Eric Ludy Sermons show

Eric Ludy Sermons

Summary: President of Ellerslie Mission Society, Eric Ludy is the bestselling author of twelve books and shares his passion for the Bravehearted Gospel of Jesus Christ through thunderously-delivered sermons, passionately-penned books, and poignant video. Best known for his book, When God Writes Your Love Story and his short films, the Gospel and Depraved Indifference.

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 Michaelangelo's Workshop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:57

If we’re honest, it’s hard enough to grasp that God is for us, let alone that He actively intercedes for us. The whole idea of the Holy Spirit interceding on our behalf is a bit of a mystery to us. However, it is one of the most precious, day-by-day interactions we have with God. This message attempts to bring understanding to this beautiful reality and clarify how He works on our behalf moment by moment.

 Michaelangelo's Workshop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:57

If we’re honest, it’s hard enough to grasp that God is for us, let alone that He actively intercedes for us. The whole idea of the Holy Spirit interceding on our behalf is a bit of a mystery to us. However, it is one of the most precious, day-by-day interactions we have with God. This message attempts to bring understanding to this beautiful reality and clarify how He works on our behalf moment by moment.

 The Full Tenth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:22

Tithe. Some of us cringe at the word! There has been a lot of abuse of this concept in God’s Church, but that should not keep us from fully submitting to His Word on giving. This message, a result of God dealing with and refining Eric’s perspective on tithing, casts a vision for how God intended His Church to work in the area of giving. Let it encourage you afresh to offer all that you are and all that you have unto Jesus to be spent for His purposes alone.

 The Full Tenth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:22

Tithe. Some of us cringe at the word! There has been a lot of abuse of this concept in God’s Church, but that should not keep us from fully submitting to His Word on giving. This message, a result of God dealing with and refining Eric’s perspective on tithing, casts a vision for how God intended His Church to work in the area of giving. Let it encourage you afresh to offer all that you are and have unto Jesus, to be spent for His purposes alone.

 Authority | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:39

One of the challenges facing the modern Church today is a lack of understanding in how to engage in the spiritual battle that surrounds us as Christians. We either prefer to bury our heads in the sand, or we over- demonize everything. Either way, we can easily miss Christ and the provision He made through the Gospel for addressing our greatest foe. This messages reminds us of the power that we have been granted through the Gospel—through our position in Christ—to trample upon the enemy and the powers of darkness. May we walk daily in the reality that Christ “spoiled principalities and powers, made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

 The Love of Jonathan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:09

Oftentimes when we tell the story of David, we focus on the many ways David was a picture of Christ. But a rich layer to the story of David is actually found in the character of Jonathan and how his actions toward David mirror how we enter into covenant with Christ. This message speaks to the beauty of covenant with Jesus and what it looks like to dethrone self for His exaltation and honor. May we be a people who gladly give up our best and our all so that He may fully give us of His life.

 The Sign of Jonah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:14

Christ declared that there was only one sign that He would give: the sign of Jonah. But what exactly was the sign of Jonah? This message dives into the rich story of Jonah and the repentance of Nineveh, which showcases Christ and His work of salvation on so many levels. May the Lord continue to open our eyes to how all of Scripture testifies of Christ and turns our hearts to feast upon the glories of Calvary.

 Built by God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:18

Ever since the Tower of Babel, humans have demonstrated their love for building things on their own, apart from God. But when we look at our lives, our marriages, our families, and our ministries, we find that we do not have what we need to build them strong. This message reminds us that God is the Master Builder and it is through dependence upon the Spirit that every arena of our lives is established. It is only when we let go of the flesh and grab a hold of God that our efforts prosper!

 The Impossible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:29:00

Do you ever find yourself shying away from impossible situations? Our natural inclination is to choose the path of least resistance, but God has called us as believers to choose the impossible! We can have absolute confidence that as we choose the narrow way, God will come through and glorify Himself in the most challenging circumstances. May this message stir you to greater confidence to walk in the Impossible and proclaim God's ability to come through.

 The Soldier's Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:35:58

We aren't typically attracted to the life of a soldier, but as Christians, every one of us is enlisted! The moment we enter into Christ, we are brought into a military unit under the command of the Lord of battles. The heavenly soldier is a cheerful sufferer and loves his job. He can imagine no greater privilege than to live for the glory of his King. May we obey God’s commands without hesitation, not because we are fulfilling a duty, but because we are serving the one we love.

 A Fountain Opened | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:02

Our finite minds have such difficulty grasping the depths of the love of God—it’s so far beyond all that we can imagine! And yet this deluge of love from the Father is the daily reality of the children of God. What keeps us from knowing it more fully? This message reminds us of God’s immense love for His people and how the Gospel is driven by this motive of love.

 A Fireside Chat with the Pastor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:24

This is a unique and deeply personal peek into the heart of a pastor. Eric Ludy approached this message very differently than a typical sermon, bringing a warmth, familiarity, and vulnerability to it that lent an endearing and unforgettable luster to this particular Sunday morning. It’s impossible to listen to this message without being impacted.

 A Fireside Chat with the Pastor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:24

This is a unique and deeply personal peek into the heart of a pastor. Eric Ludy approached this message very differently than a typical sermon, bringing a warmth, familiarity, and vulnerability to it that lent an endearing and unforgettable luster to this particular Sunday morning. It’s impossible to listen to this message without being impacted.

 The Heaven-Bred Warhorse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:48

What would it look like for the Church to fight on the offensive, rather than the defensive? We often have a passive stance in bringing the Gospel to the world, but effective evangelism happens when we use wisdom and creativity. Just as the Salvation Army brought the Gospel to the East End of London with an unexpected (and very effective!) tactic, this message inspires us to ask God for how we can proactively approach our generation. We have all been placed in this generation by God and are being built for such a time as this. Look out, world!

 Taking the East End | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:09

“Bramwell, these are our people—the people I want you to live for.” William Booth made this statement to his young son as God was leading their family to minister in the East End, the worst part of London. In the same way, we have been given a commission to pour our lives out for the lowest and the neediest. This message reminds us of God’s desire to spend His people for the weak of this world. If you need a strong push to get outside of your comfort zone in ministry, this is a good place to begin.


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