Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired July 8, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:24

Carl Teichrib joins Brannon to discuss these topics: Carl talks about attending Global Future 2045 in which a group of transhumanists discussed the technology that they hope will allow them to live forever. One speaker brought a Geminoid with him that was a robot that was an exact duplicate of himself. The goal of these scientists according to the report by Carl is to be able to upload their brain to a robot that looks like them and thus allow them to live forever. Brannon and Carl discuss the missing ingredient of the soul and how their ultimate goal is to be like a god that lives forever. Topic: Cardinal Timothy Dolan visits a mosque in New York and declares that Muslims and Catholics worship the same god. Topic: Focus on the Family sends out an e-mail defending their guest Bono as being a Christian. Topic: Emergent Church proponents declare that Bono is one of the leaders of the Emergent Church and one of their theologians. Topic: A dad e-mailed Brannon to thank him for the program on Nelson Mandela because his 17 year old daughter was listening and was glad to know that truth which she had not been told in her school.

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:32

Mike Gendron and Jimmy DeYoung join Brannon today to discuss the following topics: Topic: Pope John Paul II to be made a Saint. How does this process occur with the Church of Rome and why is Pope John Paul II not qualified even by Roman Catholic standards to be a Saint if they were being consistent? Topic: What were some of the heretical proclamations of Pope John Paul II? Topic: Mike Gendron discusses the pro-family leaders and groups behind the ecumenical Freedom Federation and their most recent ecumenical declaration. Topic: Dr. DeYoung joins the conversation to discuss these topics: The latest on Egyptian revolution. Topic: Middle East Watchers say to watch Moslem brotherhood, they must react strongly. Topic: Israel, though silent thus far, are planning for next steps with Egypt. Topic: Kerry's failure to restart peace talks is not good for resolution of Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 3, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:57

Topic: Brannon has been looking for a few years for an audio of John MacArthur addressing freemasonry and now he has found it and will play this clip in this broadcast. First Brannon covers these topics: Topic: How did the Communist infiltrate the civil rights movement in America in the 1960s with the goal of bringing about civil unrest and guerrilla warfare in major American cities? What documentation does Brannon have to prove these claims? This was the same practice being implemented by Nelson Mandela and his communist friends in South Africa? Topic: The communist desire to use anything they can to divide Americans and to create unrest. Karl Marx declared that his goal in life was to dethrone God and destroy capitalism. Brannon explains that he believes that some of the Communists are now using same-sex marriage as one way that they can attempt to dethrone God and destroy capitalism by rejecting God’s plan for marriage and to then use laws to punish or put out of business companies that are seeking to practice their religious convictions. For example, how many printers have been financially fined for not printing wedding invitations for a same-sex couple or bakers for not decorating them a cake?

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 2, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:40

Nelson Mandela is in failing health. Mandela has not even passed away yet and the media, and even neo-evangelicals, are praising Mandela as someone to admire and emulate. On this broadcast, Brannon documents the communist worldview of Mandela. Topic: Mandela’s documented praise of Karl Marx and work with the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the close ties between Mandela’s African National Congress with the SACP. Topic: Mandela was the commander of a known terrorist that carried out guerrilla warfare. Topic: Mandela’s organization received support from Beijing and the former Soviet Union. Topic: Mandela’s transformation from terrorist to icon. Topic: Mandela was on the U.S. terror watch list until 2008. Why did our government correctly have him on this watch list? Topic: What did Margaret Thatcher say about Mandela in 1987? Topic: Mandela’s wife, Winnie, was a known proponent for having tires put around the neck of her opposition and having the tire covered in gasoline and then lighting it on fire. This practice was known as necklacing. Topic: We take your calls including a listener that lived in South Africa in the 1980s that validates the facts being reported on this broadcast. Topic: We also receive a phone call from a listener that is a former Communist and he calls into verify our reports on the activities of the Communists in hijacking the civil rights movement in the 1960s and seeking to create civil unrest and to agitate to the point of conflict just as the communist did in South Africa.

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 1, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:45

Topic: Brannon plays some brand new audio clips of Dr. John MacArthur that are not even 24 hours old yet. Hear Dr. MacArthur talk about the political correctness and tolerance of today’s evangelicalism that has allowed for the proliferation and promotion of false teachers. MacArthur reveals how he has been censored by Christian media outlets that once aggressively promoted him due to their embracing of tolerance and the lie of unity with false teachers. Topic: MacArthur reveals details of his meeting false prophet Paul Cain and he revealed a shocking name of a major evangelical leader that at one time embraced false prophet Paul Cain. Topic: MacArthur explains how the acceptance of tolerance for false teachers within evangelicalism is laying the foundation for the tolerance for homosexuality. MacArthur mentions as an example what Brannon was pointing out about a month ago which is the acceptance of Liberty University of a homosexual student in their seminary. Topic: David James joins Brannon for the first part of the program to discuss the continued promotion of The Harbinger by discernment ministries that are showing little discernment.

 Brannon Howse: Aired June 28, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:13

Topic: Russell Moore writes a very troubling column on the same-sex marriage ruling by the United States Supreme Court. Topic: But first Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung to cover these topics: Israeli Official Says Israel is not Occupying Another State and the Peace Process Could lead to bloodshed. Topic: War games in Jordan are meant to send a warning to the Syrian President Assad. Topic: Russia has pulled out all of it's military personal from Syria. Topic: Egypt is bracing for a new revolution and bloodshed on the anniversary of the rise to power by the Moslem brotherhood.

 Brannon Howse: Aired June 27, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:07

Part Two: Focus on the Family interviews social justice, ecumenical, globalist, Agenda 21 promoting Bono of U2. Hear audio clips of Bono speaking at Jesuit, Georgetown University. In an article Bono refers to Karma being "at the heart of the universe." This of course is New Age/Eastern Mysticism. Hear the audio of Bono in concert chanting “"Jesus, Jew, Mohammed, it’'s true"” as he wears a headband with the coexist logo of the cross, star of David and crescent moon of Islam. And Jim Daly of Focus on the Family has declared Bono a Christian? Someone needs to tell Jim that false teaching and promoting false teachers is not pro-family and it is a sin. Jim should read 2 John 9-11. Brannon believes many of the pro-family groups are a dangerous religious Trojan horse within evangelicalism. Brannon has warned that many pro-family groups have succeeded in getting self-professing Christians to embrace what the Communist Party never could get them to accept such as social justice or redistribution of wealth. Many pro-family groups are also succeeding in getting self-professing Christians to follow what New Ager Oprah Winfrey could not get them to follow. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired June 26, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:23

Topic: Focus on the Family interviews social justice, ecumenical, globalist, Agenda 21 promoting Bono of U2. Brannon has warned that many pro-family groups have succeeded in getting self-professing Christians to embrace what the Communist Party never could get them to accept; which includes social justice or redistribution of wealth. Thus, Brannon believes that many of the pro-family groups have been a dangerous religious Trojan horse within evangelicalism. Hear some audio clips from the June 25, 2013, FOTF program that Brannon believes are shocking and spiritually dangerous. Topic: Brannon explains why he believes many of the New Religious Right, and Neo-evangelicals are partly responsible for today’'s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court as part of God’'s judgment on America and the growing false church. Topic: Should You Be Concerned About Losing Access to Your Facebook Account Over Your Conservative Worldview?

 Brannon Howse: Aired June 25, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:06

Dr. Randy White joins Brannon to discuss the so-called evangelicals that are embracing the Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative of Jonathan Merritt as well as Jonathan Merritt interviewing Andrew Marin who is promoting building bridges between Christians and the LGBT community. Has all this behavior of Merritt caused major evangelicals to take their name off of Merritt’'s initiative? Topic: Between global warming and immigration reform, evangelicals seem to now be doing the bidding of the globalists and Neo-Marxist whether they know it or not. Brannon and Dr. Randy explain how this is happening and our Biblical response.

 Brannon Howse: Aired June 24, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:38

Figures within the New Religious Right, Neo-evangelicalism, and some that should know better, have signed an ecumenical statement written by Mat Staver and Catholic Keith Fournier. The document is a statement on marriage and family in the face of the upcoming ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on same-sex marriage. However, the problem is the letter declares in the open, middle, and conclusion; that all those that signed the document do so “as Christians.” It also declares in the first paragraph that “we are united in our common faith in Jesus Christ.” Numerous Catholic Priests signed the document along with social justice Catholics like Keith Fournier who is the one that co-drafted this religious document (along with Mat Staver) and he is a leader of an ecumenical organization for the Catholic Church. The religious document is also signed by numerous false teachers like “Prophet” Cindy Jacobs, “Prophet” Rick Joyner, Che Ahn who joined in installing Todd Bently as a “Prophet” and others like false teacher Kenneth Copeland. Do those that signed this document think the Church of Rome and the Catholic Priests that have signed this document “are united in our common faith in Jesus Christ” when they slaughter Christ in the communion over and over and believe that the bread becomes his body and the juice his blood. This as you know is called transubstantiation and is blasphemy. What about the Church of Rome teaching that Mary is co-redeemer? What do you think John Wycliffe and William Tyndale would say about this? Why some want to call themselves reformed but seem to reject the very Biblical commitment for which Tyndale was burned at the stake and for which the reformation was birthed is very troubling. It should not be a hard decision for any Biblical Christian to see why their name should not be placed on such an ecumenical and religious document that are in clear violation of 2 Corinthians 6:14, 2 John 9-11, and Romans 16:17. It should be a very easy and instant decision for any Biblically minded Christian not to include their name on this heretical document. The Word of God has already spoken on this as matter as has the blood of countless martyrs.

 Brannon Howse: Aired May 28, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:25

On this installment of Worldview Weekend Radio, Brannon plays a powerful and convicting sermon by Pastor Jordan Hall of Montana in which he calls his church association and all of evangelicalism to repentance. This presentation is so good that a description will not do it justice so please just listen to this 30 minute presentation. Upon completion of the sermon, Brannon interviews Pastor Jordan Hall.

 Brannon Howse: Aired May 24, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:49

Usama Dakdok joins Brannon to talk about the murder of a British solider in the streets of London. What does this say about where the west is headed? Just a few days after this solider was murdered by two Muslim men; President Obama declares that war on terror is over. Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss this topic: The head of the Israeli Air Force says Israel must be ready for a surprise war. Topic: Syria now has missiles trained on Tel Aviv as Iran and Hezbollah move to aid Assad against Israel. Topic: Palestinian students in the Gaza Strip begin a campaign to rid the world of Jews. Topic: As Jewish women at the Western Wall try to change the status quo, Jewish rights to the Temple Mount are enhanced. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired May 23, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:57

Topic: Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? (Part Two). On today’'s program hear the shocking audio from a television news channel in Lynchburg, Virginia in which an admitted homosexual student speaks of his time at Liberty University. The television news station reports that this man is now attending the seminary at Liberty University. The student wrote an article for “The Atlantic Magazine” in April of 2013, entitled “Being Gay at Jerry Falwell'’s University.” Topic: In the article in "The Atlantic" the student wrote: "““Before I moved off-campus, I lived with the coolest group of guys in perhaps the coolest and most esteemed hall on campus: E-6,” he stated. “When we weren’t jumping off the James River bridge naked, we were four-wheeling naked. And when we weren’t playing naked ‘Man Games’ on Thursday night (which were a two-hour series of homoerotic slap-and-tickle games), we were sneaking into the East Campus pool after hours… naked. Everyone on campus loved our guys because they were cool; I loved them because they were constantly naked."” Topic: The Christian Post reports that Liberty Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. said that the student “"hit the nail on the head"” and that "“I think Liberty has always been the place —my father said it a million times— where you hate sin but love the sinner, and never condemn anybody or judge anybody but try to help them."” Topic: Where are the pro-family leaders and religious broadcasters warning of God’'s judgment on Liberty University or a tornado ripping through Lynchburg because of how they have handled this situation or because they are now reportedly allowing this young man to enroll in a master’s program at Liberty Seminary? Many within the New Religious Right are known for predicating God’'s judgment through natural disasters when a state passes a same-sex marriage law but where are the New Religious Right when it comes to what is going on within evangelicalism? Where are the fundraising letters from the New Religious Right condemning Liberty University and asking for money so they can save America? Brannon is making the point that Christians should not expect the good ole boy club of the New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals to publically condemn or challenge the actions of Liberty University or any of the other serious theological issues inside modern-day evangelicalism. Apparently today'’s New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals don'’t take too seriously the Biblical mandate to judge those inside the faith as spoken of in I Peter 4:17 or I Corinthians 5:12 but prefer to judge the unsaved world. Perhaps raising money by ranting against the unsaved world is more successful than discussing the unbiblical actions and theology within evangelicalism? Topic: Here is another example of the problems within evangelicalism that much of the New Religious Right ignores. Hear an audio of Pat Robertson answer a women that is struggling with the fact that her husband committed adultery. Robertson tells her that “he’s a man” and “but recognize also, like it or not, males have a tendency to uh, uh, wander a little bit...” Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired May 23, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:57

Topic: Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? (Part Two). On today’'s program hear the shocking audio from a television news channel in Lynchburg, Virginia in which an admitted homosexual student speaks of his time at Liberty University. The television news station reports that this man is now attending the seminary at Liberty University. The student wrote an article for “The Atlantic Magazine” in April of 2013, entitled “Being Gay at Jerry Falwell'’s University.” Topic: In the article in "The Atlantic" the student wrote: "““Before I moved off-campus, I lived with the coolest group of guys in perhaps the coolest and most esteemed hall on campus: E-6,” he stated. “When we weren’t jumping off the James River bridge naked, we were four-wheeling naked. And when we weren’t playing naked ‘Man Games’ on Thursday night (which were a two-hour series of homoerotic slap-and-tickle games), we were sneaking into the East Campus pool after hours… naked. Everyone on campus loved our guys because they were cool; I loved them because they were constantly naked."” Topic: The Christian Post reports that Liberty Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. said that the student “"hit the nail on the head"” and that "“I think Liberty has always been the place —my father said it a million times— where you hate sin but love the sinner, and never condemn anybody or judge anybody but try to help them."” Topic: Where are the pro-family leaders and religious broadcasters warning of God’'s judgment on Liberty University or a tornado ripping through Lynchburg because of how they have handled this situation or because they are now reportedly allowing this young man to enroll in a master’s program at Liberty Seminary? Many within the New Religious Right are known for predicating God’'s judgment through natural disasters when a state passes a same-sex marriage law but where are the New Religious Right when it comes to what is going on within evangelicalism? Where are the fundraising letters from the New Religious Right condemning Liberty University and asking for money so they can save America? Brannon is making the point that Christians should not expect the good ole boy club of the New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals to publically condemn or challenge the actions of Liberty University or any of the other serious theological issues inside modern-day evangelicalism. Apparently today'’s New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals don'’t take too seriously the Biblical mandate to judge those inside the faith as spoken of in I Peter 4:17 or I Corinthians 5:12 but prefer to judge the unsaved world. Perhaps raising money by ranting against the unsaved world is more successful than discussing the unbiblical actions and theology within evangelicalism? Topic: Here is another example of the problems within evangelicalism that much of the New Religious Right ignores. Hear an audio of Pat Robertson answer a women that is struggling with the fact that her husband committed adultery. Robertson tells her that “he’s a man” and “but recognize also, like it or not, males have a tendency to uh, uh, wander a little bit...” Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired May 22, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:34

Part One: Topic: Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? The New Religious Right likes to spend a lot of time scaring people and raising money using the issue of homosexuality. While the Bible is very clear that homosexuality is an abomination before God, was this the sole reason God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Are there other issues that many of the New Religious Right and Neo-evangelicals might be involved in themselves, for which God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Topic: Why do many of the New Religious Right and Neo-evangelicals often only focus on the sin of homosexuality and ignore pride, false teaching, apostasy, and rebellion against God in their ranting and fund raising letters? Homosexuality is the symptom of a larger problem that must be addressed with the gospel. Topic: Why do most of the New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals ignore Biblical theology and doctrine? Topic: Since Minnesota passed a law allowing for same-sex marriage a female religious broadcaster in the Twin Cities has pontificated that there might be some kind of judgment on the state such as “economically or some weather-related kind of a tragedy…” Instead of looking for some kind of tragedy, such as a tornado ripping through the Twin Cities as a sign of God’s judgment, this religious broadcaster seems to not understand that the acceptance of homosexuality IS part of God’s judgment as revealed in Romans 1. Topic: How was God actually being merciful to future people and nations by destroying Sodom and Gomorrah? Topic: For what other sins, in addition to homosexuality, revealed Sodom and Gomorrah rebellion against God? Topic: What other nation is listed in the Bible as being worse than Sodom even though they did not practice the sexual abominations of Sodom? Topic: We take your calls.


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