Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast show

Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast

Summary: Podcast exploring the hidden reaches of human behavior - the subconscious mind. We will explore all aspects of human behavior, especially specific ways you can re-program the power of your subconscious mind to live the life you love.

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  • Artist: Thomas Miller
  • Copyright: 2013-2015. All Rights Reserved.


 Podcast 23 – What Just Happened? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1563

Do you ever just get ambushed by the Universe?  Smacked so unexpectedly that you're left dazed?  Befuddled?  Bewildered?  Well, that happened to me this week, when I was driving to work Monday morning and the phone rang.  Here's the ‘rest of the story…' The post Podcast 23 – What Just Happened? appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 22 – Affirmations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1260

Affirmations, which have been proven to be in alignment with the Universe are powerful ways to manifest your intentions, and reprogram your subconscious mind.  Over 60 years ago, Catherine Ponder, a Unity minister in Birmingham, Alabama, created affirmations that are still as powerful today as they were back then.  They made a huge difference in my life, and in this Podcast, I want to share them with you.  Powerful, energy-bending affirmations that can shift your life into Prosperity! The post Podcast 22 – Affirmations appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 21 – The Year in the RV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1178

Here is the story about the year that changed everything. "The Year in the RV!" Enjoy!  The post Podcast 21 – The Year in the RV appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show   Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 20 – Tools of the Subconscious Trade | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1482

It takes a lot of guts to look at your life and decide you need to make changes.  This is a bold, brave move, should you be considering doing so.  Most people are content to live their lives on a daily grind – the treadmill analogy – without ever stopping long enough to do a deep-dive and see if something needs to change. If you have done so, I salute you.  In this Podcast, we are going to look at some tools that were a big part of my own process of making radical changes to the programming of my subconscious mind that have resulted in a dynamic, powerful life.  Wherever you are now, have hope that you can create a life you love. It takes time.  It's not a drive-through solution.  But you can do it.  In this podcast are some tools to help you along the way.     The post Podcast 20 – Tools of the Subconscious Trade appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 19 – Beliefs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1485

This podcast might ruffle your feathers a bit!  Let it.  Much of what your life looks like today is because of the beliefs you have developed over the years.  Because the beliefs we hold generally are derived either from our own observation and experience, or taught to us by those we either reviere or respect greatly, we hold them tightly.  Beliefs we would die for are our core values.  These are our most deeply held beliefs. Good things that appear in our life come as the result of our beliefs.  Resentment, hate, negativity, job loss, divorce, etc. also come from beliefs. Let's examine what we believe and why.  Hopefully, you'll see that many of your beliefs can (and should) be challenged, and as you look at what you believe from a fresh perspective, you can eliminate beliefs that don't serve you and adopt those that will move you in the direction you want your life to go.  You just have to be willing to examine, release, and change those things you have held dear. If you change a belief because of this podcast, please email me and tell me about it. The post Podcast 19 – Beliefs appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 18 – David, Goliath and FEAR! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1675

This was too good to pass up.  I was in a meeting not long ago with a really great guy who has an amazing perspective on life, faith, spirituality, and serving other people.  He is a constant radar for folks who might need his help.  And he will alter his schedule and give his time to anyone who crosses his path who might need a hand.  I'm very pleased that we will now be working together in a significant capacity in my life. After we completed the business part of the meeting, we started talking about personal matters and it didn't take long for the topic to turn to church, faith, and the true application of Christianity and spirituality.  He has a very refreshing look on how faith should be lived out in our lives and as a little example of his more practical perspective, he told me the old familiar story of David and Goliath, but like I'd never heard it before.  I had to share it with you, and there's a great application we can work into our own lives every day. The post Podcast 18 – David, Goliath and FEAR! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 17 – Manifestations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1468

There's so much focus on The Law of Attraction these days.  The movie, “The Secret”, revived great interest in how we can concentrate our thoughts and have that manifest in our life.  The Subconscious Mind is the portal to the spiritual world.  In this podcast, we'll talk about Manifesting, Tornados and a story from a chapter of my life of how something was born in my mind, and it finally manifest in my life.  There were 4 steps that led to the manifestation, and you'll find out what they are. The post Podcast 17 – Manifestations appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 16 – When it Just Plain Sucks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1170

Sometimes things just don't go the way you might have thought they would. What then?  Here are 5 steps to consider that might help you through tough times.  Reprogram your subconscious mind in the direction you want your life to go! The post Podcast 16 – When it Just Plain Sucks appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 15 – Letter from a Listener | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:32

I love your comments!  This one triggered a podcast.  A lot of life, emotion, programming, desire for a better life.  From a young man a long, long way from Dallas, Texas, and yet, through the law of attraction and connection about how to live a better life, we meet.  We cover a lot here, and hope you enjoy!

 Podcast 14 – Rules, Rules, Rules, Pt. 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1217

Now we're going to shift into our new identity!  We laid the groundwork in Podcast 12 and Podcast 13, so now we're going to learn how to transform our old beliefs into a totally new personal identity.  This is the “shift” point that can catapult your life in a new direction! TRANSCRIPTION: Podcast 14 – Rules, Rules, Rules Part 4 You’re listening to Subconscious Mind Mastery podcast number 14, part three of a three part series. My name is Thomas Miller. If you haven’t caught part 1 or 2, go back to 12 and 13 and get a running start because you won’t get the context of this podcast if you haven’t listened to those other two. But in this one we are going to put a bow around it all and we’re going to wrap everything up and look at how we can deal with these yeah but resistances. And the other big thing that we’re going to cover today is how to deal with our identity because it’s those resistances, it’s that yeah but resistance combined with the accentuation I guess, the enlargement of our self-ego, our identity that keep us from what we want. So that’s what we’re going to unpack in this podcast. And I hope that this series has helped you understand a little bit better of how you got to where you are and why certain things have been the way they are, when it might have been a little bit mysterious before, because this is really, really, really huge. We build out whole lives around these perspectives that we’ve discussed. The world according to me is built on exactly what we’ve talked about, that very early on in our development, sometimes even back into the womb or before the womb, that we were formulated with predispositions or impacted with certain circumstances, stimuli programming that gave us a certain perspective on this new thing that we were born into called life. And from that perspective we basically stepped out into the world as a little magnet and we started to do life. Life rewarded us according to how we were polarizing, how we were magnetizing, the vortex, that energy that we had. And even as little kids we started to build interpretations and beliefs about how life was, lots of if then correlations of the circumstances that if I do this and I get that result then we program our belief system from there. And then a lot of things are taught to us by our environment, by our parents, our school, our church etc. And all of that goes into what we really probably into our teenage years and live through our teenage years with this perspective of, oh okay, this is life. Some people have a really great start and they end up just sailing through. And literally I think that’s … it’s the combination, it’s generic predisposition and it’s the programming. A lot of us have not had that luxury and we’ve had to work on ourselves. And I would dare say that most of us find ourselves in the latter category rather than the former. So we’ve built all these rules up about life. And the problem is, is if we look at somebody else’s life and they’ve built a different set of rules and those rules might be an opposite polarity of our rules, but yet life works for them according to their rules and life works for us according to our rules. And so you can’t say that our rules are ‘right’, right by whose interpretation? They’re right for us because that’s how we’ve interpreted that we need to build a belief system in order to in essence, survive this thing called life, which we find as sometimes not safe. So the biggest key, I’m telling you, this is the 80/20 rule of what I did to turn myself around is when I finally was able to give up those rules. And I will tell

 Podcast 13 – Rules, Rules, Rules – Pt. 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1097

We continue our 3-part series on how we all get pre-disposed to “do life”.  This is the tipping point – Choice.  Listen as we explain a breakthrough moment that can un-link you from that which doesn't serve you. TRANSCRIPTION: Podcast 13 – Rules, Rules, Rules Part 2 You’re listening Subconscious Mind Mastery podcast number 13. This is part 2, a sequel of podcast number 12. So if you have not listened to 12, if somehow you landed here first, please drop back and listen to 12. We’ll be right here when you get back, I promise, we’re not going anywhere. And you won’t get what we’re talking about if you don’t go back to 12, because I’m just going to pick up and we’re going to roll on from number 12. So stop back there and then we’ll see you back here. If you’ve already listened to 12, welcome back, let’s roll on. You saw how life was formulated for me because of that programming. And the thing that you have to understand is the intensity. It’s not that it … if anything else were normal there’s no argument here. There is no issue. But because of that 200 times intensity, that was the catching deal of why those first 22 months were so dramatic when all of a sudden that was gone. It was a separation breakdown. And look, I was a kid in the 60s and a teenager in the 70s and I didn’t rebel. I really was a great kid growing up because I didn’t want to deal with that 200 times upset. And that’s also why the religiosity fit in so well for me. Well, also because there wasn’t really a choice, but that’s beside the point. It was either live or die. And I say all of this in the context of my mom passed away just a couple of months ago in February. And it was because of this healing, this process that I’m talking about with you in this podcast, and what happened to me through what I’m going to outline in this podcast, allowed me to be at her bedside with my brother and his wife holding my mom while she took her last sips of air. And so this material and this work that you can do and that I did, allowed me to be in that place. And so this is not dishonoring my mom for who she was. She was who she was. This is honoring her by the very process of saying that you and I can change whatever was given to us. Look, she did the best she could. And that’s what I saw that Mother’s Day in that service in Dallas was I just … the veil pulled back and I saw her heart and it just made me weep. Now look, this was my story. And you have to catch what it was for you. And you’ll have to do your own work with this. For me it took about 18 months probably before all of the context of this came into place. But it took me gathering resources from a lot of different places before I could package the whole thing together and get the clarity. What worked for me may not work for you. The ingredients of what I’m going to tell you in this podcast may not work for you. There’s also a context that you, you know, I listen to hours of material and hours of these broadcasts on Hay House Radio and listened to the Science of Getting Rich and Kelly Howell’s programs. And just all of this, it took all of this together, combined, and the ingredient of time. So if you’re in the midst of it and you’re trying to see your way out of a dark box, just hang in there and stay with this process and give it the ingredient and the seasoning of time and just stay in the inquiry of wanting to get to the bottom of it because that’s ultimately what got me there. What you’re looking for is that package of how you are the way you are, why you look at the world the way you do, why you respond to things the way you do, why you interact with others the way you do, why there are personality conflicts in relationships where they show up, why some things work in your life and why some things don’t. So from this early programming that takes place in those formative years of our life, two things start to happen. Life itself pr

 Podcast 12 – Rules, Rules, Rules – Pt. 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1266

Beginning from the day we're born, and even the time we're born, as you'll hear, we start getting programmed to “do life”.  There are two critical time periods in our early development that greatly affect the rest of our lives.  Also, there are genetic predispositions, maternal and paternal (or whomever you were raised by) influences, sibling, society, religion, observation, interpretation, success, failure, pain and pleasure.  All these and more are the ingredients of what formulated your life, and we create rules and beliefs around all of these things.  Problem is….you only have to look at someone else's life to realize that all the beliefs and rules we construct for ourselves, don't necessarily hold true elsewhere!  Then….we have to be willing to take a look inside. This podcast is Part 1 of exploring how so many of these factors influence who we are.  This is the groundwork.  In Part 2 we'll explore how we can consciously and subconsciously modify or altogether alter this programming to take us in the direction we want our lives to go.  And if you're a parent, this material can help you a lot as you are in the awesome and magnificent task of formulating a human soul. TRANSCRIPTION: This is Subconscious Mind Mastery podcast number 12. Hi! My name is Thomas Miller. Thank you for joining us, if you can pick this up on iTunes or you if you caught us off the website at, whether it’s your first stop in or whether you are a subscriber, welcome back. We have quite a topic that we’re going to talk about. In fact why don’t we start a sequel because looking through all the notes that I have in front of me, there’s no way that we’re going to get through this in a normal 20 minute session. And I’m trying to keep these to 20 minutes because asking for five or six minutes of your time is a lot to ask, 20 is, you know, that’s even bigger. But trying to say let’s do this for 45 minutes or an hour together at the same thing, I just, I don’t know, maybe the Twitter generation has influenced me, I’m trying to settle on 20. I don’t know how that’s working for you but I don’t think we’re going to get through everything that we have to get through in near that. So this is probably number 12, number 13, and it might even roll into number 14. But we’ll get started. Now, I have to tell you I’m a little bit excited and a little bit intimidated at getting ready to do this podcast because I know where we’re going. I have quite a few pages of outline notes. But basically I’m going to tell you how I turned my life around and the ingredients or the recipe. This is the recipe. This is the potpourri. This is the stuff that went into, if you were to say, “Wow, how do I turn my life around?” You know, if you ask the question, if you were to ask me, “How do you turn your life around? I don’t like where I am, I want to go some other direction.” And it might not be your whole life. Let’s just don’t say it, may not be as dramatic as what it was for me. It just might be, you’d like to shift a particular area of your life. A lot of people are looking to change their career path. Or you might want to live in a different geographic location. Whatever it is, I think you’re going to find something very helpful in what we’re going to talk about. At the same time as we unravel this, especially as we get to the crescendo it might get a little emotional for you, especially if there are some deep scars, so be aware of that. See there’s no way that on a podcast like this I’m looking at a microphone. I have no idea who’s beyond it and behind it. And I don’t know about you and what’s going on in your life. But I can only imagine for a podcast that’s already reached over a dozen countries, and has had a lot of downloads, that there are a lot of slices of life. And so I empathize with wherever you are. You might be on top of your game and you’re looking to push it a little bit farther, to perform

 Podcast 11 – The Rest of the Story… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1503

It doesn't matter where you've been, where you are, or specifically what you want for your life right now.  We're all on a road together.  Here's “The Rest Of the Story…” that tells you when miracles started to show up in my own life.  I hope there's some part of this story that connects.  I'm confident enough in the Universe that since you found us… will!   TRANSCRIPTION: You’re listening to Subconscious Mind Mastery podcast number 11. Wow, I am so glad that you have found us and that you’re stopping by today. Hi, my name is Thomas Miller. The website is subconscious mind mastery dot com and we are on iTunes. It’s really cool because if you type in subconscious to iTunes now, we’re kind of up there like in the first position, at least on my computer. I don’t know, maybe it’s discriminate toward me. But we’re starting to get some attraction out there, people from countries all over the world listening to this. And the podcast download numbers are really impressive. So thank you. Thank you for joining in. Be a subscriber, you know, if you go to the website at over on the right hand side there is a button that … there’s a box that says ‘subscribe via social media’. And that very first button, it’s kind of hard to tell what it is. The others, you know, you can tell, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. But there’s one there that is if you hit it, it will take you to your iTunes and automatically subscribe the podcast to you. So a couple of times a week we release a new podcast. And those will download for you automatically. The other button there is the RSS feed and I’m feeding this through Feed Burner, so if you click on that and otherwise get RSS feeds some other way then that would be a good way to connect as well. Love to have you join, love to have you subscribe, and thank you for listening. Something I’ve really been in touch with this past week is where we all are on our journey. Some people have made a lot of progress in their life and they’re looking for new ways and new ways to hear something or new tools and technologies to even reach higher ground. But a lot of people are really in the dumps. I mean this Facebook group through a coaching program that I’m doing and man, there’s one guy in there that just my heart goes out to him because I know that he is where I was not just too long ago. And you really want to reach out to people like that. And my heart really goes out to this guy. So no matter where you are in your journey I hope that you will find something here that you can connect to and that will help encourage you and help uplift you and give you something to lock onto or something to think about that you can take your life to a higher level, that’s what we’re here for. So I thought to that end that we might talk for just a couple of minutes together about some significant milestones in my life especially over the last five years. You know I had a really tough go at it and dug myself into a pretty deep hole. And sometimes I wake up in the morning and I think, Thomas, what in the world are you doing? You know, putting my life out here in this way in such a vulnerable form or fashion, and this is really hanging it out there. And I guess probably naturally I’d like to keep my cards to my chest a little bit. But I figure if it happened to me and I was able to turn my life around from what was really a mess, then maybe there would be something inside my story that would encourage you, because really once I finally grasped some of this material and changed the way that I was thinking, my life really took dramatic changes in an upward direction. And I know that’s why you’re here too. We all want the same thing. As far as the timeline goes, I really hit bottom in the second half of 2007. I went through my second divorce and it happened to be that I was married to a physician and I was running the business. I was running the practice and we have severa

 Podcast 10 – Meet Joan Harrison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1023

If you go back to one of my early video posts from Bob Proctor, he offers a fantastic explanation of how our subconscious mind gets programmed early on.  So much of who we are as adults is the result of those early years. I want to introduce you to the very first person to put a comment on this website.  Joan Harrison.  Her website is, and she had a very challenging childhood – to say the least.  Her story is compelling because she studied most everything in the self help arena, and while she found a lot of great material, there was still something missing.  She's going to tell you what that one “click” was for her that made the difference and ultimately changed her whole perspective, which then changed her whole life. Meet Joan Harrison…   Joan Harrison's new email:  (Listen to Podcast 49!) The post Podcast 10 – Meet Joan Harrison appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.

 Podcast 9 – How Much $$ Do You Think You’re Worth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:10

This is a companion podcast to the blog post directly below.  Please especially see the pictures on the post and the audio explains the rest.


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