This Week in Mormons show

This Week in Mormons

Summary: This Week in Mormons is the leading podcast on Latter-day Saintnews and issues, peppered with a bit of absurdist comedy and snappy wit! Join our host and editor-in-chief, Geoff Openshaw, as he partners with engaging Latter-day Saint co-hosts from around the world to bring you the best in Latter-day Saint news and commentary. Follow the blog at Episodes typically published mid-week.

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 Episode #147 – Fact: Lamanite Thanksgiving Was Real | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show Let the record show – Al has publicly promised Geoff a Spotify Premium subscription. MoTab has crossed the line. They claim the NBA is copying them. Yeah Samake keeps his quest alive. This time, it’s to bring democracy back to Mali. Does McKay Coppins write under the pen name Trent Toone? Sources say he does. And we are the source. A would-be Slovenian boy wins the National Chess Championship. And… it’s a slow week: Mitt’s Utah supporters are upset by his treatment from the GOP; language training for missionaries, the history of BYU film, and is a fugitive abusing Mormon hospitality? Yeah Samake! The NBA just LOVES MoTab! So much! They need them! Slovenian chess Brother Romney The Church’s holiday ads goes for the Christian jugular Fugitive Jason Brown is hiding among Mormons! Language training for missionaries History of BYU film He’s Gone Color!

 Episode #146 – In Praise of Women’s Soccer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showWe Googled “Mormon Grooming” and Came Up With Pictures from the Missionary Application Packet. Happy Thanksgiving, American listeners! Male dress at Church – are white shirts required? Men, what do you think? Women, what do you expect from men? Bryce Harper’s girlfriend plays BYU soccer. Is Bryce Harper a TBM? Inquiring minds MUST know! This pertains to our salvation! Should we be offended by the OC Weekly’s depiction of Mitt Romney as the angel Moroni? The one of Muhammad is way worse. Israel and Gaza are having at it! What does this mean for students at the BYU Jerusalem Center? Is it secret? Is it safe? Orem gets a mosque! Yay for pluralism! Mormonism after Mitt – Seven questions about the future of the Church in the United States. Other news – Mormon Helping Hands is all over post-Sandy cleanup in New York. Utah County’s first baptistery uncovered during excavation of the Provo City Center Temple. The Boise Temple is rededicated, and Geoff loves Twilight. Seven questions for the future of American Mormonism BYU Jerusalem Center students safe Orem gets a mosque Mormons angry over OC Weekly cover Bryce Harper celebrates the Honor Code… and soccer Boise Temple rededicated Mormon Helping Hands in New York 1870s Baptistery uncovered in Provo

 Episode #145 – Apostolic Favoritism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showBehold: the Future On this week’s show: The White Horse Prophecy debunked The slippery slope of apostolic favoritism Mormons and the art of losing Church pulls all ads during final week of presidential campaign What’s next for Romney? Mormons voted for Bush in a higher percentage than for Romney Mormons help with Sandy cleanup Provo’s “super chapel” opens Awful YouTube videos of some Arizona young men’s program singing a One Direction song, as well as “Mormon Daddy Style” Preview of next year’s Sunday School curriculum Mormon Helping Hands :: Hurricane Sandy :: Rockaways, NY from Joshua Brown on Vimeo.

 Episode #144 – The End of the Mormon Moment? (Kunkel’s Krinkles) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showLet Them Eat Cake The US election is over. Does this mean the Mormon Moment is over? We recap election stuff, Mitt Romney’s loss, and what this means for the continuing of the Mormon Moment and the Church going forward. All in all, we’re pretty proud of what’s happened to the Church in the past few years. In other news – a Mormon potato physiologist dies. He invented the potato. This is serious. The Circling the Wagons Conference happened this past weekend in Salt Lake. Did you go? Do you know someone who did? LDS Tools experiences outages. be prepared! A Mormon sexologist is going to teach you how to please your partner and take the taboos off of sex. That is right! You shall become like a high-class prostitute! And MoTab’s YouTube channel gets some very awkward love on a very awkward playlist. The election and the Mormon Moment Romney lost, but Mormons won. The Church survived five years of campaigning Mormonism cost Romney the election The speech that Romney should have given Other Mormon election results Circling the Wagons A visit to the LA Temple visitors center Renowned potato physiologist dies LDS Tools outage Mormon sexologist!

 Episode #143 – Mormons, Romney, Elections, Yoda, and Cults | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show Holy show! There is a lot of Mormon news out there this week, from (what will hope will be the last for some time) Mitt Romney news, election talk, new stakes, more missionaries, lamenting our loss of “cult” status, and a funny allusion to President Kimball. Who do Utahans feel best represent Mormondom? Mitt Romney? Gordon Jump? More importantly, will Romney become the first Mormon president since never? Salon argues that Romney is a disgrace to Mormonism because he is a capitalist. Neat. The business world is also hitting Mitt Romney for what are being painted as shady tax loophole practices when it comes to the way Romney has allocated funds for charitable contributions to the Church. Al, our resident financial guru, breaks it all down. The Church is mum on same-sex marriage measures in Maryland, Maine, and Washington. A new approach? Missionary application numbers soar, prospective female missionaries rejoice in being able to “have it all,” and missionary numbers in west Africa are about to soar. Other news: A stake in Botswana, the Church’s relief efforts in the wake of Sandy, as well as the civil war in Syria, MoTab gets a YouTube channel, and the French are doing the unpredictable – protesting the Paris Temple. Tune in! I’ll miss the Mormon cult Why isn’t Mitt Romney a socialist? Who best represents Mormons on the national stage? Romney avoids taxes via loophole to the Church MoTab goes YouTube Missionary numbers soar, people call us draft dodgers Female missionaries can finally “have it all”! Church is all over Sandy cleanup Church is all over Syrian mess Missionary numbers in west Africa to jump by 30% First stake in Botswana. Botswana rocks. Parisians suddenly not thrilled about temple Church mum about same-sex bills in three states President Kimball makes it in Reuters/Rooters/Routers  

 Episode #142 – Passive Slaps to the Face | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show Another week. Another successful round of Mormon news. Mormons are adept at pushing urban legends. This past week, we saw a rumor go around that the number of missionary applications had jumped from 600 a week to 7,000 a week. The Church stepped in to clarify, and the results are still pretty staggeringly awesome. David Twede, our favorite apostate-in-waiting, “resigns” from the Church before going through a process that would lead to excommunication. This was the guy who tried to pretend he was being hit with disciplinary action for criticizing Mitt Romney. The Duck Beach documentary finally has a trailer, and it make sit look like MTV took over the idyllic beaches of the Outer Banks. Put some clothes on, ladies. Atheists start shaming Mormonism. Well we shall shame you, good atheists. To shame! You are shamed! Some quick bites: A few new LDS-related apps, MoTab hits the Midwest, the neat story of a philanthropist, and a purse thief ruins Fruit Heights for everyone. David Twede has had enough Increase in missionary applications Use of “cult” when covering Mormonism Atheists are embracing their religion New Book of Mormon app Mormon podcasts for Android (we’re in there!) MoTab in the Midwest From Duck Beach to Eternity Purse thief! A welfare system that works

 Episode #141 – The Great Pillow Fight (and More General Conference) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showHolland’s Inner Anger We’re back with part 2 of our General Conference recap, as well as some other news: Marlin K. Jensen is released during General Conference, and the Church loses a progressive pragmatist with a flair for conflict resolution. The Church backs off on its construction of a new nine-story building at the Provo MTC. How will this affect the changes in missionary work announced during General Conference? Victory to the people of Provo! BYUtv has a new comedy show. It’s sort of OK. Reverend Billy Graham meets with Mitt Romney and promptly removes The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from his list of “cults.” How kind. Pat Billy on the back, but not too hard or he might die. Vanity Fair publishes an interesting – if flawed – piece on how the Church has been involved in politics from one time to another. Farewell to Jensen Church drops MTC plans Billy Graham loves Mormons The Church’s influence in politics

 Episode #140 – Happy 18th. Enjoy Your Mission. (Musings from General Conference) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show What a great General Conference! Such a blessing to hear the words of living prophets and apostles. We had a great weekend listening to counsel, live tweeting with many of you, and keeping track of General Conference fashions. The big news, of course, is the Church lowering the minimum age for men to serve missions to 18 and women to 19. Pretty crazy stuff. We’re witnessing modern revelation in action. Another reason to love General Conference. This is a landmark change in policy and will fundamentally change the course of missionary work for the Church. As Elder Holland states: “God is hastening his work.” So true. Listen in to this week’s show as we get through the content from much of the conference, offering our thoughts. Happy General Conference to you!

 Episode #139 – An Adventure in Libel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show Happy pre-General Conference week! We’ll hit you with some General Conference predictions. The greatest question of the week: Does Al come off as too edgy or potentially less-active? Is it time for an intervention as seen in the 2010 episode “Intervention”? Is Al Doan a racist? Is Kevin Barney a coward? Political roundup: McKay Coppins writes a good/great article about the David Twede excommunication “scandal;” the DC 3rd Ward welcomes the idea of Brother Mitt Romney joining its ranks; are Mormons fasting for Mitt Romney?Are LDS women second-class citizens? Also, Russian saints do not care about Mitt Romney. Shocker. We hit the news on various temple developments! We also get new Pass-Along cards. Interesting! Colorful! QR codes! The Salt Lake Tribune talks about the best of Mormon Cinema. Oxymorons be darned. Other news: President Monson in Germany, the Mormon Bachelor fails miserably, a new Mormon Studies journal, and a newly-called bishop and full-time border patrol agent is killed. :/ Russia’s Mormons don’t care about Mitt Romney The Daily Beast’s view on Mormon women DC Third Ward welcomes Mitt Romney Fasting for Romney We do not excommunicate Romney critics New pass-along cards The best of Mormon Cinema New Mormon Studies journal – Interpreter Monson goes to Germany Border Patrol agent shot and killed “Ceremonial” groundbreaking for Indianapolis Temple Buenos Aires Temple rededicated Calgary Temple open house starts

 Episode #138 – Therapizing the Mormon Bachelor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show Harry Reid says that Mitt Romney does not represent the Church and Mormons shouldn’t be judged based on how Romney presents himself as a candidate. Mudslinging in the DC stake center! Armies of Helaman march in Bountiful! Not one of them fell! The Mormon Bachelor jumps the shark and goes to therapy. Oh yes! We lie not! A guy in Florida is being excommunicated for bashing Mitt Romney? No, The Daily Beast just wants you to think so. He’s getting excommunicated for posting details about temple ordinances and his iffy website. Dork. Catholics love Mormons! Some guy in Boulder doesn’t! A Mormon gal is on Survivor! The Brigham City Temple is dedicated! The 122nd anniversary of the polygamy manifesto! Click for Love: Excommunicating a Romney hater? Washington Post clears it up Stripling Warriors in Bountiful! Catholics Heart Mormons Manifesto anniversary Brigham City Temple dedicated Roland Sharette is an idiot Harry Reid attacks Romney’s Mormonism. Attacks! Mormons on Survivor The Mormon Bachelor is so bad! SO bad!

 Episode #137 – Mid-Single Wimps (Jiggety Higgity Wickety Woo) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show  Chump BYU’s caffeine movement starts to fizzle. True believers will get their fix at the local Albertson’s. Elder Oaks instructs us not to join paramilitary groups and to save food, instead. Sound advice from a judge and apostle, unless you are into cults or tea parties. A British bloke gives us a treatise on exciting aspects of Church doctrine, namely the potential to be gods; all of this in a favorable piece about why he loves Mormons. Why do we need to tread lightly around the cultural needs of Muslims but not the sensitivities of Mormons? Come on, liberals! Accept and respect all! The Huffington Post elucidates the fine world of being a mid-single by interviewing a chumpy mid-single dude. Why are mid-single men so weak? Be stronger, wimps! Assorted: Church reaffirms its political neutrality and non-Romneyness, Iraq gets a new ambassador – guess what religion he is? And blacks in the history of the Church and the priesthood. Lots to learn. What are your thoughts? Caffeine movement is weak, like Ukraine Peggy Fletcher Stack (and E. Oaks) don’t want you to join fringe groups Why I Love Mormonism Why is it OK to mock Mormons but not others? The woes of mid-singles Church reaffirms political stance Mormon RM to be ambassador to Iraq Nobody knows – The Untold Story of Black Mormons

 Episode #136 – Brandon Flowers, Mormons Salute You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showThe Killers’ Brandon Flowers makes all of us proud to be Mormon as he fights off meanness from those soulless Swedes and Brits. The Church runs Google Ads using Mitt Romney’s name. Pretty sneaky! Should Mormons buy advertising in the playbook for The Book of Mormon musical? Salt Lake says yes, and they have done it! They have done it! BYU students lead a campaign to bring caffeinated beverages to campus. Every student reserves the right to eat fry sauce and be a good Mormon. LDS Democrats convene in Charlotte to show how pluralistic the Church is. *cough* A second Mormon stake in Russia is organized in St. Petersburg. Awesome! We track some other stake growth around thew world. is amazing! Elder Holland gives an impressive CES Fireside. Be a better Mormon. Don’t exercise self-righteous judgment. Exercise righteous judgment. From Mitt Romney searches a Mormon you shall be “I’ve Read the Book” at The Book of Mormon musical Please bring caffeinated beverages to BYU Russia’s second stake – Great stats on the Mormon Church Watch Elder Holland’s excellent CES fireside From Mormon to atheist to Mormon  

 Episode #135 – Provo Coke Dealers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the showDo It for Geoff’s Birthday Mitt Romney is now the Republican Presidential nominee. At the Tampa convention, innocent old people touted Mitt’s spiritual awesomeness. Awesome for the Church or using Church callings for political gain? On a similar note, Romney’s ward in New Hampshire, near Lake Winnipesaukee, spent a fast and testimony meeting testifying of him as a candidate and what he has done for the Church. Why bother testifying of Christ and the Atonement when Mitt Romney is there? FINALLY – the Church dispels the notion that caffeine in and of itself is prohibited under the Word of Wisdom. Geoff will be starting a cottage industry selling Coke to innocent BYU students and Provo residents. Don’t convert exchange students. Just stop it. Or at least let them get baptized once back in their homeland. Some smaller bits – Larry Wilmore does a special on Mormonism in Salt Lake City; a BYU student is either a diabolical genius capable of sliding innuendo under the radar in the Daily Universe, or she is just dumb. Drink your Coke. Just don’t get addicted to caffeine. Devious plans to sell Coke in Provo I know that Mitt Romney is true. Mormons are politically neutral Leave exchange students alone Larry Wilmore in Salt Lake Marriage isn’t just a happy ending  

 Episode #134 – Mormon Milk Makes Mormon Cheese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show  Great stuff this week. We build a lot of discussion around last week’s Rock Center with Brian Williams special on Mormonism. Business? Family? Cheese? Temples? Garments? Joanna Brooks and feminism? Abby Huntsman speaks with no authority? We cover it all. Have you grown red bell peppers? Geoff fancies himself an expert. Al fancies Geoff a moron. Lots of Mitt Romney stuff – CNN special highlighting his faith; a “Romney is a Racist” neon sign in California; Mitt owes millions of dollars to the descendants of the Arizona Flakes; and Jon Voight makes lame jokes. Want to flip off missionaries? Prepare to flip your car in the process. KSV-TV will not air a new NBC show featuring a gay couple. It’s better to show grisly crime scene shows or programs with wanton sexual references. Other stuff – Mormon eating habits, a documentary about Joseph Smith’s presidential run, atheists hate Mormons and Jesus, and BACK TO SEMINARY! How dare you mention female ordination on national television Mormons won’t air “The New Normal” Romney is a racist – in glorious neon Doc about Joseph Smith’s presidential run Flip the bird, flip the car Mormon food culture Jon Voight is unfunny Mitt Romney owes me money Atheists want you to join their church Martin Macneil has his day in court

 Episode #133 – Coffee Ice Cream and the Unpardonable Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown the MP3 of the show             Mormons! Mormons! Everywhere! Lots of political/Mormon news this week from both major US parties. Mormon Democrats plan to make an appearance in Charlotte, and Mitt Romney will more openly embrace his Mormonism at the Republican convention in Tampa. Wild. McKay Coppins goes to church with Mitt Romney, then Mitt Romney goes and eats coffee ice cream. WE ARE SO CONFUSED. How do we give Mormon women greater roles and responsibilities in the Church? Some Salt Lake Tribune writers have a few ideas, most of which involve bankruptcy (Al’s opinion). President Monson turns 85! Swedes everywhere rejoice! Some assorted fun: Emily Maynard goes to Church; Utah tops in the nation in charitable giving; race is still a problem in the Church; Brigham City Temple open house starts; Tijuana Temple ground broken; former kidnapped Russian missionaries reunite. …and Tumblr has a delightful little post full of Mormon memes. Mormon Democrats in Charlotte Romney’s Mormonism in Tampa McKay goes to church with Mitt Mitt loves coffee ice cream Giving women greater roles Utah tops charitable giving President Monson turns 85 Emily Maynard attends church Missionaries who were abducted in Russia reunite Race is still a problem for the Church Brigham City Temple open house


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