Medical Sales Guru Podcast show

Medical Sales Guru Podcast

Summary: Medical Sales Guru is the free weekly podcast that is dedicated to driving success for Medical Sales Professionals that provide goods and services to the health care industry and its providers. Each week medical sales expert Mace Horoff and his guests will present medical sales tips and selling techniques for the medical device, pharmaceutical, medical equipment and medical diagnostics industries.


 Create a Disaster Plan in Medical Sales to Differentiate Yourself and Your Company | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:43

Recent disasters have interrupted lives, businesses, and careers. But along with crisis, comes opportunity and this applies to medical sales. Don’t wait until to the next crisis to think about what you’re going to do. Leverage recent events and get the benefits now. Listen for some ideas how you can aid your customers and build … Continue reading Create a Disaster Plan in Medical Sales to Differentiate Yourself and Your Company →

 Improve Medical Sales with These Resources | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:27

Medical sales representatives often leave money on the table by ignoring these readily available resources. Great things happen when you use what’s available to you. It’s all here on this episode of the Medical Sales Guru Podcast. Just click the play button at the bottom of this post. Did you know you can also listen … Continue reading Improve Medical Sales with These Resources →

 The Medical Sales Call: Rarely a Solo Event | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:05

In medical sales, mindset matters. Think about this . . . Most medical reps set out on sales calls with the mindset of it being a solo event. In other words, one sales call where the customer buys or doesn’t buy. This is looking at it all wrong. There’s a more realistic way to look … Continue reading The Medical Sales Call: Rarely a Solo Event →

 Your Customers Are Different . . . I Don’t Think So! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:56

Too often when speaking with medical sales representatives about how one of their colleagues succeeded, some suggest, “Yeah, but my customers are different.” Everyone is unique…in some ways. But healthcare professionals and other buyers have too much in common to dismiss. So, I think we should talk about it . . . And that’s what … Continue reading Your Customers Are Different . . . I Don’t Think So! →

 Medical Sales: Better Than Discussing Product | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:02

Medical sales representatives succeed when they sell. Therefore, most seek time with customers for product-focused conversations. When selling to healthcare professionals however, this might be a better option. Check it out. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. Learn how to accelerate your medical sales results with Medical Sales Academy.

 Medical Sales and The Beauty of No! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:34

Most of us hate that word, and for good reason. Yet, if you learn to embrace it, as a medical sales professional, it can be your best friend. This episode my redefine the way you look at your sales calls from now on. Check it out!

 How Medical Reps are Like Dog Trainers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:02

Answer this question: What do you do? Some medical reps struggle with this question, or don’t really give it any thought. Ready for a fresh perspective . . . fresh as in “a little out there?” Give it a shot! It might just might provide you with a better understanding of what your job function … Continue reading How Medical Reps are Like Dog Trainers →

 The “Dating Approach” to Persistence in Medical Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:15

Persistence is often named as the number one attribute that leads to success…and in medical sales, a lack of persistence is almost guaranteed failure. Why do medical reps sometimes struggle with persistence? Possibly it’s because they’re not comfortable with it. Here’s a short discussion that puts the need for persistence into perspective and hopefully makes … Continue reading The “Dating Approach” to Persistence in Medical Sales →

 Medical Sales Reluctance: When Customers Know You’re Trying to Sell Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:13

What happens if a healthcare professional or other customer realizes you’re trying to sell them something? If you ever think about this, it may be causing sales reluctance, which is something that could keep  you from doing your job… Here’s some insight on how HCPs and other customers see salespeople and how you can be one they’ll … Continue reading Medical Sales Reluctance: When Customers Know You’re Trying to Sell Them →

 Medical Sales: When Your Ego is Challenged –Defering to a Higher Authority | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:58

Medical sales representatives face situations where HCPs challenge the rep’s ego. Think you can set your ego aside easily? Think again . . . and think about how you’re going to deal with it when it happens. Maybe this podcast will help. Listen. Leave a comment or go to iTunes and like. Go out there and … Continue reading Medical Sales: When Your Ego is Challenged –Defering to a Higher Authority →

 Tough Call: When a Competitor’s Product Offers Better Patient Outcomes . . .What Do You Do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:04

Medical sales representatives have to deal with reality, and sometimes that reality is that a competitor’s product is better than yours. What should you do in that situation? Just sell what you’ve got and hope for the best? Maybe, but then again, maybe not. Here’s some food for thought so you’re better prepared when you … Continue reading Tough Call: When a Competitor’s Product Offers Better Patient Outcomes . . .What Do You Do? →

 Medical Sales: Overusing and Abusing Technology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:32

Medical sales has been made easier by technology, that is, when it’s used appropriately. The challenge is that some medical sales representatives have expectations that aren’t only unreasonable, they’re counterproductive. Learn how to stop using technology to kill sales and instead, implement one solid technique that almost always works better than anything. Want to know … Continue reading Medical Sales: Overusing and Abusing Technology →

 Losing Proficiency in Medical Sales and How to Avoid It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:09

Medical sales demands proficiency in industry knowledge, product knowledge, and selling skills. Even if you’ve had just modest success up to this point, you’ve established some level of proficiency. The insidious problem is that proficiency degrades over time. This podcast episode talks about medical sales proficiency and some simple things you can do on your … Continue reading Losing Proficiency in Medical Sales and How to Avoid It →

 Understanding “Urgency” in Medical Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:08

The concept of “urgency” in medical sales is often misunderstood, so much so in fact, that some people tell me it doesn’t work. That’s crazy! Urgency always works – provided you know how to create it, present it and leverage it. That’s what this podcast episode is about. In only six weeks, you can learn … Continue reading Understanding “Urgency” in Medical Sales →

 Some Medical Sales Account Penetration Strategies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:31

Medical sales representatives are often told to focus on “account penetration.” What does that mean? In this episode of The Medical Sales Guru Podcast (which you can also listen to on iTunes), Mace Horoff defines account penetration and talks about some key ways to make it happen. Time to break through the barriers! Listen now. … Continue reading Some Medical Sales Account Penetration Strategies →


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