This Week in Mormons show

This Week in Mormons

Summary: This Week in Mormons is the leading podcast on Latter-day Saintnews and issues, peppered with a bit of absurdist comedy and snappy wit! Join our host and editor-in-chief, Geoff Openshaw, as he partners with engaging Latter-day Saint co-hosts from around the world to bring you the best in Latter-day Saint news and commentary. Follow the blog at Episodes typically published mid-week.

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 Episode #102 – Pornography 2: The End of Porn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showGet Back in France Stop SOPA now! Listen in for details. A photo of Mitt Romney possibly leaving mission boundaries sparks controversy… because Geoff started it. PEW releases a landmark study of Mormons, with some pretty interesting results. Does BYU curb religious freedom via the Honor Code? The Student Review says yes, and we’re inclined to agree. Pornography will end because of condoms. You heard it here first. Listen in for details. Businessweek alleges that the “I’m a Mormon” campaign is really an effort on the Church’s part to elect a Mormon president. Assorted news: The Paris Temple looks like a strip mall; Jon Heder won’t do sexy; the Daily Universe ceases to be daily; beware of giving your wife your Facebook password. Links: PEWage Actual PEW text Exciting infographics! The end of porn Businessweek and Mormons Let your husband read your Facebook Daily Universe goes weekly Jon Heder is clean How the Honor Code restricts religious freedom The Paris Temple letdown Cloisters!

 Episode #101 – Deathstar 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showPure, Unadulterated Talent Mitt Romney is an anchor baby. Can you believe the scandal? His MEXICAN family?? We talk about other Huntsman-Romney stuff, notably the Church’s alleged sabotage of the Huntsman campaign. Online dating – endorsed by the Brethren or discouraged? Answers! Some bored Mormon moms start a Mormon mythbusting podcast. Julie Beck gets into podcasting. This should be a model for other Church leaders. Also, some joyous news from the LEGO/modeling front. Listen in for details. Other news: Church plots for sale in Harlem, SLC is the gayest city in America, calendar gets updated. Clickage: I’m afraid of Mormons, but still better than a Muslim Mormon political roundup Would Salt Lake influence the White House? Romney is an anchor baby Mitt embraces Mormonism in South Carolina Is the Church fixing the Huntsman campaign? Julie Beck gets on the horn Salt Lake is uber gay Deserted News Online dating LDS land in Harlem Mormon Mythbusters calendar updates Build your LEGOs, sir Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy    

 Episode #100 – In Honor of Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showTWiM turns 100! Thanks to all of you for helping us reach this milestone. You make it all worthwhile. To celebrate, we pat ourselves on the back and spend the end of the show reading every episode title of This Week in Mormons, ever. David Archuleta’s mission plans result in a nicely balanced article about LDS missions in the Wall Street Journal. President Monson is among the most admired religious leaders in the world! Tuscon hates Mitt Romney. Jon Hunstman is a better Mormon, says they, because he actually likes immigrants. The top religious stories from Utah in 2011! It’s a big deal. Other stuff: Explanation on Mormons becoming gods, more on the Mormon Ponzi scheme, old Nauvoo city council minutes. Touch: John McCain endorsed the wrong Mormon From American Idol to Mormon missionary Top religious stories of 2011 Monson is admired Mormons becoming gods Nauvoo city council minutes Mormon Ponziis Mormon Times has TV? Ancient seals!

 Episode #99 – Neil’s Squeals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showThe year in review, for we as individuals, for the Church, and for the podcast! What are your memories of 2011 and, more importantly, your memories of TWiM? We are the most important. Don’t forget that. David Archuleta decides to go on a mission! Woo hoo! Geoff has more beef with Deseret Book. It’s sad. It’s justified. Changes in YSA wards in terms of size, naming (_YSA Ward), and other issues. What is going on here? Doesn’t this all go against the whole concept of more, smaller, more manageable singles wards? Advice from LDS single men to the ladies. Really profound stuff. And a special segment: We’ve decided the Brethren all need blogs and Twitter accounts, but what should these accounts be named? This is where the genius of TWiM comes in. Links: Advice from single men Eating crow P Diddy quotes L. Tom Perry 2011: The Year Mormonism Went Mainstream Anti-Mormon website from GOP candidate Better Than "Russ' Fusses"

 Episode #98 – Sometimes I Wish You Would Accidentally Die | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showMerry Christmas from us! We hope you have a nice holiday. Should Al and Geoff walk the Camino de Santiago? SNL has a ball with Tim Tebow, finished with a random joke about Mormonism being right all along! Hooray! Times and Seasons‘ “Mormon of the Year” nominations are open. We want everyone to nominate and second Kevin Beckstrom for his fine work at Zarahemla Times. Or Rachel Vermillion. But really, Beckstrom. Come on! A new study shows a growing gender gap within the Church – a growing ratio of women to men. What are the reasons? What can be done? Likewise, another study officially proves every stereotype one has ever had about the Church. Letter to Utah State – “What about that ‘Mormon problem’?” Assorted news: An LDS father and son court investors for a Ponzi Scheme, using their “Mormonness” as incentive for trust; is multi-level marketing actually against Church teaching?; restored Provo Tabernacle “could be” a boon for Provo; Elder Cook urges a restoration of morality. Linkage: Letter to USU Mormon Choral Organization CD Gender gap widening Study confirms every LDS stereotype ever Mormonism used for investing Provo Tabernacle could be good for Provo Elder Cook urges a restoration of morality Mormon of the Year! Santaquin fires This Is the Same Outfit She Wore to the Testing Center

 Episode #97 – Like Porridge and Chairs and Goldilocks and Bears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showParty week! The guys behind Mom, I’m Dating a Mormon join us in the studio. It was surprisingly insightful to have them, not because their awesomeness is surprising, but because we at TWiM tend to act like dolts when we have guests on the show. BYU-Idaho and skinny jeans – The debacle of the century. Get the latest news here. Are they allowed? Are they not? Questions! Answers! Mitt Romney has an interesting few days, both in deciding to actually talk about his experiences in the Church, and also making unfortunate bets with Rick Perry. Assorted: The Quetzaltenango Temple is dedicated, a funny Mormon Reditt thread, a profile of the female drummer in Neon Trees, the George Albert Smith manual, and virtual Christmas cards! Links: Neon Trees Reditt Musical Christmas videos Skinny jeans George Albert Smith Romney talks religion Numbers!

 Episode #96 – Koriwhore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showFirst Presidency Christmas Devotional recaps, along with our thoughts on the new Bible Videos site. The Kyiv Ukraine Temple receives a cool architectural award for being the best religious building constructed in Ukraine in 2010. Nasha Ukrayina! BYU quarterback Jake Heaps is out. Al gives us his analysis. The Student Review publishes a great article examining the political leanings of BYU professors, and how they are surprisingly balanced compared to most universities. Did Korihor actually fight for religious freedom amidst a repressive theocracy? Other items: Mitt Romney’s softer side; a call for the media to stop focusing on the sensational side of Mormonism; stop making fun of Mormons; and Donald Trump is a schmuck. Links: Kyiv Temple wins award Bible Videos BYU Professors and politics Goodbye, Jake Heaps Korihor – Freedom fighter? Moving beyond sensationalism Making fun of Mormonism

 Episode #95 – A Personal Appeal from Brandon Harris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showBehold, a slow week in Mormon news! How do we react? Awesomely. Going to BYU and not being LDS. How much does it suck? David Archuleta goes to the temple and gets his Eagle Scout – at 20. What a little, wonderful man. There is a MoTab Christmas YouTube channel. We repeat: A MoTab Christmas YouTube channel. The US Senate recognizes the Church’s welfare program. A dude says he was discriminated against for being Mormon. And Latino LDS broadcast! ¡Qué chevre! Touch me: Are Mormons any weirder than the rest of us? Being non-LDS at BYU David Archuleta achieves! US Senate and welfare program Devocional latino Prejudiced against for being Mormon? MoTab Christmas Channel Such Sultry Looks, Such Glistening Hair

 Episode #94 – Snip Snap Snip Snap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showModern Family causes a ruckus at BYU. One writer actually compares gay parents to prostitutes and serial killers. Yup. Vasectomies. To consult the bishop or not to consult? And bishops overall – Do we use them for general counsel or just for repentance? Geoff and Al have a new website. Check it out! Honorable mentions: Church service and how it moderates us; chat trolls; moldy churches in Norcal; and LDS Business College celebrates 125 years of mediocrity! Clicketh thou me Modern Family BYU drama Mormon chat trolls Neither hot nor cold Three Witnesses monument hits 100 Joe Biden loves Mormons LDSBC celebrates 100 years Do not bulldoze the moldy church Taking on vasectomies Professor of the Year Church service moderated Romney New leadership training site Our new website!   Don't Let Him Hold That Baby

 Episode #93 – Golden Catholics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showSome updates on the deaths of two missionaries in Texas. Sad times. One of them was right near the end of his mission, too. Harold Bloom, reknowned jackweed, writes a very biased and senseless op-ed in the NYT. Joanna Brooks responds. Inclusiveness in the Church or exclusivity? What make someone “Mormon”? We’re debating this, especially based on the big tent nature of recent “I’m a Mormon” videos. Are we in a position to judge someone’s “Mormon-ness”? Other news: Over 40% of Americans are “uncomfortable” with having a Mormon in the White House, the Quetzaltenango Temple open house is underway, and good times with angry letters! El Clique: Remembering two missionaries Quetzaltenango open house Bloom article Joanna Brooks’ response Slate and Mormonism A Mormon DJ raver madman 4/10 Americans “uncomfortable” with a Mormon in the White House Folk Music Just Won't Get You This Far

 Episode #92 – Soviet Booze Ban | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showLighthearted discussion on LDS tech advances and the Church’s social media efforts. OK, we’re tech dorks. Sue us. The Circling the Wagons conference – a Mormon LGBT gathering – took place in Salt Lake over the weekend. One bishop declared homophobia in the Church an “atrocity.” Pretty awesome stuff. A well-intentioned article about fashionable modesty takes an unfortunate turn in effectively blaming immodesty on two cases of date rape. No bueno. After last week’s Halloween/modesty debacle, Geoff takes on the practice of garment “tucking.” Get ready, ladies! Other news: Hilary Weeks tops the charts (sort of), Federal lawsuits against the Church being involved in Utah’s liquor laws, and two cool videos (see below), and a prophet occupies Wall Street. Clickety Clickster Clickerrific: Homophobia “an atrocity” Modesty and date rape Barring the Church from liquor law input Hilary Weeks is first Mormon to debut atop Christian charts A prophet occupies Wall Street Holland Rocks It!  

 Episode #91 – Nocturnal Adventures With Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showHappy belated Halloween to everyone. Let’s talk about two things: 1) Why cross dressing is allegedly banned at church Halloween parties; 2) Why Halloween is apparently some sort of free pass to skank it up (and we don’t mean the ska dance). It was hard to miss the New York Times’ really odd article about Mormon Hipsters – Mipsters – and how the way to be cool and Mormon is to rebel a little. Al and Geoff disagree a lot on this one. Google has rectified its injustice against Mitt Romney. Which injustice? Listen in to find out. Homeless people already live in cities of trash, so why are LDS teens in Mesa/Gilbert building cardboard cities? To taunt the homeless? To show they they can build in an hour what it takes weeks for a homeless person to obtain? Jon Huntsman’s daughters are crazy, and not in the fun, hot way of Dubya’s. Ze Links: Mipsters Hispanics and Mitt Romney Google hates Mitt Where does your freshman class come from? Cross dressing and Trunk or Treat Cities of trash Adding Insult to Injury Look What I Made!

 Episode #90 – Kevlar Pulpits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showElder Oaks testifies before the Senate. Orrin Hatch rejoices. Joe Lieberman speaks at BYU, says he loves Mitt Romney, and encourages everyone to vote for Romney. Mormons and Muslims need to be better friends. They have too much in common to ignore each other. Let’s make this marriage happen. Jon Huntsman did sorta OK on “The Colbert Report.” (see below) Other: Sapporo Japan Temple breaks ground, Ben Folds cries because of white boys singing hip hop, Awkward Mormon Family Photos… and more! Links: Sapporo Japan Temple Elder Oaks testifies before the Senate Most Americans have no problem with Mormon candidates Joe Lieberman at BYU Mormons and Muslims Awkward Mormon Family Photos    

 Episode #89 – Mormons are Christians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showIt’s time for the TWiM rage regarding the “Mormons are a cult” nonsense that’s been going around for the past week. We’re fed up. Why is it OK to hate on Mormons but not on other groups? It’s high time we stopped putting up with it. We at This Week in Mormons stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Latter-day Saints. Enough is enough. Is NCMO abuse? Some lady says yes. We say no. Is this a battle of the sexes? No. Because we’ll win. Brandon Flowers’ officially embraces being Mormon in a new “I’m a Mormon” video. Others: Homeschooling. The Whitney Awards (yippee). And a terrible video done by BYU-I girls who have nothing better to do on a Friday night. Link Is NCMO abuse? Judge the Man, Not the Mormon – Joe Lieberman Evangelicals Should Stand Up to Anti-Mormonism – John Mark Reynolds Who Says Mormons Aren’t Christians? – Dean Obeidallah Open Letter to Mitt Romney How Do Mormons Answer ‘Not Christian’ Claims? – Michael Otterson Rick Perry Amplifies Anti-Mormon Rhetoric Rick Perry’s Anti-Mormon Advisors - McKay Coppins Nominations for the Whitney Awards Homeschooling Then and Now Ten Years of the Perpetual Education Fund Jerk.   The Original Christus

 Episode #88 – Elaine S. Dalton – Hot General Officer or Hottest General Officer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showPart Two of our General Conference recap continues. So many inspired leaders. So little time. Our boy McKay Coppins is among the names mentioned in a survey administered by the Church to find out which blogs and writers the saints read. TWiM has, sadly, not made it on the list. Fix this, people! Do we have an obligation to support Vocal Point in “The Sing-Off” because they are Mormon?


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