. We deep dive into the future of our potential evolution and we speak about topics such as: • How women are turning on to the greater self and creating the new world. • How evolution creates newness. • The difference between the local self, the higher self, and the Universal self. • Radical evolutionary new thought – which pushes the edge of evolution. • How we can either destroy ourselves or evolve ourselves by choice not chance. • The importance of nurturing our essence. • Becoming a feminine co-creator. • How breakdown always precedes breakthrough. Today’s interview is very unique in it’s futuristic hope. We discuss evolutionary possibilities that are only now just being birthed. The possibility of a new human species that lives from the love, compassion and wisdom in its heart is a beautiful thing. We can only do this when we collectively say yes to the impulse to love more, live more, and give more. Let’s do this together! 2012: A New Beginning THIS WEEK’S INSPIRED QUESTION: Are you noticing an impulse moving through you, and if so, how are you acting on it? SHOW NOTES: • Foundation for Conscious Evolution – Barbara’s website. • Barbara Marx-Hubbard

 UP #26: Life with Chimpanzees, Jane Goodall, Resilience and Hope with Barb Cartwright | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:05

As I write this blog post for today’s Unplug podcast, the calendar shows April 22, 2014: Earth Day. One thing I’ve always pondered about Earth Day is this – since there are 365 days in a typical year (unless its a leap year of course), why is it that we only designate one day of special recognition for the magnificence of this floating blue ball that we call home? This beautiful little blue ball teeming with incredible life in an infinite Universe is certainly worth celebrating more than one day per calendar year don’t you think? I mean, without her, life as we know it just can’t exist. She sustains us with food, water, gravity, and oxygen. Never asking for anything in return. And, with that, what’s our thanks? Exploitation and rampant destruction to the point where we’ve made her very sick. It’s actually quite amazing how much abuse she’s withstood while still maintaining ecological equilibrium to continually sustain life. There’s no denying that we’ve reached a critical crossroads with climate change as a present day reality. We’ve now officially passed the tipping point and are experiencing the repercussions of our negligence with extreme droughts, wildfires, floods, weather patterns, and superstorms. Combine this with runaway species extinction and acidifying plastic infested oceans and we have the very real potential for global disaster. Climate change clearly shows the unraveling of the delicate web of life that connects us all. I’m not going to get all preachy with facts, figures and statistics about how bad things are because this just keeps us trapped in the same level of reasoning-based consciousness that created the mess in the first place. Reason and logic changes nothing. They only provide intellectual fuel for arguments and useless discussions that keep us trapped in a war of words and excuses for inaction. At this point we need to connect to the higher consciousness of interconnection residing in our hearts. By combining the feeling of caring with action, we have the power to transform anything. Caring is a derivative of love. When we care, we feel gratitude. Gratitude for simple things that matter – like waking up every morning with breath, heartbeat, and a planet that sustains the life force of every living being that we share this awesome planet with. Think about it – how amazing is it that we get to experience wind, sun, rain, four very distinct seasons, animals, trees, flowers, mountains, oceans, you know…life. How amazing is it that we were blessed with consciousness and free will to make everyday personal choices that can actually have a significant impact on the outcome of today’s planetary woes. There’s just so much to be grateful for on this beautiful planet, and this is a wonderful way to activate the love in your heart that has the incredible power to create miracles. Love is a movement of higher consciousness. And this is where hope lives. And today’s Unplug podcast episode is all about hope. Hope for a better world for animals, for the planet, for ourselves. Today I have the privilege of speaking with a truly inspiring woman and dear friend, Barb Cartwright, about her life with chimpanzees, her work with Jane Goodall, the power of choice, resilience and hope. Barb has dedicated her life to working with animals and making the world a better place for the wonderful sentient beings who share life with us on this beautiful blue ball we call home. As her Huffington Post bio reads: An award winning leader in animal welfare, conservation and education, Barbara’s work has spanned five continents and 20 years. Her extensive experience in developing and facilitating relationships with stakeholders including governments, corporations and NGOs led to innovative programs with Quebec First Nations on companion animal issues, with the Assembly of First Nations building resources for youth on reserves,


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