Life Coach Chat Channel show

Life Coach Chat Channel

Summary: Our station has podcasts with Life Coaches talking about a topic of the day, including a wide variety of personal growth areas.

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  • Copyright: Copyright Russ Terry (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Married After 30- Debunking The Elusive Marriage Myth for Women in their 30/40's | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:00

For a single women in her late 30's or 40's who desires to be married, the odds can seem against her. Please join me and a panel of 4 other women who married later in life prove this wrong. We will discuss the desire to be married and the anxieties around being a single women after 30. But more importantly, we will discuss how to position yourself for marriage. This conversation will be enlightening, stocked full of truth and totally out of control. Let's have some fun while debunking the myth that women over a certain age have a better chance of being struck by lightening than getting married. Natasha Gayden is the founder of Elevate! Master Coaching. Natasha has many years of life experiences and a track record of helping people get unstuck in their lives. She specializes in those individuals who have been marginalized in their personal lives. Natasha has a great passion and love for seeing the underdog succeed. Please contact Natasha Gayden for a discovery call at 678-416-0228 or visit  Crystal Wright is an experienced Healthcare Marketing Professional and founder of Well Assured, Inc. a consulting firm helping corporations create a healthier and more engaged workforce. Charlotte Terrell has worked as a Clinical Therapist, Trainer, and Transformational Coach, for a number of years and is a writer. Tamika Tutt is a Manager of Supplier Diversity & Sustainability. She is also a licensed Texas Realtor with Fathom Realty.Tomisha Woods is a homemaker, Sunday School Tecaher and Worship Leader at her Church.  

 Super Soul Sunday Aftershow-Success After A Setback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Oprah's Super Soul Sunday show will begin a new season with intelligently inspiring guest on March 13th at 11am on OWN.  Join Telecia Ellis and her co-hosts right after at 12pm on blog talk radio as they dive deeper into the discussion began by Oprah and her guest.  This week Oprah will be join by author and mentor Shaka Senghor. He will reveal how he turned his life around after spending 19 years in prison for second-degree murder, and opens up to Oprah about the power of redemption and forgiveness. Learn how you too can capitalize on the gift of a another chance and achieve your biggest success story ever! Host Telecia Ellis-Transformational Speaker & Personal Success Coach, founder of Experience Anew Coaching & Consulting ExperienceAnew.com571-355-4354 Tiffany Mayfield-Master Coach, Speaker, Best Selling Author and Business Consultant. Contact@tiffanymayfield.com713-730-9678 Antonina Ramano-Bongiovanni--ELI-MP , Transformational Life & Business Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Conscious Leader, and Founder of Life Well Made    

 True Blue: Finding Your Authentic Voice While Pursuing Your Passion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Staying true to your authentic self in an ever-changing world can be challenging to say the least. There's a lot of pressure to conform to a certain way of thinking, being, and doing when you venture off into unchartered waters. If you pursue a coporate job, there's a written and unwritten code of conduct you are expected to follow. Should you dare to step outsides the lines, you run the risk of being shunned by your colleagues and peers. The same is true for online entrepreneurs as well, though not to the same extent. Being an online entrepreneur affords you the freedom to think, be, and do as you please, but there's still an 'unwritten' code of conduct that you may feel pressured to conform to. If you're not careful, you may find yourself headed down a slippery slope and adhering to a false identity. Have no fear, though. Allow Lisa Marie Pepe and Erica Wiederlight to show you how to find your authentic voice while pursuing your passion.  Lisa Marie Pepe is The Confidence & Online Visibility Coach for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs, a Business Mentor, Inspirational Author, and Motivational Speaker. She empowers her clients to fully embrace their unique gifts and talents by providing them with the skills they need develop rock-solid confidence, become vibrantly visible online, thrive in business, and create the life they most desire.To schedule a Free 30-Minute Clarity Consultation with Lisa Marie, please visit Erica Wiederlight is the owner and CEO of We The Light, LLC. A company that focuses on how to help women find their strength, joy, inner voice and happy place to live a more fulfilling and prosperous life! You can find her at or on social media including facebook, twitter and instagram at @wethelight_llc... because life is brighter when we shine!  

 Career Talk w Coach Trina: Robinson Lynn on Forward Momentum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

Some people don't just settle for ordinary! Join Trina and her special guest Robinson Lynn, Executive Director of Momentum Education, which creates an extraordinary opportunity for growth and personal development. As an alumna of this powerful program I am so thrilled to give back and share this amazing story at this great point in history.   Robinson Lynn is an experienced trainer with expertise in the design and delivery of ontological workshops, lectures and courses. He has created and presented high-impact trainings for corporations, government agencies, schools and civic organizations, and has an outstanding reputation as a personal and professional development strategist. Robinson is known for his insightful coaching, keen leadership style, and intuitive business acumen. He is on the Board of Momentum Teens for Leadership, a non-profit youth empowerment organization, and is one of New York City’s most ardent supporters of youth initiatives. A graduate of George Washington University, Robinson has been recognized by civic and professional organizations for his activism and the transformational work he delivers across the nation. To learn more visit   About your host: Trina Ramsey is a career and life strategist, specializing in personal transformation and career transition. With 20 years of experience in business and management, Trina's is a "people person" and a change agent. She is on a mission to help people to discover the joy in life and make more empowered decisions. Visit Trina online at Get your FREE guide: 5 Signs it’s Time to Leave Your Job at  

 HOLY SHIFT! with Professional Coaches Barb Heenan & Lesley Picchietti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

With 2016 being a leap year, what Big Leaps are you ready and willing to take?  We will be discussing that on our March 21st show, because we thought circling back to the importance of authenticy (and what that even mean...being your authentic self) is a neccessity!  (Repeat show of 3/2/15) Lesley Picchietti has spent over 25 years doing what she loves with the constant being her addictive optimistic approach and desire to make a difference. Her career has spanned from local TV news to non-profit development, spending over a decade as a jazz vocalist and band leader, to a music educator.  Lesley believes the art of coaching/teaching, for any age, is through empowerment and engagement.  Using a unique blend of compassion, boldness and humor, she consistently shifts client and student energy from a place of hesitation to a more positive and constructive center. This productive shift ultimately allows individuals, groups and corporate teams to move forward with increased motivation and confidence. For over twenty years, Barb Heenan has been helping people turn obstacles into stepping stones for success. A former Occupational Therapist, Sales Manager, and Sales Consultant, she has a unique ability to inspire individuals to stretch out of their comfort zones both in work and play.  Barb helps busy professionals and entrepreneurs capture the power of connecting with their inner wisdom and natural talents using her positive energy and insight.  She holds degrees in Psychology and Occupational Therapy from the U of I and has successfully run two small businesses (an art business, and sales consulting).  Barb’s philosophy is that we each have the full capacity to create the life we really want.

 Mark My Words! with Certified Life and Business Coach, Mark Schall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Personal Finance Makeover Many coaching clients wonder about the best way to make sure they are taking care of their financial futures.  Brian Dumont, owner of Dumont Financial, LLC suggests that it is imperative to know the answers to 4 essential questions.  Many find them quite shocking: they find they will run out of money sooner than they’d thought. Tune in to find out some practical things you can do to begin your journey to answering them and to meeting your financial goals without having an unnecessary impact on your current daily cash flow. Click here to download the cash flow handout to view while you listen. Learn more about Brian at

 Family Values with Kristin Michelle "Marriage Reset" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

Work. Ballet rehearsal. Basketball practice. Swim lessons. Bills. Overtime. Sex. Repeat. It is so easy to fall into routines and monotony in marriage, so it must be difficult to stay out of the monotony, right? Not true at all. It takes planning, conversation and enthusiam! Join me as I share tips on how to keep the love at the forefront and the positive energy flowing through your marriage for years to come. 

 The Kemi & Danica Show: Relationships vs. Sinking Ships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

You have been in a relationship of some sort from the moment you were conceived. Bet you didn't know, though, the health -- or dysfunction -- of that relationship and every one since has been centered around how healthy -- or dysfunctional -- your communication has been. If your mom was all loving and attentive while you were incubating, chances are you popped out being well-adjusted, kind and peaceful -- The Relationship. The opposite is probably true if your mom were stressed, angry and fearful. Either way, you experienced the effects of those emotions through non-verbal communication -- The Sailing Ship. Fast forward a few years and the same is true for all of your relationships now, whether with friends, co-workers, lovers or parents. If there's no communication, the ships will most definitely sail. When there's room to speak your truth with love and respect, boom! You've got a thriving relationship. Join Kemi & Danica on their inaugural broadcast of "The Kemi & Danica Show" as they dissect and discuss the ins and outs of Communication in Relationships. Kemi Sogunle is an award-winning author, international speaker, professional life and relationship coach. She is dedicated to helping others transform their lives through self-development and the understanding of self-love and who they are before becoming involved in a relationship. She believes that living truthfully is paramount to long-lasting relationships and healthy living. Danica Trebel, founder of Fix This Kid Coaching, knows first-hand the power of the spoken and unspoken word. It was through her own personal and professional experiences she was led to her passion of helpting to reinvent and restore families. She is an expert in helping people live their lives to the fullest through faith, communication and authenticity.

 Reclaim Your Health - Thriving (Not Just Surviving) After Breast Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

  Join our new Reclaim Your Health community on Facebook! If you’re working on reclaiming your health on the physical, emotional or spiritual levels, this group is designed to give you access to the experts, tools & support you need to do just that in a safe, non-judgmental place. Get support from health experts who are already in the group and from your fellow group members. Join Now! :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Gina Costa-Goldfarb is a breast cancer survivor and Certified Professional Coach.She helps women diagnosed with breast cancer cope, step by step, with the emotional and physical challenges they experience, so they gain confidence and feel in control of their life again.  Visit her website at About the Hosts: Rachel Haviland, Ph.D. blends 19 years in scientific research with cutting-edge marketing techniques to bring a unique perspective to medical marketing. An experienced writer, trainer and speaker with an entrepreneurial mindset, she combines innovative marketing solutions with extensive healthcare knowledge to create campaigns that produce results. Learn more at Genevieve Kohn has 25 years experience in the health and wellness fields. She helps companies and small businesses grow by establishing their presence on social media. Go to and get your free gift from Genevieve!  

 Pump Up the Volume: Using Your Intuition to Raise Your Vibration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Follow your intution and you'll be happy. Sounds simple enought, right? If it's so simple, though, why are so many folks settling for less than what they truly want? Is it lack of will or opportunity? Maybe, but it's probably because as young adults we're not taught how to tune into our intuition. In fact, we're told the exact opposite. Do what's practical. Follow the status quo. Get a good job. The result? An entire generation of stressed out, overwhelmed, and unhappy people. Tune in today for a powerful show! Lisa Marie Pepe is The Confidence & Online Visibility Coach for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs, a Business Mentor, Inspirational Author, and Motivational Speaker. She empowers her clients to fully embrace their unique gifts and talents by providing them with the skills they need develop rock-solid confidence, become vibrantly visible online, thrive in business, and create the life they most desire.To schedule a Free 30-Minute Clarity Consultation with Lisa Marie, please visit Antonina Romano-Bongiovanni, ELI-MP is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Conscious Leader, and Founder of Life Well Made. She helps individuals own their magic, awaken their true potential, and thrive in the face of change by helping them expand mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to experience sustainable happiness and an abundance of peace, love, joy, and freedom in all areas of their life. Erica Wiederlight is the owner and CEO of We The Light, LLC. A company that focuses on how to help women find their strength, joy, inner voice and happy place to live a more fulfilling and prosperous life! You can find her at or on social media including facebook, twitter and instagram at @wethelight_llc... because life is brighter when we shine!

 Mark My Words! with Certified Life and Business Coach, Mark Schall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

ENCORE PRESENTATION:  Rewrite Perfect: This recovering perfectionist gets real about failure & what's truly perfect. Interview with TEDx Buffalo Women speaker and coach, Maria Pascucci   Maria speaks of her personal battle with extreme perfectionism and over-achievement and the physical illness that manifest as a result. She takes you through her journey from severe pain from self-induced stress related illness, including endometriosis, to an empowered life on her way to joy, happiness and fulfillment. Maria is the founder of Campus Calm, which helps college students overcome stress and meet success, and develops female student leaders. Maria did an outstanding "TED Talk" at the TEDx Buffalo Women conference, called "Recovering Perfectionist My Ass!" which you can watch in it's entirety by clicking here. ________________________________________________ Mark My Words! airs the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 9PM ET.  Find out more about “Mark My Words!” at Mark Schall is a Certified Life and Business Coach and the host of Mark My Words!  You can find out more about Mark at

 Go From Introvert To Extrovert At Any Networking Event | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Hello, I’m Dawn Ferguson aka Mz Originator and welcome to #MzOSpeaks. I am “The Expert Life and Business Strategist” and CEO of (Marketing and Business Consulting Company). I’m looking to help you to succeed in your life and business! Networking can be scary and a little invading of your personal space but it is necessary in your everyday lives. Whether you’re a business owner, employee or just the new kid on the block looking to connect with local people, being put up for display is very hard. Well I’m here to help you seize the day and make the best of any networking event that you attend. Enjoy these wonderful tips that will make you a star in your own mind. Accomplish so much more with methods that work! Think about it your mind will only allow you to do what you feel confident in doing and when you send signals to your brain saying you can’t do something, best believe you will not be able to conquer any obstacle. So let’s get ready to network!! Connect with me on and or on  Instagram Mz_ Originator and twitter  @mzoriginator.

 LCRN Celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Day! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

Life Coach Radio Network is hosting another show on Kindness! Piggybacking/on the 2015 launch of the One Love One People Kindness in motion effort, LCRN is particiting in the National Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17.on that day share a random act of kindness. Join uson Saturday, Feb 20 at 11 am ES for our special show on the topic. Call in and share your experiences.  Lets spread positive vibes and make a difference! Please visit our site where we share random acts of kindness to make a difference. Join the #OneLoveOnePeople #KindnessInMotion movement on Facebook.. and tell a friend! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead

 Wonder Twin Power Hour w/Jennifer & Danica: Are YOU Worth the Investment? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

You were born with a dream...a passion...a vision. You knew exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up. It's all you could think about when you were a kid: the people you'd help; the places you'd go; the diseases you'd cure; the family vacations you'd take to Wally World. But grew up. You went to school. You got good grades. You got a job. And the vision faded along with your childlike wonder. But what if maybe...just turned off the flat-screen for a day and invested that time instead in thinking about the passion that once kept you awake at night and woke you up early? What if fear and failure weren't an option? What if you began to dream THE dream again? Would you do it? Would you take steps toward making that dream a reality by investing in YOUR purpose? Look around you. At this point in your life can you afford not to? Join the Wonder Twins as they discuss the ins, outs, ups, downs, hows, whats and whys of investing in yourself -- the only thing you get to take with you as long as you live. Jennifer Flynn is passionate about helping people reach their goals and potential. She primarily works with 'addicted to busy' high achievers and small business owners who have gotten caught in the choke hold of stress with a life out of balance. For more information on programs and services contact her directly at or reach out via your favorite social media link. Danica Trebel, founder of Fix This Kid Coaching, knows first-hand the power of the spoken and unspoken word. It was through her own personal and professional experiences she was led to her passion of helpting to reinvent and restore families. She is an expert in helping people live their lives to the fullest through faith, communication and authenticity.

 HOLY SHIFT! with Professional Coaches Barb Heenan & Lesley Picchietti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

With the passing of Valentine's Day, it's all about, candy, love. But when you look at different areas of your life, when and where is your heart just not in it?  Job? Relationship? Project? Some things might keep us safe but also keep us stuck. Learn to understand how to truly listen to your heart. Lesley Picchietti has spent over 25 years doing what she loves with the constant being her addictive optimistic approach and desire to make a difference. Her career has spanned from local TV news to non-profit development, spending over a decade as a jazz vocalist and band leader, to a music educator.  Lesley believes the art of coaching/teaching, for any age, is through empowerment and engagement.  Using a unique blend of compassion, boldness and humor, she consistently shifts client and student energy from a place of hesitation to a more positive and constructive center. This productive shift ultimately allows individuals, groups and corporate teams to move forward with increased motivation and confidence. For over twenty years, Barb Heenan has been helping people turn obstacles into stepping stones for success. A former Occupational Therapist, Sales Manager, and Sales Consultant, she has a unique ability to inspire individuals to stretch out of their comfort zones both in work and play.  Barb helps busy professionals and entrepreneurs capture the power of connecting with their inner wisdom and natural talents using her positive energy and insight.  She holds degrees in Psychology and Occupational Therapy from the U of I and has successfully run two small businesses (an art business, and sales consulting).  Barb’s philosophy is that we each have the full capacity to create the life we really want.


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