Good Guys To Know show

Summary: This episode we welcome Michael Pilhofer of MSP Fitness back to the podcast. Last time we talked about Crossfit, and this time we tackled the behemoth of a topic; NUTRITION! Michael has been a personal trainer for 6 years, and if you listened the last time he joined the good guys, you know he’s a sponge for all sorts of information as he developed his own wellness philosophy. With such a hefty topic, we took a high level approach and left you with some nuggets that should inspire you to dig a little deeper. Nuggets include but aren’t limited to: -          The audio fader-board metaphor for adjusting macro-nutrients (my favorite) -          Intro to gluten -          Is Calories in – Calories out a legit philosophy or is there more to it? -          Why it’s so hard to change dietary habits -          Intro to the popular “Crossfit” diets; Paleo and Zone -          Food journaling (shudder) If you’re interested in diving in a little deeper into some of the topics we discussed, check out these links: Info on Zone diet: Gluten: Paleo: – I do not know why Wikipedia chose such a disgusting picture for this article. So go here and here for better pics of paleo awesomeness. Taubes: Also, check out the MSP Fitness site, for more info on the programs Michael offers at the gym, and check them out on Facebook. __________________________________________________________________________________ JEOPARDY! QUESTIONS: Rules:  You have 15 seconds to answer each question.  Follow the link below and click on “Online Test Recap & Discussion (Central), January 9, 2013″.  Answers are included in the next post down.  Good luck and let us know how you do