Helping a Woman (2)

Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Summary: At first, God’s plan of salvation was only for the Jews. Most Jews hated the Gentiles, people who were not Jews. But in our Bible Reading today, Jesus helped a Gentile woman.<br> As Jesus was traveling, a woman from Canaan came to Him. She said, <em>“My daughter has a demon inside her and she is suffering very much”</em> (verse 22b). At first, Jesus did not answer her. Jesus said, <em>“God sent me only to the lost people of Israel”</em> (verse 24b).<br> Then the woman bowed down to Jesus and said (verse 25b), <em>“Lord, help me!”</em> Again Jesus told the woman that He came to help and save the Jews. But the woman reminded Jesus that He was her master, too. Jesus told the woman that she had great faith. Then He healed her daughter.<br> Jesus responded to the woman’s humility and faith. When we are humble and show our true faith, God will work through us and answer our prayers.