Good Guys To Know show

Good Guys To Know

Summary: Welcome to the Good Guys To Know Podcast. Each month we’ll bring you a new dose of great information guaranteed to make you a good guy to know. Each episode, the Good Guys invite their listeners to join them on a new, 2-week challenge. Who can write the best Twilight book report? Who can get the most Twitter followers? Who can become the best wine taster? Subscribe to find out!

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 How to Speak American | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:56:46

  Check out a post from our very own Good Guy, Mitch, at, and while you’re there, tell our buddy Aaron Burk just how cool his latest creation is.   Check out the following post from that describes exactly why the American dialect is truest form of the English language: There are many, many evolving regional British and American accents, so the terms “British accent” and “American accent” are gross oversimplifications. What a lot of Americans think of as the typical “British accent” is what’s called standardized Received Pronunciation (RP), also known as Public School English or BBC English. What most people think of as an “American accent,” or most Americans think of as “no accent,” is the General American (GenAm) accent, sometimes called a ”newscaster accent” or “Network English.” Because this is a blog post and not a book, we’ll focus on these two general sounds for now and leave the regional accents for another time. English colonists established their first permanent settlement in the New World at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, sounding very much like their countrymen back home. By the time we had recordings of both Americans and Brits some three centuries later (the first audio recording of a human voice was made in 1860), the sounds of English as spoken in the Old World and New World were very different. We’re looking at a silent gap of some 300 years, so we can’t say exactly when Americans first started to sound noticeably different from the British. As for the “why,” though, one big factor in the divergence of the accents is rhotacism. The General American accent is rhotic and speakers pronounce the r in words such as hard. The BBC-type British accent is non-rhotic, and speakers don’t pronounce the r, leaving hard sounding more like hahd. Before and during the American Revolution, the English, both in England and in the colonies, mostly spoke with a rhotic accent. We don’t know much more about said accent, though. Various claims about the accents of the Appalachian Mountains, the Outer Banks, the Tidewater region and Virginia’s Tangier Island sounding like an uncorrupted Elizabethan-era English accent have been busted as myths by linguists. TALK THIS WAY Around the turn of the 18th 19th century, not long after the revolution, non-rhotic speech took off in southern England, especially among the upper and upper-middle classes. It was a signifier of class and status. This posh accent was standardized as Received Pronunciation and taught widely by pronunciation tutors to people who wanted to learn to speak fashionably. Because the Received Pronunciation accent was regionally “neutral” and easy to understand, it spread across England and the empire through the armed forces, the civil service and, later, the BBC. Across the pond, many former colonists also adopted and imitated Received Pronunciation to show off their status. This happened especially in the port cities that still had close trading ties with England — Boston, Richmond, Charleston, and Savannah. From the Southeastern coast, the RP sound spread through much of the South along with plantation culture and wealth. After industrialization and the Civil War and well into the 20th century, political and economic power largely passed from the port cities and cotton regions to the manufacturing hubs of the Mid Atlantic and Midwest — New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, etc. The British elite had much less cultural and linguistic influence in these places, which were mostly populated by the Scots-Irish and other settlers from Northern Britain, and rhotic English was still spoken there. As industrialists in these cities became the self-made economic and political elites of the Industrial Era, Received Pronunciation lost its status and fizzled out in the U.S. The p[...]

 Negotiation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:32

Buying a new house?  Maybe a new car?  How about asking for a raise.  All of these have something in common beyond terrifying a lot of people.  The art of negotiation is an often overlooked skill.  If I could give everyone sage advice on the topic, I would.  Instead, I reached out to my buddy Chris, who deals with negotiations all day every day.  This guy could get you a good deal on most everything.  The nuances are important.  Here are a few of Chris’s main points that we discuss that will help you keep thing in the right perspective: 1.  This is probably the most important idea Chris tried to get across – Every negotiation, in any environment, should try to result in a win-win situation.  Do not try to “beat” your purchaser or seller, an insulting offer from you can quickly turn into an equally insulting counter-offer and the termination of a deal. 2.  Do your research.  This always seems like a no-brainer, but it can’t be stressed enough, and it is important to know WHY you are doing the research.  Doing the research will give you things you can talk about and point out to gain leverage to get a better price. 3.  Have some backup plans.  If you are in love with just one car, or one house, your negotiations could potentially suffer.  Having plan A, B, and C will increase your bargaining power, and allow you more places to concede certain items to obtain the highest number of your must-have items/features overall. 4.  Keep your cool.  Being short with the salesman, or condescending with your buyer is not a way to show strength.  As Chris has learned over many years, a good relationship and a good conversation is better than a good price in a lot of situations. 5.  Know your buyer.  Any information you can gain about the needs of your buyer will help.  Asking “soft” questions to get the ball rolling is a great way to learn what a potential buyer really wants.  If you can determine that he or she hates not getting a real person on the phone, that can be used to your advantage. 6.  Think about the fringe.  In a lot of job/salary negotiations, there are tons of perks that can be hidden behind a dollar figure.  Getting more flexibility to work from home, extra vacation, or having more autonomy are all things that can improve your quality of life as much or more than another could grand.  Think about all of the things other than money, and value them before you talk to your employer.  Be prepared to give things up and gain some others. 7.  Know your goals.  Now that you have all your options lined up, make sure you think hard about which ones are really your favorite.  Have a solid ranking system in place and stick to it. 8.  Think about how you respond to the offer you are putting forward.  If you wouldn’t consider an offer, why should anyone else? 9.  Be prepared to do what you say.  If you threaten to walk, you better be able to.  Don’t “play too hard of ball”. 10.  Read up.  Practice.  Chris gave some good resources in the podcast you should check out.,,,,   You can gain a lot of things by negotiating with a cool head, and a lot of options.  There isn’t a magic bullet on how to get a car 50% below sticker, but you can certainly do your part to get closer.  Think about your interactions using some of the above guidelines and you’ll give yourself a good shot at a win-win .  

 Alcohol Legislation and Subscription Bars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:53:46

The constitutional right to drink/sell/manufacture alcohol has been debated since the early 1900’s.  Most famous amongst these debates was the era of prohibition.  Prohibition was initiated in 1920 with the passage of the 18th amendment.  This U.S. Constitutional amendment made it illegal to manufacture, transport, or sell intoxicating liquors.  Conveniently for all people who appreciate the finer things in life (like Coors Light and other alcoholic beverages), the 18th amendment was repealed in 1933 by the passage of the 21st amendment.  Shortly after, many individual states adopted minimum legal drinking age policies which made it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcoholic beverages.  Due to the passage of the 26th amendment, which lowered the required voting age from 21 to 18, many states adjusted the minimum legal drinking age from 21 to 18, 19 or 20.  However, a dramatic increase in accidents involving alcohol use in younger people followed this decrease in the minimum drinking age.  In 1984, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act which set the minimum drinking age back at 21.  Any states not in compliance with this act were penalized by having 10% of their highway construction funds revoked.  Depending on the size of the state, this legislation prevented the distribution of 8 to 99 million dollars.  By 1988, all 50 states ratified the National Minimum Drinking Age Act but U.S. territories Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands maintained an age of 18.   Today, in the wake of this fluid legislative history, many states have additional regulations which control the sale and distribution of alcohol.  These laws stipulate who can sell alcohol, when alcohol can be sold, and how strong alcohol can be.  Every Good Guy To Know should be aware of these laws in their home states.  For more information on your states regulations visit this website:   And here is the article from Esquire that prompted this main pillar. What If Bars Sold Subscriptions? What would it take for you to “subscribe” to a bar?  Leave your comments below and thanks for listening!   References:,

 3D Printing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:51

***Here is a link to the bracket – password is goodguys.  Good Luck! *** I heard about 3D printing about a year ago, and at the time, thought it sounded kind of cool, but it also sounded a little over-hyped. I remember whatever pundit was talking about it claimed that it was going to revolutionize manufacturing, and disrupt our lives as we know them. Comparing it to the personal computer, internet, etc. I’m not positive that this is the case, but wanted to learn more and in through my research, I’m getting a little more sympathetic to the view that this could indeed change our lives dramatically. First have to give a little primer on 3D printing; basically it’s making a physical object based on a digital model. You’ll also hear the term “additive” because the items are created by gradually adding layers of material to the object to create the desired shape. This is significantly different than traditional “subtractive” manufacturing where objects are cut/drilled/carved out of a larger item. The first question I had when I started to hear about 3D printing, was ‘what is the stuff that you use to make the object?’  This kind of depends on the flavor of 3D printing we are talking about, but a few examples 3D printers have printed stuff in; Plastics, Wood, Glass, Rubber, Steel, Concrete, Human cells, Cheese, and Chocolate. The material you are using kind of drives the flavor of 3D printing we are talking about. Probably the most mainstream one and the one I’m going to be talking most about is extrusion. This is where the solid material is heated up so that it’s liquid, and then squeezed through a nozzle. Once it is ‘extruded,’ it very quickly hardens back into a solid object. The other flavor that is interesting is the ‘granular’ method which is used when 3D printing with metal. Here you basically have a sandbox full of metal powder that a high powered laser shoots and melts layer after layer to create the metal object. One area I did not research heavily, but sounds awesome, is the organs that are printed off with human cells. I have no idea how that works, but they have successfully printed working human bladders, bones, etc. While the medical uses are super cool, the potential for disruption really lies in how these printers can change manufacturing. At the moment, probably the biggest use for 3D printing is called ‘rapid prototyping.’ So here a company/university etc, can try out all sorts of designs very quickly and efficiently. Before 3D printing, an artist or sculptor or something would have to create a model of the thing, would use that to create a mold, and then finally they could use these molds to build the item. If they screwed up, or found a design flaw, all of that overhead is gone. 3D printing allows the designer to upload his file, and a few hours later, be holding his design in his hand. I was surprised to learn that companies have been 3D printing since the 70s. So why is 3D printing such a hot topic now and why is it being thought of as a potential disruptor? $$$$. The printers that companies have been using are super big and expensive. So only companies that were very R&D intensive and had sufficiently large budgets for the initial outlay were able to take advantage of the technology. Today, a basic 3D extrusion printer will only run you like $1500. This opens the door for small business and even personal hobby users to have a 3D printer. This is where we start to see the case building that 3D printing could be extremely disruptive. Does the following summary of where 3D printing sound familiar to anyone: Large, expensive implementations of the technology are used only by large companies for very targeted and specific use. Over the years the tech gets cheaper and cheaper, allowing smaller companies to get in the game. Finally, the technology becomes so inexpensive that early adopters start using the technology in their homes just for fun. Las[...]

 Conspiracy Theories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:43

Conspiracy Theories What are we talking about? A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event. Why do people believe conspiracy theories? Often times, things happen in the world that are difficult for us to comprehend because they have no obvious meaning or causality. These events are typically quite frightening either because they represent a direct danger to us, or happen so infrequently that we question whether or not it could (or should) happen at all. Leon Festinger (1957) proposed cognitive dissonance theory, which states that a powerful motive to maintain cognitive consistency can give rise to irrational and sometimes maladaptive behavior. According to Festinger, we hold many cognitions about the world and ourselves; when they clash, a discrepancy is evoked, resulting in a state of tension known as cognitive dissonance. As the experience of dissonance is unpleasant, we are motivated to reduce or eliminate it, and achieve consonance (i.e. agreement).   The following is from an article in Scientific American, written by Michael Shermer; Why do people believe in highly improbable conspiracies? In previous columns I have provided partial answers, citing patternicity (the tendency to find meaningful patterns in random noise) and agenticity (the bent to believe the world is controlled by invisible intentional agents). Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then infuse those patterns with intentional agency. Add to those propensities the confirmation bias (which seeks and finds confirmatory evidence for what we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which tailors after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened), and we have the foundation for conspiratorial cognition. Are conspiracy theories always wrong? Nope. Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln and Franz Ferdinand (Austro-Hungarian prince), just to name a few, were all assassinated by groups of conspirators. Governments have been in on it too – here’s a list of amazing-but-true projects that the US Government has undertaken. (from Did we land on the moon? Was 9/11 orchestrated by the US Government? More here. Even more here.  

 Mental Math | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:27

Everybody has been stuck at some point in their lives without a calculator and too lazy to draw out 72 x 11 on paper to figure it out.  Or how about figuring out 9% of 60 in an instinct?  125 x 125?  No problem.  This week Perek brings a handful of useful tips and techniques to help you increase speed and ease for all your mental math needs.  As pointed out in the audio, at the beginning, it may help to write a couple things down.  Grab a paper and pen and follow along, the GoodGuys are already getting promotions and sportscars due to their newfound math skillz.  Below are some brief explanations of the techniques discussed.  Also check out the video below about the Soroban (abacus) we discuss at the end of the show. Multiplying by 9 Multiply by 10 and subtract the original number from that result.  7×9?  taxe 7×10, and then subtract 7.  This helps more and more as numbers get larger. Multiply by 11 For 2 digit numbers this couldn’t be easier.  Add the 2 digits together, and place that result in between the original 2 numbers.  72×11?  7 plus 2 is 9, put that 9 in between the original 7 and 2, to get 792.  To carry a 1 when the 2 numbers add up to more than 10, just add that 1 to the next digit to the left.  86×11?  8 plus 6 is 14, so keep the 4 and carry the 1.  Out the 4 in the middle and add 1 to the next digit to the left.  Did you get 946?  good.  You are already better than Mitch at mental math. Multiply by 5 To increase the probability of doing this in your head, divide the number by 2.  If the original number is even, tag a 0 on the end of the halved result.  That’s it.  If the original number is odd, you will end up with a .5 once you divide by 2.  Just get rid of that decimal and you are done!  This is awesome on big numbers.  2,682×5?  Well, what’s half of 2682.  Most people can do THAT better than they could attempt to do that whole problem in their head.  Half of 2,682 = 1341.  Since 2682 is even, tag on a zero.  13,410.  There’s your answer.  For odd numbers, how about 4,215.  Half of that is 2,107.5.  Drop the decimal for 21,075.  Easy as pie. Divide by 5 This is even easier to remember than multiplying by 5.  All you have to do is double the number, and then move the decimal one to the left.  193/5 seems difficult on its own.  but doubling 193 is easier.  193 doubled is 386.  Move that decimal over and you get 38.6.  193/5 is 38.6. Square any number ending in 5 This one is a little more interesting, but still easier than the long way.  Take any number ending in 5, and forget about the 5.  So, 95×95?  That’s 95 squared.  forget about that 5, and all you have left is the 9.  Multiply the 9 by 1 + itself, so 9+1 = 10.  multiplying 9×10 is easy right?  90.  The last step is to tack on a 25 at the end.  9025.  95 squared is 9,025.  A little practice on this and you can do it in a couple of seconds. Criss Cross Multiplication  This concept I absolutely love.  It is so much easier to do in your head than the way we learned in school.  It’s going to be tough to describe it properly in words, so here’s a link to a video that can help!  This site has other examples that I duscussed as well. Percentage flip rule 9% of 80, go!  That’s hard for me.  But the flip rule says that 9% of 80 is EQUAL to 80% of 9.  That’s easier for me.  I would take 10% of 9 (.9), and then multiply that times8 to get up to that 80%.  .9×8 = 7.2 (9×8 is 72, move that decimal back to get 7.2).  This is only really useful when one number is a multiple of 5 or 10.  Day of week calculation Warning!  Advanced maneuver in your head.  Not so bad, but just not exactly a clearly logical path (if you break it down it is, of course, totally logical).  Here is a link to a good site that lays it out:[...]

 Professional Gaming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:00

Who doesn’t love to play video games?!  From kids playing Mario Bros to college students playing Halo, we all have some experience with the gaming community.  However, few of us are devoted enough to turn gaming into a profession.  In this episode, we interview Lester Chen (Twitter: @LesterHKM) about his experience as a professional gamer!  Find out what it takes to be one of the best gamers in the world! We also review our JEOPARDY! challenge and Mitch proposes a new challenge that has us all watching what we eat.  Thanks for listening and a HUGE thanks to Lester for the great interview!   MacroNutrient Challenge: Every meal you eat (snacks too) must include one distinct food item from each of the main macronutrient groups: Carbohydrate, Fat, and Protein. The goal is to smooth out the insulin/blood sugar response and see if that helps us sustain energy/appetite throughout the day. Scoring: 1 point for each meal or snack that is compliant. Max = 5 per day (3 meals, 2 snacks) Perfect Site bonus: 1 extra point any time all your meals in one day are compliant (need to have at least 3 meals) Streak bonus: That perfect site bonus turns into a streak bonus on days you are perfect in a row. So if you had 3 days in a row of perfect sites, your streak bonus that day will be 3. IMPORTANT: If you put ANYTHING in your mouth that is a macronutrient without eating something from the other two groups, you are ineligible for the perfect or streak bonus that day. Combo foods are not considered a full, compliant meal. So even though a glass of whole chocolate milk contains some carbs, protein, and fat, you can only use this as one of your three items, so you can choose which one it counts for.   Macronutrient Foods: All fruits/grains/vegetables/sugars count as carbohydrates Meat, Fish and Eggs are protein Fats are oils, butters, avocado, nuts   Note: Don’t forget about your drinks. Beer and regular Soda, fruit juice, etc are carbohydrates, so add a fat and protein if you’re going to have one to keep your streak intact

 Nutrition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:10

This episode we welcome Michael Pilhofer of MSP Fitness back to the podcast. Last time we talked about Crossfit, and this time we tackled the behemoth of a topic; NUTRITION! Michael has been a personal trainer for 6 years, and if you listened the last time he joined the good guys, you know he’s a sponge for all sorts of information as he developed his own wellness philosophy. With such a hefty topic, we took a high level approach and left you with some nuggets that should inspire you to dig a little deeper. Nuggets include but aren’t limited to: -          The audio fader-board metaphor for adjusting macro-nutrients (my favorite) -          Intro to gluten -          Is Calories in – Calories out a legit philosophy or is there more to it? -          Why it’s so hard to change dietary habits -          Intro to the popular “Crossfit” diets; Paleo and Zone -          Food journaling (shudder) If you’re interested in diving in a little deeper into some of the topics we discussed, check out these links: Info on Zone diet: Gluten: Paleo: – I do not know why Wikipedia chose such a disgusting picture for this article. So go here and here for better pics of paleo awesomeness. Taubes: Also, check out the MSP Fitness site, for more info on the programs Michael offers at the gym, and check them out on Facebook. __________________________________________________________________________________ JEOPARDY! QUESTIONS: Rules:  You have 15 seconds to answer each question.  Follow the link below and click on “Online Test Recap & Discussion (Central), January 9, 2013″.  Answers are included in the next post down.  Good luck and let us know how you do    

 2012, A Year In Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:35:38

Another year of GGTK podcasts are in the books!  In this special edition podcast, we review some of our personal favorite podcast moments.  From different religious services to 50 Shades of Grey to our first (and only) hate mail, the making of this podcast has been an adventure for us all!  We also want to take an opportunity to thank each and every listener for tuning in, sending us emails, and spending your time listening to our rants.  We appreciate all of you.  Thanks again for listening and Happy New Year from the Good Guys To Know. - Chad, Perek, Mitch and Geo  

 Is Santa Claus Real? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:51:34

As the holiday season rolls around, nostalgia strikes the hearts of even our coldest grinch listeners.  Looking back at the innocence of youth, we all remember the traumatic experience of learning that jolly old St. Nic, might not be real.  In this podcast, the good guys take a critical look on the age-old holiday question: Is Santa Claus real?  We start by examing the historical figures that gave rise to the modern day shopping mall Santa Claus and finish up by using physics to examine whether or not Santa could feasibly deliver Christmas presents to all of the good girls and boys.  Thanks for listening and Happy Holidays from Chad, Geo, Mitch and Perek! Find the all of Santa’s calculations at

 The Good Guys’ Guide to Choosing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:04

Scenario: Imagine yourself with $1000, you go to the store and there is one beautiful flat-screen 60-inch TV for $899.  How do you feel?  Now imagine that you have $1000 and you walk into another store, where you see a wall full of 20 beautiful flat-screen TVs, all between $799 and $899, but with different features.  How do you feel?   The Paradox of Choice: The paradox of choice is a theory by American psychologist Barry Schwartz claiming that, after a certain threshold is reached, an increase in the number of choices will cause a significant amount of psychological distress. This distress, according to Professor Schwartz, can manifest itself in many ways. One way is through buyer’s remorse. The theory states that buyer’s remorse is created through increasing opportunity costs associated with increased choices. Opportunity costs associated with alternate choices compound and create strong feelings of dissonance and remorse. As the number of choices increase, it is easier to imagine a different choice that may have been better than the one selected. The constant comparison to one’s expectations induces regret, which reduces the satisfaction of any decision, even if it fills the individual’s needs. When there are many alternatives to consider, it is easy to imagine the attractive features of rejected choices and there is a decrease in overall satisfaction. Consider the amount of choices in a simple supermarket. There are likely to be hundreds of different options of a single product. With so many options, expectations are as high as possible. It is the expectation that the product is perfect for an individual and will have no drawbacks.  This leads to expectations rarely being met, a significant psychological issue. In the example of a supermarket, a wrong product choice can be immediately put into perspective. However, for more involved decisions, the consequences of a wrong decision are significant.   Scenario:   You need to buy a box of ping pong balls for your annual christmas tournament.  You know that the typical price per ping-pong ball is 5 cents (and thus you know that Mitch has been overcharging you this whole time).  One box advertises: 33% cheaper!  The other box advertises: 33% more balls!  Which is a better deal?     Assuming one ball holds 20 balls: 33% off give you 20 balls for 66 cents.  That’s 3.3 cents per ball 33% more gives you 26.67 balls for $1.  That’s 3.75 cents per ball   So…. They’re not equal!  Choose the discounted price rather than the increase in quantity.     Buyer’s Remorse The anxiety may be rooted in various factors, such as: the person’s concern that they purchased a current model now rather than waiting for a newer model, purchased in an ethically unsound way, purchased on credit that will be difficult to repay, or purchased something that would not be acceptable to others. In the phase before purchasing, a prospective buyer often feels positive emotions associated with a purchase (desire, a sense of heightened possibilities, and an anticipation of the enjoyment that will accompany using the product, for example); afterwards, having made the purchase, they are more fully able to experience the negative aspects: all the opportunity costs of the purchase, and a reduction in purchasing power. Also, before the purchase, the buyer has a full array of options, including not purchasing; afterwards, their options have been reduced to: continuing with the purchase, surrendering all alternatives renouncing the purchase Buyer’s remorse can also be caused or increased by worrying that other people may later question the purchase or claim to know better alternatives.   Cognitive Dissonance theory of cognitive dissonance, a state of psychological discomfort when at least two elements of cognition are in opposition, and which motivates the person to appease it by changing how they think about the situation. Psychologist[...]

 Swearing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:49

Hello loyal listeners! This episode we discuss the history and theory of swearing. Why do we swear, why shouldn’t we swear? It would be great to listen now right? Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen technical difficulty (my house getting robbed), this episode will be delayed until Monday night the 26th. Please check back and we’ll hit you up then, thanks for listening!! It’s Monday night and we’re back in action – thanks again for listening!  

 Running Mate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:26

Our guest on today’s podcast is Matt Anderson, author of Running Mate: In Order to Form a More Perfect Union. It’s a fictional thriller about a modern day presidential race where the Republican candidate shocks the establishment by choosing the Democratic nominee as his potential vice president. What follows is a thoughtful and exciting exploration of how the country scrambles to digest this bombshell, and along the way, forces the reader to really think about whether the current ultra-partisan political climate is really what the founders intended, or if there could possibly be another way… We also talk about the writing and publishing process. Get the Running Mate eBook at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Itunes. Order a softcover and learn more at Thanks, Matt! ***************ALSO************** As promised, here is the Dollar Menu challenge video!  

 Men’s Fashion and Style | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

The quickest way for you to set yourself apart from the pack at the workplace, at a party, or at a job interview, is to be well-dressed.  In this episode the good guys dive into uncharted territories by discussing fashion tips that can be used by all guys who are looking for a leg-up on the competition.  Do you think you are a fashion forward fella?  Have a listen to this podcast to see if you follow the rules of male fashion and style.  Thanks for listening!   Rule 1:  Good tailoring is crucial!  Find a good tailor and put him to work making your clothes fit you like they should. Rule 2:  Wear a tie when you are asking for money. Rule 3:  Dark skies = dark clothes Rule 4:  Ties should run button to button.  They should cover the top button on your shirt and the top button on your pants.  Nothing more, nothing less. Rule 5:  Listen to the podcast for many more male style tips  

 Aquatic Civilization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:13

    How do we find enough room for our ever-expanding population?  Eventually, it’ll be time to invest in some real estate under the waves, and we’re not talking about Disney’s The Little Mermaid here.  Imagine huge domes containing farms, houses, movie theaters, gyms and the like, all on the ocean floor.  Recent scientific breakthroughs have moved this dream a little closer to reality, and society is already taking the first steps toward aquatic life.  Check out this hotel nearing completion off the coast of Fiji.  Listen up as the Good Guys discuss the merits and challenges of extending our civilization into the other 70% of the planet. Jules’ Undersea Lodge Energy Islands More technical discussions of underwater civilization                        


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