Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Confidence in our Calling - 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You can walk in confidence to God’s calling on your life. You can do so knowing that what the Lord has in store for you is better than anything you might have been planning for yourself. I often think back to that day in high school—trembling in front of hundreds of my peers, petrified to give a little speech. And I had nothing to lose. How did I get from there to preaching in front of large groups of people with the message of abundant life in Jesus Christ? Only God could have provided what I needed to fulfill this calling. He brought me to this type of ministry the same way He’s calling you to your own personal ministry. Perhaps you’re thinking like I once was—has God made a mistake? He hasn’t. He’ll provide all you need. Just follow. Your story will probably look far different from mine. Clearly our world has changed drastically. But remember, God has called each of us uniquely, in our own time, with specific gifts, to reach those He wants us to reach. Whatever your personality and gifts, let God guide your steps, especially now that the world feels upside down. This is the best time to reach out, to be creative, and to be bold. This is Andrew Palau.

 Secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Over the last 15 years I have met with two fellows separately - both of them, it just so happens, called Jim. Both of them had a mighty stumble in their moral life. Their families almost broke apart, but God was merciful and they have been restored. One day one of them said to me, "You know, ever since I was found out doing what I was doing, I went to the penitentiary to speak to the inmates, trying to lead them to Jesus Christ, and then when they were leaving the penitentiary I tried to help them how to live a transparent life.” And he said, "My sermon to these inmates is entitled, ‘No more lying, no more cheating, no more secrets.’” I went to breakfast with the other Jim. The two of them didn't know each other. And I was having breakfast and he said, "You know, Luis, if I hadn't kept secrets from my wife I wouldn't have stumbled the way I stumbled." And I'm passing it on to you today. Keeping secrets is not the way to walk with God.Keeping screts from your spouse is not the way to a victgorious marriage. The Bible says, "If we walk in the light as God is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus purifies from all sin.” Walking in the light is the secret to a cheerful marriage. Secrets are destructive. This is Luis Palau.  

 Temptations of the Flesh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dealing with the temptations of the flesh is one of the great battles for Christians, young and old. Especially young, but believe me, old too. Saint Paul deals with it in Galatians chapter 5 when he says, "Those who belong to Christ have crucified their sinful nature with its passions and desires.” Crucified. Crucified means that you are ruthless with the temptations of the flesh, that you don't treat it lightly, that you don't say "Well everybody is tempted in this direction,” or “I know someone who was famous who stumbled and fell with the temptations of the flesh.” That's just an excuse.What God tells us is there is a way to deal with the temptations of the flesh (which we all have from our youth till our old age) and it's this, crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. The passions and desires are within us all and they pop up at unexpected moments. Unexpected instances when you are in a church and you're worshiping the Lord and suddenly – wow! - something comes up. What do you do? You bring it to the cross of Christ and you say "Lord Jesus, this temptation could destroy me if I went along with it. But I thank you that I am crucified with Christ.Christ lives in me. I've got His resurrection power, and I shall overcome by your power.” This is Luis Palau.

 The Wonderful Cross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A famous English preacher was called Charles Spurgeon. Many preachers listened to him and today they still read his messages. He went to heaven long ago. He made this statement: "To preach Christ without His cross is to betray Him with a kiss." That is a strong, tremendous statement. When you witness to your friends, when you talk to them about God, and eternal life and forgiveness, and the assurance of heaven when you die, the key to it all is the cross. The cross where Jesus Christ, 2,000 years ago, volunteered to die so as to take away our guilt, and our sin, and our memories, and cleanse our conscience, make us children of God so that we can worship God, pray to God and know that God is our Father. All this comes from the cross of Jesus Christ. We must preach the cross to people. Even when you are talking one on one over a cup of coffee, eventually you've got to come around to telling them about the cross and what it's done in your life and how you understand what the Scriptures say. Quote several Bible verses on it and then tell them, "When you meditate on the cross, give your heart to Christ and He will come into your life because that's why He died on the cross.” This is Luis Palau.

 The Saints we Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The first American pastor that I ever heard, came down to Argentina in South America and had a Bible class. Before he did the Bible reading and the explanation, he told a sort of humorous ditty that he liked to quote. It goes like this: To dwell above with saints we love, why that will all be glory. To dwell below with saints we know, now that's another story. It made me laugh and I never forgot it and I was probably 18 or 19 when I heard it many, many years ago. But you know it's the truth. In heaven it will all be glory, but down here it isn't so easy to get along with people. Even those who are married sometimes. But you know the Bible says, "Love one another as I have loved you." The Lord loved us so much that He tolerates us in so many things, and even though He disciplines us, He still loves us.\One way to love your brother is to forgive. The second way to love your brother or your sister is to give correction when correction is needed, and not be afraid of losing their friendship. And thirdly, to pray. We can pray for them. There's other principles, but when you pray for one another it's not so easy to be angry at each other and break away from each other. Love one another like Jesus loved us. This is Luis Palau.

 Counting the Cost | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Helen Roseveare was a British Christian missionary to the Congo. She stated in her early 20s, “I’ll go anywhere God wants me to, whatever the cost. But please when I feel I can’t stand any more and cry out, ‘Stop!’ will you ignore my ‘stop’ and remember that today I said to you Lord, ‘Go ahead!’?” And boy would Helen need that kind of clear pledge, for she endured many hardships in the Congo, including being taken hostage, and brutally abused. Years later, when asked if it was worth leaving the safety of home, she said this, “The cost suddenly seems very small and transient in the greatness and permanence of the privilege.” The privilege of suffering for Christ. Reaching our world is not an easy task. Martyrs are suffering for Christ around this world today as they always have. Paul says in Romans, “We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” God’s love and God’s Spirit are bigger than our sufferings, allowing for supernatural perseverance and true hope! Helen gave up the security of this world to completely fulfill her calling as a missionary. Let’s follow her example and pledge today, “I’ll go anywhere, God, that you want me to go.” This is Andrew Palau.

 Security in God’s Promises | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After my dad died, everything disappeared within three years, leaving my family in utter deprivation. But the whole time we lived in poverty, my mom gave us a strong sense of security. Through prayer and singing and by affirming the promises of God, she kept us from fear and despair. She challenged us to believe that God would provide in the nick of time. And God did. And God still does provide! One such time occurred when a letter came to our house from a man who had cheated my mother. “Mrs. Palau,” the man wrote, “I lied to you after your husband died. I bought a tractor from you. I told you the motor was no good. You believed me and gave me most of my money back. I cheated you and I’ve got to send you this check because I simply can’t go on living this way.” The check arrived at a time when we had run out of cash. To us that letter was a marvelous miracle; an answer to our trust in God the Father’s love and provision. I’m convinced that genuine security boils down to knowing and believing the promises of God. If you know a friend in financial distress, do what you can to meet their needs. But most of all, remind them of God’s promise in Philippians, “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” This is Luis Palau.

 Security in Financial Difficulty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After my dad died when I was a young boy, our family quickly plunged from relative wealth to desperate poverty. We lost it all: property, farms, vehicles and employees. Yet even when we had nothing, I don’t recall a sense of despair in the house. Some days, all we had to eat was a big loaf of French bread, flavored over the fire with a little garlic. But at each meal we would get on our knees and thank the Lord for what we had. You might think that this poverty would close my mom’s heart, but it didn’t. Not even scarcity could dry up Mom’s generous spirit. In fact, her selfless outlook prompted her to continue helping others. My mom taught us six kids that looking to God as the only source of our security broadens our focus and gives us a heart for people—even those better off than we are. You might have a friend who doesn’t know the Lord who is in a financial crisis. Or maybe, you know a young person just out of college, struggling to get a steady job. Take this opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. When people know Jesus, they can turn to God as their Provider and find their ultimate security in Him. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” What a motivating, exciting promise that is! This is Luis Palau.

 Self-defense vs. Security in Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Great defense might win championships in sports, but I doubt it’s the best strategy for life. Constant worrying about defending your territory, your resources, your heart, your job will—sooner or later—take a toll. In fact, Medical News Today published an article that said, ”stress is significantly associated with virtually all the major areas of disease." I have found in recent months that people who seem to have it all—successful businessmen, politicians, actors—all struggle with stress. And without Jesus in your life, this stress can be like a prison. But Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” God doesn’t want us to go through life in an enslaving, self-focused, self-protective stance. If you know someone like this, let them know Christ died and rose again to free them from such slavery to pride and self-centeredness, and fear. This is Luis Palau.

 Lasting Security | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A short while before he died in a plane crash years ago, professional golfer Payne Stewart gave his testimony at a church. “When I die,” Stewart said, “I’m going to a special place--but I want to live a special life here and now.” He did exactly that. He lived only a few months after giving that testimony, and then the Lord took him home to heaven--not one second too soon, not one moment too late. Payne Stewart lived with confidence and zest to the very end because he knew that true safety can be found only in Jesus Christ. He didn’t worry about the future or seek to find security in his career as a famous golfer. Instead, he trusted in the Lord Jesus, first for his eternal salvation and then for the strength to press on in everyday life – as a husband, as a father, as a golfer. Psalm 4:8 says, “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Do you have friends who are constantly worrying about their safety—whether it’s financial, emotional or physical? Share the Good News with them. Tell them that resting in Christ is the only way to find that deep peace “that surpasses all understanding” in this life and the life to come. This is Luis Palau.

 Finding God - the True Rest we Need | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you ever feel that God feels very distant? What is recorded in the Bible happened thousands of years ago and sometimes can feel so unrelated to how we live now. But while God is reigning in Heaven, He’s still watching over the whole world, and He is present in our hearts and is alive in our world today by the power of the Holy Spirit. God wants you to know Him. He loves you, and He wants you to have peace, wholeness, and a sense of purpose and belonging. Jesus was speaking directly to you when He said, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” You can read that in Matthew 11:28 in the Bible. An early church leader known as Saint Augustine prayed these words: “Oh Lord. . . our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Many of us can say that today too. Jesus longs for you to come to Him and find rest. Jesus knows that you are tired of the sin in the world and tired of your own guilt, and He offers you rest and freedom from those things. Follow Jesus, come to Him, and you’ll find true peace today and every day. This is Andrew Palau.

 Obedience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The way of life in Jesus Christ is first the way of peace, second of purity, and third of love. Not only that, but the way of life in Jesus is also the way of obedience. The way of the Christian is to serve only one master-- Jesus. The Bible describes Him as "Lord of lords and King of kings" [Revelation 17:14]. When you become a Christian, Jesus becomes your Lord, your Master, your King. What He says goes. The servant of a king waits for the slightest hint of a command and rushes to obey. A soldier following the leadership of a great commander willingly obeys every order. Similarly, a Christian gives God complete authority over their life. We will go wherever He wants us to go, and do whatever He wants us to do. And we do not care what it may cost us in terms of our comfort or reputation. And Jesus has every right to rule like that. Jesus is our Lord and King because He made us, He gave His life for us and our sins, and He always does what is best for us. This very hour, discover how you can pledge your allegiance to Jesus Christ. Go to our website, This is Luis Palau.

 Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know the Bible says a Christian is someone who walks in the way of life in Jesus Christ? First, it’s the way of peace. Second, it’s the way of purity. Third, the way of life is the way of love. Jesus Himself said, "All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another," John 13:35. The Bible adds, "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers and sisters," 1 John 3:14. In our culture, the word "love" has been robbed of its meaning. It's used to describe a person exploiting the emotions of another for their own satisfaction and selfishness. But that is not love. True love involves wanting the very best for someone no matter what it may cost us. It’s the kind of love that Jesus demonstrated by being nailed to a Roman cross--and then dying for us and for our sins. What amazing love, mercy, and grace! Why wait? Learn how to experience God’s amazing love today. Go to our website,  This is Luis Palau.

 Purity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible tells us that a Christian is someone who walks in the way of life. Did you know that? And that way is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, John 14:6. You may ask, "What kind of a way is this ‘way of life’?" First, it is the way of peace. Second, it is the way of purity. The Bible says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God," Matthew 5:8. You may be a "nice" person. But if you are fooling around with sin; if you are playing with immorality; if you are not being truthful in your business; if you are dishonest in your school, in your work, in your play, in your family life, then you are not living the life that Jesus wants for you. Real life. Exciting life. When you come to Jesus Christ, He forgives your sins and purifies your heart. That doesn't mean you become proud. On the contrary, you become more conscious of your shortcomings. But God gives you His own power to live a righteous life. Today, receive God’s power to live a righteous life. Why wait? Go to our website, This is Luis Palau.

 Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know the Bible says a Christian is someone who walks in the way of life? And that way is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus Himself said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," John 14:6. You may wonder, "What kind of way is this ‘way of life’?" First, it is the way of peace. God's peace fills your heart when you walk in the way of Jesus Christ. Jesus said to His followers, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives," John 14:27. God's peace is a gift available to each of us. When you walk in the way of Jesus Christ, you experience an inner peace--a tremendous quiet in your heart. The broken pieces in your life are put together again. Oh, a doctor can advise you. A counselor can pinpoint some of the problems in your past. But only God can give you lasting peace. Learn how God can give you lasting peace. You can receive it this very hour. So why wait? I invite you to go to our website,  This is Luis Palau.


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