The K Factor with Dr. Deb Carlin show

The K Factor with Dr. Deb Carlin

Summary: The K Factor: Where K=kindness, and the factor is everything that leads to it. Excellence is possible when you tap into your inner strength and have kindness at the core. Build the Strength Within is the theme and also the book! People all over the world are in a state of need, high need and on every level; psychologically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, physically, and socially. How do we all get our needs met? It happens through human connections. We want those connections to contain the many elements of kindness. Kindness is the global currency! With it, everything becomes possible. Think about it, when someone extends kindness to you, you become more receptive to what they want to say to you. You become more willing to listen and think and then offer a thoughtful reply. When someone extends kindness to you, you are willing to take action on their behalf and be helpful in ways that otherwise you might not consider. Kindness buys reception and cooperation and loyalty; those are the ingredients necessary for creating a productive business or career and also a happy and fulfilling life. Do you have The K Factor working for your life? Are you Building the Strength Within? Come listen as Dr. Deb Carlin interviews all sorts of interesting people about this fascinating reality! The show is live and you can call in on the air. Join the fun! Add The K Factor to your schedule and your life. You will learn how to leverage the stress in your life and cultivate a perspective you will find most rewarding. Contact our staff through e-mail at: or give us a call at 855-344-1940.

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  • Artist: Dr Deb Carlin
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Mind and Body Well-Being | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

The influence that the mind has over our body and every bit of our functioning is nothing short of amazing. The mind can take us to all sorts of physiological places -- pure exstacy and absolute misery. We've all done it and yet we often credit others for our modd and state or illness or wellness. The mind and body are linked and influenced in an ingenius manner and understanding this clearly and in detail puts you into teh position of authority over how you feel and what your longevity is. I've interviewed the elderly -- those who do it well and those who don't. I've interviewed the youthful in both camps as well. Tune in and hear what I have discovered. 

 Heather Disarro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00
 Angela Artemis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00
 William Gladstone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Today's guest is the well known and highly acclaimed William Gladstone. He is the genius behind Watersdie Productions, he has signed some of our most significant cultural icons and made certain their works were published and promoted to deliver their thougths into the hands of us all for the betterment of society. His client list includes Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. As a trustee for the prestigious Club of Budapest, he collaborates with some of the greatest thought leaders of our time. His recently released book, The Twelve, is a novel he has written that introduces us to the mind of this Yale and Harvard trained cultural anthropologist who has traveled the world in search of mysteries. Join us to hear what this fascinating human being has on his mind today.

 Andrea Evans and Spread Happy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00
 Your Brain Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

People spend a lot of time trying to escape from their mind -- are you one of those people? How is working for you...? The fact is we are all about our mind -- it is us. Our thoughts are what we feel and how we think and what our perceptions are. Why run? Why avoid? The brain is the single most powerful part of the human being and our life experience. Science tells us that most people only use a very small percentage of their brain, the majority of it is untapped strength. WOW. Tune in and change it all today, fall in love with your mind and learn the simple tricks to make it vibrant, and in your command.

 A Meditative Relaxation Exercise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

The mind anf the body work in unison -- to be healthy or to be diseased. IT is vital to deepen the connection between the two by training one to relax the other so that replenishment can occur -- life is busy and stress filled with challenges and daily hassles. The mind and body crave a release from what it takes to survive it all. Dr Herbert Benson, cardiologist at Havard, created The Relaxation Response decades ago and Dr Deb Carlin has been practicing it and teaching it for nearly as long, guided by his encouragement more than 30 years ago. Give yourself the gift of about 20 minutes here to sit down comfotrably, get quiet, tune in, and refresh your entire self. You'll come to crave doing this.

 Celestine Chua | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00
 Work Life Balance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

How do you do it? We can talk about it all day long and lament or we can look for great ways to make everything fit healthfully and sensibly. Are you in balance or are you out of whack? There are tell tale signs that indicate where we land and simple solutions to creating balance. Remember, when you are out of balance, you are falling and that's a sure sign you will get hurt. We have one life -- make it a good one -- get in tune and be balanced. You take time to balance the wheels on your car, take time for your life. A 30 mintue format that is a great tune up -- no grease.

 Srinivas Rao | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00
 The Faith Factor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Life is a tangible experience and then there is all that other matter. What is it? Why are we here? What is the purpose of this life? How do you know what to believe in and should you just believe in your own self and forget the complications of the rest? There are solid answers to consider to each of these thoughts. Tune in and hear aoubt the credible research that can influence your mind and your heart alongisde your overall well being and longevity.  30 minutes of interesting dialogue and opportunity for insight.

 Todd Patkin and Finding Happiness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Happiness is that certain feeling that every human being craves and we experience in the simplest of moments. However, it is so powerful and complex that the absence of it causes tremendous stress. What is this thing we identify as happiness and how do we get some? Tune in and hear what my guest Todd Patkin has to say. He is the author of several works about happiness and even has a 12 program for finding it. Our focus today is on this ideas and how he got focused on this topic.You can review his work at -- very interesting guy!

 Expectations of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

You want a certain life experience -- and you want it complete with all the trimmings that you've dreamed about. The question is -- how are you doing? Do you have what you want or are you elsewhere? We all have things that get in the way of us meeting with success.  What to do? Tune in and learn how to get on the path to land where you want to be. 30 minutes of insight and simple tips to use immediately here.

 Meant To Be Happy -- A BLOG | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

What a great lineup we have for you -- Meant To Be Happy author is Ken Wert and he is our guest! He is the founder of M2bH. His blog spot is wonderful -- He is a self proclaimed student of happiness. I believe this is a joyful way to invest in this life experience. Tune in and hear what we chat about and GET HAPPY.

 Getting Comfortable with Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

The comfort zone here doesn't just happen because you get a bundle of cash or build it slowly. The comfort zone evolves out a relationship and understanding about money and what it really means, what it represents -- in your head. Once you get it clear and very healthy, money is no longer a problem. Seriously. Tune into our episode and learn more.....I'll be talking about The Fiscal Comfort Zone and how it relates to having you Build The Strength Within.


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