Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Daily Devotions For The Deaf

Summary: Daily Devotions For The Deaf are daily Bible devotions produced by Deaf Missions and presented in American Sign Language. For more information, please visit www.deafmissions.com.

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  • Artist: Deaf Missions
  • Copyright: Copyright 2007 Deaf Missions www.deafmissions.com


 Treasures in Heaven | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A year ago, I had surgery to remove a tumor. Then I fell down and broke my hip. Soon after that, I lost my sense of taste and my fingers became numb. During all these bad things, I felt peaceful. I was at peace because people were praying for me, and I knew God was with me. This whole experience made me think about other people and their problems. I began to listen to people talk about their bad times. I encouraged them and helped them work through their problems. I was able to help people, and in turn, these people helped me. Helping people is one way we can save treasures in heaven. That’s what Jesus was talking about in our verses for today. He said, “Do not save treasures for yourselves here on earth…Instead, save your treasures in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rust and where thieves cannot break in and steal them” (verses 19-20). Do you want to save treasures in heaven? Look for ways today to help other people.

 Helping a Woman (6) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Our Bible verses tell us that Jesus went to the temple to teach. Some Jewish leaders brought a woman to Jesus. This woman had been “caught in bed with a man who was not her husband” (verse 3b). The Jewish law said that this woman should be stoned to death. But the leaders did not care about the Jewish law. “They were saying this to trick Jesus. They wanted to catch him saying something wrong so they could have a charge against him” (verse 6a). Then Jesus did something strange. He started writing on the ground with His finger. We do not know what Jesus wrote. Finally Jesus stood up and said, “Anyone here who has never sinned should throw the first stone at her” (verse 7). The men walked away. Why? Because they all knew that they were sinners, too. In this story, Jesus gave us a wonderful example of compassion. Instead of condemning people, we should love them and help them find salvation through Jesus. Show compassion to people you meet today.

 Helping a Woman (5) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

John, chapter 4, tells us about a woman from Samaria who met Jesus. Most Jews would think it was strange for Jesus to have a conversation with this woman. First, she was a Samaritan, and most Jews did not associate with Samaritans. Second, she was a woman. And third, she was a sinful woman. But Jesus did not condemn this woman. Instead, He accepted her as she was. Jesus shared with her about God’s plan of salvation. The woman believed that Jesus was God’s Son, and she told many people about Him. All people need to feel accepted by someone. Maybe there is a person or group of people who will not associate with you. Even when people refuse to accept us, we can know that Jesus is always willing to forgive us and help us become God’s child. Are you feeling alone today? Do you need someone to accept you and love you? Turn to Jesus. He will forgive you and fill you with His peace.

 Helping a Woman (4) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Our Bible Reading tells us that Jesus met a woman who had been crippled for 18 years. “Her back was always bent; she could not stand up straight” (verse 11b). Jesus laid His hands on the woman, and she was able to stand up straight. Jesus healed this woman on the Sabbath day. This was a day of rest and worship for the Jews. Some of the Jews criticized Jesus because He had healed the woman on the Sabbath. Jesus answered these leaders by saying (verse 16b), “Surely it is not wrong for her to be made free from her sickness on a Sabbath day!” When I first read this Bible story, I was living with arthritis throughout my body. I understood how the woman must have felt. This made me realize that God is with me when I am in pain, too. And I also realized that someday I will be free from my pain and live forever with Him. No matter what you are facing today — pain, sickness, family problems — God will give you hope and comfort.

 Helping a Woman (3) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Today’s Bible verses are a sad story with a happy ending. While Jesus was traveling, He saw “some people carrying a dead body. It was the only son of a woman who was a widow” (verse 12b). This was a terrible situation for the widow. First, her husband died, and now her son died, too. This woman did not have anyone to support her or take care of her. Jesus felt sorry for the woman and told her not to cry. Then in verse 14 Jesus said, “Young man, I tell you, get up!” The boy was alive again. He sat up and started talking. When my husband died suddenly, I did not know how I would live. I asked God to help me. Soon many people brought me money and food and helped me with paperwork and things that needed to be done around my house. Just like the widow, I was so thankful for God’s help and protection. No matter what you are facing today, you can turn to God. He will always love you and help you!

 Helping a Woman (2) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:24

At first, God’s plan of salvation was only for the Jews. Most Jews hated the Gentiles, people who were not Jews. But in our Bible Reading today, Jesus helped a Gentile woman. As Jesus was traveling, a woman from Canaan came to Him. She said, “My daughter has a demon inside her and she is suffering very much” (verse 22b). At first, Jesus did not answer her. Jesus said, “God sent me only to the lost people of Israel” (verse 24b). Then the woman bowed down to Jesus and said (verse 25b), “Lord, help me!” Again Jesus told the woman that He came to help and save the Jews. But the woman reminded Jesus that He was her master, too. Jesus told the woman that she had great faith. Then He healed her daughter. Jesus responded to the woman’s humility and faith. When we are humble and show our true faith, God will work through us and answer our prayers.

 Helping a Woman (1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:38

When Jesus lived on earth, women did not have much value. So it is interesting that there are stories in the New Testament about Jesus helping women. Starting today, we will look at some of those stories. In our Bible Reading, we learn that a woman came to Jesus. She “had been bleeding for twelve years” (verse 43a). Because of this, she was unclean according to Jewish law. This woman came behind Jesus and touched the bottom of his coat. Then two things happened. First, the woman’s bleeding stopped — she was healed! Second, Jesus knew that someone had touched Him and been healed. Jesus said, “Someone touched me. I felt power go out from me” (verse 46b). Jesus told the woman that she was healed because she believed. When we pray and ask for help, we should have faith that God will take care of us. He always knows what is best for us, and He will do what is right. Have faith as you pray today.

 Give God Your Worries | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:51

When I was young, my family and I traveled from southern Pennsylvania to visit my grandmother in Illinois for Christmas. After Christmas, we began the long journey home. We arrived back in Pennsylvania after it was dark. We were on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in the mountains, and it began to snow. The speed limit signs changed to warn us to only drive 35 miles per hour. As my father was driving through the snow, I began to worry. My mother sensed my fear and said, “Don’t worry. Your father is a good driver.” I knew that my father was a good driver, but I needed my mother to comfort and encourage me. Our Bible verses today tell us to give our worries to God. We can know that He is in control of our lives and that He will help us take care of our worries. Do you have worries today? Give them all to God. He will give you peace and comfort.

 Five Stones | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 3:08

A widow and a man met at my church and got engaged. They asked me to give the message at their wedding. They said most of the people at the wedding would be Christian relatives and friends. So I prepared a Christian marriage sermon. But I also prepared a second message that included an explanation of God’s plan of salvation. When I arrived at the wedding, I saw many people I did not know. The man told me that several non-Christian relatives and friends decided to come. I was so happy that I was prepared so I could share the Good News about Jesus with these people. Our Bible Reading today is the familiar story about David facing the giant, Goliath. David knew that God would be with him and help him. But David still gathered five stones to use against Goliath. Remember to always be prepared to share the Gospel with other people. God will help you and bless you.

 Time of Prayer | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:40

When Jesus lived on earth, He was always very busy. Our Bible verses today tell us that Jesus taught people about God, healed sick people and forced demons out of people. Other Bible verses tell us that Jesus stopped storms, fed large groups of people and raised people from the dead. But there was one other important thing that Jesus did. He always took time to pray. Verse 35 tells us, “The next morning Jesus woke up very early. He left the house while it was still dark and went to a place where he could be alone and pray.” It is fine to pray when other people are around, but sometimes it is good to just be alone with God. That’s what Jesus did. If you don’t have a special quiet place, you might want to find one. It can be in your bedroom, outside in your yard or in a park. Find a place where you can be alone and share a time of prayer with God.

 The Holy Spirit | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:30

Last year right before Christmas, I went to the post office to buy stamps so I could mail some letters. When I arrived at the post office, I saw a large sign on the door and another sign inside the building. These signs said that there were no stamps in the post office. The post office had other things to sell — boxes, tape, money orders — but no stamps. I couldn’t imagine a post office that didn’t sell stamps! This experience reminded me of what happens to some Christians. They go to church, do good things, read the Bible and even memorize some verses. But something is missing in their lives. What is missing is the Holy Spirit and His power. Our Bible verses today encourage us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with God’s Spirit, we will do what God wants us to do. We will encourage other Christians and sing and praise God. Allow God to fill you with His Spirit. Then live for Him every day.

 Rest in Jesus | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:50

Many people in our world live at a very fast pace. They are always busy. These people work and play and never rest. They forget that eventually they will burn out. When that happens, these people may become very tired or sick. Jesus is our source of rest. Verse 28 of our Bible Reading says, “Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.” Jesus wants His followers to have both physical and spiritual rest. When we rest physically, our bodies become stronger. When we rest spiritually, we allow Jesus to accept our burdens and help us. Often Jesus withdrew from His ministry and went to a place where He could be alone and pray to God. That is a good example for us. I encourage you to rest in Jesus today. Find a quiet place where there is no TV, Internet or electronic devices to distract you. Share your burdens with Jesus, and allow Him to give you rest.

 Be a Light | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:26

What happens when a light bulb in your house burns out? You can say, “I won’t replace that bulb. It is only one little light.” Or, you can put in a new bulb so you can have light again. Sometimes we do not think that we can change anything in the world. We may say, “I am nobody special. What difference can I make?” But in our Bible Reading today, Jesus reminds us that we can make a difference in the world. As Christians, we can be lights that shine in the dark world of sin. Verse 16 says, “In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” When we follow and obey Jesus, we are bright lights for people who do not know Him. You can be a light for Jesus today. Do good things and serve other people. And don’t forget to tell everyone you meet about Jesus and His wonderful gift of salvation.

 Depend on God | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:22

My husband and I moved to a new house. When our Internet service was connected, my husband set up my computer. I filled the shelves with my Bibles, books and files. I sat down to write a devotion. Then I realized that I did not have the data sticks where I store information from my computer. I searched, but I could not find them. I became frustrated and worried. Jesus told an important story in our Bible verses today. These verses tell about a woman who lost something, too. This woman had ten coins, and she lost one. What did she do? “She will take a light and clean the house. She will look carefully for the coin until she finds it” (verse 8). I was worried, but I decided to keep looking and trust God to help me find the sticks. The next morning I remembered where I had put them. I know that I can trust God to help me — with both the big things and small things in my life. Depend on Him today. God will never fail you!

 Water Slowly | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:51

When you water a plant, you should pour the water slowly. Why? Because the soil needs time to absorb the water. If you pour the water too fast, it may run out the bottom of the pot. It is best for the plant to water it slowly. Sometimes we may think, “Why does God allow bad things to happen? Or why doesn’t God fix all the bad things in the world right now?” Our Bible Reading today reminds us about God’s great wisdom. Verse 25 tells us, “Even the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. Even the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” We may not understand why God does the things He does. We just need to trust His great wisdom. God knows that often He needs to move slowly in our lives so we can learn to accept His decisions and plans. Everything God does is timed perfectly to help us grow. Trust God and His plan for your life today!


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