To Be an Example

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Do you know the saying “big shoes to fill”?  Have you ever been challenged to do just that - to fill a role that made such an impression before you that doing so would require so much of you? When God gave us His Son Jesus, God provided us with the example of perfection. Talk about big shoes to fill! Christ is perfection – sinless, blameless, goodness, pure love, and so much more in every way. God knows we can’t be perfect like Jesus. He knows we will sin, He knows we will stumble.  But, Jesus is the example we need to be able to measure ourselves.  1 Peter 2:21 reminds us that Christ suffered for us, leaving an example, for us to follow in His steps. Let us not be discouraged by such big shoes to fill.  Let’s remember that God is with us, that God loves us, and that He indwells us by the Holy Spirit.  Let’s allow God to use us to reach our world for His glory, despite our shortfalls and hesitancies.  He can do it through us – Amen and hallelujah! I say again - because Christ in you is the hope of glory.  Christ in you gives you victory.