Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 To Be an Example | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you know the saying “big shoes to fill”?  Have you ever been challenged to do just that - to fill a role that made such an impression before you that doing so would require so much of you? When God gave us His Son Jesus, God provided us with the example of perfection. Talk about big shoes to fill! Christ is perfection – sinless, blameless, goodness, pure love, and so much more in every way. God knows we can’t be perfect like Jesus. He knows we will sin, He knows we will stumble.  But, Jesus is the example we need to be able to measure ourselves.  1 Peter 2:21 reminds us that Christ suffered for us, leaving an example, for us to follow in His steps. Let us not be discouraged by such big shoes to fill.  Let’s remember that God is with us, that God loves us, and that He indwells us by the Holy Spirit.  Let’s allow God to use us to reach our world for His glory, despite our shortfalls and hesitancies.  He can do it through us – Amen and hallelujah! I say again - because Christ in you is the hope of glory.  Christ in you gives you victory.  

 To Reveal God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever thought about just how big the world is?  Then, have you thought beyond that, to how big the galaxy must be?  Think even further beyond that and imagine how big, and wide and deep God Himself must be, our Creator. We can’t even begin to wrap our minds around the Greatness of God.  The human mind doesn’t have the capacity to understand God’s Greatness to its fullest.  But, God knows this and did something for us so that we can understand Him a little better. God became a man, Jesus Christ. God took on a human form, a form we can understand and relate to.  And then God took it even further and he declared His complete, indescribable love for us by sacrificing His own Son, Jesus, for us. We will only completely understand God and all He is doing when we join Him in heaven in the future.  But, we can at least understand Him in His human form.  And we can share this gift with others.  Today, be reminded of how God came to be a man so we can relate better to Him in an intimate, personal way through Jesus Christ.  Reach your world for Him today and share His Great News of His greatness and love.    

 Andrew Palau: Reviewing the Basics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I recently took a “Basics of Hunter’s Safety” course with my two boys. I’d been through the material before, but sitting through it a second time was actually worthwhile. In a sport like hunting, the basic rules of safety are critical. If you neglect the rules, someone could get hurt. Experiencing the course with my sons, who were new to the sport, was even more beneficial. I was driven to a new level of understanding because I had a responsibility to teach them. This principle also applies to our spiritual growth. Even as we begin to mature in our relationship with Jesus Christ, the basics – prayer and reading the Word daily – remain critical. Sharing the Gospel also helps us review the foundation of our faith while helping others find their way to Him. As we grow into a community of believers, we also tend to take on more responsibility - leading a Bible study, mentoring a new believer, or working with the youth of the Church. Through tasks like this, we get the opportunity to sift through the building blocks of our faith and see them through fresh eyes.

 Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We all need Jesus. Isn’t that the truth? Who among us doesn’t need His love and forgiveness? No one. We are all on level ground, an even playing field. In John 13:16 Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” Forgiveness is needed by all. Do we often forget this in the heat of the moment? Perhaps you are in an argument and insist the other person is at fault. Or perhaps you are appalled at a decision someone made that may greatly affect you. Regardless of the circumstances of the situation, regardless of the hierarchy, all are on level ground with regard to needing forgiveness. As you reach out to your world today, remember this common need. Perhaps it will give you a new perspective on a difficult situation. Forgiveness is needed by all, including us. And Jesus Christ offers it to all of us. That’s why we love Him so.

 Available | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I am blessed to be able to proclaim the Good News all over the world. Being a tool for God’s work is amazing. One part of ministry that is a big challenge is washing other people’s feet. Okay, I don’t literally wash feet, but when needed I participate in leading people to the living water that can wash them spiritually. In John 13:14-15, Jesus says, “Now that I your Lord have washed your feet, so you should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” While we can’t forgive sins, we can help to encourage and to lead others to Jesus. One way to be part of the cleansing process is to make yourself available to listen and lift up others. Often we ask, “How are you?” and get a generic response. Gently prod deeper if you sense that something is wrong. You can help to begin to wash them clean, just as Jesus did for you. Who do you know right now who may need a listening ear? Give them a call; write them a letter or email. Encourage and support them as they seek forgiveness and reconciliation and restoration. Washing feet is a challenge, but so rewarding as we reach our world with Jesus Christ.    

 Ah Ha Moments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you ever have that moment where you catch a small glimpse of understanding about just how amazing God is? An exciting moment  where you feel His deep and wide love? When I read the passage “Do you understand what I have done for you?” from John 13:12, sometimes I can answer “YES LORD! I get it!” But other times, I realize just how profound His love and sacrifice for us has been. I’ve spoken to many individuals over the years who have dealt with addictions. Their addiction led them down a path where they lied, stole, and burned relationships along the way. When encouraging them to accept the love of God into their lives I often get a reply of “How could God love me? How could God forgive me after all I have done?” And the answer is: Jesus. We don’t and won’t ever understand the depth and breadth of God’s love. We don’t and won’t ever understand all that He has given and provided in mercy and grace. But, when accepting that beyond comprehension is just part of faith, we will be more open to accepting His love. We will be able to more fully share it with others also.

 Feet of the Gospel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After being in ministry all these years, one of my go-to passages of scripture is about feet. Now, feet aren’t my favorite part of this body God gave us. They are a bit awkward, aren’t they? Nonetheless, these words of Jesus from John 13:3 often sum up what I need to say or do while ministering to others: “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” We need to be pure to be used by God. Just prior to his death, Jesus is with his disciples and he washes their feet. It’s a symbolic act of cleansing the dirtiest part of their bodies; a metaphor for the purpose of his death on the cross. Acceptance of his sacrifice is necessary. Couple this with John 3:16 and you’ve got it! “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The basics of belief in Jesus, ready to share! This week, as you go about your work and life, meditate on these familiar passages. Remember what it was like to hear them for the first time – How did you feel? What did you immediately think? Share this with someone new this week! We all need our feet washed by Jesus – some more than others, but all of us need it.

 Andrew Palau: We’ve Been Redeemed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do think of when you hear the word “redeem?” To be honest, one of the first things that comes to my mind is coupons. You have to redeem a coupon in order for it to have any value. Until you trade your coupon in for that free cheeseburger or half-off a pair of shoes, all you have is a slip of paper and a promise. Redemption turns an idea into a result. The Bible often uses the word “redeemed” to describe a rescue: He redeemed the Israelites from Egypt. Luke 1:68 uses the term in words of worship: “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them.” Yes, past tense! God’s sacrifice of His perfect son Jesus was the catalyst that turned a promise into our salvation. Hallelujah! We have been redeemed; we have been rescued from sin. Because of Jesus, we are made new and welcomed into God’s family with open arms. We have access to the Holy Spirit in the face of struggles, and an ally who has overcome evil. We are called to live in light of this redemption on a daily basis and share this glorious news with others. 

 A Good Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I love my job. It’s different everyday. Some days I’m recording radio programs like this one; other days I’m traveling and talking to new friends in another country or continent. But, the best part about my job is that I get to share the Good News with others. The core message of the gift of Christ and the love of God is very simple. 2 Corinthians 5:21 explains it this way: “God made Him – Jesus - who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” God is good. Christ reconciled us to God for His glory – what an amazing topic of conversation that I get to share every day in my work. And I love it! Today, as you go to work, whether you are in a ministry role, working at an office, in a factory, a school, wherever you find yourself, share this good news. Share the simplicity of Christ’s sacrifice for us; pray for others; and encourage them to give their heart to Christ. We have been made the righteousness of God – that is what His reconciliation did. That’s news that makes going to work each day so sweet, so motivating and so exciting.  So take it as a chance that God gives you today to share the Good News and be His ambassador.

 An Ambassador | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Reaching our world is a mighty calling, isn’t it? It’s about being the hands and feet of Christ to those we meet each day. That’s quite a calling and it comes straight from God’s Word. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us.” So what does it mean to be an ambassador of Christ? For me it means being available to be used by God. It means being open to listening to His Word, helping His people and speaking His message. If there is a conflict that needs facilitation to find reconciliation, I’m supposed to be there. If there is a prayer request, I’m on my knees and I pray. If a friend needs a listening ear, I’m focused and available. What does being an ambassador of Christ mean to you? Does it mean sharing your heart with others? Does it mean witnessing by sharing your personal story? That’s a great way! Perhaps serving food to the hungry, or collecting clothing for the needy is what makes you Christ’s ambassador. However you see your role, as you reach your world, do it knowing it is God making his appeal through you to those who don’t know Jesus Christ.  So whatever you do, never forget, tell them about Jesus, His death and resurrection.

 Ministry of Reconciliation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Let’s be honest. We all have times in our lives where we harbor resentment toward another person. This can lead to bitterness and eventually there is a need for confession and forgiveness. I heard a story once about a young leader who made the commitment to help two older pastors reconcile. These older men  planned to work closely together on an outreach event in their city, but they had a negative past. Rumors in the community gave the impression that they didn’t respect or love one another. Such attitudes were creating a negative environment for the ministry they intended to do together in the city. So, the young pastor got the two older leaders together and called them on their attitudes. He created an opportunity for them to confess and be reconciled. It was bold of him to do this but afterward, the older leaders were very grateful. 2 Corinthians 5 says that God gave us the ministry of reconciliation after reconciling us to Himself through Christ. So, my question to you, my dear friends, is how are you working in the ministry of reconciliation? As you reach your world today, think about how you can facilitate just as that young leader did, and bring people together under the banner of the cross of Christ.  It is a beautiful privilege.  God bless you as you to do it.

 The Ultimate Fix-It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’ve been told more than a few times in my life that I’m a “fix-it” kind of guy. I definitely don’t like to end conversations on a bad note. I like to work through problems, talk through the tough stuff, and come out the other side for the better. The “fix-it” personality isn’t necessarily the easy way. It is hard to address issues, confront others, and to make yourself vulnerable. But, it is worth it. You know, the ultimate example of a “fix-it” is God Himself. He sent his Son Jesus to be the sacrifice for us, a gift of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.” Jesus died to make us whole. He gave it all to purify our sins and to fix our mistakes, forever. Amazing. So, how are you working to be a “fix-it” in your life and your relationships? Are you pointing others to Christ, the only one who can really fix their lives in depth? Are there some tough conversations that need to happen to find reconciliation? Think about these things this week so you can go out and reach your world and bless them.  Because God is a God of reconciliation based on the cross of His Son, Jesus Christ.

 Andrew Palau: The Rich Young Ruler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Following Jesus is a 100% deal. Do you remember the story of the rich young ruler? It’s one of my favorites because it’s one that God used to lead me to Himself. The rich young ruler was powerful and wealthy, and spiritually seeking. When he met Jesus, the man asked Jesus what he needed to do to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus listed the commandments. The man was ecstatic as he felt he’d been keeping the law. Then, Jesus asked him to sell everything, give it to the poor, and follow Him. But he was rich! He derived his identity from what he possessed. So when God invited him to give up his old identity – to give up the name he had made for himself. He just couldn’t do it and went away sad. God asks the same of His followers today. He asks us to give up anything that defines us that isn’t Him. For me, this lesson was a hard one. I didn’t want to give God everything either. My wealth was my friends who loved the crazy Andrew. I didn’t want to give that up. My power was the ego I derived from all my shenanigans. I had made a name for myself! I didn’t want to give that up.  I’m too invested! But, true freedom came when I did. And, it will for you too. If you want to reach your world, but haven’t given 100% to God, do it now. Commit your very identity to the Lord. Give Him all of your life and you will be a powerful tool in leading many to Jesus.         

 The Best Leaders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

George Washington was America’s first president- and many consider him one of our greatest. He was a humble man, who loved his wife, and loved his country and his God. What’s interesting is that they tell us George Washington did not make the presidency his life’s ambition. He was a good leader, and did everything with excellence, but he was not power hungry. In fact, he had to be urged by those around him to assume the presidency. Everyone who knew him knew that he was the right man for the job and tried to persuade him. Eventually he decided that it was his responsibility to lead the nation through those crucial formative years. He did so with reluctance, but knew he was called by God to fill that role. It was his humility and excellence that equipped him for greatness. If you want to do great things for God, follow him. Trust in him. Don’t seek personal greatness- seek God! And God will make you great. God will use you powerfully. He will work through you and your legacy will be lasting because your life was lived for Him and through Him because he lives in you. Take this Proverb to heart as you reach your world, “Humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are riches and honor and life.” That’s the Word of God.

 Ask for Wisdom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What would it look like if we actually took God’s promises seriously? How would our lives really change? Are you confused? Looking for direction? Listen to this promise from the book of James, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” That is a promise from God’s Word! And promises from God’s Word can be trusted and relied upon. Go to God in faith and ask for his direction. We all need wisdom and God promises to give it if we ask. If you want to reach your world, you need wisdom. We need wisdom to know how to speak, when to speak, and when not to speak. We need wisdom in our own lives and faith and interactions. We desperately need God’s guidance if we are to do anything worthwhile in this life! Go to God today. Ask your heavenly Father for wisdom in the name of Jesus. And watch as He powerfully gives it and works through you to reach your world. It’s a beautiful gift that God has given us – to find guidance and direction by asking Him, spending time with Him, waiting on Him and obeying when we sense His voice.


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