Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast show

Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast

Summary: Podcast exploring the hidden reaches of human behavior - the subconscious mind. We will explore all aspects of human behavior, especially specific ways you can re-program the power of your subconscious mind to live the life you love.

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  • Artist: Thomas Miller
  • Copyright: 2013-2015. All Rights Reserved.


 Podcast 218 - Time Traveling (Into Higher Consciousness) - Fred Dodson Interview & New Audiobook! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2501

There's a new Fred Dodson book now available also on audio - Time Travel Through Consciousness and Advanced Technology. Hear why Fred chose this topic, his long-time interest in it (and sci-fi when he was a teen) and the incredible benefit in higher consciousness you could get from incorporating this technique in your toolbox! (Wait for's at the end :) Info on the book & audiobook: Amazon - Audible - Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 217 - Back to the Basics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1361

There is a lot going on in the world right now. A raucous presidential primary season. A virus on the edge of pandemic state. An uncertain economy. Many lives are being shaken to the core, with no seeming end to the trauma and drama. In the midst of this chaos, we are going to take a big step back. Back to the basics. Let's pick up "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Waddles and pull a few lines from Chapter 4 in that book to refresh and reset our conscious - and subconscious - minds. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 216 - Non-Linear Causality & Your Way of Being | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1870

I am finishing an audiobook for Fred Dodson now called Time Travel: Through Consciousness and Advanced Technology and it is awesome! It will be out on audiobook in March, but meanwhile I wanted to pull a theme from Chapter 7 in the book that is worth the whole price! Let's talk about our "way of being" and how things show up in our life. As Fred puts it - Non-Linear Causality. 222 - Non Linear Causality Transcription [00:00:00] and welcome back to another subconscious mind mastery podcast. Thomas and Majona in the booth. Rocking and rolling in here. Welcome everyone. We really are. We were listening to, so Dennis D. Young was the lead singer of sticks back in the day. Allianz and I was playing come sail away and just rocking in this booth with sheet. [00:00:27] The acoustics are amazing. And found out that he's coming to Dallas in the summer, so we're going to check out and see. Maybe we'll go to that. We were blasting from the past and, Hey, I'm sorry I can't listen to that stuff today. Well, I'm right there with you. I don't understand it, but those of you who do, that's great. [00:00:44] I love you. And I love the love the people who make the music that brighten our lives. Even our 17 year old Brock listens to Johnny Cash. [00:00:56] I mean, now that is doing it right. Yeah. See, see these young people, there is hope for the future Majona. There's hope for them that they know they have a musical ear. They're like, this stuff today has got to change. Anyway, sorry, we degress so first of all, thank you for all your notes on the Facebook page. [00:01:15] If you guys are not on there. We both have one. Majora has life after life radio, and I have subconscious mind mastery, which kind of is subconscious mind mastery. And the other podcast that I'm doing every day called fun astrology, and that's kind of where the party is because I'm doing those every day now. [00:01:32] And just following the energy as it affects our lives. For a quick little blip that is posted at 4:00 AM central time every morning, so you can get up and as many people in the comments say, have your coffee and listen to what's going on in the, in the energetic world above. You know what I think is the coolest part of that is to go back and look in retrospect. [00:01:58] That was the energy. Okay? [00:02:00] Globally, what happened that day? Because it's amazing. If you don't see it in your own life, look globally and boom, it's there. Well, and that's a great parlay to what we're going to. Pick apart today because here's the thing. When you think about, we still see in the comments on Facebook, your page, this page and emails that we get, you're seeing that people have an amped up increased. [00:02:27] Challenge and struggle in their life. So we're seeing it in social media. You see it in the context of social gatherings, and it just seems like the whole world is kind of on edge, and now you throw this potential pandemic into things and it's like, yeah, wow. In fact, as we're recording this right now, that one of the top headlines, if you searched today's news, is the locusts that have invaded Africa. [00:02:56] Have you seen that I have not. So the locusts have, they say they're wiping out entire fields of crops in 30 seconds and people are saying, and then you throw in the Corona virus, our people are saying, is this a biblical proportion kind of plague? You know? So I think that's the global energy that people are feeling. [00:03:19] And the biggest concern I have around that is if people go to fare and panic because there's always lessons to be learned and love is stronger. So I'm in the middle of a Fred Dodson audio book, which always refreshes my soul. It's called time travel. Through consciousness and advanced technology. [00:03:39] Recently published in 2020 we're going to get the audio book out and released hopef

 Podcast 215 - FEAR: Strategies to Reprogram and Reframe What We Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1569

This is from a listener question about how to reframe and reprogram things in our conscious and unconscious mind that cause us fear. Hold on to the end of this episode for an "ah-ha" that helped me release about 90-percent of things that used to cause me great angst. These tips will help as you implement them with the confidence that the Universe has your back! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 214 - "Belief Wrappers" with Fred Dodson from Essays on Creating Reality Book 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 665

This is a full chapter from Fred Dodson's latest book, "Essays on Creating Reality: Book Four" which is now being recorded as an audiobook. This chapter was so good, I asked Fred if I could play it for you and he agreed. (Hint: The rest of the book is just as good, this one especially stood out as relevant). Thank you Fred and enjoy the chapter! Book on Amazon: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 213 - When Manifesting Stops - What is Happening? Listener Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1901

We love listener questions! Here's a good one: "I have been listening to your Podcast for the last two months and it has completely changed my life. There's a different kind of Hope and understanding to life. I am deeply grateful to you for this. For the past 1 month and more, whatever I've been focusing my mind and subconscious on has not been working. In fact the exact opposite has been happening. I can't help but wonder why has the law of polarity taken such dominance suddenly. What do I do? Continuous failure in manifestation, in fact getting the opposite is starting to make me lose hope." Let's talk about several factors that could be contributing to this young listener's shift. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 212 - Major Epiphany Under a Very Special Sky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1552

For almost a year, I've been observing and discussing a very special alignment that is over our heads in the heavens. And if the heavens do, indeed, declare the glory of God, this is one of those very special moments. One that only happens about every 500 years. I even recorded a special video on it, and the link is below. Under this very special sky, something that has been an unresolved part of my "Journey" revealed itself in a very special way. This is the story. WARNING: 2 parts of this are pretty graphic in today's standards. I provide ample warning and opportunity for you to skip ahead to avoid them if you want. Free Video: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Fun Astrology Podcast Majona's Life After Life Podcast Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 211 - Relationship Questions: A Reading for "Jane" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1484

This is new to the podcast but is something Majona and I stumbled into doing our respective work and are going to roll out on a broader scale. This a joint reading where we use the astrological chart combined with Majona's perception with Spirit Guides and Angels coming through in the reading. A listener question about a relationship was the springboard, so we will show you what this is like. If you would like to get a reading like this, you can get more info here: Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 210 - "Blink!" - How to Hear and Follow Your Blink! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1021

The "Blink!" That intuitive prompt that Malcom Gladwell described in his classic book of the same name. That Blink comes from that part of us that is directly connected to Divine Source and can "see around the corner" of our lives. Plus, we have a great story from a recent road trip that perfectly illustrates how we tend to argue with that infinite information! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 209 - Daniel D'Neuville Answers Your Questions about Life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3434

One of my precious friends for the past 10 years of this amazing journey has been Daniel D'Neuville. He had a tremendous impact on my life in 2009 with a simple Facebook post that he probably didn't even think would be a life-transforming message. Today he joins me in the new vocal booth to answer questions several of you sent via our private Facebook group! I knew about 5 minutes in, this one was going to go long! But I think you'll agree...the information here on how to live an empowered life is huge. Daniel is offering our podcast community some special offers on courses and other things he has on his website - check it out! Enjoy the Journey! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 208 - Programming the Subconscious Mind with Daniel D'Neuville Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1201

We pick up with the last episode (Part 1) of our conversation with Daniel D'Neuville, a very multi-faceted coach, firewalker, hypnotist, NLP Trainer, author and more - talking about the hypnotic, or trance, state and how we can utilize it to shift our past subconscious mind programming. To Contact Daniel and receive special Podcast Listeners Offers: Enjoy the Journey! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 207 - Programming The Subconscious Mind with Daniel D'Neuville - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1230

My very good friend, Daniel D'Neuville, joins us in the new vocal booth today for a 3-part series on the subconscious (or "other-than-conscious") mind. In this episode, we begin our conversation with a look at that programmable part of ourselves that is so highly influenced by our childhood, and how these patterns get established. Get ready...this is going to be a great 3-part series, including answers to your questions in Part 3! To Contact Daniel and receive special Podcast Listeners Offers: Enjoy the Journey! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 206 - Fred Dodson Discusses Lessons From the Water & Jet Skiing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2402

Fred Dodson is back! On his blog recently, he posted this video showing pictures from a near-miss on a jet ski. The video is chilling (no pun intended) and speaks for itself, but Fred was kind enough to describe what happened and some of the thoughts & lessons gleaned. There is always something we can take away from Fred's insights to higher consciousness living and this is certainly no exception! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 205 - How to Invest in Yourself to Change Your Entire Journey! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1122

Somewhere back in 2008 or 2009, I stumbled across a product being marketed online that changed my life completely. It was Bob Proctor's "Secret Science of Getting Rich" audio program. It wasn't so much the money part that reached me. What my soul needed to hear was the part about how we are conscious creators. Well, now about 10 years and a lot of accumulated experience later, we are releasing our own digital store! Just like "The Science of Getting Rich," these products are those that we designed and in some cases recorded, and are intended to radically change your life, just like that program did mine. There's a lot in here already, so check it out at: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 204 - Intuition vs. "Monkey Mind." How to tell the difference! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1453

Modern science says we think well over 50,000 unique thoughts every day. But...where do they come from? Where does a thought originate? And, how do we tell our infinite mind (our subconscious mind) from our finite mind? This is a podcast with information I haven't discussed before and one you should find interesting and....thought provoking! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas GoFundMe Campaign Link: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.


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