Life Coach Chat Channel show

Life Coach Chat Channel

Summary: Our station has podcasts with Life Coaches talking about a topic of the day, including a wide variety of personal growth areas.

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 Reclaim Your Health - Get Out of Fear! Get Clarity & Results in 8 Simple Steps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

From an early age, Angela Gower-Johnson has been gifted with an ability to perceive people’s energy and thoughts. Angela’s gift, natural curiosity and her desire to create shifts in her own life led her on an intensive journey into some of the world’s most potent ancient mystical practices. Her decades-long journey of spiritual and personal development has been nothing short of magical, and has borne incredibly powerful tools that yield results for anyone who uses them, within a remarkably short time. Today, Angela provides coaching and consulting services to entrepreneurs, coaches and artists who are eager to embark on their own quest for their ultimate dream. If you are ready for it, you too can experience the magic of working with Angela and discover what possibilities await you. To learn more about Angela’s “Tools for Change” and to sign up for her introductory 3-step program, visit her at About the Hosts: Rachel Haviland, Ph.D. blends 19 years in scientific research with cutting-edge marketing techniques to bring a unique perspective to medical marketing. An experienced writer, trainer and speaker with an entrepreneurial mindset, she combines innovative marketing solutions with extensive healthcare knowledge to create campaigns that produce results. Learn more at Genevieve Kohn shows women how to reclaim their health through healthy diet, gentle exercise and energy healing so they can have a life they love! She is a best-selling author, health coach, and energy healer. She lives in suburban Boston with her husband and two young sons. Go to and sign up to receive your free gift!  

 You Are More Than Enough: Avoiding the Comparison Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

It can be quite a struggle to identify who you really are and to discover what makes you uniquely you. It can be done, though. Much like any other process in life, the path to finding and embracing your authenticity, will take time, determination, and laser-focus. Join two of the Life Coach Radio Networks' most dynamic coaches, Lisa Marie Pepe and Antonina Romano-Bongiovanni as the pair dive in and show you how to claim your personal power and stop comparing yourself to others once and for all. Lisa Marie Pepe is The Confidence & Online Visibility Coach for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs, a Business Mentor, Inspirational Author, and Motivational Speaker. She empowers her clients to fully embrace their unique gifts and talents by providing them with the skills they need develop rock-solid confidence, become vibrantly visible online, thrive in business, and create the life they most desire.To schedule a Free 30-Minute Clarity Consultation with Lisa Marie, please call 203-671-0139 or visit Antonina Romano-Bongiovanni, ELI-MP is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Conscious Leader, and Founder of Life Well Made. She helps individuals own their magic, awaken their true potential, and thrive in the face of change by helping them expand mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to experience sustainable happiness and an abundance of peace, love, joy, and freedom in all areas of their life.

 Career Talk w Coach Trina: Life Lessons w/ Wellologist Candice Camille | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Join Trina as she interviews another trailblazer – Candice Camille, the Wellologist. TRAILBLAZERS are people who decide to do things on their own terms. They start new initiatives. They reinvent themselves. They BLAZE A TRAIL. Candice Camille is a woman of strength and grace. She has overcome many trials and is embracing a whole new purpose, fueled by her passion for healthy living. Learn more about the lessons she learned in life and business through her remarkable journey For Wellologist Candice Camille, wellness is who she is! When you experience Candice Camille, you get a strong sense that everything about you is about to change. With a very engaging, but very direct approach to life, one is left with a sense of urgency to do something NOW, once you depart her presence. With her boundless energy, infectious laughter, genuine enthusiasm for life and a body that epitomizes fit and healthy, one cannot help but be convinced that 50+ can indeed be the new 30. Learn more about her on line at About your host: Trina Ramsey is a career and life strategist, specializing in personal transformation and career transition. With 20 years of experience in business and management, Trina's is a "people person" and a change agent. She is on a mission to help people to discover the joy in life and make more empowered decisions. Visit Trina online at Get your FREE guide: 5 Signs it’s Time to Leave Your Job at

 Mark My Words! With Certified Business and Life Coach, Mark Schall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Bullying and Teen Sports: Interview with Life Coach Randy Nathan, MSW.   In his newly released book, "Bullying In Sports: A guide to identifying the injuries we don't see", Nathan provides a wake-up call to parents, educators, officials and coaches revealing the unspoken crisis and the accepted core culture that is being taught and role-modeled to young athletes around the country.   It is an adult driven approach where athletes are taught about winning at all costs, the worship of "heroes", success at the expense of others, and taking advantage of the weak.  It's a breeding ground for bullying, intimidation and the harassment of others.*    Join me in a lively discussion about this challenging problem and what to do about it. You can preview Randy Nathan's book here. *exerpt from   ________________________________________________ Mark My Words! airs the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 9PM ET.  Find out more about “Mark My Words!” at Mark Schall is a Certified Life and Business Coach and the host of Mark My Words!  You can find out more about Mark at

 HOLY SHIFT! with Professional Coaches Barb Heenan & Lesley Picchietti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Does it make you cringe to ask for help? Worried you will look weak or incompetent? Let's uncover the reasons why we don't ask for help and the advantages to learning how to reach out to not only help our own efficiency and effectiveness, but empower others as well.

 Reclaim Your Health - What is gluten and should you be gluten-free? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Connie Costello A certified Integrative Nutrition coach founder of YOUR food MIX, a weight loss and energy program that focuses on healing your gut by reducing inflammation, Connie is all about food, real wholesome foods that will help you lose weight and gain energy.    Using a food elimination & reintroduction program transformed her life & inspired her to learn all she could about food & what it can do for us.  She is a speaker, an educator and a coach who has helped many clients experience their own unique transformation. Her passion is inspiring and contagious. She currently offers a three month 1:1 individualized program,  seasonal online detox programs and several workshops throughout the year.  Visit her website at or and get inspired. About The Hosts:  Meet Rachel Haviland, Ph.D.  Rachel Haviland, Ph.D. holds a medical Ph.D. and blends 19 years in scientific research with cutting-edge marketing techniques to bring a unique perspective to health education & marketing.  Meet Genevieve Kohn  Genevieve Kohn helps health businesses grow by establishing and augmenting their presence on social media.

 Radical Self-Acceptance: Learning to Love Yourself Just as You Are | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

We are born to love and be loved, yet somewhere along the path, we lose sight of this magnificent power. Sadly, some of us go searching for love in all of the wrong places while others chase after it their entire lives. What we fail to recognize though is that which we seek outside of ourselves is already within us. First, we must radically except ourselves, imperfections and all. Until then we cannot possibly love ourselves and when we do not love ourselves, we inadvertently withold love from others. So, how do we break free from this viscious cycle? Tune in and find out! Lisa Marie Pepe is The Confidence & Online Visibility Coach for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs. She empowers her clients to fully embrace their unique gifts and talents by providing them with the skills they need develop rock-solid confidence, become vibrantly visible online, thrive in business, and create the life they most desire.To schedule a Free 30-Minute Clarity Consultation with Lisa Marie, please visit Antonina Romano-Bongiovanni, ELI-MP is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Conscious Leader, and Founder of Life Well Made. She helps individuals own their magic, awaken their true potential, and thrive in the face of change by helping them expand mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to experience sustainable happiness and an abundance of peace, love, joy, and freedom in all areas of their life. Danica Trebel, founder of Fix This Kid Coaching, knows first-hand the power of the spoken and unspoken word. It was through her own personal and professional experiences she was led to her passion of helping to reinvent and restore families. She is an expert in helping people live their lives to the fullest through faith, communication and authenticity.

 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

The New Year is the perfect opportunity to undergo an attitude adjustment and focus on YOU for a change. This show is all about letting your own light shine. We live in a world full of strife and negativity, and a lot of things (and people) can steal our joy. Join 4 vibrant coaches to discuss how to maintain your joy and combat stressors such as: fear, perfectionism, energy vampires, and self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. Give yourself the gift of reconnecting to your inner light-and let it shine! Trina Ramsey is a career and life strategist, specializing in personal transformation and career transition. Trina's is on a mission to help people to discover the joy in life and make more empowered decisions. Learn more at Jumpstart your 2016 with this free program: Sara Bell is a Core Energy Coach who works with people who are stuck in a pattern where no matter how many times they leave a job, relationship etc., they keep ending up in the same situation. She helps them break the cycle and create the lives they want. Learn more at Erica Wiederlight is a certified quantum life and happiness coach. As the CEO and Founder of We The Light, LLC, she considers herself a student of the universe and is dedicated to her education so she can help others live in their light and love. Because, life is brighter when we shine! Learn more at Kemi Sogunle is an award-winning author, international speaker, and certified professional coach. As the Founder/CEO of Love Not Hurt, she promotes self-development, building healthier and stronger relationships – helping others transform their lives by gaining knowledge and self-love before becoming involved in a relationship. Visit her at  

 Life Talks with Natasha Gayden-Can You Handle the Truth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Are you stuck? Are you having a hard time moving forward at your job? Do you keep getting passed up on promotions? Has your love life stalled? Are you having trouble communicating tough conversations personally and at work? Do you have a burning question you need an answer to, but have been to afraid to ask it? Well if you answered yes to any of these questions, I may have answers for some of your toughest issues. This session will be a straight no chaser type of Q&A and to get you moving in your life. If want to become unstoppable and are brave, please join me on Life Talks with Natasha Gayden- Can You Handle The Truth. Let's get those tough questions on the table and get you moving!!! Natasha Gayden is the founder of Elevate! Master Coaching. Natasha brings over 20 years of corporate experience identifying and developing high potential talent within individuals and teams. She also has many years of life experiences and a track record of helping people get unstuck in their lives. She specializes in those individuals who have been marginalized in their personal lives, which prevents them from realizing their full potential in all areas of life. Natasha has a great passion and love for seeing the underdog succeed. Please contact Natasha Gayden for a complimentary discovery call at 678-416-0228 or visit   

 Career Talk with Coach Trina: Permission to Dream Big! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Where does goal setting stop and pursuing your dreams begin? How can we be more intentional about living up to our own potential? Some people are good at pursuing their dreams, rather than just talking about them.Others have dreams that never come to fruition, because they don’t allow themselves to really embrace the dream and believe they can achieve it. A critical first step is giving yourself permission to take risks and go after what you want in life. Join Trina and her co-host Jennifer Bellber as they dig into concrete actions you can take to really go for it and embrace your dreams. About your host: Trina Ramsey is a career and life strategist, specializing in personal transformation and career transition. With 20 years of experience in business and management, Trina's is a "people person" and a change agent. She is on a mission to help people to discover the joy in life and make more empowered decisions. Visit Trina online at Jumpstart your 2016 with this free program: Jennifer Bellber is a certified professional life coach who is committed to helping average people live above average lives. From overwhelmed parents figuring out who they want to be when their kids grow up to women, men and teens depleted by endless dieting to those who have misplaced their joy and zest for life  - Jennifer can help you find the path to living a connected, wickedly amazing life of your own design. To partner with Jennifer contact her at: or by email at

 Wonder Twin Power Hour: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life...Really?? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

Thoughts become things. Change your thoughts, change your life. Be careful what you wish for. Blah. Blah. Blah. How many times a day do you hear yourself bad-mouthing those new-agers spouting off positivity in the midst of the aftermath of what hit the fan and splattered all over the fresh new look you were sporting in an effort to make yourself feel better about having to survive yet another day? And then while you're standing at the sink cleaning up, cursing the fan, the mess and life itself you get a phone call offering you that job you've been holding out for since last year. What happens to your mood and your 'tude then? While you may not give much thought to your thoughts, there really is truth behind the power of positive thinking and what you think about you bring about. Join Wonder Twins Jennifer Flynn and Danica Trebel for an hour of raw, real and riotous talk about all things thoughts and how you really can change your thoughts to change your life. Jennifer Flynn is passionate about helping people reach their goals and potential. She primarily works with 'addicted to busy' high achievers and small business owners who have gotten caught in the choke hold of stress with a life out of balance. For more information on programs and services contact her directly at reach out via your favorite social media link. Danica Trebel, founder of Fix This Kid Coaching, knows first-hand the power of the spoken and unspoken word. It was through her own personal and professional experiences she was led to her passion of helpting to reinvent and restore families. She is an expert in helping people live their lives to the fullest through faith, communication and authenticity.

 HOLY SHIFT! with Professional Coaches Barb Heenan & Lesley Picchietti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

It's the middle of the January. How many New Year Resolutions have you already broken? Well, we've got great news for you...Ditch those resolutions!!  Learn to create a theme for the year to help support you in your goals. (Repeat show of 1/5/15) Lesley Picchietti has spent over 25 years doing what she loves with the constant being her addictive optimistic approach and desire to make a difference. Her career has spanned from local TV news to non-profit development, spending over a decade as a jazz vocalist and band leader, to a music educator.  Lesley believes the art of coaching/teaching, for any age, is through empowerment and engagement.  Using a unique blend of compassion, boldness and humor, she consistently shifts client and student energy from a place of hesitation to a more positive and constructive center. This productive shift ultimately allows individuals, groups and corporate teams to move forward with increased motivation and confidence. For over twenty years, Barb Heenan has been helping people turn obstacles into stepping stones for success. A former Occupational Therapist, Sales Manager, and Sales Consultant, she has a unique ability to inspire individuals to stretch out of their comfort zones both in work and play.  Barb helps busy professionals and entrepreneurs capture the power of connecting with their inner wisdom and natural talents using her positive energy and insight.  She holds degrees in Psychology and Occupational Therapy from the U of I and has successfully run two small businesses (an art business, and sales consulting).  Barb’s philosophy is that we each have the full capacity to create the life we really want.

 Ignition with Coach Telecia Ellis "I'm My Rescue" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Get a mid-day boost that will carry you throughout the whole week.  Join in on a life changing discussion. "I'm My Rescue" is a title that speaks for itself. You have the power to achieve everything your heart deisres.  Learn what it takes to stay on top of your game this year so that you can live at the cause instead of the effect of life's events so that you can achieve greater success.  Ignition airs every 1st & 3rd Monday's. Ignition is a show that is design to help you focus, align, restore and evolve so that you can live powerfully connected and on purpose throughout the week.  Listen for discussions on life, health, love finances and careers.  Our Host Telecia Ellis is a Certified Wellbeing Coach and Transformational Speaker. She believes every part of your being wants to feel alive and live out its potential fully. She helps clients connect/reconnect with themselves so that they can align their life with who they truly are in order to improve their overall wellbeing. Clients experience a life that is fulfilling and full of continual moments of success. Visit her online at, FB:Experience Anew w/ Coach Telecia; LinkedIn:Telecia Ellis; Twitter:@ETelecia

 Reclaim your Health - When It All Falls Apart! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Topic:  When it all falls apart! On this episode we will have two great authors who can guide you through what to do when your life or the health of your family falls apart! Tina Panariello - Author of 'Polished - Filing Away at Life's Truths' Tina “She’s Nailed It” is the owner of 'Nail Artistry by Tina' and an accomplished miniature nail artist and has been a nail technician/artist for thirty-three years. Tina's book shows you how she emerged a hero through the will to go after her dreams, with faith, courage, and love she has given to each facet of her life! Sarah Bingham, MS, CNS, LDN - Author of 'Food Allergies:  A Self-Help Guide' Is what your feeding your child coming back to bite you?  50% of our children have a chronic condition by the time they are 5 incl. infections, ear infections, eczema, asthma, ADD, ADHD, anxiety, behavior issues or sleep issues.   80-90% of this is caused by food.  Sarah will tell you why this is and what to do about it! About The Hosts:  Meet Rachel Haviland, Ph.D.  Rachel Haviland, Ph.D. holds a medical Ph.D. and blends 19 years in scientific research with cutting-edge marketing techniques to bring a unique perspective to health education & marketing.  Meet Genevieve Kohn  Genevieve Kohn helps health businesses grow by establishing and augmenting their presence on social media.

 Rise of The Millennial Entrepreneur - How to Power Through Professional Setbacks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

Choosing the path of entrepreneurship is quite rewarding. After all, you get to be the boss, make the rules, and choose the clientele. What could be better than that, right? The truth is becoming an entrepreneur takes grit, determination, and a 'refuse to give-up' mentality. Tere are many great aspects of entrepreneurship, but as with any profession, you will face setbacks. What separates a true entrepreneur from the one who isn't is the ability to power through Lisa Marie Pepe is The Confidence & Online Visibility Coach for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs,a Business Mentor, Inspirational Author, and Motivational Speaker. She empowers her clients to fully embrace their unique gifts and talents by providing them with the skills they need develop rock-solid confidence, become vibrantly visible online, thrive in business, and create the life they most desire.To schedule a Free 30-Minute Clarity Consultation with Lisa Marie, please visit Antonina Romano-Bongiovanni, ELI-MP is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Conscious Leader, and Founder of Life Well Made. She helps individuals own their magic, awaken their true potential, and thrive in the face of change by helping them expand mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to experience sustainable happiness and an abundance of peace, love, joy, and freedom in all areas of their life. Erica Wiederlight is the owner and CEO of We The Light, LLC. A company that focuses on how to help women find their strength, joy, inner voice and happy place to live a more fulfilling and prosperous life! You can find her at or on social media including facebook, twitter and instagram at @wethelight_llc .. Because life is brighter when we shine!


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