Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Joseph Said What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When we think of the Christmas story, what do we know about Joseph? He lived in Nazareth of Galilee. He worked with his hands. He was a good man. His fiancée was godly young Mary. He liked to do things quietly. More remarkable? An angel of the Lord spoke to him in dreams not once or twice, but four times. The first time, the angel told him not to fear God’s miraculous plan to visit earth through His Son already conceived by the Holy Spirit in his fiancée Mary. Perhaps a few months later, shortly after the visit of the Magi, the angel told Joseph to get up immediately and flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus. Perhaps a year later, the angel appears to Joseph in a third dream, telling him to return to Israel. In a companion dream a short time later, Joseph is told to take Mary and Jesus farther north back to Galilee. In the end, they return to their hometown, Nazareth. So, what do we know about Joseph? He is a man of action, immediately he got up in the middle of the night to obey God. What I find remarkable is that Scripture doesn’t record a single word that Joseph said. What matters most, I guess, is being good, being a godly man, a man of obedience, a man or woman of action. This is Andrew Palau.  

 Joy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The world is often a scary and sad place. People are fighting with words and with weapons. Disease comes unannounced and changes everything. We lose people we love, and sometimes people who we struggle to love become part of our lives. So, where is the joy in today’s world? Joy is an important part of Christmas, and not just because we see happy people on all of the Christmas advertisements. The first people to know the good news of Jesus’ birth were shepherds. We don’t have many shepherds in our culture, but taking care of sheep was dirty and difficult work. No matter the weather, the shepherds wandered outside with their sheep, protecting them and sleeping on the hard ground. This is why the angels came to them in the night sky, announcing news of “great joy that will be for all people.” Joy! For them! They got to hear the good news first. They were still shepherds, their lives were still hard, but they knew the joy of Jesus. Jesus’ birth brings joy to anyone who receives Him as Lord of their lives. This doesn’t mean that their lives are instantly perfect, but rather that Christ gives them joy in any circumstance. This seems like a message your world needs to hear this Christmas. Don’t you think? In the midst of pain and suffering, Jesus brings joy to those who love Him. Share this joy with your world. This is Luis Palau.

 Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Traveling around Christmastime is always crazy. Airport security lines are long, and highways are crowded. Everyone seems to be rushing around, trying to get everyone packed and presents wrapped for that trip to Grandma’s. Whether we just travel across town or across the world, it is worth the effort because we are traveling to see people we love. There’s a good reason we sometimes leave our homes at Christmas to be with the people we love – that’s what Jesus did for us! As John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world, he gave His only begotten son” to us. Isaiah says Jesus will be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” Jesus left the splendor of heaven to live among the people He loved in a hard world. He traveled to Earth to be Immanuel – God with us. Christmas isn’t easy for everyone. Sometimes being around people we love is difficult, because they don’t share our beliefs or we disagree. Maybe traveling isn’t possible, so we can’t be with those we love. Remember: Christ is our example. We should love those around us with Christ’s love, whether we disagree or we feel alone. Living in Christ’s redeeming love, which is what Christmas is really all about, will demonstrate the beauty of a life lived with Christ. This will truly help you reach your world and bring others to understand the gift of Jesus. This is Luis Palau.

 Waiting in Hope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A big part of Christmas is waiting. For adults, sometimes it seems like Christmas comes out of nowhere, but for kids, it seems like Christmas will never come. Many kids have trouble sleeping the night before Christmas, and Christmas morning they’re up, bright and early, ready for the festivities to begin. But the adults make them wait: until 7 am, or until the coffee is made, or until everyone is awake. Waiting can be the hardest part, but the kids have their hopes up. Just imagine waiting for Jesus to be born. Mary and Joseph had been waiting for nine months, but many people had been waiting a lot longer! Isaiah prophesied a ruler would be a descendent of Jesse, and Micah talks about a ruler coming from tiny little Bethlehem. The Jewish people were waiting for this ruler to come, and they waited with hope that this ruler would save them politically. He came, but in a form they did not expect. Sometimes we have to wait for prayers to be answered or for change to happen. But while we wait, we expect in hope, and trust that God will provide. Waiting seems passive, but hope is something we can do while we wait. Maybe this Christmas, we are waiting for someone we love to come to know Christ, or we are waiting for some good news in a world of sadness. Don’t just wait – hope, and God will come to you, like He came in the form of Jesus. This is Luis Palau.

 Advent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

To some people, Christmas preparations can be a very big deal. In Oregon, where I live, many families go to tree farms and cut down their own Christmas trees. It is a whole day affair – you go and choose your tree, then use a saw to cut it down. At this point you warm up with a mug of hot spiced cider. Then you tie the tree on top of your car to get it home. The tree is just the beginning. There are decorations to put up, parties to plan, and presents to buy. The stores want to make us believe that we need to buy more and more to be ready for Christmas. If only we could buy enough, we would be really ready for Christmas to come. But that’s not true: the only way to be truly ready is to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the birth of Messiah. That’s what Advent is all about. Christmas is a big deal. It is when “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” as the Apostle John says. God Himself came down and became man to live with us. Galatians says, he was “born of woman, born under the law,” so that we might know eternal life. Because of this, we need to get ready to celebrate Messiah-Savior, the Lord Jesus; not by buying more but by considering how to be more Christ-like. These preparations will show the world why Christmas matters so much. This is Luis Palau.

 Christmas is about Waiting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know that the Christmas promise—the promise of a coming Messiah—was first made thousands of years before Jesus Christ’s birth? If we miss this, we risk missing the whole point of Christmas. Christmas is about an incredible promise God made to Adam and Eve that took thousands of years to be fulfilled. It’s about that promise...and then waiting a very long time. Don’t get me wrong. At the right time, Jesus Christ was born. The Lord added scores of prophecies to His original one, telling His people precisely when, and where, and why, Jesus Christ would be born. The miracle isn’t that a handful of shepherds and wise men came to worship the newborn King of kings...but that many others didn’t flock to Bethlehem to greet His entrance into the world. The Gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 11 and 12, tells us that Jesus came to “his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” What about you? Have you received Jesus? Have you believed in His name? If not, please pray and do so today. Don’t delay. Today, receive God’s greatest gift of all. This is Andrew Palau.  

 Christmas is Really about Jesus Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know there are actually two Christmases? One is the Christmas of commercialism and overeating, overdrinking, and overspending. The other Christmas is one of love, joy, peace, and adoration of the One whose birthday we celebrate. The real Christmas is a vivid demonstration of God’s love. In 1 John 4:9-10, the Bible says: "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." Jesus Christ was God’s love gift to the world. He came into the world, was born of a virgin, and lived among us humans. The Christ Child of that first Christmas is the One who, 30 years later, sacrificially died for the sins of the world on a cross, and who rose again on the third day by the power of God. That is why, as we read in Romans 6:23, "the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." To experience and know God’s gift of eternal life, you must receive Jesus Christ. John 1:12 says: "To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." This privilege can be yours. Pray right now and receive God’s marvelous gift today. This is Luis Palau.

 Jesse Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Students of art history may be familiar with the Tree of Jesse. The Tree of Jesse depicts the ancestors of Jesus in the form of a tree. The tree rises from Jesse, the father of King David. The concept of “family tree” that most are familiar with, is said to have originated with the Tree of Jesse. The Jesse Tree concept appears often in Christian art, especially during medieval times. If you were to look in medieval churches, you would find it in stained glass, on painted ceilings, and in various carvings. This Jesse Tree idea is based on these words from the prophet Isaiah: “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him … and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.” It’s a prophecy about Jesus. Today some Christians make their own version of a Jesse Tree for the instruction of children and creatively passing on the faith. This can be a fun tradition to start that is meaningful and helpful in reaching your world. You read Old Testament prophecies about our Lord, and add to the tree as Christmas gets closer. How are you remembering Jesus this Christmas season? How are you telling others in your world about Him? This is Luis Palau.

 Advent Wreath | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the Christmas carol, Joy to the World we sing, “Let every heart prepare Him room…” What can we do to “prepare Him room” each Christmas? One helpful idea is to observe the season of Advent. Historically, on the church calendar, Advent is the four weeks before Christmas. Advent is a time of anticipating Christ coming to us. Most people are familiar with Advent calendars that count down to Christmas day. Another idea is the Advent wreath. There are four candles in the wreath: three purple – symbolizing the royalty of the coming King. And one rose colored candle for rejoicing. Four candles for four weeks. And some light a white candle in the center - a Christmas candle - on Christmas Day. Each week as you light a new candle you can read Scriptures about our Lord’s coming. Some families do this each night at dinner, and some churches do this on the Sundays leading up to Christmas. If the Advent wreath is a part of your celebration this could be a great conversation starter with those in your world who don’t know Jesus. In Zephaniah we read, “Fear not… The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save.” What glorious Good News we celebrate every Christmas! Who can you share it with this year? This is Luis Palau.

 Anticipation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Delaying something can make it better and more meaningful in the long run, don’t you think? Having to work for a long period of time to earn something makes it more meaningful when you finally get it. Or, have you been in a long distance relationship? Waiting to see that person can make it that much more joyful when you are finally reunited. I sometimes wonder if joyful anticipation is a lost art in our culture. It seems as though we’re more about instant gratification. But I think anticipation can be helpful this time of year. Are you familiar with Advent? Advent comes from the Latin word for “coming.” Advent has historically been a more serious time of reflection and anticipation of Christ coming to us. If you spend the weeks before Christmas reflecting on our need for a Savior, Christmas becomes an even greater celebration because it is very Good News. As the Angel said in the Gospel of St. Luke, “I bring you good news of great joy.” Rather than being a part of the frenzied schedule that many experience every December, take time for reflection, worship and serving others. Look for opportunities to share with others in your world the real reason Christmas is such good news. This is Luis Palau.

 Confidence in our Calling - 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

During the ongoing crises of 2020, now more than ever God calls us to walk confidently. God wants us to walk confidently in obedience to His calling on our lives. First, because the Lord knows the desires of our heart, Psalm 37:4. Second, God knows us better than we know ourselves, Romans 8:27. Third, every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord, James 1:17. While Satan comes for one purpose only - to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it in abundance, a full life. John 10:10. And this abundant life needs to be shared with the world. God is not a cosmic killjoy. Instead, He is the One who lavishes on us the greatest happiness...when we choose to follow Him. My dad, Luis Palau, has lived this truth. From his early days as a street evangelist to present-day ongoing treatment for Stage IV lung cancer, my dad takes each day as an opportunity to read the Bible, pray, listen to the Lord, and remember God’s ongoing call on his own life. It’s a powerful example for me. I trust it is for you as well. Let’s always remember that the Lord lavishes the greatest happiness on us...when we choose to follow Him. Together, let’s do just that. This is Andrew Palau.

 Avoid Controversy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sometimes I meet people who just love to argue. They are not particularly interested in what I have to say, but just make a controversial statement and invite me to defend my position. No way! I’m not going to get dragged into that.  Interestingly, Jesus Himself did a bit of a sidestep in His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well in Sychar. We read in John chapter 4 that she rather argumentatively pointed out that her ancestors worshiped God there on Mount Gerizim, but the Jews said God should be worshiped in Jerusalem. Rather than digging into history to argue the matter, Jesus merely focused on the act of worship itself. He pointed out that who and how she worshiped was more important than where. Lately, I have been bringing up the cross of Christ when someone tries to drag me into an argument. That precious cross is where our faith begins and ends. Jesus died and then rose from the dead. He lives today. In fact, He has promised to live in anyone who will accept His gift of salvation and acknowledge Him as their Savior and Lord. That is the best news that we can share with someone. “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) This is Luis Palau.

 Feeling Tongue-tied? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Some people have told me, “But Luis, I get flustered and don’t know what to say when I’m talking to someone about the Good News of Jesus.” I suggest you take a tip from how Jesus handled His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. You can find the story at the beginning of John chapter 4. Jesus began by making a simple request, “Will you give me a drink?” When the woman expressed amazement that He, a Jew, would ask a Samaritan for anything, Jesus gave her a classic if…then statement. “If you knew who was asking you for water, then you would have asked him for the living water he can give.” (John 4:10) Jesus spoke in a conversational style she was familiar with. Let’s cultivate that style ourselves as we talk with our neighbors. If they are depressed, then Jesus can bring joy. If they are angry, Jesus offers peace. Jesus portrays Himself in the Gospels as the Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Living Water. He is sufficient to fulfil any human need, and we just need to point people to Him. Focus on Jesus and who He is rather than on those not-so-brilliant conversation skills. This is Luis Palau.

 Jesus Shapes, not Shames | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There is a fascinating account in John chapter 4 in the Bible, of an encounter between Jesus and a woman of Samaria. It seems she was shunned by the other women of the town and had come to the well at a time when there would be no one else there. But Jesus was sitting there alone and asked her for a drink. After opening a conversation with the woman, Jesus told her to go and get her husband. She stated, “I have no husband.” Jesus, who knew that she had had five husbands previously and was now living with a man she was not married to, matter-of-factly agreed. He did not condemn her or shame her, but gently went on to reveal to her His identity as the Messiah. We can follow Jesus’ example of not shaming someone, but rather focusing on Jesus Himself, who He is and what He wants to do for us. As He told the Samaritan woman, “Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” (John 4:14 NLT) People around us are thirsty for truth, hope, and forgiveness. Let’s tell them how to find that in Jesus. This is Luis Palau.

 A Simple Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It is normal these days for our cities and suburban areas to be populated by people from various nations. So, what does reaching your world look like when you live amidst folks from India, Hong Kong, Somalia, and Guatemala? I went back to the Bible, John chapter 4, to see how Jesus handled a cross-cultural encounter. A Samaritan woman, coming to draw water from the well in Sychar, met Jesus who was sitting there alone. He opened the conversation with a very simple, everyday request, “Will you give me a drink?” When you want to begin a conversation with someone, ask a simple question – “What is the meaning of your name?” “What was your life like in your country of origin?” As you listen to the answers, make a mental note of something you can respond to and build on. Jesus did that and went on to reveal to the woman that He is the source of the living water she so desperately needed. He offered to quench her spiritual thirst. We can offer, through Jesus, that same living water. Let’s introduce our neighbors to Him. This is Luis Palau.


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